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Perry Miniatures
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Joined: Aug 20, 2019
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Tue Aug 20, 2019 10:38 am  
Perry Miniatures

Hello, everyone. I'm new to the website, and I hope that this is the proper forum for this question. I was wondering if anyone has experience with Perry Miniatures.

I'm planning a Battlesystem-style finale to my Greyhawk-adaptation of the Tyranny of Dragons campaign. As such, I need to start stockpiling Order of the Hart and Barbarian minis for the battle royale. The Perrys list as 28mm, so I'm concerned that if they're true 28mm, they'll appear abnormally large compared to my 25mm WizKids minis.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
Black Hand of Oblivion

Joined: Feb 16, 2003
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From: So. Cal

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Wed Aug 21, 2019 4:45 am  

They are roughly the same height, but the proportions are not the same. By that I mean the Wizkids minis will be a bit thinner of limb. You are just not going to find a bunch of minis from historical companies that will match Wizkids minis in that way. The Perry stuff ought to look decent enough alongside them, even if they aren't the D&D minis are style-wise. Your D&D minis will just stand out a bit, which some wouldn't necessarily consider a bad thing anyways. You might also look at the Frostgrave male/female soldiers and barbarians kits, but they are stylistically different yet again from both D&D mins and the Perry stuff. You will just not find anything like what you want that will look quite the same as the D&D minis, so you will have to make concessions.
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Wed Aug 21, 2019 6:17 am  

Frostgrave looks perfect for my barbarian hordes.

What about Oathmark? I'm looking at their Elf Infantry for my Highfolk contingent. Are they also comparably sized? I recognize that stylistically they are different, but that might actually be useful in differentiating forces in a massive campaign. I just don't want any set of minis towering over the others.

Thanks again for any insight.
Black Hand of Oblivion

Joined: Feb 16, 2003
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From: So. Cal

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Thu Aug 22, 2019 1:47 am  

Oathmark and Frostgrave minis are compatible scale-wise with one another, and quite a bit of the Oathmark stuff looks really good! Cool
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