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Master Greytalker

Joined: Jun 29, 2001
Posts: 777
From: Bronx, NY

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Sat Aug 19, 2006 10:39 am  

Welcome to the Heretic's Nest Forum.
The Heretic's Nest is a place to unload your most extreme Greyhawk heresies, variants, and alternative musings. If you have monotheistic Oeridians, want to destroy Nyrond, or feel Keoland should have conquered Veluna in 310 CY, this is the place for you.
What this isn't the place for is the following:
1. Rules Systems Discussions
Greyhawk Heresy isn't based on rules systems, it is based on doing peculiar things with the Flanaess. If you want to argue about a variation in a particular rules set, take it somewhere else.
2. Canon Arguments
No canon fights need apply. If it is here, it is by definition not canon. An author is free to present the canon material they used and define the point they deviate from canon, but comments should not be focused on canon issues.
3. Have Fun
Having fun with the setting is what GreyHeresy is all about. Just have fun.

Let the heresies begin!

Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Nov 23, 2004
Posts: 1212

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Mon Aug 21, 2006 7:17 am  

I did not see this coming. Just my initial thoughts: Heresies here perhaps should mean fewer heresies elsewhere, other forums discussions would be more in line with canon. Probably not, this forum would probably be for those things that are intentionally and aggressively heretical. That would probably suggest there is no real need for definitions of heresy or canon. Yes? No? Any particular reason for having a special place for heresies?
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jun 29, 2001
Posts: 777
From: Bronx, NY

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Mon Aug 21, 2006 7:49 am  

There are two main reasons:
1. To cut down on exchanges about whether or how much something is canon in other threads. Here, it doesn't matter.
2. To see just how much going overboard appeals to people, as opposed to just minor variants. It seems that is often the craziest variants that attract the most discussion, but they also attract the most extreme denunciations. I want to eliminate the useless comments and focus on just having fun with the weirdness.

So go ahead, suggest something crazy. I expect my 650 CY setting will get discussion here and in the author's forum. Hopefully something else will come up before then.
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