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Getting Snakey
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Master Greytalker

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Tue Aug 22, 2006 2:20 pm  
Getting Snakey

From some discussions about the Yuan-ti, the following is an introduction to some of the conceptual changes we'll be using with them.

From the lost continent of Ana Keri, information gained from the interrogation of spies from the Empire of Tenmez has revealed much information of their snake cult, as well as stories of the origins and nature of the mysterious race known as the Yuan-ti.

Although it is commonly believed that the Yuan-ti were originally humans who have become like snakes, it seems that was a misconception based on the fragmentary nature of their records.
The true origins of the Yuan-ti lie with the even more poorly known race known as nagas. Ages ago, a group among the naga seeking more power made a deal with the alien entity from the Far Realms known as the Patient One. In exchange for various services and promises of services, the naga were twisted into the horrific creatures known as Yuan-ti anathemas. The spawn of these blasphemous monsters began the Yuan-ti race known today.

Serpentmen and Corrupted Blood
The Yuan-ti race is divided into two groups, based on how much serpent blood they have. (In D20 game terms, whether they are monstrous humanoids or ordinary humanoids.) Those that are closer to the serpentine ideal hold higher position.

The Monstrous Yuan-ti
The highest form of Yuan-ti are known as the Pure Blooded among their kind. They are the form of the original spawn of the Anathemas, and have only clawed arms and more humanoid faces to distinguish them from real snakes. The Anathemas rarely spawn these days, so most Pure Bloods are born of other Pure Bloods. On rare occasions, the spawn of two Half Breeds will be a Pure Blood. These are considered specially blessed by Merrshaulk, and such creatures typically rise to high rank in their depraved cult. (These are the "abominations" in the MM.)
The second highest form are the Half Breeds. They are the spawn of Pure Bloods and Abominations, and appear as scaly bipeds with serpent heads. Despite their refined status, they are often considered expendable by their Pure Blood parents, and many find themselves used as breeding stock in experiments to "improve" their race. At times, Half Breeds are the result of a Pure Blood mating with a Tainted One, or two Abominations. The first is almost unheard of, as most Pure Bloods are increasingly intolerant of mixing with humanoids. The second, like those Pure Bloods born of Half Breeds, are considered blessed.
The third form are the Abominations. They are almost always the spawn of two Tainted that have enough Yuan-ti heritage to be of a higher form, although the first ones were the result of Pure Bloods mating with humans. They appear much like ordinary humans, but with certain reptilian traits apparent in their eyes and skin. (These are the “purebloods” in the MM.) Their near lack of "proper" serpentine characteristics leaves them with a very low status among the Yuan-ti, and many are treated as expendable slaves, whose only redeeming quality is their ability to possibly spawn Half Breeds.
The final monstrous form known are the Broodguards. They are the most unusual, as they are created from humans, who have been force fed a mix of herbs and Yuan-ti venom, and transformed into barely sentient creatures that obey any Yuan-ti without question. Most are sterile, and those that can reproduce only spawn other Broodguards, so they are regarded as a dead end by the Yuan-ti rulers. (These use the “broodguard” template from Savage Species.)

The Humanoid Yuan-ti
The humanoids with the most serpent blood are known as the Tainted. They have significant inborn psionic power, but, except for minor mannerisms, they appear as ordinary humans. This makes them excellent infiltrators, and they are highly valued in this capacity. Most Tainted are born from other Tainted, but some are born to two Touched. (These us the “tainted one” template from Savage Species, or are otherwise treated as an LA +1 humanoid race.)
The middle group of humanoids is known as the Touched. They manifest very minor innate psionic ability, and have several traits that set them apart from ordinary humans. They often show minor differences in appearance that make them appear “exotic” to other humans, but they have no trouble passing as ordinary humans. While they may be used as infiltrators, they are more often used as expendable troops, or a convenient fifth column for invasions. (These are the “snakeblooded” race from the D20 Modern sourcebook, Urban Arcana.)
The weakest of the humanoids are the Snake Bloods. Their connection to the Yuan-ti is tenuous, and many never even realize the connection. Those that do are often horrified, as enemies of the Yuan-ti are known to kill any such on sight. This causes most that discover the connection to seek out the Yuan-ti, selling out for the most insignificant promises of protection. The leaders of the Yuan-ti prefer to use them to spread the serpent taint to others, corrupting as many humans as possible. (These are reflected by humans with the “Snake Blood” feat from the FRCS.)
Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Nov 23, 2004
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Fri Aug 25, 2006 6:56 am  

I think what follows is apocryphal rather than heretical, but I am not sure, nor sure that it matters. If it is out of bound Sam, I am apologize in advance.

There is a fair chance that I will be writing about one yuan-ti in the near future. And if any one reading in this forum thinking about them can help me make up my mind, I would appreciate it.

The island of Sybarate is almost unquestionably named for the word “sybarite” because of the luxuriance of Porpherio’s Garden detailed in the module UK1, Beyond the Crystal Cave. That meaning comes from prosperity the Greek city in Italy called Sybaris.

Sybaris, however, was also a mythological figure. She was the original lamia, a half woman half monster figure. As depicted in the 1e MM, such a creature lives in desert ruins and has the upper body of a woman and the lower body of, I think a cat in the front and a horse in the back. That is consistent with mythology, but so is a half woman half snake figure. Sometimes she is also presented with bat wings. Google for image “lamia” or read the myths and you will see what I mean.

Her story, as with most myths, varies but the gist of it is that she was a mortal turned into a monster by Hera because of an affair. It is a sad romantic story that would be appropriate for the historical development of the name of the island given UK1 because it is romantic, but also because of the earth mother motif therein (Greenman, Demeter’s mare’s head holy symbol, the pastoral endless summer).

Giving Sybaris an Olman origin as I am wont and as I think appropriate, we know that their gods are willing to change people into monsters, particularly, but not exclusively yuan-ti. The word “Sybaris” could easily be attributed to the name “Chibirias”, the name of a Mayan earth goddess. To the extent that such correlation would be in honor of the poster of that name, and author of the Olmanifesto,, such an honor would be well deserved.

So, as I write about these matters for an article I am almost at the cross roads of making a decision. Should Sybaris/Chibirias, who will have been an Olman princess of the Urakan nation that long ago lived upon the isles, have been turned into a lamia (and I will likely quote the Keats poem of that name), a yuan-ti, or some other monster from the books or some unique creature or variant of an existing one. I am not sure. In any event she would be long dead having been slain by Porpherio Profoundeus circa -350 CY.

Any thoughts?

As I think about it, if she were a yuan-ti, her offspring could justify their presence in the Hool and northern Amedio.
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jun 29, 2001
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Fri Aug 25, 2006 8:24 am  

Wolfsire wrote:
I think what follows is apocryphal rather than heretical, but I am not sure, nor sure that it matters. If it is out of bound Sam, I am apologize in advance.

See the forum rules.
Is it heretical? (Non-standard, non-canon.)
Is it 'hawk? (Set on Oerth, its crystal sphere, or the outer planes specific to Oerth.)
Is it fun?
Does it deny another post on the basis of canon?

As long as the answers are "yes, yes, yes, and no" it belongs here.
I'd say this qualifies. Happy
Adept Greytalker

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Thu Apr 17, 2008 4:09 pm  

Oh, you don't want snakey...
Black Hand of Oblivion

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Sat Apr 19, 2008 2:48 am  

The post you responded to was made almost two years ago chaoticprime! Laughing Well, most of us have done that at least once(maybe more Embarassed ).

If you have some of your own snakey stuff you should defintiely post your ideas. Cool
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Adept Greytalker

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Sat Apr 19, 2008 10:30 am  

I was actually making a joke regarding the Green Jell-O song. But, yeah, I noticed it was two years old...I was hoping the joke was worth it.
Black Hand of Oblivion

Joined: Feb 16, 2003
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Sat Apr 19, 2008 10:41 pm  

Ha! The green jello song. Be sure to post any heretical snakey stuff here then, or on a thread of your own making.
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