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Greyhawk Adventuring Groups
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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Apr 18, 2005
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Fri Apr 05, 2024 4:07 am  
Greyhawk Adventuring Groups

I posted recently on character write-ups and I had a second line of thought on adventuring groups and decided to make it a second thread.

I'd love to know what all those (i.e. yours) Greyhawk adventuring groups look like (meaning the characters).

I found it interesting that of the two main parties I've worked with, one was very homogeneous, with five humans from the South-East (all LG or NG). The other was ten characters, with two humans, four elves, a dwarf, half elf, half orc and a tiefling (ranging from CN, N, NG and LG) - so quite a variation and the back stories and the story of how they all met was more complicated.

So I was thinking of providing a brief description of each party (few lines for each member, where they are located, what they've done, maybe how they met etc). If people find that either interesting or useful they might contribute their own stories. So I will post that after this post.
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Apr 18, 2005
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Fri Apr 05, 2024 4:32 am  

The Grey Cloaks of Irongate

LG ml hmn Pal17 (Hieroneous) - party leader, classic knight type. Born in Nyrond the fourth son of a minor noble. Left to go adventuring and make his own way in the world. Plate mail, shield, longsword. Died at the hands of a Beholder and could not be raised, which ended the group.

LG ml hmn Evkr19 worshipped Boccob for magic, but aligned to Mayaheine and as a former Irongate shipmage, respects Osprem. Born and raised in a fishing villages near Irongate, his parents were killed by pirates. He was raised by his Uncle who was a shipbuilder and got him a place in the UA in Irongate, learning magic to be a shipmage. Spent years as an Irongate Navy shipmage before trying his hand as an adventurer. Met the Paladin on a sea voyage and discovered they both wanted the same thing. Retired to home village of Rockport, which he now rules as Lord. Member of the UA and fought for Irongate against the Scarlet Brotherhood. Known for his mastery of Force and Air themed spells.

LG fml hmn Clr17 (Rao) born in Rel Deven, part of House Cranden. Third sibling of a minor noble house seeking adventure. Travelled to Irongate and met the Paladin and Wizard there. A little more militant than many Raotians, she speedily advanced in levels which she took as Rao's approval of her work. Breastplate, small shield and light mace. When retired tried to enter the church hierarchy but hated it. She now travels and contributes to various causes she finds worthy.

NG fml hmn Rog17 (Joyhdee) Believed to be born in Scant, left early for Irongate. Spent time in Kalstrand and Zelradton. Known to be an agent of the Iron League and part of the Jade Mask, though this was not known in her early days. Wears black leather and uses daggers in each hand. Retired to continue work in the Jade Mask.

NG ml hmn Rgr5/Ftr12 chainmail and two-handed sword. Born in Geoff, the son of a village blacksmith. Made his way to Gardsul looking for adventure. Signed on with a mercenary company to protect shipping, ended up in Irongate. Was oferred to join the group. On retirement left to go home to Geoff to help fight giant invasion, which he is still doing to this day.

This group was easier to run because they were all human, meaning they could fit in anywhere, which helped on many adventures. This group retired after over twenty years as a group, after their leader, the Paladin was killed on a high level adventure. It was quite a dramatic moment as it was a long standing group. The surviving characters have all been rolled into the campaign in some way.

The characters travelled the Flanaess extensively for each adventure, but the main focus outside of that was around Irongate and supporting the Iron League. Main enemies were the Scarlet Brotherhood and Ahlissa.

There was a lot a traditional modules completed, along with quests in support of the Iron League.
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Fri Apr 05, 2024 8:43 am  

I’ve shared two NPC parties from my GH campaigns in the Saving Throw zine at (and NPC parties is what I thought you were initially alluding to in the other thread, in fact).

Our current PCs crew consists of:

- Eric, a CG half-elf Thief 5
- Haj, a CE half-orc (looks human) Fighter/Assassin 4/4
- Nersiv, a LG human Magic-User 4
- Vym, a NE elven Assassin 5
- Nohr, a CN half-elf Fighter/Magic-User 4/3
- Sydekazor, a N human Savant 4
- Cyn, a CN fey elven Bard 4
- Edrenor, a N human Cleric of Boccob 4
- Corum, a LG human Paladin of Daern 4

Most of the PCs are on the cusp of leveling again. Several of the PCs entered the campaign via discovery in the Astral Plane while essentially in a form of Temporal Stasis:
- Sydekazor is natively from Rel Astra during the 200s CY
- Nohr is from an alternate Prime’s future Greyhawk from the 650s or 700s CY
- Cyn is from an alternate Faerie, and is completely unfamiliar with Oerth

Allan Grohe<br /><br />
Master Greytalker

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Fri Apr 05, 2024 9:55 am  

Here’s my current 574 CY AD&D group. Our campaign has been running since 2002, though we’ve been on hiatus for eight months. One of our players keeps a campaign journal at

His Grace, Doran Skotti of House Lizhal, Prince of Keoland, Esquire of Nyrond, Esquire of Sunndi, Hero of Keodell (NG Oerid-Suel male cavalier 7)
Second son of Kimbertos Skotti by dint of a 00 social class roll. Was reincarnated into a new human body after having his brain eaten by an illithid, jeopardizing any possible inheritance. He thereafter renounced his oath to the Knights of the Watch and swore fealty to King Archbold III of Nyrond, where he is on the path to knighthood again.

Relirick Wolfslayer of House Cranden (N Oeridian male MU 8)
Former henchman of Doran. Gained his epithet by slaying a dire wolf with his dagger.

Thigis of Hexpools (N Oeridian male MU 8)
Former henchman of Doran. Recently became a shade after touching something he shouldn’t have.

Shimel of Pitchfield, Prefectress of Lydia (NG Oerid-Suel female cleric 5)
Former henchwoman of Doran. Burgeoning sage and alchemist. Recently acquired a robe of scintillating colors.

Golened of Furyondy (NG Oerid-Baklunish male ranger 7)
Seven-foot height betrays a touch of eiger blood in his family. Devotee of Ehlonna.

Frankel of Clan Chiselsmith, Ruby Hammer of Ulaa (LG mountain dwur male cleric/fighter 7/6)
Longest-tenured PC. Hails from Havenhill. Wields a dwarven thrower and wears scale armor crafted of anhkheg scales.

Hannauma, Curate of Bleredd (NG hill dwur male cleric/fighter 4/4)
Henchman of Frankel. Also wields a dwarven thrower and wears scale armor crafted of anhkheg scales.

Ghormond Pak (LN Suel male fighter 4)
Henchman of Frankel. Ex-pat of the Kingdom of Shar. Converted to the worship of Wee Jas after being raised from the dead.

Silmorril Ophilurwe, Champion of Corellon (CG high olven female cavalier 6)
Hails from the eastern Celadon. This dainty olven lass is twice the age of anyone else in the group and serves as the party tank.

Elirwedh Owlswing, Champion of Corellon (CG high olven female cavalier 4)
Former retainer of Silmorril. Recently knighted in her own right. Hails from the Gamboge.

Rian of Furyondy, Champion of Corellon (CG half–faerie olven male cavalier 2)
Retainer of Silmorril.

Last edited by DMPrata on Sun Apr 07, 2024 7:25 am; edited 2 times in total
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 26, 2002
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Fri Apr 05, 2024 8:23 pm  

Of course, who else would I add to this thread but the Company of the Silver Wolf?

Here's a copy-and-paste job of the 'bible' I used for creating the companions, including their stats, backgrounds and personalities. Please note that the stats are ostensibly 1E, but the "game" as I imagine it is a likely unplayable mishmash of the first three editions, my own ideas (e.g. on nonhuman level limits) and other sources like the Mystical Trash Heap's 1E updated rules.

Airk Venbelwar: STR 16, DEX 11, CON 17, INT 12, WIS 15, CHA 13

8th level fighter; Lawfully Good; Proficient with the horseman’s pick, morning star, dagger, short bow, hammer and short sword; Speaks Common, Gnome, Dwarven, Goblin and burrowing mammal; Born Coldeven 22, 402 CY; Appearance 12; Lower Middle Class; 4th child in birth order; Carries a horseman’s pick and a morning star, wears plate mail armor and a +3 small shield, and begins using a short bow after Ghosts of the Past.

A 175 year-old (after Coldeven 577 CY) gnome fighter from the Lortmil Mountains, with blonde hair, moustache and beard, brown eyes, some four feet in height and well-muscled. Wields a non-magical morning star and military pick, as well as gnomish plate mail armor and a helmet shaped like a dragon’s, and a magical shield marked with Luna and Celene in crescent form, surrounded by a ring of six stars.

Born in the gnomish realm of Flinthold to a blacksmith who emigrated from the Lorridges over a family quarrel concerning the dispensing of the family business after the early death of their father, and a mother descended of middle-class academics, Airk’s childhood was generally peaceful and happy, with his five brothers (Osian, Tarnek, Gilduros, Finn and Nordick) and three sisters (Pearlinn, Ruby, Britanne) being his constant companions. First learning to fight by roughhousing with his brothers, Airk always had a martial flair, the complicated gnomish technology and tricky illusion magic holding no interest for his down-to-oerth senses.

Trained by his eldest brother Osian, who had enlisted in the armies of the gnome king of Flinthold, Airk himself joined the military as soon as he passed five decades of life. In the years that would follow, Airk saw two of his brothers perish in combat, Finn during patrol by fire giants and Nordick slain by an aurumvorax his unit was dispatched to contain. In spite of this, Airk served loyally, rising to the rank of lieutenant and serving as an escort to Flinthold diplomats on their travels through the Lortmils.

Upon the outbreak of the Hateful Wars, Airk served loyally against the humanoid armies that infested the mountains like a plague, but as time went on, he grew disenchanted with the war effort. The gnomes were treated with scorn and contempt by many of their dwarven allies, who were wont to claim much of the glory and treasure for themselves, regardless of their actual contributions to the victories. Everything from the politicking between the allies, to their outright betrayals and backstabbing, allowing the humanoids to recover and counterattack, to the horrific bloodshed he witnessed even on noncombatants of both sides, to the allied dwarven and gnomish allies turning to battle one another, whereupon he faced death at the hands of dwarven axes, to the sheer length of the war weighed heavily upon his spirit.

At last, towards the end of the war, Airk’s unit was led into a bloody ambush by a scout who betrayed his people for a considerable amount of treasure. Flinthold had laid claim to an abandoned orc-hold with some of the richest deposits of silver in the whole of the mountain range, but it was contested by a dwarven rival, who paid one of the scouts to lead them into ambush by a band of treacherous dwarves who slaughtered many of them with carefully laid traps, and slew most of the rest in battle, until only Airk and one other gnome survived. With the destruction of the expeditionary force, which had been dispatched to take and defend the hold against all comers, Flinthold lost all claim to the silver mines, and lost also many of its fighting gnomes, paying very dearly in blood and treasure for the eventual victory in the Hateful Wars with little to show for it.

The trauma of seeing his friends betrayed and murdered by supposing allies, as well as the general horrors of war, all left a bitter, dark impression on Airk. Embittered and full of hate and anger, Airk gave his pension and the treasure he had gained to his family, before setting out as an angry, lone wanderer and adventurer. Above all, he has sworn to Garl Glittergold to make the traitorous gnome pay with blood for his evil deed.

To this day, Airk still suffers from nightmares and occasional bursts of deep anger and rage. Inclined to kill any who cross him, he shows no mercy to bandits or brigands that may accost him. Woe to any who he sees abusing those less powerful than they, that have no capacity to resist, for Airk can and will lose all restraint and fly into a vicious rage, using whatever weapons are at hand to punish the bullies. Despite this, he has a deep regard for the law and for honor-in a tavern, for example, he would only beat someone unconscious, and perhaps humiliate them, rather than slay them outright, which would be murder. In the wilderness, he has no such restraints.

He does, however, have a more tender side. He loves children, and can spend happy hours playing with them. He also possesses a deep love for the untamed wilderness, particularly the forested hills and highlands, with one of his greatest joys being to simply sit and watch the sunrise or the sunset, or the dance of the twin moons as they cross the evening sky. In a way typical of a gnome, Airk is capable of surprising gentility one moment and incredible violence the next. Just as illusions and machinery, or mining and the natural world so often war in the hearts of the gnomes, so too does the seething anger and violence clash against an inner desire for peace and serenity, and a love for the natural world and the lands beyond within his soul. He also has a certain vanity, being very diligent about keeping his handlebar moustache carefully waxed and his bushy beard neatly trimmed.

All this is concealed, however, under a more practical, down-to-oerth nature. He is prone to speak directly and to the point, eschewing the flowery and eloquent speech of some of his companions. Combined with this oerthy practicality is a sense of appreciation for things that he may not necessarily comprehend or otherwise be skilled at. He has a genuine respect for sorcery and intellectualism, or other aspects of higher learning that he readily accepts are generally beyond his grasp, accepting its usefulness in situations that he may not be suited for. However, he wryly notes that there are situations where all the books and papers in the world may not provide a solution, and so require the presence of a good strong morning star to settle the matter.

The cool wind is often a soft, gentle caress to him, for he has a strong tolerance for cold-what would be a freezing wind to others is a mild breeze to him. He does not, however, like rain and hates getting wet. Sailing and the sea do, however, hold a certain attraction to him, mostly due to the romanticism of setting out to explore new lands and unexplored wilderness. Due to the betrayals and machinations of the dwarves and elves during the Hateful Wars, Airk generally gets along better with humans than with these races. Indeed, he has a high regard for humanity and its tendency for decisiveness and initiative, traits that appeal to his military background and that he thinks are well worth emulating.

Seline Roas Del Cranden: STR 11, DEX 15, CON 16, INT 17, WIS 12, CHA 17

7th level wizard; Neutrally Good; Proficient with the quarterstaff, and then the dagger after Ghosts Of The Past; Speaks Common, Old Oeridian, Elven, Flan, Halfling; Born Flocktime 19, 555 CY; Appearance 18; Lower Upper Class; 2nd child in birth order; Carries a quarterstaff, a wand of steam and vapor, a ring of invisibility, and bracers of defense that provide a base AC of 4.

Spell Book Contents: 1st Level: Burning Hands, Charm Person, Color Spray, Dancing Lights, Grease, Message, Magic Missile, Read Magic, Shield, Sleep, Ventriloquism. 2nd Level: Audible Glamer, Darkness 15 Foot Radius, Flaming Sphere, Fog Cloud, Rope Trick, Web. 3rd Level: Clairvoyance, Dispel Magic, Fly, Invisibility 10 Foot Radius, Item, Lightning Bolt, Non-Detection. 4th Level: Dimension Door, Leomund’s Secure Shelter, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Rary’s Mnemonic Enhancer, Wall Of Ice, Wizard Eye. Spells are carried in two standard spell books, one containing the 1st-3rd level spells (now at full capacity) and the other containing the 4th level spells (with room for 10 more.)

A twenty-two (after Flocktime 577 CY) year old human wizard from Kalstrand in South Province, with a very beautiful face and slender figure, green eyes, and strawberry-blonde hair, dressed in robes of midnight blue and indigo marked with silver figures of moons, stars and planets. Wields a dagger at her belt and a staff for travelling, both non-magical, although the bracers she wears around her wrists are magical, and she wears a magical ring that allows her to become invisible, and carries a wand that allow her to blast steam and vapor.

Born a scion of a secondary, lesser strand of House Cranden to a hereditary nobleman and his wizardly wife, with her only sibling and sister Luna being born one year earlier, Seline possessed a naturally quick wit and outgoing personality from a very young age. She discovered a natural talent for story and song, and it was initially thought that she might become a bard, until it was realized that she could spend long hours reading tomes of magic and books on the strange and unusual. Fascinated by the mysterious, Seline often thought of how to integrate it into practical life and its creative potential, which led her to pursue magical studies with a private tutor, as the magical academies of South Province were barred to women. Music was her hobby, but magic was her passion, and she took to it immediately. Ever curious and inquiring, she alternately studied serious, ancient tomes and whimsical, merry stories of adventure and myth, heroic tales of great adventurers and deeds of glory, always spending every waking hour in study of some sort.

In many ways, she made life more enjoyable for the other young women of House Cranden, who despite their House’s enlightened beliefs were still heavily restricted in their lives. Seline would often make up her own stories, using petty illusion spells to entertain her audience. At the balls and other occasions of state, she could entertain the night away with song and dance, distracting everyone to allow Luna to make a discreet withdrawal at the earliest possible moment. She was very close to her mother, who encouraged her outgoing nature, less so with her father, whose quiet and withdrawn nature had more in common with Luna. The sisters cared about one another very deeply, although at times Seline could be frustrated with Luna, who often had to calm down her sister’s exuberance. Rarely did the strait-laced Luna laugh or otherwise smile, something that frustrated her sister greatly. She never quite knew what to make of Ma’non’go, given his stoic, silent demeanor.

This generally pleasant life was soon to come to an end, however, when Seline was sixteen. Her father was assassinated by House Garasteth, who sought to make inroads at Cranden’s expense when the latter resisted the expansion of their influence at Zelradton with the Chelors. It was only by dispatching them with Ma’non’go to friends of their father at Pitchfield in Sunndi that their mother managed to save them being murdered or claimed by the Garasteths as “compensation” for supposedly being grieved in their feud with the Crandens. It was there that Luna took her vows as a priestess of Pelor, with Seline’s support. Regrettably, the sisters could not bring a great deal of money with them when they left the Great Kingdom, and the friends of their father could not keep them for long, especially given the suspicion of the Aerdi that most Sunnd still felt, in spite of themselves.

Becoming adventurers to survive, the sisters traveled with Ma’non’go for some years as members of adventuring bands through Sunndi and Idee, although at length they grew uncomfortable with living in the Iron League states, where they always felt like they were viewed with suspicion by the populace, given their former status as Aerdi nobles. Despite this, where Luna as an ambassador of the church of Pelor to the independent Flan of the region, before they moved to the Principality of Ulek. Seline learned much of the Flan oral lore from the elders, fascinated by the myths and stories, and some of the magic they willingly taught her in exchange for more of the lore and sorcery of Aerdy.

Seline has changed little from her youth, being outgoing, passionate, and intellectual. Her astounding memory and flair for performing combine to give her a taste for the dramatic, greatly enjoying the performing arts and the theater, as well as legends and mythology. This, combined with her natural kindness and empathy, make her a very likable and empathetic person, skilled at getting others to open up and speak to her. When she latches onto a topic, she can become immersed in it, often requiring others, such as her sister Luna, to bring her back down to oerth and think about something else.

She is fascinated by the music, song, and legends of other cultures, often seeking inspiration for her own imagination and stories. Her imagination often leads her to imagine various flights of fancy, of leaving the world behind, and other strange and odd things. She often writes down strange poetry, stories and fables, which can seem very strange and unusual, occasionally performing them, although her skill is by no means equal to that of a true, actual bard.
A devoted student, Seline enjoys practicing magic not only for the depth of study it offers, but also for the opportunities it offers for creativity. She enjoys finding creative ways to use her powers, enjoying the intellectual challenge in besting foes with unusual spells. In battle, she becomes focused, hard-edged, and disciplined, almost a wholly different person. She has read much of tactics and strategy, and how to apply sorcery in battle.

Apart from this, Seline has a very tender heart and a compassionate nature. While she relishes combat as an intellectual challenge, another part of her would prefer not to fight if at all possible. She is happy to use her powers or her wealth to help those in need, although oddly enough she prefers to keep her own counsel and a distance from those she is not comfortable with dealing on a personal basis. The number of people she considers close friends and confidantes, besides Ma’non’go and Luna, are in fact very few. Rarely is the conversation about her-she is often loath to be the center of attention. For someone so empathetic and outgoing, Seline can be strangely distant and closed about her own inner beliefs.

Seline also dislikes spicy foods. Her palate is distinctly sensitive, a trait Amyalla often teases her over, although she does enjoy sweetmeats and sweet fruits. Prone to teasing, joking observances, Seline’s jesting often irritates her more serious companions, although her natural ebullience prevents them from taking true and serious offence. Appreciating fashionable clothes and costumes, Seline greatly enjoys theater performances and masques, although her own sewing skills are woefully lacking. She often commissions Amyalla to prepare gowns or other clothing for her when she takes part in a gathering of higher society. On such occasions, Seline is often the center of attention, eagerly accepting it along with the compliments she receives, which greatly appeal to her vanity.

Luna Roas Del Cranden: STR 13, DEX 13, CON 12, INT 14, WIS 18, CHA 16

8th level cleric of Pelor; Neutrally Good; Proficient with the mace, the quarterstaff, and the hammer; Speaks Common, Old Oeridian, Flan; Born Reaping 18, 554 CY; Appearance 17; Lower Upper Class; 1st child in birth order; Carries a mace of disruption, a large shield and chain mail.

A twenty-two year old human cleric (after Reaping 576 CY) from Kalstrand in South Province, with a lovely face and trim figure, blue eyes and dark hair. Typically dresses in blue and gold robes meant to invoke the sun on an azure sky, wearing well-made but non-magical chain mail, although her mace is especially enchanted to destroy undead, a gift from the Pelorian church.

The eldest daughter of a noble of a secondary, lesser strand of House Cranden, and his scholarly wizard wife, Luna was a generally withdrawn and studious child, diligently preparing for the day when she might oversee her branch of the family, receiving an education worthy of the eldest line of the family. Although she was a woman, she nonetheless responded dutifully to her father’s concerns about the future of the family, educating herself appropriately to ensure that the family’s history, wealth and status would be kept in good hands irrespective of who she married.

As such, she spent little time with others, who viewed her as stuck-up and standoffish, aside from her sister Seline, who was perhaps her closest friend, along with their bodyguard Ma’non’go. She became heavily involved in the policies and practices of her equally studious and reclusive father, forming a much closer relationship with him than with her mother, who was in any case closer to Seline. Luna generally viewed her sister as somewhat flighty and irresponsible, but her heart was in the right place and the two remained close in any event. Luna came to detest her mother’s social activities, such as the balls and festivals, being more interested in religion and family history than anything so frivolous, and so she was grateful for Seline taking all the attention, allowing her to withdraw at the soonest possible moment.

Luna’s tranquil life was rudely disrupted at age seventeen, when her father was assassinated by House Garasteth. Garasteth sought to make inroads at Cranden’s expense when the latter resisted the expansion of their influence at Zelradton with the Chelors. It was only by dispatching them with Ma’non’go to friends of their father in Sunndi that their mother managed to save them being murdered or claimed by the Garasteths as “compensation” for supposedly being grieved in their feud with the Crandens. It was at Pitchfield that Luna took her vows as a priestess of Pelor in part because the god’s beliefs appealed to her, and also because she felt a bond with the god, having been born on one of his holy days. From there, she began traveling about the land initially as a minister with Seline and Ma’non’go as companions, before shifting to the church’s adventuring arm when the suspicions and harassment by the Sunnd citizens grew intolerable and hindered her work. Adventuring also allowed the sisters and their silent guardian to supplement what little money they could take from Aerdy, given that the friends of her father could not support them for long.

While working as part of the Pelorian church’s adventuring arm, she set out with to the independent Flan of the lands around Sunndi and Idee. Her quiet diplomacy and gentle demeanor, traits which would have been viewed with derision in many of the established Flanaess lands, won her the respect and even the friendship of the Flan, among them one of the daughters who would later grow up to become a clan mother herself. However, eventually Luna finally could no longer bear the suspicion and harassment from the people of these realms, many of whom could not bring themselves to trust her, as she was a former Aerdi noble. With the blessing of Pelor, she set out with her companions to the Principality of Ulek in search of a place where their Aerdi heritage would no longer be a burden.

Luna remains quiet and soft-spoken, as she always was in her youth, but her personality remains very strong and forceful, and when she speaks, people listen. Her voice is soft, but with a strong, hard impact to it that is akin to steel clothed in velvet. She seems-and often is-strict and humorless, given to reflecting on many different subjects in her quiet moments. In contrast to her body, her mind often moves at tremendous speed, going from one topic to the next in a frenzy of activity. Well-versed on a variety of subjects, Luna is conversant on such things as the history and cultures of many of the civilized peoples of the Flanaess, always seeking how they connect and interact with one another.

However, while Luna may seem standoffish and disdainful of human companionship, this is not exactly the case. She is not so much opposed to human companionship as she prefers a small coterie of friends to large social occasions. In such situations she is considerably more genial, friendly and open. She even has a wry sense of humor that manifests at different times, most often in witty bantering, with smiles and knowing grins. She is even somewhat flirtatious, and capable of deep and passionate affection for someone, although she does her best to conceal this.

Unlike Seline, she is also more open to speaking about herself, as well as her hidden loves of music and dance. Unlike Seline, who enjoys the theater, Luna prefers the simple act of dancing, including tap and ballet, and prefers music to song, occasionally composing music. She loves the lute and the pan flute, and in truth possesses a deep love for music of all sorts. Music is tremendously soothing and relaxing to her, and she often uses it to calm and settle her spirits. As she often tends to take things to heart, Luna is often deeply affected by worry and stress, and uses music as a coping mechanism.

In many respects, Luna hates combat, but realizes the wickedness in the world must be battled if good is to survive. As with so many other things, she takes her duty seriously and trains diligently with her mace. A more compassionate side takes over when she serves as a healer or doctor, her strong force of personality becoming more gentle and comforting, bringing strength to the patient’s spirit as well as to his or her body. As well, she can empathize with tormented figures like Airk, often harboring similar feelings herself which she takes great care to conceal. In spite of this, those who have problems similar to hers can often unconsciously detect the presence of a kindred spirit, and reach out to it in spirit.

Like Airk, Luna does not like the rain and hates getting wet. Unlike her gnomish friend, who identifies with her perhaps the most readily out of his companions, Luna does not also like confined spaces or alcohol, preferring herbal tea that she prepares herself. Something of a tea connoisseur, Luna often enjoys using exotic herbs to try and mix her own distinct blends, and for this reason takes a passionate interest in herbology, researching the traits of various herbs for both medical and culinary reasons. Her interest in dance has led her also to learn and teach various forms of it at the various Pelorian temples she has ministered to in the past, finding it a very effective teaching tool.

Weimar Glendowyr: STR 14, DEX 16, CON 14, INT 13, WIS 14, CHA 13

7th level Ranger of Ehlonna; Chaotically Good; Proficient with the battle axe, the long bow, the dagger, the long sword, and the footman’s mace; Speaks Common, Elven, Keolandish; Born Patchwall 13, 552 CY; Appearance 11; Middle Lower Class; 2nd child in birth order; Carries a +2 battleaxe, a longbow and four daggers, and wears leather armor and a large shield, while also possessing a Zagyg’s flowing flagon.

A twenty-four year-old (after Patchwall 576 CY) human ranger from Niole Dra in Keoland, with a tall, lanky figure, blond hair and green eyes, and a faint smell of alcohol, along with the nose and bloodshot eyes of a drunkard. Typically dresses in leather armor spattered with wine and other spirits, and drab beige clothing, carrying a non-magical bronzewood shield painted silver and black with a red boar’s head on the front. Wields a magical battleaxe, and several daggers, as well as a longbow and arrows. Also carries a magical flagon that can be used to conjure everything from wine to brandy, provided the words of a magical toast are said.

Born the son of a merchant’s laborer dishonorably discharged from the army for his drunken brawls, and a homemaking mother, with three brothers (Troy, Vlandal, and Denrik) and one sister (Hollianna), Weimar grew up in poverty exacerbated by his father’s drinking. He himself adopted this trait and soon took to even as a child, fighting with other boys and developing a rough and ready streak much like his father, who was never violent with his family, and was in fact very proud of his son, particularly after his fling with a barmaid at age fifteen. In and out of trouble with the city watch owing to his tempestuous character, Weimar could spend nights in the city jails for tavern brawling and public drunkenness. Finally, at age sixteen, he enlisted in the Keoish royal army, and was assigned to one of their scouting units, where his restless nature and endless energy could be put to good use.

Taught forestry and archery by the elves he studied under, Weimar found that he greatly enjoyed both the mysteries of the wilderness and the fine elven wines of his hosts. He stood out for his skill at woodcraft and tracking, his keen eye with a bow, his ways with the elven maidens, and his tendency to rebel and break with tradition in many small ways, from leaving copper and silver coins as offerings to the forest gods rather than traditional offerings of meat, or training in the use of battleaxe and shield, rather than the two-swords style traditionally favored by rangers of all types. He was the best scout in his unit, indeed one of the best scouts in the whole Keoish Army, and while his raucous and independent nature ruined his chances for promotion, he enjoyed not having to put up with the increased responsibilities of senior officer positions. It didn’t help that he would attack fellow soldiers who mistreated the Keoish citizens. His sharp tongue also got him in trouble with superior officers who he felt mistreated their charges.

Growing weary of military life, Weimar mustered out and returned to Niole Dra to see how his siblings had been getting on. He soon found himself caught up in some of their personal feuds, on one occasion acting as a champion on behalf of Hollianna against a former lover who had cuckolded her with another woman, and on behalf of Denrik, who was himself challenged by the champion of a woman livid that he had refused her advancements. Although he won on both occasions, he made enemies of his siblings’ foes, who commanded great power and influence within the corridors of power in Niole Dra. Nearly bankrupting himself helping Hollianna and Denrik relocate to Cryllor, well away from their enemies, Weimar returned to Niole Dra. He then did his best to make the authorities forget about his siblings and made a spectacle of himself, picking bar fights and street brawls with the supporters of the noble families. From there, he disappeared and fled the city when they tried to have him arrested and imprisoned on trumped-up charges.

Wandering as an adventurer, Weimar has renewed his traditional activity of dallying with barmaids and tavern dancers, while sampling Sunndian port and Urnstian stout. He heard of the deaths of Troy and Vlandal, who had remained in Niole Dra after their enlistment into the army, although he was occasionally left to wonder about the circumstances of their deaths. He has long searched for something to give shape to his life, as his life of wandering, fighting, drinking and cavorting seems in a way somewhat hollow, even as he enjoys its pleasures. In spite of himself, he finds himself wishing for something to give his life meaning.

Sociable and outgoing to a fault, Weimar is gallant and courteous to all women, with a rakish charm and a love for strong drink. He loves tavern life and games of chance, and rarely passes up an opportunity to play at dice or cards. Whether he wins or loses is generally of no concern to him, and his main concern is to enjoy himself. Fond of telling and retelling his adventures, or otherwise listening to others tell theirs, Weimar exudes the charm of a man of the world, able to converse on many topics with other taverngoers for hours on end. Loving lowborn taverns and their raucous atmosphere, Weimar has a deep-seated loathing for what he views as the staid and boring world of aristocracy and nobility, paying little respect to the noble ideal.

Often rash and impulsive, Weimar frequently gets into tavern brawls, particularly with those who harass women, halflings, or those smaller and weaker than they. He also gets into fights with rivals who eye the same women, and of those in general who otherwise anger or cross him, most notably aristocrats and nobles who bully common folk. There are few things Weimar hates more than those who pick on those without the capacity to resist or fight back, and on more than one occasion he has ended up in violent fights because of it. Due to his passionate and temperamental nature, he does not respond well to being threatened or challenged, and has a tendency to react violently in such cases. Getting drunk, as Weimar is wont to do, rarely calms the situation.

On other occasions, however, Weimar finds himself drifting away, his imagination leads him to dream of the mysteries of the wilderness, hidden mysteries that no one could ever know, and to meditate and reflect on the strangest things. Because of this, he is often capable of making surprisingly intelligent and erudite observations without even trying. He cannot quite describe the feeling that comes over him on such occasions, a secret yearning and longing for…something? His softer, gentler side is rarely exhibited, but when it appears, one can see a much deeper aspect to him than the drunken womanizer that he is. He often feels fundamentally alone, for all that he is gregarious and popular in social settings.

Otherwise caring little for myth, fable or music, Weimar nonetheless has a very powerful and deep pride and love in his roots. He cares very deeply for his family history, and has defended it over many years. He becomes defensive and even somewhat obsessive when his country, his Oeridian race, his personal family history and the like are insulted or questioned, and will respond with everything from angry retorts to weapons depending on how aggrieved he is. Given his passionate, exuberant nature, Weimar is also left often to question his own heritage, and who he is and where he comes from.

Weimar loves mead, stout and wine, but is known to disdain light, sweet drinks, believing that the harder the alcohol, the better. He is most attracted to tall, slender, long-haired women in his choice of bedmates, although he is not averse to other types as well. He will not, however, court dwarven or gnomish women, being put off by the dwarven women’s beards and the gnomish women’s long noses. He is known to hate many types of wind instruments, for some reason finding them very irritating, even aggravating and displeasing to his ears, especially when he is full of drink or hung over. While he has little interest in most art, he does have a certain admiration for sculpting, and has tried it himself, although with indifferent results. His best results tend to come from working on wood, rather than stone or glass.

Revafour Greystar: STR 18/67, DEX 12, CON 13, INT 15, WIS 12, CHA 15

7th level fighter; Neutrally Good; Specalized in the two-handed sword, proficient in the dagger, the long bow, the spear and the hammer; Speaks Common, Flan, Elven, Dwarven, Orcish; Born Planting 2, 551 CY; Appearance 15; Lower Middle Class; 1st child in birth order; Carries a two-handed sword, and dresses in field plate armor, and wields a long bow after Ghosts Of The Past.

A twenty-six year-old (after Planting 577 CY) human Flan warrior from Atherstone in the Duchy of Tenh, with a tall, very powerfully muscled figure, coppery-bronze skin, and shoulder-length black hair and brown eyes. Typically dresses in steel field plate mail armor, wielding a non-magical two-handed broadsword strapped to his back. Owns no magical items. Also dresses in a cloak of red and brown patterns in the Oeridian style, although Revafour beaded it in the Flan tradition. He also dresses in the moccasins common to the Flan tradition.

Born the son of a hunter and tracker for the People of the Black Bear, and a merchant mother, with two sisters (Niannaq and Runhwa) and a brother (Tornil), all younger than him, Revafour received his training from his father and uncles on his mother’s side, seasoned fighters one and all. The Flan battle-lust came over him at a young age, and he developed a fierce pride in the Flan warrior traditions of Tenh, taking a very keen interest in the old myths, histories and tales told by his grandparents and other Flan elders. From his childhood, he keenly felt the loss that his people had suffered at the hands of the dwarves, the Oeridians, the elves, the Suel and others, often due to betrayals and broken promises.

Resentment and anger built up in Revafour, though his mother impressed upon him that the sins of the fathers were not necessarily the responsibilities of the children. Conflicted and unsure of exactly what to believe, Revafour would serve as a bodyguard to his mother on her mercantile trips to Nyrond and the Pale, and to the elves of the Fellreev Forest and the dwarves of the Griff Mountains, where he met many of these other peoples. Simultaneously he came to admire the martial skills and pride of the Nyrondese, the fervor of the Flan, and the crafting abilities of the dwarves, even as he deplored their treatments of his people, their greed, or their aggressiveness against their neighbors. As he often faced threats from Bandits, monsters, Fists and Pale patrols, he took to wielding a massive two-handed broadsword in combat, and wearing a suit of field plate armor especially crafted for him. These things served him well in protecting his mother and his people, but they were the implements of the Oeridians and the dwarves, and in a way did not sit well with him when he came to use them.

When Revafour was twenty, he came to fall in love with a Flan woman by the name of Kathleena Nightoak, who was in turn loved by Tuomad Wolf-slayer. When Kathleena spurned his advances, Tuomad retaliated by planting false evidence and telling lies that Revafour’s mother and sister planned to betray Atherstone to the Nyrondese, stirring up the community against them. Tuomad’s status in the community rose greatly as a result of his lies, while the Greystar family suffered as a result. When Revafour’s uncle, enraged by the false accusations made against his sister, slew one of the Wolf-slayers in a bitter dispute, the acrimony between the two families grew into an all-out feud. Finally, to avert worse bloodshed, it was decided that Revafour and Tuomad would battle to represent their families in trial by combat. Taking no chances, Tuomad had Revafour drugged, so that when they battled the next day he decisively defeated his rival. Taking the punishment of both his family’s “betrayal” and the murder committed by his uncle, Revafour was banished from the Duchy. Travelling alone, he was soon captured by slavers and taken to Blackmoor to be sold.

Revafour was purchased by an older Flan inhabitant of Blackmoor, who took him in to serve as a bodyguard on the man’s travels through the haunted fens of the region. The older man, one Quendamak Running Griffin by name and a wise cleric, helped him realize the evil perpetrated by Tuomad, and what had happened. Ashamed, confused and horrified by the betrayal, Revafour vowed revenge, though Quendamak warned him against any hasty actions, which could easily destroy him in the long run. This would be the last piece of advice given by the older man, as Quendamak would soon be murdered by Archbaron Bestmo as a way to keep his hold on power in the Archbarony, in spite of the treaty he had signed with Quendamak and his tribe to allow them to live peacefully within the land, swearing fealty in exchange for being able to live in peace. Eventually, seeing the growing and thriving community as a threat to his authority, Bestmo had them destroyed.

Despite his valiant efforts, Revafour could not stop the Archbaron’s forces from destroying the Flan in their midst, who Bestmo had decreed were a threat, stirring up the supposed “menace” they posed. Forced to flee, Revafour led a number of survivors in a harrowing journey south through the lands of the Wolf Nomads, down to the Sepia Uplands and the northern Vesve, where they found acceptance among some of the local independent Flan, and also going down into the land of Highfolk. Revafour did not stay with them-betrayed both within and without, even as pride and love clashed with anger and resentment in his mind, he set off to find a place in the world, to find justice for those who had been denied, and punish the wrongdoers.

Revafour is, as a result, a mostly quiet and contemplative individual, his moods often continually shifting. At times, he will be gentle and kind, opening up to those around him, while at others he can be a terrible force of rage, the Tenha battle-lust coming over him like a rising storm. Alternately harsh and spiteful, and warm and accommodating, Revafour’s demeanor changes as constantly as the weather, warm one moment and cold the next.
Much of this is due to his own internal turmoil. On one level, Revafour still holds a deep-seated anger and resentment against those peoples who did his own so much wrong, something only exacerbated by his deep love for and pride in his Flan and Tenha heritage. But by the same token, he has seen that even his own people are not immune from evil and corruption, and has come to understand the perspective of other peoples. His dress, typically that of Oeridian and Sueloise-inspired plate mail and the massive two-handed broadswords they often wield in combat, combined with the beaded leatherwork and decorations of the Flan, speaks to his own somewhat confused heritage.

Underneath this, however, there lies a strong sense of justice. His training as a Flan warrior has deeply impressed on him the need to protect and aid those who cannot defend themselves, or who otherwise need his aid. As such, even as a wanderer he has tried to wield his blade in causes he knows are just, having instinctively known that the lies Tuomad had told were false, though he knew not the motivations behind them. Knowing that, many times, the needs of others will come before his own, he has little use for material wealth and quite willingly donates whatever treasure he finds to worthy causes, keeping only what he himself needs and no more.

This tendency occasionally manifests in a tendency to be blunt, harsh and judgmental of others, particularly those of the cultures who have oppressed his own. There is often an aura of distrust or anger around him that others can perceive, try as they might not to do so and try as Revafour himself might to hide it. He has little need for frivolity, and refuses to drink alcohol, preferring simple water or more rarely juice. At most he will play at games of skill such as knife-throwing or archery, both of which he excels in. He has little interest in music or song, both of which he is completely and utterly without skill at.

Revafour enjoys solitary pursuits, most notably painting. His skill is remarkable indeed, even if his choices of subject are often esoteric and strange. Often dwelling on the tales of the elders and the legends of old, Revafour’s interests come through in his art, which can be either painted or crafted from wood. Often he paints or sculpts hidden, private meanings that can be sought after by those who are interested, even as the art can be enjoyed for itself. Revafour believes very strongly in the power and capacity of art, and as a result has an interest in the art and architecture of Flan culture, and to a much lesser extent the cultures of others.

Revafour greatly enjoys thick, tough meats such as those from moose or elk, rather than the softer, more tender meats of farm-raised animals. He finds most alcohol distasteful, and prefers simple water, or Luna’s tea. He also has a certain interest in runic patterns and architecture, having learned much of these things during his travels as a bodyguard to his mother and also in travelling the length of the Flanaess. Despite his reservations about the effects of Oeridian and Sueloise settlement on his own people, he cannot help but feel a certain admiration in regarding their stone castles and citadels, and takes a certain pride in the cultural intermingling that led to the Oeridians being inspired by Flan stockades and buildings in the constructions of their modern castles, and the Flan adapting Oeridian and Suel home and city designs for their own use, most notably in Tenh itself.

Amyalla Reorsa: STR 10, DEX 17, CON 15, INT 13, WIS 14, CHA 17
7th level thief; Chaotically Good; Proficient in the dagger, the sling and the short bow; Speaks Common, Halfling and Dwarven; Born Harvester 14, 550 CY; Appearance 18; Upper Middle Class; 4th child in birth order; Carries four daggers and a hat of disguise, and wears leather armor.

A twenty-six year-old (after Harvester 576 CY) female halfling thief from the city of Leukish in the Duchy of Urnst, with long red hair and flashing green eyes and a slim, gorgeous figure. Generally dresses in leather armor over a strapless gown, with thief’s tools on her garters underneath her skirt. Wields several daggers tucked into her belt, none of which are magical, although she wears a blue hat with orchids and lilacs, which allows her to assume different disguises.

The daughter of a halfling merchant and the ambitious second daughter of a halfling military captain, Amyalla grew up with her two brothers (Gregor and Richard) and two sisters (Bellanny and Starr) in a peaceful but raucous home, with Bellanny groomed to take over the family business while her brothers were set to enter the Duke’s armies. Amyalla herself was educated by fine tutors and groomed to assist her sister in the running of House Reorsa, or to marry another merchant and thus extend the House’s commercial ties. The household was filled with energy and ambition, as the family constantly searched for ways to improve its standing and power. And yet, Amyalla was always somewhat unhappy with the endless grab for power and riches, finding such things as accounting and military life a crashing bore.

As a result, Amyalla took to running with a group of low-born halflings and humans, some of which taught her various manual tricks-how to pick pockets, how to open locks, and how to hide in shadows. She began picking pockets in the streets, opening the locks on her family’s chests and cupboards with pieces of wire, and sneaking out of the family home in the middle of the night for a tour of the taverns in Leukish’s lower district. Good enough never to get caught, Amyalla nevertheless attracted the disapproval of her family, who thought she contributed little if anything to their prosperity.

It was during one of these tavern runs that Amyalla met Kivern Goodleaf, a slumming halfling noble who had retired from adventuring and purchased a noble title and estate with his wealth. Charmed by his nouveau riche status and the air of mystery and bravery about him, Amyalla at first fell in love with Kivern, and their attraction eventually led to their becoming close friends, and then lovers, before Kivern finally asked for Amyalla’s hand in marriage. The marriage was celebrated before the priestess of Yondalla with full honor and dignity, and House Reorsa was pleased to associate with such a famous and prestigious halfling hero.

Unfortunately, Amyalla soon came to realize that Kivern was a master at projecting the image of an upstanding, dashing hero, even if the truth was rather different. When not cuckolding her with other women, Kivern was known to drink heavily and shout obscene abuses at his wife when he was in his cups, all while beating her with his fists and stabbing her with his sword. Kivern’s abuses left Amyalla deeply angry and resentful, and there were occasions when she felt glad she always kept a dagger at her hip.
Complaining to her family did no good-as their fortunes were now tied in with those of Kivern’s, they had no desire to mar their reputations by dragging their new brother-in-law’s name through the mud.

Refusing to knuckle under to Kivern’s abuse and his threats, Amyalla used her thieving skills and contacts among her friends to cause a hideous scandal, publicly exposing his philandering and his abuse. Humiliated and disgraced, Amyalla’s family suffered greatly as their military and commercial fortunes both plummeted. Having stolen one of Kivern’s prized possessions, a magical hat of disguise, Amyalla soon disappeared in the chaos she caused, having gained some delightful revenge on both her family and her philandering husband. Putting her skills as a thief to good use, she began travelling to get as far away from the Duchy as possible, wisely realizing the dangerous consequences of exposing her former husband. She turned to adventuring to survive, using both her exceptional thieving skills and her own charming ways, learned and modified from her husband, to survive. In this way, she trapped adulterous men and robbed them blind, before exposing them to their wives and leaving scandals in her wake.

Coy and reserved in many ways, Amyalla presents an image of mystery and knowing charm, leaving those around her wondering exactly what she does and does not know. Often sarcastic and sharp-tongued, she tends to speak plainly and to the point, without mincing words, although she can be alluring and mysterious, or quiet and reserved, as the situation requires. A consummate actor, Amyalla realizes that there is much more to thievery than simply being able to pick a pocket or open a lock.

As such, Amyalla is very conscious of the image she tries to project to the world. Having learned by bitter experience that darkness can often hide behind the most charming of masks, Amyalla turns that same knowledge to her advantage. Most particularly, she uses it to entrap and punish her enemies, posing as a mistress and luring in powerful, adulterous men before ruining them and publicly exposing their philandering, while making off with their finest treasures. With her magical hat, she can change faces, images and personalities as easily as an actor changes masks, changing from one role to the next.

Behind this, however, lie a basic set of morals. Amyalla would only steal from those who could afford the loss, and while she might engage in banditry, she would only do so with those who showed mercy and courtesy to their captives, harshly punishing those who would break her rules. She also shows a surprisingly comforting maternal side as well, being gentle and even kindly to children, or those who suffer from deep emotional pain. On more than one occasion, she has secretly used her thiefly talents to help out children in need, although she takes care never to let them truly discover who their benefactor is.

When she has joined adventuring parties, Amyalla has always sought fellow adventurers she would be comfortable with, who allow her to feel some companionship, yet keep enough of a distance so that she can pursue her own agendas. Despite her often mysterious and inscrutable demeanor, she can develop very strong bonds of affection for those she cares for, likely as a replacement for the family she herself never really had. Because of this, there are times when she lets her mask down, in her own carefully reserved way, and can show interest and empathy in those she feels a close connection to. She varies between bitterness and cynicism, and hope and kindness, when it comes to love and friendship. Along with her incredible manual skills, she is also very skilled at knitting and sewing, and puts a deep love into her work that shines through in the wonderfully crafted final products.

Amyalla is known also to be particularly fond of checks and plaids in the Oeridian style, and of the colors silver, purple, blue and copper in her embroidery. Indigo is her favorite color, and she will often wear small ornaments of this color woven into her clothing, such as a hatband, a bracelet, a garter, or a choker. She also has an unfortunate fear of heights, worsened by her tendency to vertigo in extreme situations, which has led her to more subtle ways of gaining entrance into a home than simply climbing in a second-story window. On the other hand, she has no compunctions about water or fire, unlike many other halflings, and can swim as well as any human.

Ma’non’go of the Silver Winds: STR 18/79, DEX 17, CON 16, INT 12, WIS 13, CHA 14

8th level fighter; Neutrally Good; Specialized in the trident, proficient in the dagger, the spear, the long bow and the footman’s mace; Speaks Common, Olman, Old Oeridian and Flan; Born Readying 3, 542 CY; Appearance 13; Middle Middle Class; 1st child in birth order; Carries a trident and dagger, and wears leather armor.

A chronologically thirty-three year-old but physically twenty-five year-old (after Readying 577 CY) human Olman fighter from the city of X’tandelexamenka, with a very tall, extremely powerfully muscled figure, dark mahogany skin, dark eyes and thick black hair extending down to the back of his neck. Typically dresses in multicolored but low key clothes and leather armor, carrying a non-magical trident.

Born the son of a merchant and a female army captain, Ma’non’go and his brother (N’acutli) and sister (Xoral’qa) learned the use of the trident at the hands of their mother, a hardened veteran of the wars against the Touv and the hated orcs and goblins. Ma’non’go’s family was relatively prosperous, owing to their father’s trade connections and investments with the dwarves of Hepmonaland, who traded iron and steel goods in exchange for hardwoods and vegetables, a rich trade that benefited both sides in equal measure. Ma’non’go’s life was happy and in many ways prosperous, even as Ma’non’go himself became known for his rambunctious, bold and adventurous nature. The young man’s situation attracted the resentment of his childhood friend Mez’darro, whose own background as the son of a peasant crofter and hunter sparked in him a deep bitterness and determination to improve his station by any means possible.

Following in his mother’s footsteps, Ma’non’go enlisted into the armies of the X’tandelexamenkan duke, and served with distinction and honor in the battles against orc, tasloi and goblin. He soon developed a sporting rivalry with Zed’der’in, a fellow recruit known for his violent tendencies and savage fighting techniques. Zed’der’rin was greatly disliked by his fellow soldiers for his nasty temper and contemptuous attitude, likely due to his abusive father, and he became very jealous of Ma’non’go’s popularity with the other soldiers for his boisterous attitude and outgoing nature. In fighting alongside many of the elves of the southlands, Ma’non’go also developed a close friendship and powerful mutual attraction with an elfmaid by the name of Minassalia, something which attracted the jealousy and loathing of Vincenzeken, an elven noble who had himself fallen in love with Minassalia and developed a fear and loathing of Ma’non’go.

In one particularly daring battle, Ma’non’go rescued a man by the name of Dix’an’aletettel, an X’tandelexamenkan merchant and shamanic magistrate who was an old flame of his mother’s, and who still pined for her in his own way. When he realized he had been rescued by the son of his former love, he began taking an interest in the young lad, and watched with interest his rising star as a young soldier and the son of a prosperous merchant and respected army captain. Through his extensive connections, he also heard of Vincenzeken’s, Mez’darro’s and Zed’der’in’s similar jealousy and anger of Ma’non’go, all for different reasons…

Through his trade alliances and connections, Dix’an’aletettel came to recruit Mez’darro to his service, even as he came to support the services of Zed’der’in and become his benefactor, and Vincenzeken became a primary contact among the elves. It so happened that he invited the three men to his manor one night to discuss certain matters of “mutual interest”…

The charges of treason disgraced the family of the Silver Winds almost overnight, charges that accused Ma’non’go of plotting to betray the X’tandelexamenkan province to an invasion by the hated U’nan’derlexians, and that he had carried on correspondence with them to betray the city’s defenses due to his privileged position as a potential captain of the guard and the son of one of the most powerful warrior leaders in the X’tandelexamenkan army. Zed’der’in’s testimony, documents “discovered” by Mez’darro, and Vincenzeken’s twisting of Ma’non’go’s words all combined to bring shame upon the family. Mez’darro was rewarded for his courage and daring with the assets of the family of the Silver Winds, seizing their wealth and prosperity for himself, even as Zed’der’in’s stature in the army rose dramatically with Ma’non’go shamed by the supposed revelations that had been made. Vincenzeken married Minassalia soon after, even as Dix’an’alettel saw the ruination of the lives of the woman who had spurned him, the man she had rejected him for, and all their children, who became the objects of hatred and loathing by the rest of the populace.

It was only because he was out on patrol that Ma’non’go avoided being arrested with the rest of his family, and it was only by the barest of margins that he was able to escape, confused and horrified by the hatred of the people towards his family. Wandering for weeks, lost and alone in the jungle, barely evading the hunt of the X’tandelexamenkan patrols, struggling to survive against monsters, orcs and U’nan’derlexians, Ma’non’go resigned himself to his fate and prepared to give up the ghost, lost in confusion and sorrow. However, he was finally found, half-starved and close to death, by the trading caravan of Lord Roas of Cranden, who had come to the jungles of Hepmonaland from the Great Kingdom on a trading visit to some of the local chiefs and queens, with the intention of establishing trading relations.

When he had been fed and treated, Lord Roas and Ma’non’go both discovered to their astonishment that the large Olman could no longer speak, and had become mute. At first, the language barrier seemed impenetrable, until Lord Roas used magic to enable Ma’non’go to communicate with him. Once they had built an understanding, Lord Roas offered to take Ma’non’go back home, given that he was not part of the local Olman peoples, but he refused. Most of the local tribes were indifferent at best to the X’tandelexamenkan, indeed to the whole of the Qu’xec’tanka’lex kingdom, and hostile at worst, and so they would not have taken him in. Feeling as if he had nowhere else to go, Ma’non’go finally stated that he wanted to return to Aerdy with Lord Roas, feeling as though he owed him a debt of honor.

Upon their return to Aerdy, Lord Roas taught Ma’non’go how to read and write the Aerdi and Common scripts, and in return Ma’non’go taught the Olman script to him. They devised a sign language to communicate that was passed on to Luna and Seline. Lord Roas passed Ma’non’go off as a bondsman, assigned to guard and protect his daughters. This was only an appearance to save face in Aerdy society, lest questions be raised and both men be endangered in one way or another. Taking his debt of honor as a sacred vow, Ma’non’go protected Luna and Seline as children and young women, and accompanied them as adventurers after the fall of Lord Roas.

To most people, Ma’non’go is little more than an iron golem, quiet, reserved and inscrutable. Most only see him move or react when he displays his frightening skills with the trident, or his incredible physical strength. Rarely does he respond to outside entreaties, unless the questioner either threatens him or his charges, or has otherwise gotten to know him well. He will respond to Luna or Seline if they ask him a question or tell him to do something, but otherwise he seems cold, quiet and unapproachable.

Those who earn his trust, or otherwise associate with him long enough for him to get used to their presence, will find that he has a quiet nobility and dignity about him, and the heart of a fiercely loyal and devoted knight. He takes matters of honor and devotion extremely seriously, and he would willingly lay down his life for those he feels a debt of honor towards. He willingly accepts his lot in life without complaint, as indeed the presence of those he cares for is balm to his soul after what he has lost and left behind in the southern jungles.

While he has revealed his past to his mistresses, Ma’non’go is otherwise loath to speak of what he considers dead and gone. Hepmonaland is dead to him, and bitter sorrow is all that he thinks of when he considers the long ago days in X’tandelexamenka. In a way, he feels fundamentally alone, permanently alienated from his ancient home. He had lost everything that gave his life meaning, and now respecting the wishes of Lord Roas and protecting the children that he loves as if they were his own is all that he lives for. He has lost whatever ambitions or exuberance he may have once had, seeming to have left his emotions, his capacity to feel and love, behind in Hepmonaland.

To that end, Ma’non’go has developed a keen curiosity for human nature and a penetrating insight and ability to judge character. Bitter experience at the hands of those he thought were his friends has taught him to carefully analyze and understand the ways of humanity, and he is very careful about those he trusts. In this way, his stone-faced nature can be an advantage, betraying no knowledge and offering no secrets to those around him, giving a strange aura of penetration that can help his searches. While in some ways bitter and cynical, there yet remains a spark of hope, one that enables him to continue and recognize the positive aspects of humanity, and those he can call friends. Perhaps, then, he may find justice.

Ma’non’go disdains heavy metal armor, viewing it as an encumbrance he can do without. Unlike Airk, he is quite comfortable in hot conditions, and also enjoys hot food and drinks. Coming from a humid climate, rain and moisture bother him very little, and he loves to swim in what little leisure time he has, although he knows full well the dangers that may lurk in the waters. He also has something of a dislike for a wardrobe of entirely warm or entirely cold colors, preferring to mix both for aesthetic effect. Much like Seline, Ma’non’go has a strange affinity for fashion and tasteful attire, to the extent that he can actually be a fashion plate even when traveling on the road.

Last edited by CruelSummerLord on Sun Apr 07, 2024 6:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sat Apr 06, 2024 12:18 pm  

Great idea Phalastar. grodog, it's neat seeing who's in the mix presently.

DMPrata, I love your PCs' names and related details (e.g., titles, homelands, religions, ethnic/racial heritage)! CruelSummerLord, it will take me a while to get through what you shared, but I'll try to read and respond to each character.
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