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The Misadventures of Mystic and Tiggertom
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Joined: Oct 06, 2008
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From: South-Central Pennsylvania

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Fri Apr 05, 2013 11:18 am  
The Misadventures of Mystic and Tiggertom

Our story begins, well . . . at the beginning! Our characters are currently 9th level, but this is the beginning . . .

The Player Characters:

Sigunin, of the Yorodhi, from Ull – True Neutral
1st lvl Fighter - favored weapon: Scimitar
Str 17, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 12

Shadir the Grey, of the Yorodhi, from Ull - True Neutral
1 st lvl Wizard - favored weapon: Quarterstaff
Str 15, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 14

Lorran, Servant of Pelor, from Greyhawk City – Neutral Good
1st lvl Cleric – favored weapon: Heavy Mace
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 16, Intl 14, Wis 18, Cha 16

Donal, Greyhawk City Thieves Guild – True Neutral
1st lvl Rogue – favored weapon: Kama
Str 15, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 16

Shadir and Sigunin are cousins and are Tiggertom's characters. I play Lorran and Donal. We haven't really come up with a name for our Adventuring Group, so feel free to make any suggestions in that regard that you might care to.


Shadir and Segunin walked the streets of Greyhawk City, searching for a quick and relatively effortless means of replenishing their dwindling purses, when Segunin spied a Notice:


Brave Adventurers to seek out missing business-dwarf!

A prominent member of the Jewelers' and Gemcutters' Guild has gone missing. Fifty gold Orbs shall be paid to each person contracted to locate Mr. Dorshak Krane; discovering either his whereabouts, or condition. Expenses will also be covered. See Mr. Michal Tobin at the Jewelers' and Gemcutters' Guildhall, located on Apprentice Walk, next to The Black Dragon Inn.

Segunin looked to his cousin. "This appears to be an opportunity."

"Only if we have the funds to sustain us during the search," Shadir replied.

"What else is there?" asked Segunin.

Shadir shrugged and the two men started towards The Processional, intent upon locating the Guildhall.

Donal was nursing an ale, looking about and wondering what he should do next. His last job was bungled and he was nearly caught. His immediate superior in the Guild had ordered him to lay low, but his funds were nearly depleted.

That's when his attention was drawn to two men reading a notice pinned upon the wall, near the door. He stood up and ambled over, so as to read the notice for himself. Fifty orbs . . . to locate a missing person! That was a nice little sum for someone in his present condition.

He downed his ale in a gulp, set the mug upon a nearby table and headed out the door. He would go and have a talk with this Mr. Tobin.

Lorran was always looking for ways to help his fellow man, that's why he was now on Old Lane, in the Slum Quarter, ministering to the sick and poor in the Flophouse. Of course, it took money to do any real good and he was pretty short of coin just now.

He felt a tug at his sleeve and turned to find a beggar standing next to him, holding out a piece of parchment. It was a notice of some kind. Lorran read it and realized that he could do two "goods" at the same time: Find this missing man and earn some coin to continue his work here, in the Slum Quarter.

He turned to thank the beggar for bringing this to his attention, but the man was already gone. Lorran turned back and headed for the Artisans' Quarter of the city.

Four men sat across the desk from Michal Tobin. Two were clearly foreigners, their look and dress obviously Baklunish in nature; one of them was outfitted as a Wizard, the other as some kind of Warrior. The third man was obviously a Cleric of Pelor and the fourth was a thin, wiry youth of no obvious occupation and quite probably a member of Greyhawk's Thieves Guild.

"I have asked the four of you to meet me to discuss the mission we wish you to undertake," Tobin began. "It is apparent that you do not know each other, but then we of the guild are unfamiliar with all of you, so we shouldn't allow this to interfere with business."

The four men looked at one another and then back at Tobin.

"One of our members has gone missing," Tobin continued. "No one has seen him for some time and it's causing trouble and inconvenience at one of our mines. He simply must be located, or his condition ascertained. Your investigation may well take you beyond the City's walls; therefore we prefer that a small group conduct this investigation, rather than a single person. You four are the most qualified applicants and we would like you to work together in this matter."

"I thought this was why we were called together," the Cleric of Pelor stated. "For that reason, I have already scryed my future associates and have detected no evil in them, for this reason I expect no treachery. Speaking for myself, I will have no problem working with them."

"I concur with the Cleric," stated the Bakluni Wizard. "My cousin and I will have no problem working with this man."

"Not having much experience beyond the walls, I'd prefer company anyway," the wiry young man agreed.

"Very good," Tobin continued. "The missing man is Dorshak Krane and he has a home on Smith Road." He handed a piece of paper to the Cleric. "Here is the address. You should search the house thoroughly for any clues." He placed four coin purses on the desk before him. "Each contains ten orbs as an advance, to cover any expenses you might incur. Report back to me during normal business hours with any information you find."

The four men arouse from their seats, shook hands with Michal Tobin and stepped outside, where they proceed to introduce themselves to each other.

The two Bakluni looking men were actually from the land of Ull. The first was Shadir, an Ullish Wizard and called "the Grey," though no reason for this was offered. The second was his cousin, Sigunin, an Ullish dervish Fighter.

The Cleric of Pelor was a member of the Greyhawk City temple and was called Lorran. The young, wiry man was called Donal and was – as everyone surmised – a low ranking member of the Greyhawk Thieves Guild. Both men were from Greyhawk.

Introductions made, the four men proceed to the home of Dorshak Krane.

Last edited by Mystic-Scholar on Sat Apr 06, 2013 6:47 am; edited 1 time in total

Joined: Jul 26, 2010
Posts: 2752
From: LG Dyvers

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Fri Apr 05, 2013 7:24 pm  
Re: The Misadventures of Mystic and Tiggertom

That's an auspicious beginning, Mystic. Happy I know a bit of what's in store for them at the house of Dorshak Krane, but I'm hoping the PCs will surpise me with some of their solutions to the problems. Cool

Mystic-Scholar wrote:
We haven't really come up with a name for our Adventuring Group, so feel free to make any suggestions in that regard that you might care to.

Since you're a child of the 70's and 80's like me, Mystic, I will say that you must have gamed in groups of adventurers named after rock bands such as the following:
The Bad Company;
The Motley Crew;
The Heavy Metal Adventurers Guild;
Steely Dan(ger);
The Grateful Dead;
The Clash;
The Scorpions;
Dire Straits;
Iron Maiden;
The Blackhearts;
The Night Rangers;
The White Lions;
White Snakes

And, yes, I know I spelled some of them incorrectly. Wink If you haven't, you need to get on the ball and pick one of those that you've neglected so far. Razz

Or, how about:
Ullmost There;
The Flanaess Four;
The Greyhawk Grim;
The Fantastic Four
... Razz


Last edited by SirXaris on Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:51 am; edited 2 times in total

Joined: Oct 06, 2008
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From: South-Central Pennsylvania

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Sat Apr 06, 2013 7:00 am  


Yes, I've known some of those! An admixture might just be what I'm looking for. Now . . . to play with your lists! Evil Grin Laughing
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Joined: Jul 26, 2010
Posts: 2752
From: LG Dyvers

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Tue Apr 09, 2013 10:28 am  

Here's a great one I forgot to mention:


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Joined: Oct 06, 2008
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From: South-Central Pennsylvania

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Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:05 pm  

My apologies! Got side-tracked by my new blog and web page! Embarassed

I'll be posting the next installment in a day or two! Thanks for your patience! Happy
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