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Random City Maps & Frugal DMs
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Joined: Sep 07, 2011
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From: Houston Texas

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Tue Jan 21, 2014 8:40 am  
Random City Maps & Frugal DMs

For those on a tight budget or just frugal with there CPs..... You might look at the following ....

City Map Generator
Dungeon Crafter III

City Map is a graphically simple program that generates an overview of a town / city that you define. through a series of tabs you define size, number of buildings, streets, side streets, walls, trees etc, and the program randomly generates a wirefram layout of the town. IF you don't like result, just regenerate (the perimeters you define are save) till you get the view you want. Once you have the view you like you can define the resolution and colors of the elements (road, buildings, trees etc) for export. It has the ability during export to put on a single sheet for hand out or across multiple sheet to make a battle mat.
The down sides> it only exports in BMP, but that is not so bad for those saving CP because you can then open file to paint and further customize it. Its unit of measure is also (for US users) in metric.

DC III is a simple Dungeon / Building interior creator, while not random, it is VERY quick and easy to learn and use.... simply grab tile you want for floor from selections and click mouse on blank grid and whahla done.... click click click.. and you have the floor and walls layed out in minutes..... you can aslo place objects (beds, chests, etc) in the rooms once this is complete. Once your lay out is to your satisfaction, you can save or print it out (PNG or JPG format).

Down Side is I got this years ago from ShardGames, and it seems there site is either down or nolonger active at the time of this thread posting. The link above directs you to a site that still has an active link without any malware issues. NOTE though, on the 3k site, there are MULTIPLE down load here tags that will take you elsewher to try to get you to buy or try other things...... be sure to select the lin Dungeon Crafter Silver edition 3.1xxxxxx in the middle of the page.

Also if Shard is no longer supporting this, to add new tiles you have to get a bit creative. In DC III Tools Options Tab, it shows the paths for each stored location for each tile type ( Floor, Object, Wall). To add new ones you can modify an existing and save as (check path) or if you are even more creative, you can create a new one using other sources ( ie Internet pictures, one u take or create) and cropping them to 72x72 pixels. I save mine in PNG format for zoom resolutions... but I think it will take JPG as well.

All in all, these will not produce the results of programs like CCC, photoshop and Bryce (prefered by anna and Rob), but for those on a budget or are artistically challenged unlike Mort, Icarus and others (meaning artists). These are pretty good for basic programs.

*EDIT* Added sample pictures
*Edit the EDIT*
Through a PM it has come to my attention that this redition of DC III will only allow the user to print or export the created map, NOT Save as the old version I have... which is a further disapointment. This would certainly hamstring making a larger layout, but it may still be good for building interiors and such... will search to see if there is a workaround.

Joined: Sep 07, 2011
Posts: 833
From: Houston Texas

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Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:26 am  

Also for those that missed it Rasgon linked a Tile generation map in the general discussions... located HERE

Joined: Sep 07, 2011
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From: Houston Texas

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Mon Feb 20, 2017 9:04 pm  

Well its been a while since I put on my frugal DMs hat... So, while reviewing the many varied trails of support supplements for our gaming, here is a tidbit or two you might find helpful and still save you a couple bucks...

For all you 5e embracers....

For those that like building your own terrains, I think you'll find Mel funny, entertaining and well just damn crafty..... without breaking the bank, check out my friend over here...

And Lastly, just as a reminder to those new to us The Demi-Goddess of Greyhawk Cartography...... Here she is doing her latest.. Midgard for Kobold Press.. I'd buy it blindfolded just because of her involvement.... (my 2cp)

and if you really like them.. support them like I do...


Joined: Sep 07, 2011
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Fri Jun 22, 2018 6:08 pm  

Well been awhile since I put a few new things here... so for al you frugal DMs out there here are a few new tidbits to aid in the quest....

For the random table to generate.. here is a customizable program easy to learn... Nothing flashy but gets the job done....

My friend Justin has long had an online version of generators

My Personal Favorite
He is working on an excel export and HTML export for me.. will let everyone know when available....

Be sure to give these guys a nice shout out for their efforts....

Enjoy... DLG

Joined: Sep 07, 2011
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Tue Nov 19, 2019 8:04 pm  

Time for another round of Frugal-goodness for those Copper Piece Guarding DMs...
First up a web based dungeon generator.

Next a series of Wik-ish type of random generators. With over 500 various random generators it offers, at the very least, a broad choice.

For all you steam Platform enthusiasts is a broad tooled program called Dungeon Painter Studio. While its still in a early access / beta state, its worth a look for $14.99

be sure to thank the developers and give them their due recognition, its well deserved.


Joined: Sep 07, 2011
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Fri May 15, 2020 6:47 am  

Time for another round of Frugal-goodness for those Copper Piece Guarding DMs...
Wow its been awhile... I guess old age is setting in.. I'm going to need to improve my timing of visits.... anyway.....
I've been supporting the efforts of those at Kobold Press, And Troll Lord and a few others and there are lots of neat things on the horizon.
First for some GH goodness and as is the theme "budget friendly".

The Latest Oreth Journal is out and even available in hard copy for those that need the touchy feely of old school (like me). Kristoph (aka Icarus) and Crew Have done a great job I encourage all to check it out.

Next, While not specific to GHers' but certainly worth the look for the price (Free), Long time friend and supporter of EGG and D&D, Steve Chenault of Troll Lord Games, has a free offering for those in lockdown due to the virus upheaval. One can certainly see the roots of shared genealogy C&C has with D&D even down to old 2e options like Beauty / Comeliness. Their PHB & monster manual also has a great approach to dividing up racial types. !/2 elves can now lean more toward a human or elven ancestry and various sub fae racial types give a good glance as to how they relate to each other as branches on the fae tree. I hope you'll give Troll Lord Games a look... Gygax did and they ended up publishing for him till his passing.

Lastly, I have been working with Anna of GHMaps fame on her build of a GH Atlas... and its going to be GREAT! I wisely leave the drawing aspects to her... and have undertaken creating the list of all towns on the continent so they can be cross indexed to the grid.... wow what was I thinking.... hehe but any that have spoke with Anna know how charming and persuasive she can be.. hehe. So I'm certain to need the help of the community to proof my work as we get toward completion.

More to Come
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