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Joined: Aug 10, 2007
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Fri Aug 10, 2007 1:17 pm  

Hello, this is my first post I hope this is the proper place to put this.

Greyhawk is very special to me, I've been playing in it for the last 27 yrs or so, and have yet again returned to it as it recaptures the "feel" of fantasy role play that I remember from my youth.

I'm a GURPS purist (3rd edition not GURPS 4th edition, the "New Coke" of RPG's) and I've useing a total conversion of AD&D 1st edition to GURPS 3rd edition with Greyhawk as a background.

We're using all the original AD&D modules to great success. GURPS combat is heavy on realism leading to quick and deadly combats. The party is of course a bit more careful and cautious than I remember in the 80's and the monsters have created a more horrific tone.

Currently they are playing U1 A Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh. The treasure the players are most interested is the books found in the adventure.
The Magical Properties of Gemstones by Mage Tenser
The Magical Properties of Herbs and Flowers by Mage Tenser
The Metaphysics of Mathematics by Mage Nystul
and the book of greatest interest being a learned volume concerning mesmerism and its effects.
Since GURPS is a skill based game I'm allowing the book on Mesmerism to be used by the groups magic user to spend a 1/2 point in the Hypnotism skill, and the same could apply to Occultism (Gemstones),Herbalism and mathematics for the above books.

It's a whole new but familiar feel to roleplaying, and I'm looking forwards to rexploring the Greyhawk setting yet again. The work you all put into expanding the background is amazing, I and my players thank you!
Master Greytalker

Joined: Apr 13, 2006
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Mon Aug 27, 2007 5:45 am  

I've been running a Greyhawk campaign on and off for 25+ years and, naturally, all this 4e stuff has made my players and me consider the direction we want to go in. Do we go 4e, stay 3.5 as is, play a hybrid or do something completely different?

I confess that I've never tried GURPS. So, what are the strengths, weaknesses, and above all how easy is it to convert stuff? I ask this as someone who's time is a little constrained.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: May 14, 2003
Posts: 349
From: the Free City of Dyvers (Kansas City, MO)

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Sun Sep 02, 2007 3:23 pm  

GURPS is very basic, very adaptable and points-based. You get a certain number points to build a character, and choose what abilities you want to have. There are no classes, and skills, abilities, races, etc., are all dependent on what type of game and what setting you are running. Its too basic for me, but that's my opinion.
Greyhawk is dead; long live Greyahwk! It is not heresy; I will not recant!
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