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Sources and Citations
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Master Greytalker

Joined: Jul 13, 2002
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From: Orlane, Gran March

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Tue Mar 08, 2005 12:22 pm  
Sources and Citations

I have taken some citations and sources from two sources they are listed below, but maybe these will be more helpful that going through the texts. I have extracted relevent entries from the Greychronodex. I have also extracted the citations from the Bibliography of the Sheldomar History.

From the "Greychronodex," by Steven B. Wilson --Tamerlain@AOL.Com

?CY Vecna's Reign

? CY Vecna II, with the aid of the Hand and Eye of Vecna, rules Tyrus for 100 years

-447 CY
Suloise Migration begins (5069 SD)
Beginning of Invasion of the Oerdians and Suloise;
Note: This could either be the same event as the migrations above (-458_CY/-447_CY) or could be a separate later event in which a more concentrated focus on conquest occurred among the immigrants
Sultan Jehef Peh'reen possessed Jacinth of Inestimable Beauty before it passed into Ket, and then Keoland

-422 CY
Invoked Devastation and Rain of Colorless Fire

-368 CY
Nobles of Suel House of Rhola establish Gradsul on the Azure Sea

c –358
Founding of Niola Dra by nobles of the Suel House, Neheli

-342 - -442 CY
Sometime during this period, the Good Hills Union of humanity and demi-humans forms.

-342 CY
Kingdom of Keoland founded by Oerdian and Suel (303 OR)
(Great Council of Niola Dra [gathering of Oerid and Suel tribes of the Keogh region])

c -310
Prior to this time, the Geoffites had erected Gorna with the help of Sylvan Elves and Gnomes from the Stark Mounds

-242 CY
Borders of Keoland first expand to present boundaries

Founding of Gran March by Keoland, as an award to the Knights of the Watch to defend the northern borders of the Duke of Dorlin.
Note: Conflicts with –161 CY

-161 CY
Founding of Gran March
Note: Conflicts with –171 CY

c -160
Founding of monastery to Pelor in what is modern West Town in Geoff

-157 CY
Ascension of Sanduchar I "The Navigator" of House Rhola of Keoland to the throne

-121 CY
Ascension of Senestal I of House Neheli to Keoish throne

-107 CY
Ascension of Lanchaster I of House Rhola to throne of Keoland

-98 CY
Ascension of Lanchaster II "The Wise" of House Rhola to Keoish Throne

-96 CY
The Yeomanry is brought into Keoland, and its freeholders given voice at the Council of Niola Dra

-72 CY
Ascension of Senestal II of House Neheli to Keoish Throne
LGJ 15 [11]

-63 CY
Ascension of Lanchaster

-19 CY
Ascension of Luschan III of House Rhola to Keoish Throne

cy 6-46
Travels of Pontus Hardiggin to Esmerin
Note: See 556_CY

7 CY
Ascension of Malv III "The Explorer" of House Rhola to the Keoish Throne

46 CY
Death of King Malv III of Keoland (of House Rhola). Throne reverts to House Neheli, where it remains for two centuries.
Note: The three year gap between this death and the next crowning is unaccounted for and could be an error.

49 CY
Beginning of Neheli Dynasty in Keoland (Crowning of Cedrian I, followed by Cedrian II, Nyhan III, IV and Trevvlyan I and II "The Slumbering"])
Note: The three year gap between this crowning and Malv III's death is unaccounted for, and could be an error

286 CY
The King of Keoland, last of the line of House Neheli, dies without issue. (Gillium I "The Mad")

Tavish I of Gradsul takes throne
Note: Conflicts with 287 CY date

287-299 CY
("3rd Century")
Hool Marshes controlled by isolated Suel brigands from Port Toli and inhabited by Flan and humanoid tribes. Until conquest by Tavish I in the 3rd century.

287 CY
The Conclave in Niola Dra recognizes the ascension of Tavish, Duke of Gradsul, to the kingship of Keoland. He is crowned Tavish I, the first Rholan king in more than two centuries.
(Tavish I "The Great" [First Imperial King])
(Beginning of the line of Tavish, the Duke's of Gradsul, as Keoish Kings [287-488 CY])
Note: Conflicts with 286 CY date

289 CY
Keoish forces converge on Fals Gap at Thornward, a town established as a northern watchpost of the Knights of the Watch, and skirmish with the Baklunish forces of Ket

c 290's
Founding of the Lea in Geoff

292 CY
Tavish negotiates treaty to formalize the union of the Ulek states to Keoland, bringing them into closer cooperation with Keoland
(Peers of Ulek join the Council of Niola Dra)

294 CY
Mild epidemic in Pregmere in Geoff healed by priests of Pelor from monastery of West Town

295 CY
An alliance between the prince of Ulek and King Tavish I of Keoland produce an invasion force that crosses the Jewel River and subjugates the Pomarj region.

301 CY
Tavish I establishes Monmurg

302 CY
Bissel brought into Keoish Empire

304 CY
Tavish orders construction of Westkeep

316 CY
Geoff peacefully incorporated into the Kingdom of Keoland

346 CY
Death of Tavish I ("The Great") of Keoland. His eldest son, Tavish II "Blackguard" of House Rhola is crowned.

348 CY
Tavish II makes "Wealsun Proclamation" asserting hegemony of Keolandish rule of the entire Sheldomar Valley.
(Prince Corond refuses to join other Ulekki heads of state in disavowing proclomation)

350-360 CY
Keoland's armies press into Ket and Veluna from Bissel.
(Keoland invades Ket and defeats nomads with the help of mercenary companies from the Quaglands.)

350 CY
Gran March serves as the staging ground for the Second Expeditionary Army of Keoland for invading Veluna
King Tavish II of Keoand marches army across Lorridges and Kron Hills into the southern and western holdings of Veluna. King Avras I of Furyondy protests, but does not aid Veluna

mid 4th century CY
Much of the western lands of Verbebonc occupied by Keoish forces

355 CY
Second Expeditionary Force of Keoland conquers Devarnish and takes the Crook of Rao. Canon Turgen IV of Mitrik drafts and enacts the Treaty of Devarnish that cedes Fals Gap, the great wWestern Road and several southern Fortresses to Keolan in exchange for halting the invasion.

358 CY
Kingdom of Keoland at peak

361 CY
The Yeomanry closes its borders with Keoland because of Keoish aggression under Tavish II

362 CY
Tavish II of Keoland extends formal trade road from Thornward to Molvar to Lopolla after having driven the Ketites into the Tusman Hills.

c 400
Keoland establishes March of Bissel as its northernmost outpost (Littlemark of Bissel)

415 CY
Commander Berlikyn, oppressive ruler of Gran March, reigns
(Berlikyn initiates program of grim oppression in the occupied lands of Veluna)

436 CY
Berkilyn threatens to annex all of Veluna in the name of the Keoish crown.
Gran March, Veluna

438 CY
Short War (Furyondy-Veluna/Keoland conflict) Note: in text placed in the early 5th century
(also called "Small War")
(Furyondy surges into Veluna, battling south of the Velverdyva in a ferocious series of actions known as the Short War. The Keoish army is dispatched from Velunese soil)
Furyondy wrests Bissel from Keoland
Keoish influence in Veluna ends

c 450
Short conflict between Geoff and Keoland
(related to the discovery missing envoy Dasco who "failed" to reach Duke Arnod II of Geoff to request for troops in the Short War. The discovery of the envoy's body beneath the Duke's castle ultimately led to the Battle of the Stark Mounds in which Geoff [purportedly with the help of the Archmage Vargalian] defeated Keoland)

450 CY
The logging town of Pest's Crossing founded in Geoff
Battle of Gorna in the Stark Mounds
Note: Probably the same as the "Battle of the Stark Mounds" in c. 450 (see)
(Prince Luschan Sellark VI of Keoland dies in the Battle of Gorna)
(Baron Anladon of Axewood accompanies Prince Luschan, but does not die)

497 CY
Count Granus of Pregmere attempts to gain the Duchy of Geoff by using mercenaries and members of Knights of the Watch and secret support of the Gran March. Grand Duke Rohan III is killed, but other nobles challenge Granus. Ultimately, Granus' heir takes the tite Rohan IV and rules Geoff.

510 CY
Last of humanoid tribes driven from Lortmils

538 CY
Hocholve Fortress built to guard Dim Forest

556 CY
Casket of "noble" halfling of Esmerin found
Note: See c 6-46

The War Years
582 CY – 584 CY

Not since the Twin Cataclysms have so many people been affected by related events. The continent wide struggle of the Greyhawk Wars shapes the future of the Flanaess.

583 CY (month/time unspecified)
Treaty of Niole Dra (Pact between Furyondy, Keoland, Gran March, Yeomanry, Duchy of Urnst, County of Urnst, and Celene)
Giants invade Geoff
Note: could conflict with 584 CY

584 CY (month/time unspecified)
Geoff and Sterich fall to giants
(Dwarves and humans fleeing from Sterich settle in the Good Hills)
(Stark Mounds invaded by monsters and giants from the Crystalmists)
After almost 20 years of silence, the Vale of the Mage is opened to a group of outsiders, a deputation from Geoff and Sterich seeking aid against the giants invading their homelands. The Black One (as the Mage is called) is recognized by one of the envoys as the exiled Necromancer, Nyeru of Bissel. The fate of the previous Mage, Jaran Krimeeah of Aerdy and his drow lieutenant are unknown.

Keoish Elves stop advance of Scarlet Brotherhood "savage" army in Dreadwood

Keoland halts attempted invasion of Gradsul
(by a naval force from the Lordship of the Isles under control of the Scarlet Brotherhood)

Attempted giant/humanoid invasion of the Vale of the Mage
Note: This is not a clear reference

As signees of the Treaty of Niole Dra, the Gran March sends troops across the Lowridges to aid Furyondy against Iuz

Ket moves to invade Bissel
Bissel falls to Ket

585 CY Year of Peace
King Skotti of Keoland elevates the exiled Earl of Sterich, Querchard, to the rank of Marquis
Keoish forces free the Sterich town of Fitela

586 CY (month/time unspecified)
Battle of Hochoch: Knights of the Watch and soldiers from Gran March save Hochoch from humanoid invasion
Most resistance cells of humans, elves and gnomes in Geoff have been slain

Keoish forces reconquer Istivin in Sterich, the Giant "King" Galmoor is unaccounted for

587-589 CY
Treaty Negotiations between Ket and Veluna, Gran March and Bissel resulting in the Thornward Division

Keoish forces liberate all of the cities of the heartland of Sterich
Keoland repatriates County of Eor on the Yeomanry border, the province is grnted to aRichart Jorgos of the the House Lizhal.

588 CY (month/time unspecified)
Sterich freed from humanoid (giant) army
(The town of Flen, in the Good Hills, is used as a staging area for the counterattacks)

War to retake Geoff begins

Knights of the Dispatch mount a violent offensive into Geoff from Hochoch into Oytwood. Although they were victorious against a small army of lesser giantkin, the effort was inconclusive and costly.

Keoish forces have reclaimed "the whole of civilized Sterich."

589-590 CY
Gromond opens Gromond's Rope and Leather in Pest's Crossing sometime during this period.

Freeholder Marius Lindon elected Spokesman for the Yeomanry League
Querchard, Marquis of Sterich disappears in Istivin. His wife, Marchioness Resbin Dren Emondav, rules Sterich in his absence

Adventurers in appear in Dark Gate near the cavernous tunnel in the Yeomanry with a strange dark metal that disentigrates within days
Raids from the Jotens threaten Loftwick, Freeholder Lindon sets about strengthening defenses.

Expeditionary force from Keoland captures Westkeep in the Hold of the Sea Princes (SD 6105)

591 CY
Opening of "Weaves and Leaves" in Pest's Crossing
Note: This date is in error. Events in Against the Giants occur in 591 CY, but according to this entry, events would be occurring in 593 CY ("this shop opened two years ago, in 591 CY"). The proper date for opening should be 589 CY.

A frigate flying the colors of the Prince of Naerie (in Ahlissa), docks in Gradsul

I have taken the following information from a

"Sheldomar History, "
By Kirt Wackford ( )
Edited by Scott Rennie ( for 'Black Hart' campaign consistency, and subject to revision.

Specifically I have copied their sources, listed in Notes and Sources Part I & II

The extent of permanent Baklunish settlement and rule, as opposed to just raids, can be determined by the racial legacy of various regions. Note that Bissel (OSB) has a significant Baklunish strain while the Gran March (SOf) and Veluna (Osf) do not (WoG p.14, FtA Ref Card #2). Note also that the Valley of the Mage has a strong Baklunish influence (OBf - Ibid.). Whether this is a result of historical settlement, or selected immigration subsequent to the arrival of Jaran Krimeeah, I will not speculate.

55] WoG mentions an unnamed "military-religious order" [53] as the pacifiers of the land, but in FtA this order is named as The Knights of the March [54]. However, there is no mention in WoG of Knights of the March, and it clearly states that there are only three "true orders of Knighthood" in the Flanaess, the Knights of the Shield; Hart; and Watch (p.79). My supposition is that the Knights of the March (nation of Keoland only) evolved into the Knights of the Watch (an international order). This process is described in the text. Perhaps the March still exists as an honorific or order bestowed on knights from Keoland and the Gran March, many of whom would also belong to the Watch.

Military defeats by Ket, the disapproval of the eastern elves, and the Veluna/Furyondy alliance which drove back the Keoish troops in the Short War led to the formation of the Gran March and Bissel as northern tributary states which gradually assumed greater independence. Sterich, to the west, also gained more and more freedom." FtA p. 29

"Knights of the Watch: Certain stout soldiers from the lands of Bissel, Gran March, Geoff, and Keoland are invited to join this order, which is pledged to protect the east from incursions of the Paynims and the other Westerlings...Their current Grand Commander is Hugo of Geoff." WoG p.79

The winds, and thus the weather, of the Flanaess move from east to west (WoGG p.22). The eastern sides of mountain ranges receive much rain from clouds forced over them, while the western sides are dried by the descending air. Thus (at least prior to human activities) the eastern slopes should have been dominated by marshes and deep forests (Celene, Geoff, Sterich, the Yeomanry, Sea Princes). The western sides of mountains should have been arid hills and deserts (Sea of Dust, south-western Lorridges, eastern portions of Gran March and Duchy of Ulek). Southeast winds in the summer would bring storms and much moisture off of the Azure Sea, keeping the lands of the south forested almost as far north as Niole Dra (Jurnre is said to receive "ample rain", FoI p.25).

Thus, the north and east Sheldomar Basin (Duchy and northern County of Ulek, Bissel, Gran March, Keoland north of Niole Dra) were arid hills and open grasslands, while the south and west (Geoff, Sterich, the Yeomanry, Keoland south of Niole Dra, southern County and western Principality of Ulek) were heavily forested. Locally, the river valleys of the Lort, Upper Sheldomar (above Niole Dra), Upper Kewl (above the Silverwood), and Old River would be narrow, as the rivers there are rocky and fast-flowing (FtA p.64), while the Lower Sheldomar and Lower Kewl would have quite broad, marshy valleys with wide flood plains.
Gran March and the Yeomanry are both given the designation "SOf" for modern composition (WoG p.14, FtA Ref. Card #2). For the Yeomanry in particular, see [35].

"Keoland established the territory of the Gran March during its early stages, basing it upon a military-religious order of Knights. These zealous fighters quickly subdued the warring inhabitants, established order within the area, and conscripted all fit males into worker and infantry battles (regimental-like formations). The land between the Lortmils and Dim forest north of the Sheldomar became productive and peaceful, but the rule of these first Commandants was repressive and harsh. When Berlikyn, then ruler of the fief, was slain in combat in the war with Veluna-Furyondy in the Small War, the populace rose in rejoicing. Keoland reconsidered its policies thereafter, and allowed the people to elect their own Commandant from amongst the noble houses of Gran March." WoG pp.22,23

"The Gran March was originally established as a vassal state of Keoland, based on a military-religious order of knighthood, the Knights of the March. It has always been a militaristic land, with conscription mandatory for fit males for a period of up to seven years. Its independence came almost as a side-effect of the Small War between Veluna and Furyondy, as did a change of rulership; the Commandant is now elected by the people from the noble houses, rather than being imposed by Keoland." FtA p.26
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Mar 03, 2005
Posts: 39
From: Georgia, USA

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Wed Mar 09, 2005 8:08 am  

Awesome post, thanks for this good info. It helped clarify some things for me. :)
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