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Adept Greytalker

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Tue Nov 13, 2018 5:50 pm  
Trying to get back to Lendore Island

The group remains sidetracked in their attempt to get back to Lendore Island and free Peylae, the last of the true line of the Duke of Kroten, and overthrow Nebub.

Tathar Surion, Priest of Sehanine, and Morwen Alcerin remained at the Pholtus temple in Midmeadow while the rest of the group went on a side trek for the temple. Breymeer was geased by the temple leaders after being resurrected.

Breymeer's mission was to recover a holy sword carried by one of the church paladins who was now feared lost along with his companions. They were lost in the area of White Plume Mountain.

The group sent with Breymeer included:

Breymeer, 6th level male human (suel blooded) ranger, Captain of the Restenford Rangers.

Relmak, 4th level male 1/2 orc priest (Kord), Henchman to Breymeer.

Isiaweil, 4th level male half-elf ranger from Lendore Island, associate ranger to the Restenford Rangers.

Lexington Krupps, 4th level human male mage.

Mandellay Muffintops (AKA Speck), 7th level male halfling thief.

Markus, 4th level fighter/4th level cleric (Kord) half-elf male from Lendore Island.

Stahl, 2th level male human paladin (Pholtus) from Midmeadow.

Ergon, 2th level male human paladin (Pholtus) from Midmeadow.

Jandre, 4th level specialty priest (Pholtus) from Midmeadow.

Droget, 2nd level human male fighter from Midmeadow.

Those from Midmeadow were assigned by the church to accompany the group. Jandre was the church's leader among the group.

The group traveled through the badlands along the south side of the Rift. A random encounter with some hill giants was the demise of Relmak as he was crushed by a boulder.

In short, the group me Thingizzard, the Witch. She told the group the sword they seek is now in possession of another witch. Their friends were ambushed at the Dead Gnoll's Socket and the holy sword stolen. The thieves, in turn, met their fate in the swamp and the other witch recovered the sword.

Thingizzard offers the group a bargain. The group is told to go into White Plume Mountain and recover four weapons of power to trade for their holy sword. Also, Thingizzard was interested in the recovery of her sister and her cauldron. If the group could complete the quest, a trade for the holy sword could be arranged.

Figuring the witches were too powerful, the group decided to delve into White Plume Mountain.

Last edited by Sheepdog on Sat Jan 05, 2019 9:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
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Tue Nov 13, 2018 6:50 pm  
Into White Plume Mountain

I used several additions of White Plume Mountain and Return to White Plume Mountain to create this adventure for the group. The first level was essentially the same. The lower level from Return to White Plume Mountain was adjusted to fit my needs.

The group made it into the mountain and were able to complete the first riddle and move past the sphinx. They came to the flooded chamber and encountered a water (sea) hag. Droget fell victim to the hag and was pulled into the water and cut to ribbons.

The group didn't take kindly to this and were able to slay the hag. Unfortunately in their haste, they did not consider that this was Thingizzard's sister. Breymeer beheaded the beast and has much to fear from Thingizzard.

The group next encountered the spinning cylinder. Speck attempted to negotiate it and was surprised when Burket set it ablaze with a flaming arrow. Speck, nearly dead, made it out but was taken prisoner by Burket and Snarla.

The group came to his rescue and defeated the duo though Breymeer was bit by Snarla in the process.

The room contained a few prisoners (AKA help in the form of more PCs).

Gustaf, 2nd level human male Paladin (St. Cuthbert), his lacky Digwin, 0 level human male, and Seeler, 2nd level dwarven male fighter, joined the group. The Pholtus followers were none too happy to see a St. Cuthbert paladin. They refused to aid each other directly.

They continued on to the huge flooded cavern with the magical shell. Suspecting a trap, they retreated at the sounds of chittering.

They moved again past the sphinx successfully, this time going west.

Speck scouted ahead and got greedy. He was surprised by the ghouls and paralyzed. He fell face down in the water and drown.

The party defeated the ghouls and thought of a solid plan to get by the frictionless room using ghoul corpses dumped in the trenches and wooden doors to span the trenches.

They next encountered Sir Bluto and the river boat crew. They defeated this group; killing half and taking the other half as less-than-willing help. They had no love of the party but did wish for escape.

The party moved on to the multi-tiered chamber. The manticores were quickly dispatched with a series of web spells and coordinated attacks. Many of the other creatures were bypassed other than the sea lions. A broken glass wall brought them into battle and Breymeer was nearly lost. In his anger, his cloak transformed him into a bear. Markus and Breymeer were able to slay the sea lions.

The party moved on and encountered Qesnef. The party parlayed with him and won him over to their aid. Lexington Krupps was not on board with this and nearly attacked Qesnef on his own until Breymeer threatened to dispatch Lexington on the spot. The mage quickly submitted but remained very paranoid of Qesnef. Qesnef the halfling changed into a half-ogre. The group is suspicious of him and suspects his true nature though they are not sure what he is. They do believe him to be powerful.

In addition, the party recovered Blackrazer.

The party moved east and encountered the flesh golems. They answered correctly and the golem joined the group only to be sacraficed in the next encounter with the mud geisers and Clenmilr.

Using Qesnef's ability to fly, the group was able to get by the mud geisers. Seeler was almost lost but Qesnef saved him from a boiling fate. They uncovered and battled Clenmilr at the entrance to his lair. Using a silence spell and some quick actions, Markus, Isiaweil and a few others were able to defeat the vampire. Entering his lair, they destroyed his coffin. Clenmilr slipped away in gaseous form. His status is unknown. Markus and Isiaweil were drained a bit during the encounter.

The party recovered Whelm.

The party took one of their man rests. I rolled a random encounter with wights so as the group passed by the previously inanimate corpes in room #5, they came to life and battled the group. No one perished but some energy was drained.

During the battle, the uneasy cohesiveness of the group finally failed. Gustaf and Sir Bluto came to blows as Sir Bluto and his men were backing away from the encounter. Gustaf could not appreciate their perceived cowardliness.

Sir Bluto got the better of Gustaf before he and his men were held by a hold person spell.

It was one of the two encounters with the undead that Markus learned not to use Blackrazer against the undead.

Finally, they moved into the lair of the giant crab.

Isiaweil got too brave and charged the creature while others flanked it. The creature made quick work of the half-elf, clipping off his head and one of his arms.

The shock of it caught the party off guard. They made a desperate assault on the poor creature and slew it without further causalties.

They recovered Wave.

The group began to make its way back to the entrance.

Breymeer, 7th level ranger.
Isiaweil (dead)
Lexington, 5th level mage.
Markus, 5th level fighter/5th level cleric
Stahl, 4th level paladin
Ergon, 4th level paladin
Jandre, 5th level specialty priest
Gustaf, 4th level paladin
Seeler, 4th level fighter

Also with the group is Sir Bluto and a handful of his henchmen and Qesnef

Kinda of a short wrap up. Eventually, they should end up back on Lendore Island.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
Posts: 381
From: Minnesota

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Tue Nov 13, 2018 6:52 pm  

Forgot about:

Speck (dead)
Adept Greytalker

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Tue Feb 05, 2019 5:38 pm  
Exit, Nope, on to level 2

The party felt somewhat confident they were going to be able to exit the mountain but knew they were one weapon of power short.

At the entrance, they encountered the sphinx and an elderly human male.

The man, calling himself Nix, told them he unfortunately could not let them pass.

The party anticipated the man was more powerful than he appeared and they did not test him.

Nix advised his brother, Nox, had come under some type of mind control and now believed himself to be Keraptis.

Nox (Keraptis) was battling some type of enemy Nix referred to as Mossmutter. Mossmutter also appeared to believe itself to be Keraptis.

Nix explained where to find the valve to drain the first level of water. Once the water was drained, the party quickly located the hidden door that led deeper into the mountain.

Nix also offered to bring back one of their fallen comrades if the party wished. They voted for their meat shield Isiaweil, the fallen half-elf ranger. Isiaweil was suddenly returned to the party intact and healthy.

The party encountered Nox (Keraptis) in the indoctrination chamber overlooking the heart of the volcano. They volunteered to join his forces against the false Keraptis.

To ensure their loyalty, Nox mentally bound Markus to his will.

With the gnomes showing the party the way, they safely bi-passed the burning golems.

The gnomes pointed the way and the party traveled on alone. They moved north through several iron covered rooms with destroyed doors.

They explored one side room and recovered a cauldron they believed to be the one stolen from Thingizzard. They seized it and Breymeer hoped it would be enough to appease the witch knowing it was he who had slain her sister-witch in the level above.

Moving past a large hole in the floor that led to the unknown, the party encountered a large, though destroyed, mechanical device. They assumed it had something to do with the hole but left it for later examination.

The party encountered the first of the fungus hulks. They moved into melee with confidence but nearly lost Breymeer in the initial moments. They defeated the hulks but realized they were moving into dangerous territory.

The party moved into the mushroom and fungus gardens where they encountered the skin puppets. They quickly defeated the first conclave of a dozen puppets using a combination of web spells and fire.

With luck, they moved in the correct direction and encountered Mossmutter surrounded by dozens of skin puppets, an oversized full plate armored gnome with an ice sword and a fungus hulk.

The battle was long and fierce. Ergon and Seeler fled back to get aid from Nox. They met gnomes enroute to aid them (Nox sent them when he saw the party (through Markus' eyes) doing well against Mossmutter).

The party had convinced an invisibly and flying ogre-mage to fly in and snatch the gnome while the party attacked.

A fireball destroyed the skin puppets. Qesnef made his move.

The party was unprepared for the spell power of their enemy.

A lightning bolt felled Lexington Krups but Markus was able to save him at death's door.

Qesnef was eaten by Mossmutter and died inside the 50' towering plant creature.

Markus took Blackrazer to hand. Quickly overtaken by the intelligent blade, Markus charged in to battle the gnome in attempt to gain its soul for Blackrazer.

Markus was quickly in dire straights trying to fight the incredibly talented gnome with the ice blade.

Mossmutter placed a prismatic wall at the entrance to the chamber. Isiaweil went blind.

A recovering Lexington, brought to consciousness previously by the warrior/priest Markus, was able to dispel part of the flashing wall using a magic wand. He created a cone of cold directed at the wall.

The magic partially defeated the wall. Unfortunately, Markus was caught in the blast as well. The gnome put Markus down as the cone of cold washed over him. Markus was slain.

Sir Bluto, Breymeer, Gustaf (flying via spell) and Stahl engaged in the fight while Jandre attempted to assist with his clerical powers.

They attempted to breach the wall through the quickly opening and closing hole created by the missing color of the prismatic wall. They attempted to time it right and jump through the temporarily appearing hole. Stahl stumbled and was immediately slain by the power of the wall.

Sir Bluto also died quickly in the battle that followed.

Breymeer was quickly beaten down. Facing death, Breymeer used his bear cloak to transform into a bear.

Mossmutter attempted to breath spores on Breymeer but he was able to spare himself. All party members had the aid of cloths tied over their mouths and noses.

Gustaf went down but was saved before death settled upon him.

A back up unit of gnomes arrived in time to blast Mossmutter with spells including a lightning bolt.

The enemy was finally defeated. The party lost Markus, Stahl and the NPCs Qesnef and Sir Bluto, along with about a dozen of Nox's gnomes.

Ergon and Seeler never made it back to Nox as they encountered the burning golem and dared not face it.

The party recovered the plate armor from the gnome and Ergon was able to fit into it.

The party also recovered Frostrazer.

With Breymeer, Isiaweil, Lexington, Ergon, Jandre, Gustaf and Seeler remaining, along with two of Sir Bluto's henchmen, the party returned to Nox.

Nox commanded them to place the four weapons of power before him and then retire and rest.

The party hesitated and the burning golems rose from the burning pits. The entire party is severely weakened. Gustof remains unconscious.

The standoff continues until the next tabletop session.

Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
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From: Minnesota

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Sun Feb 10, 2019 8:31 pm  
Final assault

Wisdom prevails and the party places the weapons of power down before Nox.

Nox allows them to regroup and rest. They take advantage of the situation. The party spends two days recovering under the umbrella of Nox's protection.

Once recovered, the party has a meeting with Nox again. Nox tells them he would like them to investigate down the hole on the north end of his area of control though Nox was not certain what force caused him to make this request.

Joining the group was Ek, a 2nd level male drow elf mage/theif, Cholakk and a 2nd level male hill dwarf fighter/priest. Ek was an underling to the drow elf hunters under Nox's command. Cholakk was their servant.

With all four weapons of power, now in the hands of the party, the group calculated how to get down the hole. They find the hole dark after the first 60'.

They attempted to lower the second to last of Sir Bluto's henchman with a torch and lantern with continual light cast upon it. The lantern dismisses the darkness revealing magma below with a small ledge around it. The hole is 240 feet deep.

A blade cuts across the hole severing the rope and depositing the henchman into the magma below. Lucky for the henchman, he died from the fall before burning up.

The party next lowered the cable down the hole with a make-shift gondola engineered from one of the rusty doors recovered from the room. The blade again shot across the hole but this time shattered upon the cable.

The party returned to Nox who decided to join the group.

Isiaweil, using the fly spell storing ring, was the first down. Finding the palm prints and placing his hands upon them, he was transported to the fane.

Once he arrived at the fane, he froze up and held his ground without moving.

The party quickly got down the hole, activated the transport and arrived at the fane with Isiaweil.

The ghost of the lost druid appeared and confronted the party. Nox claimed to be Keraptis but the druid dismissed him as an imposter. Nox, believing himself to be Keraptis, attacked the druid.

The party, seeing the obelisk with the images of the four weapons of power chiseled into it, made their move.

Placing the weapons of power into the obelisk, the party watched the baby Keraptis arrive and then immediately get slain and torn apart by the druid of the fane who identified it as the real Keraptis.

The fane begins to collapse as the party escapes. There were several tense moments while the party attempted to climb up the hole with haste. Nox promised Isiawiel a wish if the ranger flew him to safety. Isiaweil took him up on the offer.

The party escaped the mountain. Isiaweil used his wish to bring Markus back from death. Ek was abandoned by his fellow drow elves. He joined the party for lack of better options at this time.

Having recovered the cauldron and defeated Keraptis, the party returned to the Great Swamp in attempts to make a trade with Thingizzard for the holy sword.

The party was apprehensive to enter the Great Swamp. One night, while camped nearby, a troupe of trolls presented itself to the group. Instead of a fight, the party was encouraged to follow them into the swamp. They did.

Once into the swamp some distance, the trolls abandoned the party to their fate.

In the morning, the party realized the swamp had changed and they were lost. They kept getting a fleeting glimpse of a peasant girl in a dress darting away from them in the swamp.

They attempted to follow but unfortunately lost the last of Sir Bluto's henchman to the bog. The henchman fell through the bog and was suddenly overcome by a mummy The party nearly dropped the cauldron down into the bog as well.

Finally, they came upon a small island of soil that held a small wooden cabin surrounded by skulls set upon spears as a make-shift fence.

The group soon met a young girl, identified as Thingizzard, through the parlay. A second, massive hag, was also encountered though she did not identify herself. The party gave much respect to the witches and handed over the cauldren and relayed their story of what occurred in the mountain.

Much to their surprise, the large hag handed over the holy sword the party sought.

The party was able to exit the swamp and return to Midmeadow victorious.

The party now hopes to return to Lendore Island and continue their quest to recovery Peylae and defeat Nebub.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
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From: Minnesota

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Sat Jul 20, 2019 10:27 pm  
Back to Lendore Island

The party made their way back to Lendore Island landing in Restendford.

Tathar Surion and Morwen were able to convince the Church of Pholtus and King Archbold III to send approx. 100 troops and mercenaries (along with a galley) to aid Baroness Andrella. The catch was they (Church of Pholtus) get to claim ownership of the Spiral. The church is funding the expedition at this point.

Breymeer had a side trek as he found himself battling Lycanthropy. He woke up in an inn owners room in Midmeadow. The inn owner and his wife were slain but the children unharmed. He later slew a shepard boy in the Nyrond countryside before he and his companions were able to beat the curse (or so he hopes).

Over the summer of 578 the group returned to Restenford where the campaign restarted as a play by email campaign.

Hopefully it is off an running again.

Lendore Island Adventures – Part 8 – The Return

They arrived at Restenford in three waves over the summer.
First, on Reaping 9th, came Tathar Surion of the Spindrift Isles, Lord and rebuilder of Tur Thar-guldar (AKA Bone Hill Keep), a Sehanine priest and guide to his fallen elvish comrads. The elf lord has sworn to recover Peylae from the clutches of hell iteself.

With Lord Surion is Lady Morwen, also an elf of the Spindrift Isles. Lady Morwen carries the title of advisor to Baroness Andrella and Lake Farmin Mayor Belina.

The two elves brought with them two companies of Nyrondese soldiers.

The first company was sent with the blessings of King Archbold III. It consisted of a war galley, a captain, two lieutenants, and four platoons of two squads each. Each squad had seven soldiers and one sergeant. A total of 67 soldiers of Nyrond. The church of Pholtus promised to fund the campaign.

The second company was sent by the church of Pholtus comprising of the church’s own mercenaries. It consisted of four squads, each with a squad leader and nine foot soldiers. A total of 40 soldiers of Pholtus.
Once ashore, Lord Surion met with Baroness Andrella. The baroness agreed to allow the soldiers to came on the fields just northwest of Restenford. She could not hide her sense of relief to have more defenders for the barony. Duke Nebub has continued to threaten the very existence of the Barony of Restenford. With the assistance of the neighboring dwarves, the elves of Tur Thar-guldar and some politicking, the barony has kept any further assaults forces from entering its borders.

Both Lake Farmin and Restenford itself have been slowly trying to rebuild after attacks late last year (557 C.Y.).

The Church of Pholtus, in return for the soldiers, received permission to investigate the spiral from whence Gosmel ad Nyrond-Rax was recovered from once Duke Nebub has been neutralized.

Baroness Andrella sent runners to the dwarves of the Thesdrorlum clan that guard the mountains to the northeast and the barony’s northern border. The baroness requested a meeting with the clan in Restenford to update them and plan a future campaign against Duke Nebub.

The second group arrived on Reaping 15th. This was the church’s overseers of the troops. The group consisted of Jandre, an adventurous Pholtus priest and field agent. With Jandre was Ergon, a paladin in the service of church and bearer of a holy sword of Pholtus. The sword was recovered from the witch Thingizzard after it was lost to her by a band of thieves. Ergon wears full plate armor and carries his shield with bravery. Stahl was among those that would have been in the leadership of the companies but he was lost in battle under White Plume Mountain.

The third and final group to arrive was the adventurers. They did not arrive until just before the harvest festival week of Brewfest. They arrived two full months after the others, landing ashore on Harvester 24th. They were much delayed by the studying of the mages, Ek and Lexington.

The group consisted of:

Breymeer the Bear, Captain of the Restenford Rangers. A northman, once lost to death, who wears a bear skin cloak of Llerg allowing him to transforms himself into a bear when provoked. Though he wields two axes in combat, his archery skills have saved the party on more than one occasion.

Cholakk, a recent addition to the party. The dwarven warrior/travelling priest has been a stout addition to the group.

Ek, a drow elf. He was recovered from the lava caves below White Plume Mountain. Having been cut off from his people he joined the group as it fled the erupting mountain. Very little is known about the dark elf but so far, he has been reliable. He possesses spell power.

Isiaweil the half-elf ranger and associate to the Restenford Rangers. Isiaweil, also lost once to death when he faced a monstrous crab under White Plume Mountain, was returned to the party through the power of one of the mountains denizens. Isiaweil remains greatly weakened from battles with the undead. His will is damaged and he suffers occasionally from a TBI received while fighting an ettin. Though badly beaten down and broken, the immensely powerful half-elf still fights like a savage. He bears a sword named Hoknuk Gnoth taken from a hobgoblin leader slain in battle.

Lexington Krupps the human mage. Though Lexington has had his disagreements with some other party members, he remains faithful to the group. He has been continuing to group in his spell casting powers. He carries with him two wands. One is a bone wand is quartz tipped and capable of creating several frost/snow related enchantments, much to his enemies demise. The other a wood wand with a glass tip that paralyzes his enemies.

Markus, a half-elf warrior and priest of Kord. He was nearly felled under White Plume Mountain but lived the day. He represents Kord well in battle once joined. The powers of Kord, channeled through Markus have often saved the day. He now carries Sir Bluto’s magical longsword and a steel shield emblazoned with a red border.

Lastly is Seeler, the dwarven warrior that joined the crew under White Plume Mountain. Seeler fears no battle.

Long remembered is Speck, the mischievous halfling. He was slain while battling ghouls under the mountain. His spirit appears to still follows the party looking for the day it may rejoin them in the flesh.

With the long-awaited arrival of the Restenford Ranger Captain and company, Baroness Andrella send an invite to the castle to the leaders of men and the adventuring party. Not one to waste time, the meeting was set for Harvester the 26th, giving everyone Godsday (Harvester 25th) to spend in religious observation. The middle day of each week is Godsday; it is a day of rest and religion during the week; even for the common folk.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
Posts: 381
From: Minnesota

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Fri Oct 18, 2019 8:16 pm  
Baroness Andrella's meeting

The morning of Waterday, the 26th of Harvester, breaks with a light breeze off the sea and cloudy skies. Like so many days the adventurers have faced, the skies threaten rain.

Each of the members of the party prepare themselves for the meeting with the baroness and then make their way to the castle.

The soldiers at the castle gate are a more serious lot than they had been. The onslaught against Restenford cost many locals their lives and many buildings were lost to fire, including the castle’s barn and guardhouse. Both are in the process of being rebuilt.

The meeting hall is near standing room only before the three-tiered dais upon which Barnoness Andrella sits. The barnoness sits in her father, Grellus’, seat while her mother, Fairwind’s, seat sits empty. The barnoness is dressed in a fine gown with her long brown hair pulled up in braids that wrap around her head under her simple golden headband. She appears tired and stressed.

The Captain of the Guard, Gelpas, stands behind Fairwind’s thorne, at Baroness Andrella’s side wearing his shining chain mail armor. At his side is sheathed a decorative long sword. Gelpas gives a faint sigh of relief as Breymeer enters. It is good to have the Captain of the Restenford Rangers back, along with the rest of his companions. Sorely missed is the two elvish blooded mages, Cirdan Saralonde and Grimlock; whose magic nearly single handedly saved both Lake Farmin and Restenford.

One the second tier of the dais sits the wizard Pelltar in his prescribed chair. He soberly nods at the arrival of the party. The only other chair on this level holds a smiling Dalic Steelcoat. Not one to hold his emotion, Dalic gives out a shout to his previous travelling companions, “Time ta be bringin’ out da ‘Fear Lantern’ me boys!” Pelltar quickly casts a disapproving glance at Dalic and he calms himself.

Curate Almon, from the Phaulkon Abbey, is upon the lowest level of the dais. Standing beside him wearing chain mail armor, with his hand resting on his weathered flail, is Krelar, champion of the abbey.
Finally, the last two persons on the third tier are Almax, the half-elf druid, who is seated, and Amos, his son and fellow druid.

The final person in attendance on behalf of the baroness is Belina, Mayor of Lake Farmin and Lieutenant of the Restenford Rangers; second in command after Breymeer. Belina stands at the base of the dais to the audiences right. She wears a dress instead of armor today befitting her political title. Her curly red hair falls upon her shoulders.

Belina’s emotions towards Breymeer are betrayed the moment she sees him; turning red with the comfort of seeing him.
The party enters the room without practiced etiquette.

Breymeer, being a captain of the barony, enters first. His eyes are immediately upon Belina. Breymeer winks at Bellina but refrains from taking her into a bear hug in order to not damage the professionalism of the moment.

Next to Breymeer is the heavily cloaked and hooded Ek; Breymeer’s henchman. The elf wears a hooded cloak low over his face and drops out of line near the back left corner of the room. Though not threatening in nature, the move in noticed by Gelpas, the Captain of the Guard. The captain makes other motion or indication of planned action.

Following Breymeer is the Elvish Lord and Sehanine Priest, Tathar Surion and the advisor Lady Morwan Alcerin.

Lord Tathar has his face blackened and his eyes surrounded with silvery moons, indicating he is about to depart on an adventure. He wears pants and a blouse the silvery color of the Sehanine elves and his elven chainmail can be seen, by the keen observer, underneath. He also wears a silvery floor length cape with the symbol of Sehanine on the back. He carries his quarter staff with his backpack and horn wood bow. These he deposits by the door, before entering the chamber.

Morwen Alcerin is with Tathar, but had no obvious travel gear. She appears to be ready for court. While she is normally a very beautiful lady, she has quite outdone herself today. Her hair done up, jewelry on and she wears a silvery Elvish gown with a red sash. She throws beaming smiles at the other members of the group that she knows.

As Tathar sets down his backpack and heads into the chamber, Morwen takes his hand into hers and walks in by his side. For those taking notice, Tathar gently tries to remove his hand but Morwen holds firm and Tathar quickly relents, letting the she-elf have her way. Morwen beams brightly at her victory, while Tathar blushes and looks somewhat uncomfortable.
The next to enter are Ergon and Jandre. Ergon’s armor is freshly polished and shines. Both stand as rigid as their deity’s moral code.

Markus and Isiaweil enter together followed by Cholakk and Seeler, the dwarves.

On the heels of the dwarves is a long-lost friend; the gnome Esned.
Lexinton Krupps enters. The teenage human appears wise beyond his young years. He is inwardly pleased to see Pelltar present; knowing the wizard is sometimes known to take in fellow mages for study and training.

Lastly, enters Vicros, the half elf rescued from the sea-side orc compound. Set free by Grimlock and Noble Circan Saralonde, Vicros was advised by them to sail to Restenford. His sense of adventure, and name dropping, has brought him to this meeting.

Lady Andrella makes her greetings. “Captain Breymeer. It is good to hear of your return and see you are well. Your new friend there, she nods to the corner in which Ek has placed himself, is not an overly welcome guest. However, we survived the introduction to Dalic Steelcoat so, therefore, Breymeer, if you vouch for this elf’s worth, he shall remain unmolested by my forces.”

She continues speaking to Breymeer, “I wish to speak to you in private at the conclusion to this meeting.” Her face is calm and her voice even. Nothing is betrayed to indicate if the meeting bodes well or not.

“Tathar Surion, Lord of Tur Thar-guldar and honorable priest of Sehanine, welcome.”

“Lady Morwen Alcerin. I am grateful to see you and Lord Surion back. I see your travels together have brought you closer together.” The baroness smiles kindly.

“Isiaweil. We will be truly blessed if you have returned home to the island to continue your services to the Restenford Rangers. We may be looking for more commanders in our unit should this interest you.”

“Esned. Your bravery in the past is commendable. If you should wish to continue on serving the interests of Restenford, you will be very welcome to do so.”

“Lexington Krupps. You still have the bearing of a young man but you appear to me to be much more worldly. Your travels have served you well I imagine. Your service to Restenford would also be greatly welcomed.”

“Vicros. You are a stranger to me. It has been told to me that you were rescued from an orc compound by none other than Grimlock and his noble companion Cirdan Saralonde. This barony remains standing because of the actions of those who rescued you. It is by name alone that you are welcomed into this court at this time. If it is adventure you seek, you have come to the right place.”

“Markus, you remain relatively unknown to me. You travel with heroes. I shall assume you are of the same caliber. You wear the markings of a priest of Kord. I can only assume you have earned such a position. We can only benefit from one of you fighting spirit.”

“Cholakk and Seeler. Though you are not of the local Thesdrorlum clan that aids in protecting our northern border, you are welcome at my court. Until recently, I have had little to do with dwarves and their ways. I have learned this though, you are a brave and honorable people that once set upon a task, do not relent until the task is complete. I hope you choose to give us your aid.”

“Finally, Jandre, honorable priest of Pholtus and Sir Ergon, holy warrior of Pholtus. I welcome both of you and the warriors you have brought with you. I hope this new alliance bodes well for Restenford and your church.” Baroness Andrella looks out of the corner of her eye at Pelltar who returns her look with a blank face. Meanwhile Curate Almon looks upon the two Pholtus followers with guarded curiosity. Almax, the druid, shifts uncomfortably in his chair. The contempt on his face for the followers of such a rigid deity is obvious.

The baroness, having finished her greetings, asks a simple question, “I must know who wishes to stand and fight for Restenford. I assume that those in attendance today stand for the freedom of Restenford against the evil forces that have taken over Kroten. I ask of each of you, do you pledge to continue the fight against the fiend, Duke Nebub?”

“If each of you affirms this commitment, you may remain here now. Those that wish to continue with their lives elsewhere are free to leave this court. You must now choose. Shall you stay or shall you go?”

Morwen nods her commitment.

Esned as well, “I am ready for more adventuring!”

Cholack speaks, “I honor a temporary call of service to the causes of the barony. However, I chose to remain behind and aid with local defenses, patrols and possibly as a liaison to the local dwarven clans. If you find need of my services Baroness Andrella, please send for me. I shall be staying in town for the time being.”

“I dare not leave my companions to their own devices without my aid,” comments Markus. “I pledge my loyalty to them. I find the plight of the barony a most worthy affair and for a priest of Kord.”

Jandre quickly takes a step forward and adds, “Pholtus’ name shall also be honored. Ergon and I shall fight against the dark forces in your defense and for the glory of Pholtus!”

“I am in!” boldly states Breymeer. “I vouch for all present. I assure you that Ek has his reason for not wanting to be front and center. He will cause ill will.” With that, Breymeer glances at Ek with a look letting him know misbehavior is not an option.

Isiaweil’s will being broken, lacks much for enthusiasm. He simply nods. Isiaweil is in.

Lexington Krupps confirms he is in.

Seeler, showing the bravery of the dwarves, is in.

Vicros stands solemnly, knowing his verbal contributions would not help the situation. He looks around, watching for others answers. He watches Cholack back out of the quest. Vicros briefly considers leaving himself. He shifts a leather bag he carries around his back. The load the bag carries is heavy; likely books. His sword is sheathed in a very plain sheath that barely pokes out from underneath his cloak. He carries it generally concealed.

After a pause, Vicros, with conviction in his eyes, agrees to aid the quest.

Tathar clears his throat. "I hold in my hand written proof of the lineage of Paylae, daughter of Ledago. She is the rightful heir to the throne in Kroton." Tathar holds up a bone case scroll. "I now present this to Baroness Andrella for safekeeping. I trust, baroness, that you will know what to do with it at the right time." Tathar turns to Breymeer and hands him the scroll to present to the Baroness.

Breymeer moves forward and hands the scroll to Belina, who, in turn, passes it up to Baroness Andrella. The baroness holds it for the moment without reading it. She waits for Tathar to finish speaking.

Speaking louder, and a bit more authority he continues. "Paylae died in the dwarven delve, or so we thought." Tathar pauses and looks over the people present to ensure he has everyone's attention.

"The Lunar Lady, Sehanine Moonbow, Lady of Dreams, has seen fit to bless me, her unworthy servant' with a vision!" He almost yells the last word, and all can see that the zealot is working himself up into a frenzy. As if noticing it himself, Tathar calms himself. He pauses for a moment, looks at the floor and takes a deep breath. Letting it out he looks up again and continues.

"Paylae was taken into hell itself by the bone devils that lived in the delve. She is there body and soul, but she is kept alive to be tortured as sport for the evil denizens that live there." Morwen gasps and covers her mouth at this news.

"Sahanine, The Mystic Seer, would not have shown me this if she did not wish me to right this wrong. I will do so or die trying."

Now, I do not know how to access the realm of hell. If I were to travel North to the Forbidden Island my superiors may know the way but I am hoping that one of the other priests present might know how to solve this riddle. Further, I am not so arrogant as to think that I could survive there on my own. I beg my friends and colleagues and anyone who will listen to lend your aid in this noble Quest."

He pauses again and looks around the room singling out the priests of the different deities that are represented. Please sirs, let us work together. We will do good for the world, and maybe learn about each other so that we may grow in our own faiths and in the tolerance of the faiths of others."

Lexington Krupp digs into his pocket and raises up the shriveled little finger of Speck, “I did not know him well, definitely not as well as some here. If he were brought back, his prowess’s may be helpful in whatever your plans.”

Lady Andrella smiles, “If I had a way, I would certainly welcome Speck back. He has served this barony well. I wish you well in that quest.”

To the group she continues, “As I wish you all well on the defeat of Nebub!” She holds up the scroll case given to her by Tathar. “I will hold this until Nebub is destroyed. May Peylae reign in his stead.”

“I do not have any suggestions in regards to getting to Kroten. I am afraid the tactics and logistics will be up you all of you. I can tell you both roads into Kroten from Restenford are heavily guarded and fortified. My only advise is to try and find a way around them or by deceit and deception.”

“Rest well and may you be blessed on your quest. I thank you for all you have done and all you endeavor to do.”

Baroness Andrella closes with, “Captain Breymeer, please remain behind for a moment.”

With that, the group is dismissed to prepare for their adventure.

Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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From: LG Dyvers

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Sun Nov 03, 2019 3:11 pm  

I am enjoying the adventures herein, though I am not yet through the 2nd page.

Please tell me that Ide Otneaux is pronounced, "I don't know.". 😁

Additionally, I find it curious that the party is willing to split up so often. That tactic seems to have proven disastrous in the ruins on Bone Hill. Now, they are doing it again when assaulting the dwarven mine. 🤨

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Adept Greytalker

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Mon Nov 04, 2019 11:06 pm  

Yes. I was attempting to get my ex-wife (we were still married at the time) involved by making a character for her. I asked her to name a character and she simply said, "I don't know." Ide Otneaux seemed appropriate.

As for splitting up, they do know better but find themselves apart often anyway it seems.

For a little while the game went away from play by email to tabletop and I didn't take very detailed notes so the story gets paraphrased and loses a lot of detail. Mostly for the White Plume Mountain side trek.

Winter has come early to Minnesota this year. I am hoping to get things rolling at a faster pace again soon. Kroten, here they come!

Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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From: LG Dyvers

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Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:09 am  

Okay, the party just got hit by a fireball in the dwarven mine. Some of the PCs made their Save and some did not, but all had some of their equipment destroyed by the explosion. I remember rules to the effect of only the equipment of individuals failing their Save need roll a Save of its own. I am not sure what edition of the rules you are using. Is it different than I remember, or are you 'house ruling' it?

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Adept Greytalker

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Thu Nov 07, 2019 12:13 pm  

I guess I would have to consider that a house rule if it goes against the written rule. I played it that if the player saves, they have sheltered themselves enough to take half damage; however, their exposed armor, equipment, weapons, etc are still in the area of effect and, to me, therefore subject to a save as well.

For example, a character may hide behind his shield, exposing the shield. Or maybe the character balled up and hid his exposed body parts but his backpack, though sheltering the body, is exposed to the flame and heat.

Just the way I play it I guess.

Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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Thu Nov 07, 2019 7:04 pm  

I didn't mean to sound critical, just curious.

By the way, what edition of the rules are you using?

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Adept Greytalker

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Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:27 pm  

I wasn't intending on sounding defensive, sorry.

I use 2nd edition (nod to Lanthorn) rules but still reference 1st edition a lot. I lot of my houserules are stolen from 3rd or 5th edition. I have a copy of player's handbook, dmg and monster manual from all the editions just out of curiosity sake if nothing else.
Adept Greytalker

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Sat Feb 15, 2020 9:22 pm  

Breymeer looks unexpectedly uncomfortable as the rest of the adventurers file out of the meeting, eventually exiting the castle.

Belina’s smile turns to a concerned look for her fellow Restenford Ranger. She hugs him warmly and whispers in his ear.

After releasing Breymeer, Belina looks to the rest of the group, “I am staying at the Inn of the Dying Minotaur. Come, have a drink with me while you plan your expedition.” She gives one more playful look over her shoulder and Breymeer. The corners of her lips curl up into a flirtatious smile.

Considering most of the group has taken up residence at the same Inn since arrival two days prior, it will not be hard for Belina to convince most of the group to join her at least in going to the inn. Of those not staying at the inn are the dwarves who stay at Falco’s Tavern. They chose the tavern, renting two of its four available rooms, since the owners were fellow dwarves. Jandre and Ergon have been staying with the troops at the northern encampment since they arrived two months prior. Tathar Surion is staying at the inn overnight though he had been at Tur Thar-guldar. Morwen has been staying at the inn when in town or in Lake Farmin or Tur Thar-guldar when away.

Following Belina out are Curate Alman and his champion Krelar. Behind them are Almax the druid and his son Amos.

Staying behind with the baroness are Captain Gelpas, Pelltar and Dalic.

To Breymeer:

Belina’s smile turns to a concerned look for her fellow Restenford Ranger. She hugs him warmly and whispers in his ear, “I would like to visit with you later. Come find me before I must leave back for Lake Farmin.”

Baroness Andrella smiles warmly at Breymeer, “So captain, please tell me of your travels. What can you tell me of your companions? I am most interested in the ones I do not know. Especially that dark elf you bring into my council.”

She continues without waiting for him to answer, “Also, tell me of Isiaweil. He has long been a friend to the Restenford Rangers. Is he well?”

The group exits the castle complex and begins to descend the hill. The devastation from the raid on town had fallen mostly on the northeastern section of town between the hill that holds the Phaulkon Abbey and the hill upon which rests Restenford Castle. The third and final hill that dominates the town is the home of Almax and his family. Most of the damaged buildings have been repaired while those that were burned to the ground are in various states of construction; if not left as vacant lots.

As the group levels off at the base of the hill and turns easterly towards the inn, Jandre positions himself to be close to Tathar. The Pholtus priest speaks to the face painted Sehanine priest while they walk.

Jandre speaks openly enough that the group can hear him, “Nyrond has been confronted with the fiend worshiping enemies in the once Great Kingdom. Though I have not personally done battle with something from the hells, I have had some education regarding fiends. If this Nebub is truly a fiend, I believe the road to hell must lead through him. I would assume he must have some connection or access to the hells in some fashion, manner or form. The trouble will be finding it or recognizing it for what it is. At least, that is my assumption. I, nor my paladin companion, would shy from an opportunity to shine the light of Pholtus upon the hells.”

A voice calls down from the castle wall, “Belina, your presence is requested again.”

Looking back, the group can see Belina, Almax the druid. Amos, the Curate Alman and Krelar have also exited the castle and are walking downhill behind the adventurers.

Belina pauses, gives a farewell greeting to her companions and re-enters the castle.

With the interruption in his thought, Jandre ends his statement, “Honorable Ergon and I are going to find some supplies for the quest. We can continue this conversation at the inn.” Jandre gives a look at Ek before finishing with, “In private if necessary.”

Breymeer addresses the baroness, “The news I have for you I bring with a heavy heart. Our battles have taken a heavy toll on many of us. First of all, Isaiweil was lost under White Plume Mountain and returned to us through the power of one of the mountains inhabitants. His will is severely damaged from battle with an Ettin. Despite his challenges, he remains a trustworthy battle partner and continues to fight for the cause."

"The dark elf Ek was rescued from the mountain and since joining our group has been a reliable asset and possesses a certain set of skills I foresee being very useful. I will however keep an ever watching eye on him."

Breymeer pauses and takes a deep breath before continuing, "The following story is for the most trusted ears only and I ask that we retire to a comfortable setting where I can revive my story over a glass of whiskey. If you don't object, I ask that Bellina be present."
The baroness maintains a stoic face for a moment while seemingly studying Breymeer and reflecting upon his remarks. “Captain Gelpas, send a runner for Belina.”

Captain Gelpas steps down from the dais. While walking past Breymmer, he pauses and places his hand on the ranger’s shoulder, “It is good to have to you back captain.” With that he continues quickly out of the chamber to complete the task given him.

“Pelltar, my trusted advisor,” begins Baroness Andrella.

“Yes, Baroness. I believe Dalic and I have some business to attend to in my tower.” The baroness nods as Pelltar stands and he and Dalic leave the chamber leaving Captain Breymeer and Baroness Andrella alone.

“Come with me captain.” Baroness Andrella stands and removes a key from her gown and walks to a door at the rear of the dais. Breymeer climbs the dais and accompanies her through the door once unlocked.
The door opens to a windowless stone hallway lit by torches in sconces. The hallway turns immediately 90 degrees to the left. The left wall is lined with six doors not counting the one Breymeer just walked through. The end of the hallway turns left again and disappears from view. Judging by the distance, it is likely the outer wall of the castle.

The baroness leads Breymeer down the hallway to the fourth door on the left. Unlocking it with the same key, she enters a small room, ten feet wide and twenty feet deep. There is a door on the far end of the room. The center of the room has a large table and four padded chairs. The side walls have comfortable looking divans against them. The walls have murals on them; the left being that of the castle while the right is of the nearby countryside. Finally in one corner of the room is a small table with several bottles and glasses upon it.

Almost immediately, a woman enters. She is kindly in appearance. “What may I get you Baroness?” she asks.

“I will have water but please pour our good captain a whiskey.”

The servant does as instructed, bringing the beverages to the center table where the ranger and the baroness take seats in the padded chairs.

The baroness introduces the woman to Breymeer, “This is Marie, Captain Gelpas’ wife. And this, Marie, is Captain Breymeer of our rangers.” Marie gives a polite bow, “My husband has spoken well of you Captain Breymeer.” With that, she gives a second slight bow and exits the room.

Breymeer and the baroness make small talk for a few minutes until Belina arrives; guided by Marie. Belina dismisses Marie, and pours two whiskeys. She sits next to Breymeer and places one drink in front of herself and the other in front of Breymeer to replace the now empty glass he holds.

Breymeer shares with Belina and the baroness the battle with the wolf beast and how he was injured by it. He explains the killings and his belief that he is responsible for them though he does not remember anything about the events other than vague haunting dreams. Breymeer explains how his friends aided him in attempting to cure himself of the lycanthropy and his intent to make right the unintentional harm he caused. Finally, Breymeer asks the baroness if she has any advice for him.

“I know little of lycanthropy. You may wish to seek counsel from Almax the druid. He is a trusted friend.”

Breymeer continues, "What gets me through each day is the knowledge that the evil acts committed were not my doing but caused by evil forces. I have taken revenge and killed the creature that caused my evil acts and have sought a cure for the force that took over my body. I will continue to make sure I am cured and continue to fight for those oppressed by similar forces. I will continue to banish evil forces from the land.”

The ranger takes a sip of the whiskey, “As for the inn keeper’s lives and farmers that lost their stock, nothing I do will heal the human losses, or the weight I bear for having a hand in it. I have left those effected with financial support and will continue to make sure they want for nothing. I intend to monitor the lives of those affected either in person or through hired couriers and they will find themselves taken care of."

Breymeer ends his words by standing up and slamming a fist on the table, "I will delve into the depths of hell and do everything in my power to defeat evil....and Nebub….and anything else that gets in my way or die trying......and time will tell if that's enough to put me at ease." Breymeer downs the rest of his whiskey.

For a moment, Breymeer’s hands begin to transform, his palms grow thicker and broader while his fingers shorten. His face begins to draw into a snout as he lets out a forceful growl that rattles the bottles on the table in the corner of the room.

Baroness Andrella leaps backwards and draws a dagger in the same instant while beginning to mutter something Breymeer doesn’t understand.

Belina leaps up and draws forth her sword in a flash of steel. She nimble moves around the table; taking up a position between the baroness and the ranger. She holds he blade out towards Breymeer, “Hold Breymeer, we are your allies.”

As quickly as it came on, Breymeer’s features return to normal.

Putting his hands up and putting on a trusting, partially smiling fact, Breymeer assures the two women, “Fear not my trusted friends. It is not the evil force you just witnessed, but the powers of the cloak upon my shoulders. I have learned to control its power over time; a power created by worshippers of the Suel deity Llerg. It is the same cloak that turned me into a bear allowing me to have the power to defeat the wolf beast and ending the beast’s evil once and for all. I assure you there is no threat. Please, return to your seats.”

Belina slowly lowers her sword as Breymeer sits back down. He empties his whiskey and nods towards the bottle on the far table indicating his wish to have another.

The baroness remains standing, seemingly studying Breymeer’s face. Belina remains on guard for a short period of time before walking, sword still in hand, slowly to the whiskey bottle on the far table.

Belina carries the bottle over to Breymeer though she keeps the table between them. She sets the bottle on the table and Breymeer calmly pours himself another drink. “I think a visit to Almax is in order my dear Breymeer,” is all she manages to say.

Jandre spends the afternoon checking on the troops marshalled in the field north of town.

Ergon and Seeler each spend some time purchasing gear before returning to the inn for a meal and some beer.

Tathar, Morwen, Isiaweil, Esned, Lexington, Ek, Markus, and Vicros all head directly to the inn.

The Inn of the Dying Minotaur is a large inn. It is all of eighty feet wide and forty-five feet across. A modest stable sits behind the inn. The inn has two stories. The left-hand side of the main floor is the common room. The right-hand side contains the kitchen, owner and servant quarters and several rental rooms. The upstairs of the inn is all rental rooms. The inn has thirteen rental units.

The common room has a double door entry. The heavy wood doors open outwardly. The bar extends forward, from just right of the entry doors, nearly the length of the room; some thirty feet. It is lined with sixteen barstools; fifteen along its length and one at the far end. Centered on the wall behind the bar is a stuffed head of a minotaur. A large heavy rectangular wood table sits in the center of the room, ahead and slightly left of one entering the room from outside. It can easily sit a dozen people. On the near and far end of the rectangular table are two smaller circular tables; each seating eight people. To the left of the door is a smaller rectangular table that seats six. On the left wall are two rectangular tables that seat eight each. Between the tables on the west wall is a large fireplace. On the north wall, across the room from the entry door, are two more rectangular tables that seat eight each. Finally, in the corners to the near and far left side are round tables that seat ten each. The room is can sit 102 people.

The owner of the inn, one Gellcuff, is a talkative man of Suel decent. He comes across very friendly if not slightly cracked. He often claims to have slain the minotaur mounted on the wall single-handedly though the story often changes in details. He dresses in simple clothing topped with an open front brown leather vest. On his belt is sheathed a dagger.
Gellcuff has two serving girls working the bar area. Both are of Suel blood; commoners in appearance though both attractive enough. This being one of the better eateries in town, both young women make a decent living.

The rooms are very clean and comfortable. Gellcuff has a relatively large selection of food items to choose from and all are of fine quality. His ales, beer, wine and mead are all of fine quality.

Gellcuff is obviously proud of his inn and he runs the business very soberly regardless of his somewhat strange personality.

Currently, the inn is sparsely populated. A couple of local men sit together at the bar eating. The waitresses are busying themselves cleaning the tables and moping the floor. Gellcuff is not in sight.

Baroness Andrella agrees, “Yes, Breymeer the Bear, Captain of the Restenford Rangers, I very much would like Almax to speak to you about this, er, cloak. I wish to have his opinion in regards to what kind of affect it has on you.”

She walks to the table and pours herself a small glass of whiskey, her hands shaking slightly as she does so, though it is obvious she is trying to hide the adrenaline reaction. She takes a sip before continuing, “You see Captain Breymeer, I have a proposition for you. The western lands near Lo Reltarma remain open and generally unprotected. I wish to grant you the title of Lord Breymeer and direct you to build a castle in the highlands overlooking the plains and western road.”
“Does this interest you?” The baroness studies Breymeer’s face while she waits his answer.

Breymeer looks at the Baroness with an appreciative and humbled look, “I am honored and humbled by your offer Baroness. And, yes, I accept and pledge to fulfill your requests to the best of my ability. And request I also have the opportunity to assist our group in completing our unfinished business. I assure you, a meeting with Almax will happen at the first opportunity.”

Belina looks pleased.

Baroness Andrella clarifies, “Yes, Breymeer, I intend to send you on this mission first. You will have certainly earned the title Lord Breymeer should you complete it. However, I order you to visit Almax immediately upon leaving the castle. Belina will walk you over there.”

She finishes her whiskey with a quick toss back of her head. Though she winces some, she manages to keep her royal composure. “Fair thee well Breymeer. I pray I will see you again in victory and health.”

With that, the baroness exits the room to the hallway.

Belina sheaths her sword and gives Breymeer a smile, “Well now. You have your orders Looord Breymeer.” She draws out the word in jest to her fellow Ranger.

Breymeer begins walking by his fellow Ranger, “We must have time for me to buy you a few more drinks and a steak Belina. Been a long time away from the finer things in life.” He gives her a wink and a smack on the ars.

Belina blushes and winks back but then says in a more serious tone, “I just want to make sure I don’t end up the steak. We shall go directly to Almax and then the inn. I promise. If it gets too late, we can skip dinner and you can tuck me into bed.”

Belina leads Breymeer the Bear out of the castle. She turns towards the eastern hill.
Adept Greytalker

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Sat Feb 15, 2020 9:34 pm  

Breymeer consents, “Alrighty then. Almax it is.”

The duo walks past the Tavern of the West Wind before turning north and climbing the small hill upon which rests the Almax family home.
They walk past some peasant housing before entering the small grove that houses Almax home. Just outside the grove, to the east, is a second house that houses a widowed woman. A sheltered grove of deciduous trees form a relatively tight circle behind the house. A small path leads to, and disappears into, the grove.

Almax is in the yard tending to some autumn flower gardens and pruning some roses. He looks up and greets you warmly, “What do the two leading Rangers wish of a simple man?”

Eventually Amox, Almax son whom with the group travelled with previously, exits the home with a pitcher of water and several glasses. Strangely, he is dressed in studded leather armor and has his scimitar sheathed on his belt. Almax exits behind his son.

Amos sets the water down on the table and takes up a position at the front door of the house.

Almax sits at the table with Belina and Breymeer.

Breymeer speaks first, “I have no doubt you will be able to help after the way the Baroness explained your character. Please understand, I expect nothing and appreciate your efforts. There are a couple of other items on which I could use your expertise if you choose to oblige. My constitution has taken a hit and maybe you could help me determine how to regain my health. I also have this sea hag’s dagger and this leaf ring which I came upon in my travels.” Breymeer shows both items to Almax.
“I have an inkling that the ring can help my vision but other than that, I know nothing about the items and maybe upon your inspection, you could shed some light as to their value and possible abilities.”

“Once your inspections are complete, please set with me and Belina and let us talk of less serious and more enjoyable topics. I have a very fine bottle of whiskey I would like to share with you.”

Finally, Breymeer concludes, “As you may know Master Almax, I am a steward of the land and respect all things wild. Please, if you wish, educate me on the plants you have in this impressive garden and specifically the ones that can be of medicinal value. We are about to attempt to confront Nebub, would you have anything in your garden that could be of assistance to me and my companions during the next stage of our journey? I expect we will be challenged by all things evil and predict the need for healing against everything imaginable.”

Almax shortens Breymeer’s list some, “I have little in the knowledge of magic and weaponry. I would suggest you speak to Pelltar in reference to those items. Or even your own Lexington Krupps. He may be of assistance.”

“I may be able to help with your lost health,” Almax smiles warmly before allowing the kind gesture to fade, “First we shall deal with your possible wolf-curse.”

Almax attempts to ease the situation, “I have my son here for fear the beast takes over Breymeer. In the event it does, my son and I will first attempt to make peace with the beast. However, should it rage, we will defend our hearth and home. Belina, as a servant of Baroness Andrella, I expect your assistance as well.”

After letting the sobering information settle upon Breymeer’s mind, he continues, “I wish to examine your shape changing. I have some knowledge in this realm. Shall we continue?”

Once the serving girls have taken the orders and headed for the bar, the group begins to relax a little bit.

It is then that Vicros makes a statement, “I am honored to have been spoken for so favorably. However, I have thought more about the adventure you are about to take part in. I fear I may be more of a hindrance that of value. You have travelled together for some time. I know not where I would fit in. I am going to remain here in Restenford and learn of the local history. I would surely enjoy spending the evening drinking and entertaining with you fine people if allowed.”
<Vicros has chosen to sit out this adventure do to the player’s busy schedule.>

“Proceed my good man,” is Breymeer’s reply.

Almax requests Breymeer to exhibit the changing of man to bear using the powers of the cloak. Breymeer focuses on the bear within him and completes the transformation into a very large bear; nearing 10’ tall. Almax is intrigued but by no means startled by the sudden transformation.
Breymeer remains in control of his mind during the tests. Belina and Amos stand by at the ready should something amiss happen. Having done as told, Breymeer turns back into his human form.

“There are several ways for which a man can change into a beast. Your cloak, for example is one. The curse of lycanthropy is another. You seem to have been affected by both. There are yet other ways in which a man enters the animal realm though they are not our focus today.”

“Captain Breymeer, would you try something for me?” questions Amax. “Would you please remove the cloak and then make your most valiant effort to change back into a bear. Focus on the energies you have felt during your transformations whether they were to a bear or a wolf.”

Both Ergon and Seeler go about their business of restocking their adventuring supplies.

Seeler gathers up everything he believes he needs before he is drawn back to the inn for food and beverage.

Ergon also gathers supplies but then walks to the encampment on the north end of Restenford. There he finds Jandre and requests of the priest holy water.

Jandre agrees, “Yes. For where we are about to travel, holy water seems appropriate. It will take me a couple days to try and find Pholtus favor. May we be blessed with his gifts. Return tomorrow evening.”
Ergon then returns to the inn.

The group is just finishing up with their meal and making their second or third beverage order when Seeler, the dwarf, enters the establishment and takes up a seat at the table to the south of the fireplace. One table away from the Tathar and crew.

Seeler orders an enormous plate of food and does not hesitate to dive into the drinking.

Later, maybe an hour or so after Seeler arrived, Ergon enters the building and follows suit; placing a food and beverage order. He sits at the table with Seeler, on the side facing the exterior door.

By this time, several other townfolk have started to enter the building. A group of fisherman entered and are then joined by Zahrdahl, the fish dealer who had accompanied the group north to Grest. During that adventure the party faced off against a horde of hobgoblins, burning down the barn at Zerman’s crossing in the process. They sit at the table to the north of the bar; in the northeastern end of the common room.
Perk, the town bowyer, enters and takes a seat at the southern end of the bar. Perk, a high elf, gives a respectful nod to Tathar as he scans the room and sits to order.

The waitresses busy themselves about the room. Gellcuff has since returned to man the bar and spin his tales.

The group only now awaits Breymeer and Belina.

Breymeer removes the bear skinned cloak, “I will attempt the bear transformation without my cloak as you request though I do not believe it will work.”

“However, if there is any chance during our attempts of the wolf form coming back, I would request more warriors standing by.”

“My dear Breymeer,” begins Almax, “I would not endanger the town should I think you would be transforming into a wolf. In any event, the three of us are not easily trifled with.”

“From what you have described to me, I believe you will not become a wolf. However, I do fear there is something more to you than meets the eye.”

Breymeer, having been convinced Almax knows what he is doing, attempts to transform into a bear. At first, the ranger does not have much of an inkling that anything will happen. But, quickly, Breymeer recognizes the now recognizable feeling of transformation.

Breymeer finds himself once again in bear form. He finds himself to have the body of a grizzly bear, standing some 7 ½ feet tall. Breymeer has his own mind and recognizes Belina, Almax and Amos as friends. In fact, he finds his bond to them strong, knowing they are protectors of the woodland realm as is he.

Almax smiles at Breymeer the bear, “Now, my friend, change back please.”

Breymeer finds he, without much effort, returns to his human form.
Almax greets him again, “Dear Breymeer, I feel the powers of nature, or possibly even the hand of Llerg, have been twisted upon you. Whether it was the werewolf’s curse, the Llerg bear cloak or a combination of both, I believe you have become a werebear. Not cursed, mind you, but a true master with control over the beast.”

<Breymeer’s alignment changed to Chaotic-Good>

Breymeer questions, “Werebear? I feel I have much more control of this change that has been set upon me. My dear Almax, the more I know the better. What can you tell me, if anything, about unique abilities, limitations and dangers that I can expect to deal with when changed?”

Almax takes a breath. “Well, the good news is, I believe you will remain an trusted friend to the barony. Though I believe you to remain independent of thought, your heart will remain in the right place. A keep on the edge of the barony may be just the place for you after all.”
“Be warned though! If I am correct, the ability to change is in your blood and soul now. Should you claw or bite someone, there is a chance you may bring them into your fold. Also, any children you bear will most certainly carry this trait with them as well.”

“Obviously, your fellow man may find this situation a curse and most difficult to comprehend. Those you seek to protect may turn on you. I would keep this revelation most private. You can trust we here will keep it sheltered as long as you are honorable to your oath to the barony.”

“I believe you will not be beholden to the moon since that part of the curse has left you after your friends intervened with prayer. Nor should you, with luck, be drawn into a blood lust that overwhelms your mind.”

“It is in your best interest to keep your cloak and hide your powers with it. Those around you are used to its ability to change you. Let them continue to believe so. Trust no one else with this lest you open yourself to betrayal.”

Almax’s serious look fades into a smile, “Now my good ranger captain. Pour us some of that fine whiskey and let us walk among the garden and I shall pick you items for your healer’s pouch. As for your constitution, unless you are simply looking for some healing of wounds, I believe you will have to return to me at another time. I can research your request and see what I learn.”

“What again is it that caused your ill health?”

Breymeer answers the druid, “Ever since my visit to Valhalla, I have felt a slight weight upon me. For a time, I passed from my body and visited the halls of my fallen fathers. Since my return, I feel not whole.”

Almax smiles and places his hand upon Breymeer’s shoulder as the ranger pours out several glasses of fine whiskey; handing them out as he does so. The druid speaks soothingly, “Dear Breymeer, I will see what I can do to help you and hopefully have an answer for you upon your return. Understand though, you only escaped death for a time. It will, one day, find you again. Your feelings may just be a gentle reminder that we all shall find entrance to our father’s halls one day whether we wish it or not.”

Breymeer nods understanding and holds up his glass in a silent toast. Almax, Amos and Belina all join him in turning their glassed up. Breymeer refreshes each cup as the four of them walk among the garden.
Almax gathers up several herbs and spices that he feels will aid Breymeer; giving him a quick tutorial on the uses of each. Finally, he gives Breymeer some Belladonna. “If the wolf should find you again, this may help save you. Eat it all but then prepare for its side effects. They are a rough row to hoe. Do not eat more than I have given you or it may be even more harmful to you.”

The foursome finish in the garden. Breymeer stows what remains of his bottle and he and Belina bid the father and son goodbye. Almax calls out to Breymeer as he walks away, “Come back dear Breymeer once your mission is complete. I shall give you lessons in botany.” Breymeer looks over his shoulder and nods to the affirmative. His gaze remains for a moment on the beauty of the gardens and trees under Almax care. Taking a breath of resolve, the ranger breaks his gaze, smiles at the druid and turns boldy towards his destiny.

The two leaders of the Restenford Rangers descend the hill and walk to the Dying Minotaur to join their friends in a final night of rest before setting out to bring low Nebub, Duke of Kroten.

After what seems like an extended delay, but not more than an hour or two after Seeler and Ergon arrive, Breymeer and Belina walk in together. Breymeer scans the room and gives a respectful nod towards the local townfolk that live under the protection he helps provide.

As Breymeer and Belina entered the inn, Ergon and Seeler rose from their seats. As the couple approach the table, the paladin and the dwarf give the rangers a warm greeting. All four warriors sit after Breymeer and Belina are invited to join. To make up for the tactical disadvantage arriving last has given them, Breymeer and Belina turn their seats so that the sit with the exterior door at the edge of their peripheral vision.

It is quickly approaching the supper hour and more locals are starting to fill in. At this point, other than Perk, the bowyer, and Zahrhahl, the fish peddler, no one of much interest to the party has arrived.

Lastly, Jandre enters about supper time. Jandre sits near Ergon at the end of the table.

The group is now reunited in the Inn of the Dying Minotaur. It is near the 6pm hour on Harvester the 26th in the year 578.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
Posts: 381
From: Minnesota

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Mon Mar 23, 2020 6:43 pm  
A night at the Minotaur

As Breymeer and Belina entered the inn, Ergon and Seeler rose from their seats. As the couple approach the table, the paladin and the dwarf give the rangers a warm greeting. All four warriors sit after Breymeer and Belina are invited to join.

It is quickly approaching the supper hour and more locals are starting to fill in. At this point, other than Perk, the bowyer, and Zahrhahl, the fish peddler, no one of much interest to the party has arrived.

Breymeer is apparently feeling pretty good after, by the smell of his breath, quite a few shots of whiskey in the last couple hours. He approaches all of the members of his group with a warm smile and pats them on the back, “Please gather around this table as close as we can.” He points to the round table in the northwest corner where Ek, Lexington, Seeler and Ergon are seated.

Belina takes a seat near Ek, leaving room for Breymeer between her and the drow elf.

Since Vicros has decided to stay in town, he moves away from the tables and takes a seat at the bar near the fish dealer.

Esned moves over and joins the round table to the left of Seeler. The gnome sits noticeably closer to the dwarf than he does the drow elf. Jandre also joins the round table, in between Ergon and Seeler. Jandre's position is not only next to his fellow Pholtus follower, it is near directly across from Ek.

Tathar and Morwen join Isiaweil and Markus on the north side of the long table sitting between the fireplace and the northwest round table.

Breymeer walks to the bar while the party situates itself as requested. On Breymeer’s return, he stops at the long table and pours four shots of fine whiskey from his long-treasured bottle. He hands the elvenfolk each a shot before returning to the round table and pouring each tablemate there a shot. He uses up the remaining contents of the bottle before handing everyone a glass.

In a low voice, just loud enough for the group that is tight around him to hear, Breymeer reveals, “My friends, some great weight has been lifted off my shoulders and it does my heart good to be here with all of you now.”

Breymeer looks everyone in the eye and states, “I have figured some things out and I tell you now, you can trust me and I am completely devoted to finding and dealing with Nebub. Raise a glass my friends and let’s plan how to take this son of a bitch out.” Breymeer holds up his glass in hopes everyone salutes in confirmation of being all in.

Esned quickly raises his glass, “I’ll drink to that!”

Ek looks toward Breymeer. Without removing his hood, Ek takes the shot.
Seeler stands and salutes with his glass towards Breymeer as he nearly shouts, “I agree, let’s get this son-of-a-bitch!”

Ergon, more refined, agrees with a salute of his glass.

Belina raises her glass, “Though I will be staying back to watch over the area, my spirit is with you.”

Jandre is in and, along with the rest of the party, he quietly takes his shot.
While the shots are being consumed, Breymeer scans the room before requesting, “Does anyone have a map we can use to aid us in our planning?”

Belina pulls out two parchments. She spreads them out on the round table in the middle of the group. “These are for you to take with you Captain Breymeer.” She smiles warmly at him; her emotion for the man showing before she collects herself, “The first is a general overview of the Lendore Island. The second is a partial map of the Kroten area. On the Kroten map, the road north of Restenford begins at Grest. The road west of Kroten travels to the southwest to Pelreltarma and Loreltarma before turning back east to Lake Farmin and Restenford area.”

Breymeer gathers up the maps and tucks them away, “I would like to eat first and them maybe we can find a more private area to discuss plans.”

Breymeer hails a waitress with the wave of his hand and a quick bird-like whistle.

To Breymeer – While the party is taking their shots, Breymeer catches sight of the fish dealer. Zahrdahl appears to be paying extra attention to the group though the men with him appear more oblivious; only looking over as Seeler gives his enthusiastic toast.

Lexington, being the youngest of the group by far, being in his late teens, doesn’t talk much. His youthfulness and upbringing as a bookworm lend to more of an observational stance in these social situations. His experience adventuring though doesn’t lend him to be easily spooked. He knows his powers in the magical arts has grown.

Lexington does not take his shot in one gulp. He sips the drink instead; doing his best to hide his gag reflex in hopes the more senior members do not see.

As Breymeer finishes talking and calls over the waitress, Lex downs the rest of the whiskey in his glass in one pull and responds in an embarrassingly whispery voice from the burning effects of the liquor, “Yhesss! Bring the fhooood!”

He looks around as the reactions of the group as they hear his failed attempt at sounding tough then slouches back in his chair.

Breymeer places his order with the waitress and then stands. He walks across the bar towards the front door where he takes a position at the bar next to Perk, the bowyer.

Morwen smiles kindly at Lexington’s embarrassment before standing herself. She removes her baliset and begins to strum it lightly. She moves back to the fireplace side of the long table.

Tathar followers her and they both take their original seats again. As they are sitting down, Krelar, the warrior-priest of Phaulkon from the town abbey enters the inn. After a quick glance around, he spies the group gathered around the northwest corner. He moves directly to the corner as if he was looking to find y’all here.

Morwen’s music is slowly getting louder. The patrons of the inn appear very pleased to be graced by her talents this evening. Most happy are the bar owner and his waitresses as the music promises to bring in a decent crowd.

Krelar approaches the round table and asks Belina, “Good evening Ranger Belina.” Krelar looks around the table and gives a nod of his head or a hello to each of the group that he had traveled with and fought beside. Some of those at the table he does not recognize though he remains unguarded about their presence. “May I have a moment of all of your time?”

Ergon gives Seeler a nudge drawing the dwarf’s attention away from his brew. Seeler looks at the paladin with a hurt expression until he sees Ergon motion to him to stand.

Ergon introduces himself to Krelar and extends his hand in friendship. Krelar returns the handshake. Seeler cleans the froth out of his beard and wipes his hand on his trousers before extending it to Krelar. With a polite smile, Krelar shakes the dwarf’s hand as well.

As the three are exchanging pleasantries, the inn door opens and Felix, a mercenary living in town, and his gorgeous girlfriend, Orella, enter. They both smile as they see the music is indeed coming from the famed Morwen Alcerin. They quickly sit at the table just left of the entrance door.
Breymeer buys Perk, the bowyer, a drink and speaks with him for a few minutes. They converse back and forth for appearing to be talking of archery and bows. They shake hands and Breymeer departs; returning to the group at the northwest table.

Breymeer leans into Belina and whispers in her ear. She looks over his shoulder very slightly in the direction of Zahrdahl, the fish dealer. She whispers something back to Breymeer. Breymeer looks next to Ek, “If the fish dealer leaves suddenly, see if you can follow him. Find out where he goes and if he talks to anyone.”

It appears at the moment that Zahrdahl is content speaking with a few of the local fishermen. They are relatively dirty and smell of one that works around fish all day. Even Zahrdahl isn’t overly well dressed. He appears to do well enough to make a living but his manner of dress is only that of a common man.

Morwen continues to play and sing. It is obvious she has already won over the crowd. Many, like the three men at the bar, have nearly given up speaking amongst themselves and generally sit mesmerized absent-mindedly sipping their beverage.

Under the cover of the music, Krelar leans into the table and speaks, “I am here, as directed by Almon, head priest at the Abbey of Phaulkon, to request a meeting with the away team that is traveling to the Kroten area. Almon believes he have some information that may come in useful to you. In addition, it will give you a more private area to plan without having to worry about spying eyes or eavesdropping ears.”

Krelar pauses and looks cautiously around the room, though in a manner that seems relaxed; as if he was taking the time to look upon Morwen and listen for a moment to her voice. He continues, “I would like to accompany the group. Please consider this offer. You may stop in at the abbey any time before you leave.”

Breymeer – Perk believes he may have what you are looking at for a bow. He invites you to stop into his shop tomorrow and have a look around. If nothing else, he offers to make you a bow to your expectations.

When Breymeer questions Belina about Zahrdahl, she replies, “He has been around town for some time dealing in fish. I know him not well. He has always been a bit suspicious but he seems to do a fair business. He knows most of the dock workers and fishermen by name.”

It isn’t long before word of Morwin’s music gets around. The inn begins to fill quickly. Mostly, it consists of local residence. Pheldman, the half-elven store owner, is one of them. He is an importer of fine food and drink from the main lands. Pheldman is getting old, even though he has some elvish in his bloodline. He is ancient by human standards, having lived long enough to know the great-great-great grandfather of some of the townsfolk.

As with any port town, even as small as Restenford, there are a few folks that are not from town, or even Lake Farmin for that matter. Some come in or leave by ship, never staying long enough to leave a name. Of those in the bar this evening, the adventurers make up the majority of them. Ek, the slim and shady elf sitting at the edge of shadow in the back of the room, Vicros, a half-elf drifter. He, like Morwen, is a musician and story-teller. He seems to be in the crowd whenever Morwen plays. Then there is the somewhat fanatical holy men of Pholtus that migrated here with a small army from Nyrond. They are far too rigid for the local independent minded populace to handle; if it were not for the comfort having one hundred well trained military professionals camped at the edge of town. Markus, the half-elf battle priest of Kord. Markus has begun to distance himself as the evening goes on. He seems lost in thought.

Not long after Pheldman arrives, Cholak, the dwarven warrior priest, enters the bar. He nods to the party and takes a seat at an open table in the middle of the north wall, directly between the party and the fishmonger, Zahrdahl.

Outside the bar, many locals that can not afford the spare copper for a beverage, start to gather outside the inn. The sound of Morwen’s voice and baliset carry well enough to the street. Gellcuff, the innkeeper, doesn’t seem to mind because in no time, it is standing room only inside.

The evening continues to pass.

Lexington watches Pheldman enter and take a seat next to Perk. Lexington, until beginning his adventuring career with this party, spent all of his time learning magic and studying ancient languages and histories. He hurries across the room to take a seat next to the old half-elf before the seat is taken. He is intrigued to glean information and knowledge from someone who has lived so many years.

Perk and Pheldman both look up at the arrival of Lexington. A conversation begins.

To Lexington: Pheldman is the first to speak, breaking the ice, “Mr. Krupps I presume.” A warm smile is upon his face.

Seeler gets up just after Lexington leaves the table. The dwarf excuses himself and moves one table away to where Cholak sits by himself. Seeler asks the warrior/priest if he may sit with him at his table.

Markus also gets up from his chair. He walks over to the north end of the bar and takes up a position on Vicros’ right side. The two begin chatting.
Breymeer motions for Krelar to sit at the table. Ergon moves to his right filling Lexington’s place while Jandre moes to Ergon’s seat to make room for Krelar.

Krelar sits between Esned and Jandre. Krelar greets Esned the gnome with a quick nod of his head. Breymeer leans forward and speaks to him. Krelar listens a while longer to the music, looks around, and continues the conversation.

To those at the northwest table: Breymeer leans forward a little and asks Krelar, “What do you know of Zahrdahl?” Krelar takes a brief moment to glace over to Morwen playing. Once he is satisfied no one but those at the table are listening, he speaks, “He hasn’t drawn a lot of unwanted attention to himself. He deals mainly at the docks. He leaves town now and then for Loreltarma. ‘Doing business’ is what reason he claims. I trust him not. However, he may have some connections in the capital that could be useful.”

Markus, after a short conversation with Vicros, moves over to the table with the dwarves. He takes a seat with Cholak and Seeler; having his back to the adventuring group in the northwest table. Markus faces the table with the fishmonger and the three fisherman.
Vicros returns to listening to Morwen play.

To Lex: Lexington replies, “Hello sir. Please pardon the intrusion of a mere child. I see that you are a man of many years and I can only assume those years have brought knowledge and wisdom. In my short life, I have studied intensely in the area of ancient language and history. The chance to gain knowledge directly from someone who has seen things that happened long before my great-great-great-great grandfather was alive is too much for me to resist. If it isn’t a burden to you sir, I would love to hear any stories, legends and myths about this region that you would be willing to share.”

As Lexington speaks, he positions himself in the most tactical way possible to protect himself from possible pick pockets as the inn gets more and more crowded.

Pheldman smiles at the upstart, “Well now, how can I pass up such an offer to regale you with a tale or two.”

Pheldman looks away to watch Morwen for a moment. “Tonight, in this crowd, may not be the best time for storytelling. However, if you wish to swing by my shop tomorrow, I will speak with you then.”

He watches Morwen for a moment again and then finishes, “However, I am soon travelling to Loreltarma, so you best stop in soon or you will have to wait until I return.”

Morwen’s music continues to ramp up in intensity. She strums the baliset effortlessly while blending her voice to the instrument in a way that is becoming alien to the non-elven in the room.

Around the room, the common folk have all but stopped talking. They have more and more been entranced by Morwen; staring slack jawed while their drinks and nearby friends go unnoticed.

In the street, the crowd has gathered around the entire front of the inn and filled the street for some distance. As Morwen begins to play more intensely, those in the street continue to grow in number. All this despite the damp, cool evening.

Ek, sitting with his back to the wall, has all but blended into the dark. His dark complexion blending well in the dark corner. His white hair completely hidden by the deep hood on his cloak that he has pulled down low over his forehead.

Breymeer and Belina have slowly migrated into each other. Belina appears to have become somewhat emotional from the music and has uncharacteristically place her head lightly on Breymeer’s left shoulder, pushing her torso into his in the process.

Ergon and Jandre absent mindedly listen along. Opposite the table from Ek, they are nearly his opposite. Both proud shining examples of the diety of light.

Krelar, who had been talking to Breymeer about Zarhdahl, has forgotten the conversation and turned his back to the table to watch the elf maiden.
Esned happily sits enjoying being back among some of the traveling companions of his past.

Seeler sits idly by as Cholak and Markus continue what appears to be an important conversation.

Isiaweil, suffering from a weakened will, a traumatic brain injury and having been brought back from the dead under White Plume Mountain, almost seems at peace as he relaxes in his chair.

Tathar, in a strangeness that has only become common with Tathar, slowly pushes his chair back. Wearing his black face and moon pained eyes, he takes a knee and slowly rotating around the room because what appears to be an elvish prayer. He holds his holy symbol ahead of himself. All of this would normally bring about a strange reaction from the crowd, however, the common folk have becomes used to the strange little elf’s odd behaviors. In addition, his behavior is not worth taking their eyes and ears off of his elven companion strumming the baliset.

Zahrdahl stands and excuses himself from the table. The three fisherman hardly notice his exit. Zahrdahl appears to struggle a bit to break himself from watching the elf maiden as he approaches the bar. After hailing several times, he is finally able to secure three drinks. He hands over several coins and approaches the NW table slowly, trying not to spill in the crowded room.

Reaching the adventurer’s table, he greets them kindly; tending to ignore the nearby Sehanine priest’s strange prayer. He hands Breymeer a fresh whiskey and Esned another beverage as well. The third he holds aloft ahead of himself. “Before the night ends, I wanted to make sure to take a moment to thank both of you again for keeping me safe at Zerman’s crossing when I traveled north with you. You kept me safe from the hobgoblin horde that raided us in the barn.”

Belina only removes her head from Breymeer’s shoulder long enough for him to quaff the whiskey as Zahrdahl finishes his. It appears to be an honest show of respect and thanks. Esned smiles warmly as he takes the second mug. His large nose appearing to become a little red with the intoxicating liquids stirring in his blood. Zahrdahl’s attention fails him and he stands blankly watching the elven musician. Breymeer gives a nod of thanks and leans back allowing Belina to settle back into his arm.
Lex smiles and says, “Thank you sir. I will stop by tomorrow, as in my adventuring ways, I know not when I may see you again.” He will then take to listening to Morwen’s lilting melodies with the old man and look about the establishment enjoying some people watching time. He is quickly swept into the sweet melody.

Felix’s girlfriend has begun to wipe tears from her eyes.

Morwen plays on; ramping up the intensity as she continues to play.

Tathar: Tathar completes his spell and very slowly examines the room, specifically, Ek and Zahrdahl. Surprisingly, the drow elf does not appear to have an evil slant to him. However, Zahrdahl carries with him an aura of mistrust and deceit.

As the evening moves on, Morwen returns to playing her Baliset and singing.

It is well known that the elves are the most talented musicians in the land. It is said that they do not play their best when around other races because their best music would ruin others enjoyment of lesser quality music performed by humans or gnomes etc. Given the elves' love for music, they would never want to detract from the other races' enjoyment of it, even if it's a lesser quality.

Whether it's the liquor that has been flowing or something else, it's hard to say, but it is obvious that there's been a change in Morwen's music.

The music from her baliset is deeper and richer and almost seems that there are multiple instruments being played at once. Her voice is richer and more full then has ever been noticed previously with an elvish twang to her singing that is almost haunting.

She sings of an elven maiden's love for her childhood sweetheart. The times that they spent frolicking in the woods and swimming in rivers in their childhood.

As all is going well, but as they grow into adulthood, something changes in her sweetheart and he leaves for foreign lands never to be seen again.

The elf maiden waits for many years for her true love to return, but when it becomes apparent that he will not, she grabs her cloak, and travel bag and sets out on her own, to find him.

The song ends explaining how the elvin maiden travels dusty roads for the rest of her life never finding her true love, her heartbreaking as she leaves every town until she just wanders off into the sunset never to be seen again.

As Morwen stops playing there is silence in the bar that is overpowering. Everybody except Tathar, is staring at her. Drinks are held loosely in hands, totally forgotten about. Mouths are agape, and the two barmaids, standing and holding their trays, are weeping openly. Tathar, for his part, is staring at the table.

Morwen, sensing the silence, looks up and sees the reaction of every patron in the bar. Realizing that she may have pushed the musical envelope too far, she smiles faintly looks down and says "goodnight" to the crowd. She then glides across the floor with elvin grace, never looking back, and leaves for her room.

The rest of the bar remains in their stupor for several more moments before the barkeep finally clears his throat and asks if anybody would like something else to drink. This seems to stir people out of there dazed state and everything returns to normal.

Tathar, finishes his drink, and stands to excuse himself for the night. His black-painted face with white orbs around his eyes, his adventuring war-mask, hides any expression.

Morwen begins to play a ballad in the elvish language.

It is well known that the elves are the most talented musicians in the land. It is said that they do not play their best when around other races because their best music would ruin other’s enjoyment of lesser quality music performed by the other races. Given the elves' love for music, they would never want to detract from non-elves enjoyment of it, even if it is of a lower standard than their own.

Whether it's the liquor that has been flowing or something else, it's hard to say, but it is obvious that there's been a change in Morwen's music as the evening wore on. It becomes undeniable as she begins her ballad.

The music from her baliset is deeper and richer so that it seems that there are multiple instruments being played at once. Her voice beautifully blends with the baliset. It is more full than has ever been noticed; with an elvish timbre to her singing that is haunting.

She sings of an elven maiden's love for her childhood sweetheart. The times that they spent frolicking in the woods and swimming in rivers in their childhood.

As all is going well, but as they grow into adulthood, something changes in her sweetheart and he leaves for foreign lands never to be seen again.

The elf maiden waits for many years for her true love to return, but when it becomes apparent that he will not, she grabs her cloak and travel bag with which she sets out on her own, to find him.

The song ends explaining how the elf maiden travels dusty roads for the rest of her life never finding her true love, her heartbreaking as she leaves every town until she despondently wanders off into the sunset never to be seen again.

As Morwen stops playing, there is a silence in the bar that is overpowering. Everyone except Tathar, is staring at her. Drinks are held loosely in hands, totally forgotten about. Mouths are agape, and the two barmaids, standing and holding their trays, are weeping openly. Tathar, for his part, is staring at the table.

Morwen, sensing the silence, looks up and sees the reaction of the patrons in the bar. Realizing that she has pushed the musical envelope too far, she smiles faintly looks down and says, "goodnight" Morwen glides across the floor with elvish grace, never looking back, and leaves for her room.

The rest of the bar remains in their stupor. The humans are slow to recover. They stare forward, not in depression or despair but with a deep sadness. The short-lived humans, having for the moment, felt a touch of what a centuries long love could be. Incomprehensible to them, they can only sit in bewilderment at the depth of their feelings. The dwarves, used to big, booming songs that fill cavernous halls, even remain quiet. They watch Morwen exit with repect. Even the elf blooded in the audience appear affected; not having heard such beautiful notes in many years.

Tathar, finishes his drink, and stands to excuse himself for the night. His black-painted face with white orbs around his eyes, his adventuring war-mask, hides any expression.

The crowd slowly finishes their beverages and begin to clear out into the night. The streets have already cleared. Those listening from outside were sobered more quickly by the cool rain.

The room is quiet now.

Zahrdahl, seemingly remembering that he was talking to Breymeer and Esned before being carried away by the ballad, states, “So, anyway, if you should need anything that I can provide, please ask. I feel indebted to you.”

Zahrdahl finishes his glass, nods politely to the group, and walks out into the night.

Perk and Phelman follow him out. Having recovered, they have very satisfied looks on their faces.

Markus, Cholak and Seeler turn their chairs so they may all see the northwest table. Lexington crosses the bar and rejoins the group. Only the adventurers remain, minus Tathar and Morwen.

Markus announces, “Kord has something else he requires of me. I shall not be going with the group. Cholak shall travel in my stead to bring honor to his name.”

Seeler appears pleased another dwarf is again in the group.

Krelar nods respectfully and heads for the door, “See you all at the abbey tomorrow. Come at sundown.”

With that, all depart for their rooms.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
Posts: 381
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Sat Apr 04, 2020 12:32 am  
At the Phaulkon Abbey

Harvester 27, 578

Lexington passes the rest of the evening in his room studying his books. He strains over spells that have escaped his ability to master. He wakes in his chair, having fallen asleep reading and studying. Seeing it is now morning, he heads over to Pheldman’s shop.

It is a short walk of less than 500 feet from the Dying Minotaur to Pheldman’s store. He is located on the northeast edge of town near where the Pholtus soldiers are encamped. The walk is nice as the sun is out; though a steady breeze blows ashore.

Pheldman greets the young human. The store is not busy at the time so the two chat for much of the morning. The conversation is only broken by an occasional customer.

Pheldman tells Lexington of the Duchy of Kroten. When Pheldman arrived in Restenford, the Duchy of Kroten did not exist. It was an area populated by occasional farmsteads. It was the common year 443 when the Oerid warrior, Lord Kroten, Celestian High Priest Ellisabor and the wizard Delcartis arrived to scout for an area to settle in an attempt to escape the unrest in the Great Kingdom.

They settled in the area of present day Kroten, brining their families there by 449 CY. An inn, a temple to Celestian and a tower for Delcartis were quickly built. The town quickly expanded in trade and size, adding several more inns and establishing a town guard unit. The guard unit was created with a tax organized by Febartus, Lord Kroten’s son.

Chestella, Febartus wife, gave birth to a son, named Nebub, in 482 CY.
The Celestian chuch sold its church to the followers of Syrul, the deity of deceit. The Celestians left the area, considering it to overgrown for them. This was 490 CY. Within a few years, Ellisabar and Lord Kroten both die of natural causes. Febartus died prior to 500 CY. Delcartis died within the same month (Coldeven, 499).

In 503 CY, Nebub became Mayor of Kroten. Ten years later he began declaring himself Duke Nebub, claiming to have a ‘rightful’ title bestowed upon him on a trip to the Great Kingdom. Those that tried to oppose him or question him disappeared.

He built a Kroten Castle, having it completed by 524 CY.

As soon as it was done, he imported a horde of hobgoblins, assisted by ogres and stone giants, to dig an extension of the Kroten river. The river flowed on one side of the town. The completion of the project had the river flowing both north and south of town. Three thousand feet of river channel were dug.

He also had city walls built until his merchants became near mutinous at the loss of business resulting from having ogres and giants in town. Duke Nebub was furious but actually relented to their wishes. The giant-kind were shown the door but the hobgoblins, now generally civilized, were allowed to stay.

Duke Nebub is nearing 100 years of age, yet he shows very little change from when he was appointed Mayor back in 503 CY.

It is known the duke worships at the Syrul church. He has an association with the northern town of Asmogorgon, where the worship of Syrul is also prevalent. Asmogorgon is an isolated community on the northeast coast of Lendore Island. There is only one road to Asmogorgon and it starts at Kroten. The trail is of minimum maintenance as it travels through the Barrier Mountains. It is well marked but not easily traveled.
Pheldmen then excuses himself from Lexington, “I have to close up now. I need to prepare to travel to Lo Reltarma tomorrow when the Lendore Express leaves port.”

Lexington passes the rest of the day and joins the party at the Phaulkon Abbey in the evening as requested.

Ek does his best to try and keep tabs on Zahrdahl. The merchant went straight to his house after leaving the bar. The next day he appeared to be up to business as usual. He spent the whole day in and around the docks appearing to be conducting his normal course of business; that of a bait and fish dealer.

Breymeer awakes to a hangover. He smiles as he wiggles himself free from the red-headed ranger Belina. She simply rolls aside and lets him go; knowing he is seeking out a new bow this morning.

Captain Breymeer steps out and curses the clear skies as the sun drives daggers into his eyes enraging his headache. A steady breeze blows ashore.

Breymeer travels to the base of the hill that holds Restenford Castle. He continues past the road to the castle towards where the Pholtus soldier encampment. Before the encampment, he enters Perk’s building.
Perk greets the captain warmly. To Breymeer’s surprise, Almax’s son, Amos, is also in the building. No one else appears to be around. Amos has been waiting for Breymeer.

Amos approaches Breymeer and greets him, “Captain Breymeer, I wish to share with you some information. My wife, Janabe, is currently in the Kroten area. She is a druid of Ehlonna. She does not travel alone. She knows who you are and can be trusted to aid you should you come across her path. Her and her group work to the benefit of Restenford. I do not know where she is currently, only that they sought to gain intelligence about the Kroten area.”

Breymeer nods acknowledgement. He has traveled with Amos and knows his character to be true. “What does she look like?” Breymeer asks.
“She is half-elven. She has long brown hair, most often worn in a pony tail. She has brown eyes and fair skin. However, she may be disguised. Also, she travels with her eagle named Keikolah. She would likely only trust you, Belina or Isiaweil should you come across her.”

With that, he respectfully shakes Breymeer’s hand and exits the store.
Perk and Breymeer chat further as the ranger shops for supplies.

By sundown, the party gathers at the Phaulkon Abbey. The main church building, damaged during the raid on Restenford approx. 11 months prior, has been repaired. A new rectory was built where the previous one had been burned to the ground.

Lead priest, Almon, greets the party warmly. Krelar, the church’s warrior, stands by his side in plain clothes. Many of those standing currently before them were on the mission to recover the abbey’s mace; a relic of the Phaulkon church. The other church members are not present.

Almon states sincerely, “We, here at the abbey, are indebted to many of you. It is out of this respect that I offer you the peace and security of this church to prepare for your upcoming mission. I have also given Krelar permission to accompany your group to aid in your cause. Krelar is dedicated to the church, Restenford and your group.”

Krelar concurs, “A great evil lays upon our border. I shall aid your group to victory or give my life in the effort. On Phaulkon’s honor I state this to be true.”

Almon has prepared for the group by setting up a makeshift meeting area. A table has been brought in and pews moved around it to provide seating for the group. There is water and wine in pitchers on the table and goblets for everyone to drink from.

Almon requests all to be seated.

As the group begins to take seats, Almon removes a flask from his pocket and hands it to Captain Breymeer, “I did not think the good captain would suddenly find a taste for wine. I found a little whiskey for you Captain Breymeer.” He hands the ranger a fine crystal flask wrapped in soft dark brown leather. The flask is over-laid with silver in the form of wings draping down both sides of the flask. The neck of the flask, also over-laid in silver, doubles as the neck of an eagle. The silver cap is the head of the eagle with its beak open and an intense look about it. The cap screws into place. The leather wrap has a flap that folds over the top of the crystal and secures into place with a buckle. The craftmanship is exquisite (250gp value).

Breymeer starts the planning. He looks to Krelar first, “Krelar, your support is more appreciated than you can imagine. If Zahrdahl is still in town, I see value in sending some Rangers to gather him up and bring him in for a quick interrogation. It would seem worth the effort to grill him about where his allegiance lies and gain what knowledge he may have about the goings on in Kroten. He may even know the best route there. What do you think Krelar?”

Krelar thinks for a moment before answering, “I think there is wisdom in your statement.”

Ergon, perhaps wishing to keep the Pholtus presence acknowledged, states his agreement.

Breymeer looks to Belina. She simply nods in return and looks at Isiaweil, “Isiaweil, come with me. We have a fish to catch.”
Isiaweil turns and follows her out. The poor half-elf ranger has very little of his personality left. The head injury from the ettin’s blow, loss of will to the undead and getting cut in half by the giant crab under White Plume Mountain has taken its toll on him. Though he was magically brought back, he remains more of a zombie than a ranger. Two things are not questioned about him however, he is forever faithful to his friends and immensely strong in combat.

While the group is waiting for the delivery of one Zahrdahl, Breymeer removes a large ruby and asks anyone in the party if they are able to break for him (1000gp value). The party rummages around a bit but all generally come up empty.

Almon, the head priest, cannot help, “The church has nearly expired it funds rebuilding. I am sorry Captain.”

Belina and Isiaweil return relatively quickly with a somewhat shocked looking Zahrdahl. He appears to have come on his own free will. He does not look nervous. He smells like he has been down on the docks and his clothing is partially covered in fish goo.

Zahrdahl is given Belina’s seat at the table next to Breymeer. Belina and Isiaweil stand behind the fish peddler.

Zahrdahl greets the group, “I am sorry for my appearance. I did not expect to be making a formal appearance anywhere today. This is much unexpected. Rangers Belina and Isiaweil did not mention what this meeting was about, only that I was requested to attend. What is it I can do for you?”

Breymeer answers the fishmonger, “Your attire is completely acceptable and I respect a man that works hard for a living. Please have a seat and relax.” Zahrdahl’s hands are noticeably sweaty as he takes Belina’s chair and sits.

Breymeer continues, “I noticed your attentiveness the other night at the inn. Please sir, what is your interest in our group’s presence here in Restenford?” Breymeer pauses and watches Zahrdahl, giving him a moment to answer. The rest of the group watches. The Pholtus priest and paladin appear to be glaring into his soul. Zahrdahl is well aware of the powerful men surrounding him.

“I meant not to garner your attention other that to buy you a drink. I was watching for an appropriate moment to approach your group is all.” Zahrdahl’s unintentionally eyes the door. His breathing an pulse have increased noticeably. He is obviously uncomfortable at the moment.
Breymeer presses further, “You are a well-traveled man. Where are you off to next? When have you last been to Kroten?”

“I have not been to Kroten in some time. Long before the blockade was established. Before Restenford was attacked. I travel to Lo Reltarma when I leave. I go there on business.” Zahrdahl calms a little and begins to ask his own questions, “What of Kroten is your focus of interest? I have some knowledge of the area but am a simple mans of simple means.”

Ergon stares intently at Zahrdahl, reading his soul.

Breymeer fetches a glass and pours Zahrdahl a glass of wine from the pitcher. The Ranger Captain pulls up a chair very close to Zahrdahl and hands him the glass, “Relax my friend. I understand you are a traveled man and wish only to share your knowledge. You say it’s been a while since you’ve been to Kroten?” Breymeer pauses.

Zahrdahl takes a sip of the wine, he appears to be collecting himself well. His hands and voice are steady as he speaks, “Before Duke Nebub blocked the paths into Kroten, I used to travel there.”

Breymeer questions the general mood of the local populace, “Last you were there was there an evil restlessness about the air? Or, did the town and surrounding lands appear proper and right?"

Zahrdahl analyzes the moral of the populace as follows, “Though the Duke rules with a relative iron fist, he holds to the law. Even the hobgoblins follow the rules. Punishments are very strict for violations of the law. However, the people prosper well enough. I believe that is why the have tolerated the Duke.”

Taking another sip of wine, this one a little larger, Zahrdahl continues, “After the blockade, I generally only travel to Lo Reltarma. I had set up accounts in Kroten prior to the blockade. Now, I go through a middle man in Lo Reltarma. I mainly deal locally in bait for the local fisherman. However, I also trade fish to inland markets if and when I can work it out. In fact, I am traveling there tomorrow or the following day. Once the ‘Surf Express’ arrives in port. It should be departing for Lo Reltarma within a day or so.”

< Ergon detects the man has a darkness to him. He appears to have an evil aura about him.>

Sensing truthfulness, Breymeer leans back in his chair, “I believe your information to be truthful, though somewhat worrisome. Talk of blocked roads, middle men and iron rule cause me concern. Tell me this Zahrdahl, this ship, the Surf Express, would it be possible for our party to travel to Lo Reltarma as passengers with you? Would we be able to do it without drawing unnecessary attention? And this middleman you work with, is he someone we could trust to provide further information about the current state of the lands near Kroten?”

Zahrdahl takes another sip of wine. “I speak the truth of Kroten. I have not dared travel there since I was with you at the attack on Zerman’s crossing. Those that know me in Kroten know I am from Restenford. Considering the current political climate, I dare not attempt to venture into the dutchy.”

“As for the Surf Express, she does not usually take passengers. Though, for the right price, I am sure that is negotiable.” Zahrdahl looks around at the size of the group, “I do not think all of you could go though.” Zahrdahl looks at the Pholtus priest and paladin, “And I am certain the two of you would stick out like commoner at a royal court.”

“The middleman I deal with does travel into Kroten from Lo Reltarma on a somewhat regular basis. In fact, he has contacts within Duke Nebub’s very castle. The hobgoblins in town appear to like our pickled freshwater fish. That. and other freshwater catch. are provided to the castle occasionally as well. Hence the reason this middleman has a contact in the castle.”

Breymeer leans forward again. He places his hand across Zahrdahl’s shoulders and speaks to him eye to eye, “Know this my friend, your information and help will be rewarded. But our meeting and discussions must stay between us with no exceptions. Is that understood?”

Zahrdahl, being a business man that doesn’t like to miss an opportunity to better himself, suggestively states, “I do understand Captain Breymeer. However, if this is going to stay on the down low, I will need some, er, shall we say, encouragement funds, to persuade a certain ship captain and middleman to help out without asking questions. Silence is not a cheap commodity on the docks.”

“I should take the most plain of you with me on the ship. Those that will not stick out in the sailor’s memory. Not the gnome, no pretty woman, no overly large warriors, no men in shiny armor and, unless you disguise yourself captain, not the Captain of the Restenford Rangers.”

Zahrdahl looks at the group and begins pointing out possible traveling companions, “Krelar would not draw suspicion. Isiaweil should be okay. The dwarves even could be smuggled aboard I believe. Neither of them are overly well known.”

Zahrdahl thinks for a moment, “Krelar and Isiaweil should come aboard with me in Restenford. The dwarves should quickly get to Lake Farmin and buy themselves aboard when the ship docks there next. It would draw less attention.”

“Must anyone else travel by ship?” Zahrdahl asks. “Otherwise, the remainder of you could travel overland to Pel Reltarma and meet us there. The ship will stop at both the main town of Lo Reltarma and then make port on at the mainland village of Pel Reltarma before the middleman begins his journey overland north to Kroten.”

Breymeer looks to the others to see if anyone else had ideas. Seeing none, Breymeer states his readiness to get going. “The overland group can set out immediately to get to Lake Farm before the ‘Surf Express’. Krelar, Isiaweil and Zahrdahl can board the ship in Restenford. The overland group can bypass entering Lake Farmin other than the two dwarves.”

“The gnome may be able to join the dwarves at Lake Farmin. I doubt a gnome traveling with the dwarves would raise much of an eyebrow,” states Zahrdahl, somewhat lost in thought, possibly even thinking out loud.

Lexington pipes up, “I would like to go with Zahrdahl on the ship. I doubt I would draw any attention.” Zahrdahl agrees.

The fish dealer makes a request for coin, “Does anyone have 30 gold coins I can use to get these three onto the ship. The dwarves and gnome can buy their way on when we get to Lake Farmin.”

Lexington, Krelar and Isiaweil all pitch in 10 gold coins to pay for their ride.

“Watch for the ship to dock and then come find me around the docks and I will get you aboard. It will be tight quarters but it is a short trip.”
With that, Zahrdahl is allowed to leave the abbey. Shortly after the fish dealer leaves, Breymeer has Ek sneak out into the darkness and tail him.

The group makes its final plans and sets them into motion.
Lexington, Krelar and Isiaweil will wait in town to watch for the arrival of the ‘Surf Express’.

Cholak, Seeler and Esned will strike out immediately for Lake Farmin in order to be in town when the ‘Surf Express’ arrives.

The rest of the group will begin their overland journey in the morning.

The meeting ends and the group exits the abbey.

While still on the hill, Tathar pauses. He looks up into the clear night sky and then uncharacteristically speaks. He calls those going with him overland to Pel Reltarma together while the others continue on.

“I am still in possession of the Ungohling. It will hold us. We can take it to Pel Reltarma instead of going overland.”
Tathar continues to explain his thoughts. By taking to the sea, they can follow behind Zahrdahl and lay a trap for him should he be up to no good. Tathar wants the group to keep their ears out on arrival for any hint that there was an ambush or similar that had been set up along the overland route.

Tathar instructs everyone to keep this change of plan to only those in the inner circle. Those we know we can trust.

The group traveling on the Ungohling will be Tathar, Morwen, Breymeer, Ek, Ergon and Jandre.

Tathar advises they can get together and set sail sometime after the departure of the Surf Express. The group agrees to regroup after the ship has left port.

Breymeer advises the group he wishes to speak to the priests about a donation. Breymeer knocks on the front door and, after a brief moment, is told to wait outside for a few minutes before he is finally welcomed back in.

The group walks down the hill and back to the Dying Minotaur with the exception of Breymeer. The ranger arrives at the inn only some five minutes after the others. After a meal, the group retires for the evening.

Breymeer is allowed back into the abbey. Almon and Krelar both meet with Breymeer about the ruby (1000gp) that Breymeer had wished to trade for coin or smaller gems. Almon produces a small leather pouch. Into his hand he pours four sapphires (200gp each) and two pearls (100gp each). “I believe this is a fair trade for your ruby.”
Breymeer agrees with a nod and hands over the ruby to Almon. Almon, in turn, puts the handful of gems, with the exception of the ruby, into the leather pouch and hands it to Breymeer.

Almon states, “I know you did not mean to bring up the donations the way it was brought about (DM apology). I did not wish to speak of church funds in front of the group. Our treasury was basically depleted repairing and rebuilding after the raid. The gems are a final point of savings. However, I trust you, Captain Breymeer, and agree the value of the ruby is worth the trade.”
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
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Tue Nov 24, 2020 12:53 pm  

Breymeer removes one of the sapphires from the pouch and hands it back to Almon, “Please use this as you see fit, and thank you for everything.”
Almon smiles warmly at Breymeer and gives the captain a nod of approval.
Krelar is also pleased, “I shall not fail to aid you, my friend. May Phaulkon see us through.”

With that, Breymeer leaves the abbey and catches back up with the group at the Dying Minotaur.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
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Tue Nov 24, 2020 12:59 pm  

Cholak, Seeler and Esned grab their gear and head out into the night for Lake Farmin. By keeping a steady pace, they will arrive later the following day and should easily be ahead of the Surf Express. The weather cooperates.

During the night, the group makes the loop through the local hills to the north before bending back to the south; passing Tur Thar Guldar as dawn begins to break. The morning light brings some scattered clouds but the trio remains dry on their walk.

The journey is completely uneventful. Even the creepy passage though the Dead Wood is uneventful though the trio knows their passing has likely been witnessed by the Sehanine elves of Tur Thar Guldar.

The three travelers arrive in lake Farmin without incident. A quick check of the docks verifies they have beat the ship to town. They go to the House of Abhram and rent out a room. All three are exhausted from their travels. After a warm meal and some beverages, they take to their room and sleep through the night.

Ek returns quietly to Breymeer’s room at the Dying Minotaur and reports he followed Zahrdahl back to his fish/bait shop and entered it. He remained there for several hours before Ek departed and went back to the Dying Minotaur to advise Breymeer.

The morning of Harvester the 28th arrives with scattered clouds but no rain. The temperature is a kind 70ish degrees but a strong wind blows ashore.

At the military encampment, Ergon speaks privately to Jandre. The paladin asks the priest of he was able to receive Pholtus’ blessing and create some holy water.

Jandre replies that he is still working on it but should have a few vials ready by the time the group disembarks. “In fact, I will work on that the rest of the day.” Jandre returns to his tent and completes the ritual to create holy water.

By mid-afternoon, the Surf Express is securely docked at the docks near the burned-out guard shack. The docks are conveniently located near Zahrdahl’s home. The longshoreman get busy off-loading cargo. Zahrdahl pays the ship a visit.

Zahrdahl seeks out and finds the party at the Dying Minotaur where he gathers Isiaweil and Lexington together. He advises the ship will not be leaving until the early morning hours the following day. He suggests the party meet him at the inn after nightfall and they will stow themselves on the boat. Their passage has been paid and accepted.
Isiaweil delivers the message to Krelar at the abbey.

Night sets in. Luna is nearly ¾ full yet but waning. Celene is waxing and nearly full. The Brewfest holiday week begins in the morning.

The priest, the ranger and the young mage all arrive down at the docks where they meet Zahrdahl waiting. “The ship is empty,” informs the fish dealer with a twinkle in his eye. “Seems the sailors found themselves with a few extra coins in their pockets and thought to spend them at the local inns.”

Zahrdahl leads the group onto the ship. It is a small craft, certainly not worthy of the open sea. It has an enclosed hull, a rear cabin and a single mast. Zahrdahl leads the three adventurers into the hold where three hammocks are strung from port to starboard at the bow of the boat. They are closely side by side. There is little room for each of them to move about. Their gear is stowed below them.

Zahrdahl informs them, “Remain here until we dock at Lo Reltarma. We will depart there and I will help you catch a ferry to Pel Reltarma.”

Zahrdahl points at a simple wooden bucket on the floor. “For you to use until we arrive. The crew would appreciate it if you dump it before you depart.”

Once Isiaweil and Lexington have joined Krelar and Zahrdahl on the Surf Express, Tathar, Morwen, Breymeer, Ek, Ergon and Jandre meet at the inn for final planning. They have been informed the Surf Express will be departing at first light.

Lexington’s somewhat formal upbringing makes him cringe a bit at the thought of doing his business in a bucket and having to dump it himself. Maybe he’ll get lucky and Isiaweil will dump the ‘honey bucket’. The young mage settles in as comfortably as he can for the watery journey.

A lantern was provided, along with enough oil. It hangs from the ceiling in the general area of the three stowaways. Lexington uses the light to study by.

Isiaweil spends his time lying about or preparing his gear.

Krelar also prepares his gear. In addition, he spends much time in prayer.

Tathar, Morwen, Breymeer, Ek, Ergon and Jandre take up the northwest table at the Dying Minotaur again. Without Morwen playing, the inn remains relatively quiet. Ek sulks in the corner with his hood characteristically pulled low over his face.

Tathar discusses the folding boat. He is concerned the party may not be on the boat and/or ship when it changes form. The planks unfold and change shape in dramatic fashion. It is Tathar’s belief that at best, the party will be deposited into the water if on the boat when it changes. Worse case, those on board take damage from the moving and shapeshifting parts. Because of these concerns, Tathar decides the safe bet is just walking down to the docks, floating the box out and having it change into the ship. Everyone can climb on and then they will sail away.
Tathar believes much of the crew is still residing around town and would likely join the group in sailing the ship once again.

Once away from Restenford, Tathar plans to stay as close to the shoreline as they safely can. He wishes to remain hidden from the view of the other ship. Once they approach Lake Farmin, they will disembark and walk into town.

Tathar, already having spoken more that he is accustomed to, asks the rest of the group if that plan is okay with them. He is open to suggestions.

Breymeer speaks, “I am fine with your plans Tathar.”

Ek speaks quietly, “I shall go by land. I care not for the sea. I will find you at Pel Reltarma. If I do not arrive, do not concern yourself with attempting to find me. I will either arrive or perish along the way; whatever my fate shall be, shall be.”

Tathar is pleased Breymeer will be taking the ship and not traveling with Ek. Breymeer is the only other person from the voyage from the swamp to Restenford that is currently in the party. Tathar could use the sailing skills that the ranger learned on the voyage, limited as they may be.
For those not aware of the ship, Tathar explains what the Ungohling looks like in ship form. The ship is 30 feet long, 10 feet at its widest and 7 feet deep. It has a full deck, with railings and a row of single rowing seats, five seats in all, midship. A single mast with a square sail is located just aft of the rowing seats. There is a steering oar, anchor, oars, and a rear deck cabin that sleeps two. The ship can hold 18 souls comfortably enough.

Tathar finishes the evening locating Comus. He and the surviving members of the crew have taken up residency around the area and have been plying their trade to make ends meet. Being accomplished sailors, it hasn’t been too hard.

Comus tells Tathar he will find as many of the men as he can and be to the docks mid-morning.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
Posts: 381
From: Minnesota

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Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:05 pm  
Brewfest 1

Sometime during the night, Ek sneaks out into the darkness and begins his solo travels.

The morning that marks the beginning of the Brewfest festival arrives with steady 20+ mph winds and scattered clouds.

The dwarves and gnome remain at Lake Farmin awaiting the arrival of the Surf Express. The enjoy the day of leisure. They spend the day getting to know each other a little better over generous amounts of food and various alcoholic beverages.

The Surf Express, being a relatively small coaster, finds its way out into the open water despite the wind. Once clear of danger, it unfurls its sails and begins to make its way to Lake Farmin.

Shortly after the coaster has disappeared from view, Tathar gathers his companions and walks down to the docks. Tathar and Breymeer both vouch for the loyalty of Comus and any remaining crew. Both of them survived the jungle adventure alongside Comus and the crew; then under the leadership of Ledego.

As the group arrives at the docks, Comus awaits with the remains of Ledego’s original crew. All surviving members are present. Next to the crew are a couple barrels, one water, one beer, and a two large chests of equipment Comus felt the crew may need. It includes much extra rope, some spears, two grapple hooks, two heavy crossbows, two light crossbows and related bolts, and other miscellaneous gear such as lanterns, torches, oil, hammocks and the like.

In addition, a small row boat is docked nearby.

Comus, a dark-skinned human, greets Tathar as his captain, “Captain Tathar, unless you have a change in mind, I am assuming I remain the first mate aboard the Ungohling. As instructed, I have gathered up the crew. In addition, I gathered some supplies I anticipated we would need.” For a sailor, he speaks well. Probably from being captained by well spoken elves for many years.

Comus, was promoted to first mate by Peylae when she assumed the position of ship captain at the death of her father. At the loss of Peylae, Comus informed Tathar of Peylae’s wish for him to become owner and captain of the boat.

Comus introduces the only elf among the group, “This is Larrig, he is the crewmaster.”

The remaining crew members are all human; likely of mostly Oeridean blood. Larrig introduces them by name, “These sailors, men of valor on the waves, men who have faced sea monster and storm alike, are Ment, Tiz and Nedwyn.” All three of them are dark haired and relatively olive skinned.

Morwen, Ergon and Jandre make their introductions to the crew amid some handshakes to the men and polite bows to the lady elf. The crew, though incredibly hard to avoid staring, remains polite in front of the attractive elf woman. They have been in town long enough to know she is a respected person and an accomplished musician. To speak about her in sailor’s terms would end poorly for them, and they know it.

Tathar walks to the shore of the river and sets his little wooden box afloat. Tathar simply speaks, “Cair.” The box begins to unfold, splashing some in the water, as it continues to grow. The repetition continues until a small ship begins to form. First the hull, then the deck take shape. Before long, an aft cabin rises off the deck. A bench rises in the middle to form rowing stations. A mast and square sail shoot up behind the benches. Oars, rest on the deck. Finally, railings protrude. All of this to the surprise of Ergon and Jandre.

When it is finally done, the Ungohling floats next to the dock while Comus and crew quickly climb aboard and prepare for departure.

Tathar and his companions join the crew on the ship after assisting loading the equipment and foodstuffs Comus had collected.

With Breymeer and Ergon assisting, Ment, Tiz and Nedwyn row the ship slowly out of the river and into the open water. They begin to head for Lake Farmin. Once the sail is opened, they begin to put Restenford behind them. The small rowboat, attached by rope and being pulled along, bobs and weaves carelessly behind.

The Surf Express arrives in Lake Farmin uneventfully by mid-afternoon; a trip of nearly 20 miles. It docks near the statue of Xerbo and begins to off load shipments before taking on other merchandise, water and other foodstuffs.

The ship remains docked overnight.

Zahrdahl, knowing this is still friendly territory, tells the stowaways in the hull they may go ashore without attracting attention if they wish.

The Ungohling approaches Lookout Peak around noon. The hill stands between the ship and Lake Farmin, some five miles to the southwest. As soon as is practical, Tathar has the ship brought as close to shore as is deemed safe. From there, he orders the rowboat brought up. In a series of trips to shore, the party is brought to land.

Tathar and Comus are the last off the ship. They join the crew in the rowboat as Tathar gives the command word to return the ship to a box. In reverse order, the ship, board by board, folds in on itself until only a small box remains floating on the water. Tathar quickly collects it and they row for shore.

It is early afternoon once the party is all on shore and ready to travel. The walk is relatively easy to town from here. The party can stay near the shore and arrive on coming around the south end of Lookout Peak or traverse the hill and come into town by way of the road to Restenford on the north side of the hill.

The two dwarves and gnome realize at mid-day that their relaxing and drinking have come to an end as the Surf Express is docked. Now they have to figure out how to get themselves on board.

Tathar advises he thinks it would be best to appear to come from Restenford by road.

Breymeer, being the Captain of the Restenford Rangers, states he doesn’t feel a need to be sneaky and wishes to stay on the ocean side of the hill. The ranger does see the wisdom in Tathar’s route though and agrees that the road is a logical way into town.

The group spends the rest of the day moving counter-clockwise around Lookout peak. They arrive at Lake Farmin near nightfall.

Ek makes his way through the Kelman Woods south of the southern Kelman Hills. He passes south of Pebble Hills and Tri-Top. The area used to be home to a band of worg riding gnolls not long ago; however, they have been cleared out by the actions of adventurers and Restenford Rangers.

Ek travels through the woods without meeting anyone or anything of importance.

Ek follows the edge of Kelman Woods and crosses the clearing to the southwest to another wooded area on the northwestern slopes of Lookout Peak. He sneaks his way clockwise around the hill and takes a position at a small corpse of trees overlooking town not long before the sun sets.

He can see the Surf Express docked in town. He also spies Tathar and company walking into town on the Restenford road. The sun will be setting in an hour or so.

The first day of the Brewfest festival splits the party even further.

Tathar, Morwen, Breymeer, Jandre and Ergon enter town without much notice amongst the fanfare and revelry. They join in some mild entertainment, sampling beverages and various morsels for sale. Eventually, they take a room at the House of Abraham and spend the night.

In the morning, they witness the Surf Express leave port with Lexington, Isiaweil and Krelar aboard. The group makes their way down to the sea shore, unbox the Ungohling and continue their pursuit of the coaster towards Lo Reltarma.

The dwarves and the gnome do not have such luck. Having drank and ate their way into a stupor, the trio misses their encounter with the coaster and have no choice but to now walk towards Lo Reltarma.

Ek breaks camp on the morning of second day of Brewfest and begins his solo journey to Lo Reltarma.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
Posts: 381
From: Minnesota

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Mon Jan 04, 2021 10:09 pm  
Brewfest 2

The second day of Brewfest is warm enough, being in the mid 60s. The wind from the previous night has died down and a gentle rain fell before the sun rose. The clouds are breaking as the various groups move out.

The Surf Express struggles to make much headway on the first day. There is a complete lack of wind. The crew roads steadily to the east. Unfortunately, for the stowaways below deck, another day has likely been added to the journey. Lexington looks disgustingly at the already dirty bucket that has doubled as a latrine.

The Ungohling has a bad go of it on the first day. The complete lack of wind forces the skeleton crew to row. It isn’t long before the Surf Express has outpaced the magical boat. The craft makes little progress on day one though there is no other encounters to hinder progress.

Esned suggests to the group they purchase ponies for the overland travel to Lo Reltarma. The two dwarves find this a charming idea considering it will cut the duration of the travel in half.

The horse trader occupies a small area at the base of the hill that boasts the Lord Mayor’s keep overlooking Lake Farmin. Before long, the trio is riding fresh ponies, saddled and geared for travel.

The trio rides the duration of the daylight, enjoying a nice travel day for once. Dusk begins to settle upon the valley as the group approaches a river that runs south out of the northern mountains.

Ek decides to follow the valley on its northern fringe where the foothills meet the mountains. The southern end of the valley leads to the ocean front. Ek feels the foothills give him two advantages. First, he has a much better vantage point from the elevations. Second, he will be able to hide much easier should the need arise.

Occasionally, Ek can see the two dwarves and the gnome riding along the valley road. They are all three now mounted on ponies.

Moving around a small rock formation, Ek suddenly comes across a very large rattlesnake. It is about 13 feet long and nearly a foot in diameter.

Both Ek and the snake are caught off guard. After being initially flat footed, the snake coils and its tail begins a loud rattle.

Ek reacts quickly.

The river is crossed by an old stone bridge, arching shallowly over the top of the water. It appears little concern is given to flooding that occasionally plagues the river.

There has been very little traffic on the road for some time. It appears few brave the road for commerce anymore. The road, really more of a dirt track, is beginning to grow over but remains very visible and easily travelled. Any farms or signs of settlement disappear within a few miles of Farmin Lake. The burned shells of farmhouses here or there are proof enough of the dangers of orc raids both in the not so distance distant past.
In the distance, the road encounters the foothills of a stray spine of the Farmin Mountains. The small spine parallels its larger father to the north. Upon reaching the foothills, the road parallels the low peaks on the north side. A little to the west of the foothills, the Farmin River turns from its southern flow out of the mountains easterly towards Lake Farmin. West of the river the valley elevation increases as it is closed together between the main mountain chain and the lonely spine.

The mountains themselves generally follow the shoreline of the sea from Loreltarma to north of Lake Farmin and terminating to large foothills and scattered high areas such as Bone Hill near Restenford. The grassy valley narrows the farther west one travels until the main peaks and the stray spine come together as one.

Esned walks across the bridge. The far side appears clear of dangers.

Seeler suggests a small fire. As much scrub brush and burnable material is gathered and a fire started.

Seeler volunteers to take the first watch. He recommends that we tie the ponies; keeping them close to campsite. The ponies are roped together and secured to the ground with a spike.

The group begins to settle into camp. The skies are clear and there is no wind. The sun has dipped below the horizon and darkness quickly follows. The stars shine brightly, competing with the nearly full smaller Celene moon and the quarter sized larger moon Luna.

Aboard the Ungohling, the night brings no sign of a wind or even a breeze. Tathar’s mood is only slightly improved by a clear sky giving full radiance to Celene as she is nearly full and Luna in her quarter shape; Sehanine’s symbol.

Aboard the Surf Express, the night brings no sign of wind or even a breeze. Lexington draws a heavy sigh. Krelar prays. Isiawiel brings up the ‘bucket’ and dumps it over the edge much to Lexington’s approval.

Tathar spends the night of Brewfest the 2nd to the 3rd praying for better winds.

The other ship continues to outdistance the Ungohling. The crew maintains the oars as much as they can. However, it becomes apparent, especially when the next day dawns with no wind, that the group may have to come up with a plan B on arrival at Lo Reltarma.

Ek, reacting instinctively with elven grace, quickly jumps backwards arcing his back and springing off his hands. He twists his body while completing the tumble so that he lands on his feet facing away from the snake; with the rock between them. Ek sprints off for several hundred yards before slowing and continuing on his way.

The dark elf is used to sudden surprises from living in the dark and sometimes confined spaces underground. This large outer world is going to have its own style. He reminds himself he is always one step away from death.

The rest of the day passes without unusual encounters. He rests for a few hours and then continues on as Brewfest 3rd becomes a new day.

It is not but a couple hours after the party settles into camp that a soft bell is heard over the river. The bell is rung softly a couple times.
Seeler confirms his two companions have also heard the bell and are alert for trouble.

Soon, his dwarven ability to see in darkness illustrates to him a sole figure walking eastbound towards the campsite. It is totally draped in a hooded robe. Its hand is held out before it. Occasionally it rings the small bell it holds in its hand. The figure is about 200 feet from the bridge.
Seeler quietly curses himself for letting this figure slip so close on his watch.

The Surf Express continues its slow, windless journey towards Lo Reltarma. The days drag on.

Cholakk looks around for somewhere to hide and observe. He quickly sees his only two options are either the edge of the bridge or amongst the ponies.

Seeler, with his battle axe in hand, stands at the ready. He yells to the hooded, robed figure, “STOP! Announce your intentions!”

Esned more politely but sternly seconds Seeler, “Who goes there?”
The robed figure indeed stops and places the bell within a pocket. A feminine voice carries forward, “I am sorry, I rang the bell so as not to surprise you.”

She continues, “I saw your firelight and wish to make company with you so that I am not alone overnight again in this valley. I know it not to be safe, especially for someone travelling alone. May I join your group?”
The figure remains some distance away. There is still a little time for Cholakk to attempt to secret himself should he chose to do so.

Cholakk moves off and hides among the ponies.

Esned whispers to Seeler, “She still did not identify herself.” To the lady, Esned more firmly states, “Reveal your identity. Where are you going and why are you traveling alone?”

The lady pulls back her hood as she walks forward. She has the pale skin and long, light blond hair of a Suel woman. She is of average height and build. She is attractive. Her hair spills out across her shoulders as her hood is drawn back.

“I apologize,” she begins with a kind smile upon her face, “I am Alluvianna Danagale. I am sorry I must be elusive but indeed, I travel along in dangerous territory. I fear not for I am not an easy target for those unwise enough to test me. However, there is always safety in numbers.”

“I am not overly familiar with those of the gnomish blood. You have a fine example of a nose though. You people should be proud to set you out upon the land with that appearance. And for your cousin there,” she motions towards Seeler, “I know little of the dwarves as well.”

As she continues walking, she makes a final request, “Let me sit next to that fire and I will continue to answer your questions. May I join you now?”

“I agree, there are safety in numbers,” states Esned. “Your company is okay with me.”

Seeler, struck by her beauty, says, “Yes, m’lady, you may join us and rest by our fire.” His beard hides his flushing face.

Cholakk continues to secret himself among the ponies. They get a little antsy at the approach of a robed stranger.

Alluvianna Danagale approaches gracefully and steps up to the fire, remaining standing for the moment, “Thank you.”

A pleasant smell of perfume, almost overdone, wafts across Esned and Seeler. The woman carries herself as one of elegance. Her outer robe is of very fine quality. The perfume alone is outside what any commoner could afford. Her speech is of one that is well trained in language.
Seeler offers Danagale some of his rations. She politely refuses, “I thank you for the offer. I graciously pass upon your offer for at least tonight. I have some spiced meats and wine of my own that I prefer.”

Her greyish-blue eyes look the gnome and dwarf in the eye, “So what are your names? What brings out into this valley upon this nearly vacant road?”

Seeler does not respond as he as filled his mouth with food for the moment.

Esned introduces himself, “I am Esned. We were not able to secure transportation by way of the water.” Esned reflects upon the day of drinking and feasting that prevented the three of them from actually getting aboard the ship.

Cholakk remains among the ponies, very suspicious of the newcomer.

Alluvianna smiles and reaches into her robes with one of her hands. Her eyes study Esned and Seeler while she calmly states, “I guess I prefer solid ground myself.”

Ek has moved carefully after the sun disappeared. He follows the river south towards the firelight that Seeler, Esned and Cholakk have lit. The three encamped by the bridge that passes over the river.

While closing in on them, he witnesses a heavily robed humanoid figure join the group. From the distance, he can judge it is likely a human or an elf, female by guess. It removed its hood and joined the group around the fire.

Ek notices that the entire time, Cholakk secreted himself among the ponies and remains hidden there.

Ek continues to move closer in attempts to be able to aid his companions should the encounter goes south.

Cholakk, having convinced himself this newcomer is a villain, stays among the ponies. He awaits any move on Alluvianna’s part that would betray her and confirm his suspicions.

Seeler, appearing a bit shy and red in the cheeks, introduces himself and agrees with her on preferring solid ground, “I would actually prefer to be underground, truth be told.”

Alluvianna removes a small box from an inner pocket in her robes. It contains spiced meat from which she begins to nibble.

She makes small talk with Seeler and Esned while she eats. She appears friendly though the unknown aura around her keeps the adventurers perceptive for dangers.

Ek watches as Cholakk remains among the ponies and Seeler and Esned converse with the newcomer.

Seeler and Esned chat with Alluvianna for a short time. She finishes a few bites of her meat and removes a small flask from within her robes. She takes a few quaffs from it and places the meat container and the flask back.

“Is your guard over there by the ponies shy or just that astute of a watchman? I shall sleep well knowing his dedication to safety.” Alluvianna smiles before ending her conversations, “Pardon me, but I am going to sit alone until I rest. If you allow me to, I wish to travel back west with you tomorrow. It promises a more interesting way to pass time than I had on hand prior to meeting the three of you.”

Alluvianna stands, looks both Esned and Seeler in the eye with a smile on her face and then nods in the direction of the ponies and Cholakk before excusing herself to the edge of the bridge. There she sits and begins to hum or sing to herself.

Ek continues to stay out of sight of Cholakk and the others. He gets into a kneeling position using the river bank for cover the best he can. He keeps his bow knocked and trained on Alluvianna until she departs for the bridge. Ek watches carefully for any sign from Alluvianna that would betray an attack upon the dwarves and the gnome.

Cholakk does his best to secret himself from the ponies back over to Esned and Seeler. He sits with and softly mutters, “Sommabitch.” Cholakk quietly watching Alluvianna’s reaction.

Alluvianna does not appear to be watching the group. He continues to sit alone, humming, sometimes singing to herself softly.

Ek remains hidden. He allows himself rest while keeping an eye out for threats from Alluvianna. He remains behind the cover offered by the riverbank; hidden in the darkness.

Alluvianna remains by herself throughout the night. She continues her meditation for sometime before quieting and possibly falling asleep. She remains sitting throughout the night hunched forward with her head bowed down.

Esned volunteers for first watch; which is uneventful. Seeler takes second watch allowing Cholakk to rest. Cholakk stays near the fire with it between he and Alluvianna. He manages to sleep trusting in the watchful eye of his friends.

Ek waits most of the night but finds it uneventful. He secrets away before morning and heads back for the foothills to the north before turning west again for the coastal towns he has been told to reconvene at.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
Posts: 381
From: Minnesota

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Mon Jan 04, 2021 10:11 pm  
Brewfest 3

The Surf Express rows its way along the rocky shoreline of the southern coast of Lendore Island. Lexington and Krelar are both becoming somewhat restless sitting in cramped places below deck. The air is unfresh and heavy. Isiaweil, in his reduced mental capacity, spends most of the day either mindlessly staring at the wall or sleeping.

Tathar addresses the ship crew and occupants, "Gentlemen, I have prayed to Sehanine for a wind. She has either determined that we do not need her help or is pointing us in a different direction. Of course, she may not feel that we need her help. I would never dare to speak for her. Either way it seems it would be easier for us to walk on the road than to row on the sea. I propose that we move ashore and walk, and if the wind picks up we can take back to the sea."

Tathar examines the coastline finding it absent of good landing areas. Even if landing were made, the group would still have to traverse the small mountains that hug the coastline.

The crew rows for a few hours slowly along the coast before giving up any hope of landing ashore.

Tathar orders the crew continue to row towards their destination until the wind picks up. Non crew members that are capable take turns rowing as well. Slow progress is made.

The third day of Brewfest is uneventful. The trio and their new companion walk the old road towards the coast. They pass the occasional old farmstead. This far from town they are all but abandoned or burned having been routed by orcs or other humanoids.

It is clear the barony is in trouble if Nebub isn’t overthrown or some other way is found to reverse the fortunes of Restenford.

Ek continues on throughout the third day of Brewfest without incident. He takes to staying out of the sun and traveling during the dark hours. The sun pains his eyes and weakens him and this day was cloudless by noon.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
Posts: 381
From: Minnesota

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Sun Feb 21, 2021 6:05 pm  
Brewfest 4

The morning of Brewfest the 4th arrives will little wind and clear skies. It is a pleasant 69 degrees. By mid-morning the Surf Express is guiding into port at Pel Reltarma.

Pel Reltarma is a small coastal fishing village with a several docks though none are large enough to take on sea going vessels.

Goods bound for Kroten are first off loaded to smaller vessels at Lo Reltarma and then brought across the channel to Pel Reltarma. It is easily assumed the island port has taxes and fees it collects on the goods before they hit the mainland.

In addition, one can easily see the ship banners displayed are of many of the neighboring countries; some of them at odds with each other. The counsel of Lo Reltarma is playing all sides in the sea trade environment. One can only guess at the politics that keep the opposing forces from open war in the harbor and on the docks.

The council also has turned a general blind eye to the refugee tent city that sprung up on the outskirts of Pel Reltarma. Many of the farmers, loggers and mountaineers of the western plains of Restenford’s barony have fled west and get by in squalor on the edge of town. Some, seemingly better off than the others, have constructed wooden shelters or even small homes. The town is slowly expanding as a result though most structures are temporary at best.

It appears some type of economic exchange has begun. Those new to arrive, and skilled in the wilderness, have created gardens, tend to animals, log nearby and hunt. These goods they exchange in town for supplies, fish and other necessities.

Several taverns operate in town, two in the dock section and one near the edge of town towards tent city. Only one true inn exists on the main route from the docks to Kroten.

The town is very busy during the day. With the newcomers, the population is nearing 750 or more souls. Compared to the nearly 4,000 upon the island port city.

Though those in the tent city section are all of the barony, their allegiance is not something they lean on at the coastal town. Pel Reltarma would better be considered an extension of Lo Reltarma. Here, the focus is on getting through each day in the relative safety of the port as opposed to the dangers of humanoid raids on the plains of the barony.

The Surf Express is small enough to dock in Pel Reltarma. Zahrdahl has a few crates offloaded. As the trio of stowaways exits the boat, Zahrdahl requests of them, “Please watch over my cargo for a few hours while I cross the channel. I will buy your meals and beverages today if you can do so for me.”

Having very little knowledge of the small coastal town, Lexington, Isiawiel and Krelar set themselves up in the shade of a warehouse building along the docks and get comfortable. The sea air and sunshine feel amazing compared to the constrains of the hold. Krelar, a priest of Phaulkon, appears especially happy to be out in the open air. He prays quietly while the three wait.

Not long after the Surf Express arrived in port, a strong easterly wind picked up. Within a few hours, the gusty wind blew itself out but not before driving the Ungohling into the small docks at Pel Reltarma. For now, not wanting to draw unneeded attention, Tathar leaves the magical craft in its ship shape. Comus and the crew remain aboard to keep it secure.

Tathar, Morwen, Jandre, Ergon and Breymeer all quickly find the others securing Zahrdahl’s cargo in the shade of a nearby warehouse.

The small caravan makes its way west on Brewfest the fourth. The weather is calm and warm. An afternoon wind blows up the valley for a few hours in mid-afternoon but soon dissipates.

The group follows the road between the foothills of the mountains. The roads runs parallel the low peaks on the north side. The valley elevation increases as it is closed together between the main mountain chain and the lonely spine. The grassy valley narrows the farther west one travels until the main peaks and the stray spine come together as one.
As the group nears nightfall, they encounter an encampment of hearty loggers. They have constructed several wooden structures and built a low wooden palisade around the complex. The wall is only about 3 ½ feet to 4 feet high. The top of the wooden posts are sharpened to points to discourage one from scampering over.

Though initially cautious, the loggers are friendly enough once they see the caravan is a couple dwarves and a gnome. They do not much care for the hooded and quiet pale lady that travels with them. A superstitious group, constantly on guard for dangers in the wild, look at her as if she was a witch. This group has little trust of those who twist magical energies.

However, the caravan is able to re-provision a supply of dried meats, fish and water. Allunvianna re-stocks her meat supply as well though she appears disappointed in the lack of fine wine. She says little during the encounter.

The group continues on, arriving in Pel Reltarma late in the day.

Ek, from a vantage point, is able to locate and track the caravan as it moves west along the edge of the foothills. He follows them undetected to Pel Reltarma.

Zahrdahl returns to Pel Reltarma as the group is reuniting on the docks. He is ferried across the channel on a different craft and offloads more goods. A second man is with him as he approaches the group. The man is human, approx. 40 yoa, with short trimmed light brown hair and a brown well-trimmed beard that shows a few hints of greyness. The man dresses better than Zahrdahl; hinting of a middle-class stature. He has on well-tailored trousers, a white, light-weight, long sleeve cotton shirt and a soft dark brown leather vest. He appears Oeridian but his pale skin betrays some Suel blood as well.

Since the overland expedition has not yet arrived, those standing around Zahrdahl’s original cargo are Breymeer, Tathar, Morwen, Ergon, Jandre, Isiaweil, Lexington and Krelar.

Zahrdahl directs some dock workers take both sets of his cargo into a warehouse, tipping them for their service. Then he and the other man approach the party.

“Thank you for waiting, I see most of you have arrived.” Directing his attention to the other man, he introduces him to the group, “This is Loris Naef, my business partner.”

Loris Naef gives a subtle nod of his head. “Well met,” is all he states. He looks to Ergon in his full plate armor and Jandre in his plate mail and continues with a slight bowing, “Gentleman.” Next, his gaze meets that of Breymeer. He quietly acknowledges the ranger, “Captain.” Finally, he looks upon the Sehanine priest with a little wonder, “May the Lady of the moonshine be blessed.”

It appears clear this man is used to dealing with those of higher status than he. He appears comfortable meeting the group.
The dock workers go about their business without much fanfare for the odd group gathering about. On the docks, it is better to not ask questions or put your nose into another’s business. With that in mind, it would be remiss if the group didn’t assume their arrival went unnoticed, whether recognized or not.

Zahrdahl suggests the group head for the inn where he promised to buy a few of the companions food and beverage for watching his crates.
The group makes its way away from the docks up the main avenue to the north. A few blocks from the docks and warehouses the town turns more to shops and homes; often a combination of both. Many of the buildings along the street are two storied with most of the others away from the main avenue single storied structures. The vast majority are made of wood. The inn, however, has the bottom half of the lower level made of stone with a wood frame constructed over the top of it. The sign above the door depicts a relaxed crab holding a flagon in one pincer and a smoking pipe in the other. One the sign is written in Suel and the common tongue both, “The Comfy Crab Inn.”

The inn does not appear to try and compete with the three taverns in town. The bar is not set up with much of a common room. It appears to be more of a dining establishment than a tavern.

The group enters the establishment and lets their eyes adjust to the quiet and somewhat dimly lit atmosphere.

Zahrdahl choses a large table for the group and then invites Breymeer, Tathar, Ergon and Jandre to sit at one end near he and Loris Naef. Zahrdahl orders some crab, salad and roast venison for the party along with a round of ale, mead or wine. It is obvious he is breaking out some coin in front of his business partner. One cannot tell if the meal is going to set Zahrdahl back a week’s pay or if he truly has the funds. Either way, this meeting appears very important to the fish monger.

The room has a few other patrons in it, a couple serving girls. The room lacks an actual bar as drinks are brought from the back room by the serving girls.

Speaking quietly, Zahrdahl addresses the group; specifically, who he feels are the leaders, “I am not sure what your destination in Kroten is nor your reason for going there. However, my partner Loris Naef has the means to get you into the barony.”

Breymeer leans over and reaches his hand out to Loris, offering a very firm handshake with intense but welcoming eye contact.
Loris meets his handshake with a firm grip and looks the ranger in the eye. Breymeer notes his hands are not those of a dock worker but then again, neither are his clothes. This man has not seen a day of hard labor in a very long time. One would guess he pays others to do his labor now.
Breymeer speaks first in a hushed tone for only those at the table to hear, "We have heard you'll be a great help to us in our journey to Kroten and am pleased to have you with us. Please tell me a bit of yourself and how you've come by the means to get us to Kroten. I've heard the heavy handed rule of the Duke has made travel by road perilous."
Loris answers with a friendly, quiet voice, “I am a merchant. Like Zahrdahl, I deal in fish and similar type food supplies. I have developed a reputation for a dependable supply chain and a quality product. Enough so that Duke Nebub is one of my accounts. This has earned me the ability to pass by the checkpoints with little trouble. In fact, I deliver directly to Duke Nebub’s castle.”

Breymeer listens closesly, watching his body language, trying to get a feel for Loris. Jandre and Ergon both watch Loris closely as well though remain quiet.

“Should you succeed in getting us past the road checkpoints, would there be somewhere we could drop off and use as a camp so that we could spend some time watching or exploring to get the feel for the conditions of the town?” Breymeer questions further watching Loris closely as he responds.

“Indeed, there are foothills and forests that would easily cover a small group camp if done so cautiously as I presume a man of your nature is capable of.” Loris pauses for a moment and then turns the conversation slightly, “My price for your ‘tour’, shall we say, of Kroten will depend on if I am just getting you into the duchy, the town or the castle. Obviously the price goes up considerably at each level.”

Loris is an obvious business man; though possibly greying the lines between smuggler and merchant.

Breymeer inherently knows this is not the place to discuss something so important. He looks around casually for any sign of eavesdroppers. Seeing none, he takes a deep drink and continues, “As Captain of the Restenford Rangers, I can’t believe I won’t be recognized and draw attention. As will our entire group.”

“Loris, are conditions such that a group such as ours will not draw attention if we spend a few days in town? Will we need to be smuggled in secretly or do people trust you to a point that we will be accepted as long as we are riding with you?”

Loris answers, “I will sneak you past the security patrol that blockades the roadway. From there I can sneak a few into town as well. Or all of you if you wish. Once we are past the foothills, you are free to head for the foothills. Just know the area is regularly patrolled. Once in town, if you keep your group sizes small and common, then you should be fine with a little wit and common sense. I would not send in heavily armored men or an undisguised Restenford Ranger Captain.”

Breymeer takes another drink while Loris is talking, affording the sharp-eyed ranger another look around the room to see if anyone keyed in on the Restenford Ranger comments.

Seeing the way still clear, Breymeer continues in a hushed voice, “I see value in having a couple of our party get smuggled into town to do some research on goings on while the rest of us find a safe spot in the foothills and explore from there. What says the group?”

Breymeer tries to read Loris eyes as he asks him, “Are there others in town that would have interest in aiding or sheltering us?”

Loris answers very carefully, “I mind well to my own business.”

The ranger, unsure of Loris’ loyalties, feels comfortable with the answer. Breymeer responds, “What type of monies will it take to get us in?”

Loris, steel-faced, responds in a near whisper, “100gp a head to cross the border. Another 100gp a head to get each person into town. I am well aware your visit to town is going to bring an end to either your group or the duke. I am well aware, should you fail, I will likely have to be on the next boat out of Lo Reltarma and never return. This risk dictates the price.”

Breymeer looks to the group and takes a vote, “Who’s in for crossing and who’s going to town?”

As the group looks to each other and begins discussing a plan of action, the inn doors open. Walking through the threshold is none other than the multi-talented half-elven mage known to the party as Grimlock. He instantly recognizes most everyone in the group as he quickly scans the room. With a sly smile on his face, he moves towards your table. The odds of success seem to have increased with this unexpected visitor.

Upon seeing Grimlock enter, Tathar stands and faces him as the half-elf approaches, “Well met, Grimlock! You are a glad sight in these troubled times. What news have you of our friends that joined us in the dwarven delve? How do Cirdan and Kuba fare?”

Grimlock answers Tathar briefly, “Cirdan fares well. He asked me to pass on some information to his friends, should I see any of you. I can explain later. Kuba, unfortunately, has fallen.”

Grimlock then turns his attention to Breymeer, “Ahh, my old friend. What sorts of trouble might you be causing in such a fine town? I just so happened to be a bit bored and looking for a bit of trouble and good company. I’m not sure what your plans be, but if you would like to join me in the shadows, I see really no need to trouble ourselves with silly disguises!”

To the rest of the table mates Grimlock recognizes he addresses them with a request, “Hello mates! Who wants to join old Grim with some brew?”

A hale of cheers follows.

Breymeer replies to Grimlock while looking around the room to make sure nobody has taken extra notice to Grimlock’s outburst about shadows and disguises, “So good to see you Grim. Have a seat. Seems you’re a little late and have some catching up to do.”

Seeing no one acting to strange considering Grimlock’s arrival and comments, Breymeer hails the bartender, “Bring a couple pints for our friend!”

Breymeer is surprised to see the half-elf. He can’t help but wonder how Grimlock located the party though he assumes his dark art of magic is at play.

As the pints for Grimlock, in addition to those ordered by others at the table, are delivered, Breymeer requests a private counsel, “Zahrdahl and Loris, may I request a private conversation with my friends for a moment?”

The two merchants look to each other. Loris nods to Zahrdahl before standing, “We will move to the bar until you are ready for our return.” Loris moves away far enough to grant Breymeer’s request and Zahrdahl follows alongside him.

As soon as they are out of earshot Seeler speaks, “I prefer the foothills to a busy town.”

Ergon seconds his statement, but for his own reasons, “I feel that I would draw too much attention trying to go about town. I shall also remain in the foothills.”

Jandre agrees with Ergon, “I too shall wait in the foothills until the town can be assessed and a further plan detailed.”

Breymeer listens as his companions give their statements.

Most of the group fails to come to a decision on whether or not they wish to enter town or remain in the foothills.

Breymeer tries to focus the plan, “I do feel it would be best for me to stay out of town and take my skills to the foothills and search the outskirts of town. Depending on who’s up for going to the warehouse and gathering information in the city, let us choose a landmark outside of town where we can meet after three days. A place I will plan to be every day, a couple of hours after dark, in case folks need to get out of town suddenly and regroup with those of us in the hills.”

Breymeer glances at the two merchants, “If a map of the city is available, it would be nice to look to see if we could choose a landmark in the foothills outside of town that makes sense. Basically, a hideout.”

Lexington, upon hearing his companions desire to camp outdoors in the foothills states, “I prefer to stay in town. Though I’m no stranger to roughing it in the wild, I find it more pleasant to stay in the comforts of a bed with tables and chairs. Libraries seem to be less fraught with dangerous creatures. I will venture into town and gather what information you need. I can make sure to get we’ll stocked on my spell components too. Let me know when and where to meet up with you. “

Alluvianna adds, “Kroten seems like an entertaining destination though I wish not to be secreted in by some fish merchant. Lexington, should you wish to travel with me, I believe we could pass off as a mother and son looking to visit or move to Kroten.”

Lexington is the youngest man in the group and none of the other humans are old enough to be her husband without drawing a little suspicion. She thinks for a minute and adds, “We could probably take one of the warriors with us under the guise of hired protection. Though, from what I have been hearing, a Restenford Ranger would not be a good choice. Maybe you Seeler? Cholakk, as a priest, may be more memorable. You have been kind to me Seeler and are certainly stout enough to convince someone you are hired protection.”

“I would like to get ahead of the group or well behind. I would wish to leave tonight or else a couple days behind the others. Whichever, I do not care.” Alluvianna, understanding she is a stranger to the group, offers the obvious alternative, “I can also travel on my own.”

Seeler says with elation, while looking at Alluvianna, “I’ll be happy to go along as your hired protection, milady!”

Lexington also concurs with her plan, “I will accompany you to Kroten. I would like to stay in town.”

Alluvianna appears pleased, “I have a few things I need to gather before we leave. I will meet you back here in a few hours. We shall leave tonight.”

With that, Alluvianna excuses herself from the table and exits into the street.

The two merchants make notice of her leaving and see that as their cue to rejoin the group.

Loris Naef lays out his plan, “We shall leave tomorrow morning. Make sure you are a few miles north of town just after daybreak. Wait for me along the road. I will be coming up with horse and wagon. You may pay me at that time and we shall depart.”

Zahrdahl nods politely to the group, “Good luck. I will be returning to Restenford. Seek me out should you need further assistance.”

The two men prepare to leave. Breymeer stops them and requests a map, if available, of the town or surrounding area.

Loris Naef, unfortunately, does not have a map, but he gives a quick overview of Kroten’s layout, “The town is surrounded by the Kroten river. A channel was dug from the main river body around the town so that the river splits on the northeastern corner of town and rejoins on the south western edge. North of town, wrapping west and then to the south, is the Phytal Woods. Between the woods and town are three hills. The center hill, Kroten Hill by name, hosts Castle Kroten, home of Duke Nebub. The castle overlooks the town some 100 or so feet above the river. The final hill, Thorp hill, has two farms at it base but is otherwise unoccupied. South of town is the Kroten Forest. Phytal woods sits back a bit from town but the Kroten Forest abuts the southern branch of the Kroten River. There are a few farms, a guardhouse and lumberjacks along the Kroten Forest. Town proper has two additional hills, Sheep Hill on the northwest and Celestian’s Rise on the southeast. The area of town nearest Sheep Hill is the only part of town that is walled. There are guardhouses along the roadways.”

The two merchants exit.

Tathar advises the group that he and Morwen will catch up to the group in Kroten. He has some things he needs to take care of in the morning.
Adept Greytalker

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Wed Jan 05, 2022 6:36 pm  
Journey to Kroten

Lexington prepares to leave the Comfy Crab Inn with Alluvianna and Seeler. Prior to departing the table, he gives his fair-the-wells and a final comment, “During my studies, I had other hobbies as well. I am somewhat skilled at gem cutting. I will be seeking out a jeweler in Kroten to see if I can cut some of the stones in my collection to increase their value. If anyone wishes me to try and increase the value of some of your stones, I would be willing to work on them as well. If there is no jeweler in the city, I will return your property as soon as possible.”

Breymeer advises everyone before the party splits up, “Look for me in the vicinity of Thorpe Hill. I plan to scout the exterior of town and castle and maybe get to know some farmers and loggers. Should you find you’ve gathered helpful info and look to get back together, I shall keep an eye out for party members during the hours between dusk and early evening. I would expect it won’t be for a few days. If, after several days, we haven’t regrouped, I shall work my way into town. Your deity’s speed be upon you.”

Lexington collects whatever gems are given to him by interested party members.

For there, the party splits.

Alluvianna, Lexington and Seeler set out to the north upon the roadway, heading for Kroten.

Tathar and Morwen return to the docks where they rejoin the crew upon the Ungohling. They await the sunrise to make their journey to Loreltarma.

Breymeer, Ergon, Jandre, Grimlock, Cholak, Esned and Isiaweil rent rooms at the Comfy Crab for the evening. Prior to going to bed, the group makes some last minute purchases from any shops they can still find open.

Breymeer returns with a tanned leather skull cap with side flaps that resemble a bomber hat. He also purchased an average quality dull greyish-blah hooded cloak and some tanned leather trousers.

Ek spends the day in an observation post watching the traffic on the roadway. Nothing particular catches his eye until a little after sunset.
A lone horse, riding at a gallop, speeds north along the roadway. The rider, a man by Ek’s observation, is lightly dressed and riding hard. It is too dark for Ek to make an identification of the man other than he appears to be a human male of unknown age. He is of average build and height. He is dressed in darker clothing; appearing to wear no armor. He is lightly armed if armed at all.

Ek’s observation post is too far from the roadway to take any actions other than to note the occurrence.

<No one takes Lexington up on his offer to try and cut their gems into more valuable stones.>

Ergon motions to Seeler and the dwarf approaches the paladin in a private conversation. Ergon hands the dwarf two rubies (1000gp each). The paladin states his request, “If possible, when you are in Kroten, please donate these stones to a church dedicated to Pholtus in the name of Ergon of Nyrond. If there is no such church, please return them to me.” Seeler nods in agreement and stows the stones.
Adept Greytalker

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Wed Jan 05, 2022 6:42 pm  
Lex & company

Lexington and Seeler rejoin Alluvianna outside the inn and walk out into the night. The town has some activity going on being the 5th day of Brewfest so the three do not raise any attention as they walk to the edge of town. They make their way out into the countryside trying to avoid any prying eyes or guardposts.

The group exits town without any apparent notice or concern.

Once clear town, Lexington comments more to himself than the others, “I can’t believe none of the others wanted me to try and cut their stones into more valuable gems.” With that, he shrugs and continues on.

The road to Kroten is approximately 20 miles long and follows the Kroten River. The river bed lies to the east of the roadway. The river channel varies from 300 to 1800 feet from the road as it winds its way south.

It is now well after dark but the smaller moon, Celene, is nearly full so the going is not difficult for the two humans. The dwarf can see very well.
As the group approaches the border to the Dutchy of Kroten, Seeler can even see a small fortification upon the 1500 foot tall Lone Peak to the west of the road. The fortification, without a doubt, is a watchpost. Lone Peak is about one and a half miles from the roadway to the west.
Lone Peak is the terminus of a rocky spine coming down along the seashore from the north. The road passes through a valley, several miles wide, between Lone Peak on the west and the foothills to the Farmin Mountains on the east. The foothills are about four miles to the east of the Kroten River.

North of the border, woodlands appear on both sides of the roadway.
The Phytal Woods are to the west side. The abut Lone Peak and continue north past the town of Kroten. They are a mile and a half away at the border but encroach east towards the roadway the farther north one travels; sometimes within 300 feet of the road.

The Kroten Forest parallels the road from the Farmin Mountain foothills to the southern edge of the town of Kroten. The forest is generally up to the banks of the river.

The area between Pelreltarma and Kroten is accented with hills; some covered in vegetation and others just bare rock jutting up from the land. The area, for the most part, is wilderness.

The border is secured by a checkpoint. It is roughly half way from Pelreltarma to Kroten (roughly a distance of ten miles north to Kroten or ten miles south to Pelreltarma). The checkpoint is enforced by a garrison of soldiers; some human but most hobgoblin. A few ogres supplement the force.

The humans are in charge and judging from what appears to be a stable, are able to ride horse. The hobgoblins appear to be the soldiers and the ogres the extra muscle.

The garrison is a wooden structure as is the stable. The garrison appears large enough to hold forty troops. The stable, a dozen horses. They are built on the west side of the road. A second, smaller wooden structure sits across the road from the larger garrison. It could comfortably hold a dozen men. The ogres have the third wooden structure. It sits on the east side of the road between the second building and the border gate. It is large enough to house four ogres.

The border gate is two simple square wooden structures, one on each side of the road. Each has a door facing the road and a shuttered window facing the south. Both are illuminated inside. Between the two gatehouses, an iron gate is mounted between two large wooden poles. The gate is shut.

The Kroten River, at this point, is as close as it gets to the roadway being a little less than 300 feet to the east.

A barrier has been placed between the river and the eastern gatehouse. The barrier is cut and limbed trees laid parallel to the ground along a series of wooden posts dug into the ground and placed in an ‘X’ formation to hold the cut logs.

To the west, the barrier stretches from the west gatehouse to, presumably, Lone Peak.

A platoon of a half dozen hobgoblins stand watch behind the gate. Not counting any that might be in the gatehouses. They are armed with a variety of swords, morningstars, spears, polearms and crossbows.

Alluvianna confidently strides towards the gatehouse. As the group approaches the gate, two hobgoblins level crossbows, two prepare polearms and the other two remain unarmed. One of the unarmed hobgoblins hails the group in the common tongue (spoken quite well for a hobgoblin), “Stop, who are you and what is your business travelling to Kroten; at night even!”

Ek moves closer to the border of Kroten and attempts to get a layout of the land to his north and west. He climbs up one of the higher points and takes a peek around using the full moonlight of the smaller Celene moon.
The galloping horse is long since gone.

Ek can see Lone Peak which appears to mark the southern border of the Duchy of Kroten . Ek can even see a small fortification upon the 1500 foot tall Lone Peak to the west of the road. The fortification, without a doubt, is a watchpost. Lone Peak is about one and a half miles from the roadway to the west.

Lone Peak is the terminus of a rocky spine coming down along the seashore from the north. The road passes through a valley, several miles wide, between Lone Peak on the west and the foothills to the Farmin Mountains on the east. The foothills are about four miles to the east of the Kroten River.

North of the border, woodlands appear on both sides of the roadway.
The Phytal Woods are to the west side. The abut Lone Peak and continue north past the town of Kroten. They are a mile and a half away at the border but encroach east towards the roadway the farther north one travels; sometimes within 300 feet of the road.

The Kroten Forest parallels the road from the Farmin Mountain foothills to the southern edge of the town of Kroten. The forest is generally up to the banks of the river.

The area between Pelreltarma and Kroten is accented with hills; some covered in vegetation and others just bare rock jutting up from the land. The area, for the most part, is wilderness.

The border is secured by a checkpoint. It is roughly half way from Pelreltarma to Kroten (roughly a distance of ten miles north to Kroten or ten miles south to Pelreltarma). The checkpoint is enforced by a garrison of soldiers; some human but most hobgoblin. A few ogres supplement the force.

The humans are in charge and judging from what appears to be a stable, are able to ride horse. The hobgoblins appear to be the soldiers and the ogres the extra muscle.

The garrison is a wooden structure as is the stable. The garrison appears large enough to hold forty troops. The stable, a dozen horses. They are built on the west side of the road. A second, smaller wooden structure sits across the road from the larger garrison. It could comfortably hold a dozen men. The ogres have the third wooden structure. It sits on the east side of the road between the second building and the border gate. It is large enough to house four ogres.

The border gate is two simple square wooden structures, one on each side of the road. Each has a door facing the road and a shuttered window facing the south. Both are illuminated inside. Between the two gatehouses, an iron gate is mounted between two large wooden poles. The gate is shut.

The Kroten River, at this point, is as close as it gets to the roadway being a little less than 300 feet to the east.

A barrier has been placed between the river and the eastern gatehouse. The barrier is cut and limbed trees laid parallel to the ground along a series of wooden posts dug into the ground and placed in an ‘X’ formation to hold the cut logs.

To the west, the barrier stretches from the west gatehouse to, presumably, Lone Peak.

A platoon of a half dozen hobgoblins stand watch behind the gate. Not counting any that might be in the gatehouses. They are armed with a variety of swords, morningstars, spears, polearms and crossbows.
Within a few hours of the galloping horse, Ek spots a group of three traveling north upon the roadway. Without a doubt, it must be Alluvianna, Lexington and what appears to be Seeler without Cholak.

They are walking without haste or apparent concern. They will be approaching the gate house shortly.

Having climbed up to a better lookout post, Ek cannot reach them before they reach the border post. He watches to see what happens.

Allunianna boldly responds to the hobgoblin guard, “I am on my way to Kroten though I was much delayed. My son and I,” she pauses and looks at Seeler to make sure he wasn’t about to lop off some hobs heads, “and our hired mercenary, wish only to move along. I do not wish to be delayed.”

Lex shows no fear or concern. He has faced far scarier and dangerous creatures in his young life. He allows the lady to lead and awaits her next move. All the while, he mentally prepares to cast spells as the first sign of trouble.

Alluvianna removes a small sack from beneath her robes. The movement obviously makes the hobgoblins a little nervous but none react with anything more dangerous than changing positions and gripping weapons a little tighter.

Alluvianna opens the neck of the sack revealing gold coins. She throws the bag over the fence. “As I say, I wish only to move on to Kroten.”
The bribe is well received and the gate is opened. “We still need your names!” warns a human moving out of one of the wooden guard shacks.

“I am Alluvianna my dear sir.” She removes a flask and walks to the man. She hands him the flask, “Some brandy for you.” As he takes possession of the flask, she quickly leans forward and kisses him. He is taken off guard and simply looks stunned at her sudden affection. “Thank you, dear sir. My son, Lex, and my hired guard, Seeler, appreciate you understanding our late night inconvenience.”

With that, Alluvianna confidently leads the way north along the road and away from the border guard station.

As Lexington nods politely at the man and the hobgoblin guards as he passes by. Once a safe distance from the soldiers, he comments, “Momma, I thought you said we’d find a place to rest for the night.” He gives Alluvianna and Seeler a slight grin and a wink.
Alluvianna smiles back, “Indeed we will my son. However, it will be among the trees of the Phytal Woods I am afraid.”

Alluvianna leads the group a couple hours north of the border checkpoint and then turns west, heading into the edge of the Phytal Woods. She only goes a few hundred feet into the woods and finds and area screened from view from the roadway. “No fire. Get a few hours rest. We leave at daybreak. I want to stay ahead of the other group to keep up the ruse.”

Ek watches the three approach the gate and have a brief conversation. Alluvianna throws a sack over the fence in what appears to be a bribe. The gates are opened and the three cross into Kroten.

A human comes out of a gatehouse and confronts them. Alluvianna removes a flask and hands it to him. As he takes it, she suddenly kisses him in an apparent thankful gesture. The man is taken off guard and hardly reacts.

With a few parting words, the three adventurers continue deeper into the duchy.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
Posts: 381
From: Minnesota

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Wed Jan 05, 2022 6:43 pm  
Tathar & Mowen

Tathar calls upon Comus to have a word with him. Comus dutifully comes to his captain’s side. Tathar brief’s Comus on the priest’s wishes. He informs Comus that if he does not return from this quest, the Ungohling is to go to Morwen. In the event neither of them return, then Tathar orders Comus to bring the Ungohling to Tur Thar Guldar and give it to the Sehanine priests there and teach them the words of power.

Tathar teaches Comus the words of power and the effect they have on the Ungohling.

Finally, Tathar gives Comus a parchment saying, “If I do not return, present this and the Ungohling in box form to the priests at Tur Thar Guldar and ask them for payment for you and your crew. Unbeknownst to Comus, the letter reads, “To the Sehanine Priests of Tur Thar Guldar. If you are receiving this then I, Tathar Surion, have failed in my mission to bring the Lady Paylae back from the clutches of Hell. This is Comus, pay him what he asks for the services he has rendered.” The letter is signed by Tathar Surion.

Comus nods his head in acceptance of the order. “By Sehanine’s grace, sir, I am sure you shall return. We shall wait for you at Pelreltarma. So as not to raise too much attention, I will make the Ungohling a box when safe to do so and we shall await you in the Comfy Crab Inn.”
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
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Wed Jan 05, 2022 6:49 pm  
The wagon crew

Breymeer, Ergon, Janre, Isiawiel, Cholak, Esned and Grimlock all rise before the sun and slip out of town. It is quiet at the early hour. It is warm with a light breeze.

Though it is still hours before sunrise, the sky is lit well enough by the generally full Celene moon. It is the smaller of the moons but still sheds enough light to easily travel by.

Breymeer leads the group north along the road to Kroten. The roadway generally follows the Kroten river; the river lying to the east of the road.
About a mile north of Pelreltarma, the group comes upon Loris Naef and his crew. The entire crew consists of human men. Loris has with him two large wagons (8’ wide, 12’ long), each pulled by a couple large draft horses. Loris himself rides a riding horse. Each wagon has a driver and an armed henchman. In addition to the four men on the wagons, Loris Naef has ten hired mercenaries. The drivers are not armored but have daggers on their belts. The rest of the men have leather armor and melee weapons of various sorts. The driver’s assistants have light crossbows as well.

In the wagons are numerous large crates (2’x2’x6’) and barrels (2’x3’). The entirety of it smells of fish and spilled ale.

Loris Naef spells out his plan. Breymeer, Ergon, Jandre and Isiawiel will get into crates in the first wagon. They will be lined up side by side directly behind the driver. An additional row of crates will be line up to the rear of the wagon from the adventurer’s crates.

In the second wagon, Cholak and Esned will climb into barrels and be mixed in among the other 8 barrels. Grimlock will be placed in a crate and be positions perpendicular to the wagon next to a second crate. The second crate sits closest to the rear of the wagon.

Once past the checkpoint and out of site, the first wagon will deposit the occupants into the wilderness. Then both wagons will continue into Kroten with only Cholak, Esned and Grimlock remaining in barrels/crates.
Loris Naef finishes his explanation of the plan and then holds out his hand, “If you have concerns, please address them, otherwise, I shall take my payment. One thousand gold please.”

Breymeer removes a fire coral ring (2000gp) from a pouch and shows it to Loris Naef. “This is easily twice the value of your requested payment. I pay for our entire crew. I also pay for the discreteness of you and your crew.”

Loris Naef examines the ring and smiles, “You shall have my word,” as he pockets the ring. “Anyone else have any concerns?”

Grimlock states very plainly as he looks contemptuously at the crate, “I will be out of the crate and invisible. I can ride in the wagon just the same. I will monitor to make sure everything goes as planned.”
With that, Grimlock plucks one of his eyelashes, rolls it into something in his palm. With a few arcane words and gestures, Grimlock disappears from view.
<Grimlock invisible and stoneskinned (cast previous day at his request)>

Loris Naef simply shakes his head and looks to Breymeer, “I’m not responsible for this contemptuous half breed friend of yours. If he gives us away, the blood is on his hands, not mine!”

“Everyone in their crates, we must be moving out!” commands Loris Naef. “I assume you can still hear me Grimlock. I hope you understand the importance of you not being discovered. I will put blind trust in the fact that you are quite capable of such a feat or I assume your companions would have raised concern. Good luck all.”

Grimlock’s bodiless voice chastises Loris Naef, “I can hear you Naef. Your trust matters not to me. What does matter is your tongue when you address my breed. I will forgive your insult this one time as it is evident you haven’t heard of me. But on the next, you can trust it will be your last.”

Anger flashes across Loris Naef’s face though it is quickly controlled. He is obviously a man that has worked with men of various backgrounds and histories. Men that are obviously of greater power than himself. Loris Naef, remembering the value of the cargo he is transporting, remains quiet and goes about the business of settling everyone into their place.
As each character climbs into their barrel or crate, they are shown the lids have short nails nailed into the lids to make it appear the lids are secured. However, the lids are easily removed from inside, enabling the characters a relatively quick exit.

The wagon train loads and gets underway.

As the group approaches the border to the Dutchy of Kroten, Grimlock can even see a small fortification upon the 1500 foot tall Lone Peak to the west of the road. The fortification, without a doubt, is a watchpost. Lone Peak is about one and a half miles from the roadway to the west.
Lone Peak is the terminus of a rocky spine coming down along the seashore from the north. The road passes through a valley, several miles wide, between Lone Peak on the west and the foothills to the Farmin Mountains on the east. The foothills are about four miles to the east of the Kroten River.

North of the border, woodlands appear on both sides of the roadway.
The Phytal Woods are to the west side. They abut the Lone Peak and continue north past the town of Kroten. They are a mile and a half away at the border but encroach east towards the roadway the farther north one travels; sometimes within 300 feet of the road.

The Kroten Forest parallels the road from the Farmin Mountain foothills to the southern edge of the town of Kroten. The forest is generally up to the banks of the river.

The area between Pelreltarma and Kroten is accented with hills; some covered in vegetation and others just bare rock jutting up from the land. The area, for the most part, is wilderness.

The border is secured by a checkpoint. It is roughly half way from Pelreltarma to Kroten (roughly a distance of ten miles north to Kroten or ten miles south to Pelreltarma). The checkpoint is enforced by a garrison of soldiers; some human but most hobgoblin. A few ogres supplement the force.

The humans are in charge and judging from what appears to be a stable, are able to ride horse. The hobgoblins appear to be the soldiers and the ogres the extra muscle.

The garrison is a wooden structure as is the stable. The garrison appears large enough to hold forty troops. The stable, a dozen horses. They are built on the west side of the road. A second, smaller wooden structure sits across the road from the larger garrison. It could comfortably hold a dozen men. The ogres have the third wooden structure. It sits on the east side of the road between the second building and the border gate. It is large enough to house four ogres.

The border gate is two simple square wooden structures, one on each side of the road. Each has a door facing the road and a shuttered window facing the south. Both are illuminated inside. Between the two gatehouses, an iron gate is mounted between two large wooden poles. The gate is shut.

The Kroten River, at this point, is as close as it gets to the roadway being a little less than 300 feet to the east.

A barrier has been placed between the river and the eastern gatehouse. The barrier is cut and limbed trees laid parallel to the ground along a series of wooden posts dug into the ground and placed in an ‘X’ formation to hold the cut logs.

To the west, the barrier stretches from the west gatehouse to, presumably, Lone Peak.

A platoon of a half dozen hobgoblins stand watch behind the gate. Not counting any that might be in the gatehouses. They are armed with a variety of swords, morningstars, spears, polearms and crossbows.
As the wagons approach the gate, the hobgoblins prepare themselves. Those holding the spears and polearms take up second ranks while those with swords and morningstars take up the front.

A man walks out of the western gatehouse and addresses the group as the horses stop at the closed gate. “Loris Naef, greetings to you sir. What brings you to Kroten this day?”

Loris Naef approaches the gate on foot. He has taken some items in hand. In addition, his helpers unload two barrels from the wagon and then roll them towards the gate.

“Good day to you Captain Ribard,” cheerfully speaks Loris Naef with a large smile on his face. Loris Naef hands over a bottle to the Captain with a small sack of what appears to be coins. “I hope all things are peaceful for you and your men.”

The captain appears to be making a quick look over Loris Naef’s shoulder; a cursory look at the cargo on his wagons and the men that are with him.

Loris Naef continues, “I have a few barrels of ale and some crates of fish. I have the normal load for Duke Nebub. I am brining in a little extra to see if I can expand sales to a few of the inns while I am in town. Hopefully they are running low during Brewfest.”

“Wise merchant you are Naef!” replies Captain Ribard as he waves his hand to the hobgoblins, indicating to them to raise the gate.

“The barrels are for the soldiers. Some good beer from Loreltarma,” Loris Naef comments as he prepares to get back underway. His men set the barrels down by the hobgoblin gate crew; much to their approval.
The wagons continue past the gate garrison and further down the road towards Kroten.

Ek watches as the wagon crew approaches and then passes through the gates.

The wagons continue north along the Kroten Highway for a few hours before Loris Naef feels secure enough to stop the wagons near a small growth of trees. In total, the trees cover a couple acres and make enough of a structure to hide among.

“It is time. I believe this is the best location to depart,” Loris Naef advises as he begins to open the tops of the crates and barrels, releasing those that will head off into the woods. “Hurry yourselves into this small wooded area. From here, you can get yourself into the Phytal Woods and make your way to town by dark should you wish.”

There is only a small clear area between the edge of the Phytal woods and the small growth Loris Naef is secreting the group into. Maybe some 450 feet of clear ground lay between the main forest and this small growth. The small growth is some 200 to 225 feet in width and maybe 300 feet north to south. Most of the underbrush has been kept down in an attempt to keep bandits from using it as an ambush site. Even so, a character on foot could hunker down and hide to avoid being seen from the roadway.

Breymeer, Ergon, Jandre and Isiawiel all quickly gather their gear and slip out of the wagon for the cover of the woods. Breymeer and Isiawiel, both very at home in the woods, are quickly out of site. Ergon and Jandre make haste to get deeper into what cover they can find before organizing themselves.

The crates are re-sealed and the wagons are quickly back on their way with Grimlock, Cholak and Esned still riding the second wagon. Cholak and Esned secreted into barrels and Grimlock riding invisibly; sitting on his crate.

<Town is about 5 miles farther north>

Ek manages to keep up with the wagons while moving stealthily through the edge of the Kroten Forest. He watches the wagons pause long enough to allow Breymeer, Ergon, Jandre and Isiawiel time to exit the lead wagon with their gear and enter a small wooded area on the west side of the roadway. They are all quickly out of sight.
Adept Greytalker

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Wed Jan 05, 2022 6:53 pm  
Breymeer, Ek, Ergon & Jandre

Breymeer gathers the four of them together. The ranger cringes as the metallic sound of the heavy armor from the Pholtus warrior and priest.
Ergon expresses his wishes, “I would like to get concealed and hunker down until the cover of darkness before moving further.” Jandre concurs.

Breymeer adds, “My intent is to make my way through the woods and find a hideout northeast of town at the hill where some sort of camp can be set up. I’ll then be scouting the area for three days and making sure I’m at the camp on the third night as I told the rest of the group. I will keep an eye out each evening for possible early return of our partners.”
Isiawiel says nothing.

The group remains successfully hidden among the trees until sunset.
Not long after sunset, a very wet Ek makes an appearance. The dark elf suddenly walks into camp and greets the party. It appears he may have swam the river to get to the small wooded area that now hides the group.

Ergon looks to Breymeer, “You are the man of the woods, we should just follow your lead and stay out of sight. If you think it best, I could remove my noisy armor to be able to move around more quietly.”
Isiawiel remains quiet.

Jandre awaits Breymeer’s response.

Breymeer addresses the group, “Glad to see you made it Ek. The lay of the land will predict our movement. It appears we can make it into the Phytal Woods and skirt the west side of the town and around the north side of the town.”

He pauses to make sure everyone is content with his assumption before continuing, “As I stated earlier, my goal is to find the Thorpe Hill which lies off the northeast corner of Kroten. Let us hope the backside of Thorpe Hill will provide a hidden camp for us.”

He begins to dig into his pack, “I say we gather our wits, grab a drink and a bite and let’s move out. Please secure your gear any way you can, maybe we can reduce some of the metallic clanging noises I’m hearing.”
Looking to the sky, Breymeer sets his pack down as he continues to talk, “If we are blessed with some moonlight, I say we continue through the evening in hopes of finding Thorp Hill this evening. If total darkness besets us, we may have to be having a cold camp tonight.”

Ek, with his superior vision in near darkness, offers to walk a little ahead of Breymeer. This will give better surveillance but also allow the ranger a little more security so he can concentrate on his surroundings for possible trails, tracks or other evidence that may be useful to the group.
The party finishes grabbing a quick meal.

Ergon and Jandre remove their heavy plate armor and stow it in packs softening the harsh metallic sound.

It is then realized that Isiaweil is gone. The half-elf has slipped off without notice. Breymeer cannot seem to find a steady trail. The small wooded area is quickly searched but there is no sign of struggle. Isiaweil has simply left.

With time against them, the group hurries across the opening towards Phytal Woods. They scatter some grazing deer in the process. Entering the woods, they turn north and continue their quest.

Ek is in the lead some 10-15 paces ahead of Breymeer, the ranger is second. Both of them moving quietly through the woods. Behind Breymeer, some 90 feet, are Ergon and Jandre. Without their armor on, they are quieter and move quicker. They find it easy enough to keep up.
In this fashion, they make several miles without trouble. They continue on past midnight into a new day.

The group, moving cautiously, makes it to the western edge of Kroten. From the edge of the woods, across a large clearing, the lights of the town glow.

Breymeer is content with the progress for the night. They retreat back into the forest far enough to avoid detection from any possible security forces.

It is but a few hours before the break of dawn.

Breymeer looks to the sky knowing time is short. He wishes to make it around the north side of town to Thorpe Hill area. He lets out a sigh knowing there is not enough time. He doesn’t want to risk the movement in daylight.

Breymeer suggests to the others that he and Ek will find the best place in the woods to remain hidden until it is safe to continue onto the hill at nightfall.

The dark elf and the ranger head into the darkness; instructing the Pholtus warriors to wait for them to return

Breymeer moves as a bear as he quietly analyzes the forest. Ek moves quietly behind him, watching in the darkness using the advantage of his dark vision.

Breymeer pauses the duo as he comes upon a flat stone. Its shape and appearance reminds Breymeer of dwarven marking stones near the dwarven delve.

Ergon and Jandre, worshippers of the light, becomes somewhat concerned being out of their armor in the dark in the woods ringing Nebub’s stronghold.

Some thirty minutes or so after the departure of Breymeer, Ergon is surprised to see a very faint glow coming from a distance in the woods. It is too far to have a direct line of sight; Ergon only can see there is a faint glow, as if a light source were uncovered.
Adept Greytalker

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Wed Jan 05, 2022 6:57 pm  
Lex & company

Alluvianna, Seeler and Lexington set back out just before daybreak. They continue north on the Kroten Highway.

The hills that surround the north and east side of town come into view. Fields appear on the west side of the road though the Kroten Forest is still on the east side. A few cattle ranches dot the fields as the trio pass by.
Ahead, the town comes into view. There is a guardhouse on the highway itself south of town. A smaller dirt path leads east along the north side of the Kroten Forest; lying south of the Kroten River.

The town has a walled section on the northwest area of town. South and east of that are unwalled sections of town. The Kroten Castle sits atop a hill north of the walled area; north of the wall.

The area ahead of the group, south of the wall, contains an obvious lumber mill that also boasts a cattle lot, a marketplace and numerous buildings of various size. Some appear to be homes, some appear to be merchants, etc. The buildings are mainly made of wood but some are made of stone.

Lexington, with a grin, asks Alluvianna, “Mom, will you be able to get us past these guys?”

Alluvianna answers rather matter-of-factly, “Well dear Lexington, I believe now that we are in the dutchy, we are relatively safe from most troubles unless we bring them upon ourselves.”

She looks east along the dirt track that leads along the Kroten Forest towards more cattle farms and lumber camps and then back north towards the guardpost and town. “Which way would you two like to go? I care not. As long as we can be settled in by nightfall. In fact, once in town, I may go off and explore on my own. I can keep up the family ploy though until you as settled into an inn.”

Seeler votes for north, “It may be a little easier to travel so we may enter the town quicker.”

Lex agrees, “I have no desire to stay ou in the wild. Studies are always more productive in the warmth of a lit room. I have some business I’d like to take care of in town. Also, I opt to explore the city to find a jeweler and a nice place to stay.”

“Done.” Is all Alluvianna replies before turning and walking north to the guard house.

The guard house is on the intersection of the south road and another main road leading west out of town. The west road likely travels to Asmogorgon on the northern coast of the island. The guard house is manned by a human captain, a couple hobgoblin sergeants, about a dozen hobgoblin soldiers and an ogre who wields an nasty looking oversized hammer.

Though eyed suspiciously, the group is not confronted for more than their names. There is no toll for foot traffic.

Ahead the highway enters town and forks, the left fork going up the western edge of town and the right fork, the southern edge of town.
In view is the lumber mill and cattle pens (#325). A small growth of trees blocks much of the view to the east (south) road though the smell of baked goods competes with the smell of the mill and cattle.

Another patrol group, this one consisting of a half dozen humans, is milling around in the shade of the trees watching the fork of the highway. They do not appear to be overly attentive or concerned with the group’s presence.

Seeler continues walking, intent on finding and inn and getting settled in. Lex and Alluvianna follow suit.

Seeler quickly comes to the fork in the roadway.

The left path leads to the walled gate on the southwest corner of the wall. Visible are the broken-down windmill (#314), the mercenary training hall (#310) and the Mason and Builders guildhouse (#314).

The right path is made of cobblestone. It leads past a baker (#302), barber (#303), entertainer (#304), a carpenter (#305), cobbler (#306) and a bath house (#307). Of most significance is the gaming hall (#312) with a large pit to the east side of the building. The pit is surrounded by a four-foot tall stone wall. A tree grows up from within the perimeter of the wall betraying the fact that the wall surrounds a pit, some six feet deep. A sign posted on the wall in large print, written in common and Suel, reads, “Danger! Do not sit on the wall!”

The cobblestone roadway leads to a large square with many peddlers and a well.

Past the square, the cobblestone roadway continues past another entertainer (#308) and a public entertainment house (#309).

Lexington stops the group. With a childlike grin he suggests the trio visit the baker. The smell of the fresh baked goods is obviously a welcome relief to the young man compared to the smells of the wild. “Let’s stop in and get a dessert. We may be able to get information on where the best inn is in town. And a jeweler.”

All concur.

The bakery is a 22’x30’ building. There is a front and presumably a back door. A windows, with the shutters open to allow out the smell, is mounted on each wall. There is a second story loft above the center of the house. Behind the house, extending almost to the river, is a large garden.

The front door opens directly to the kitchen. The door is currently closed.
Knocking on the door draws forth a male voice, “How can I help you?”

Lexington replies, “Good day sir. My companions and I are traveling through the area and the wonderful aromas of your goods beckoned us to see if we could purchase something. It has been some time since we’ve had fresh bread or any fruity confections.”

“We’re too busy at the moment. Our current supply is east of you in the Kroten Road Square. Our boys are down there with a cart selling pies as we speak. There are a few apple pies and some meat pies. You better hurry, they can go fast. The older boy’s name is Obisrik.”

Lexington thanks the baker and continues playing the part of mother and son, “Let’s hurry mom, before they run out of the good stuff.”

The trio approaches Kroten Square. It is a cobblestone square surrounding the roadway as it passes through east and west. Many tents and booths are set up. It appears one can find many different items here.

Lexington finds the baker’s booth and purchases a pie from Obisrik. Making small talk, Lexington, while starting to eat the pie, inquires about a jeweler in town.

Obisrik informs him there is one behind the walled section of town. Along the southern wall on, well, Wall Street. A little south of the southern slope of Sheep’s Hill.

Alluvianna bids the two others fairwell, “I have a few things I would like to do now. You may or may not find me again. Fair the well my son. Keep him safe Seeler.” She smiles and walks off into the crowded market.

Lexington continues to make small talk with the baker’s son in between bites of pie. He is several minutes into eating it before he realizes he has taken more bites than spoken.

Seeler stares at the oblivious teenage human as he hogs down the pie himself.

The moment is suddenly interrupted by three bugbears fully armed and armored. They bear the unforms of the Kroten security forces.

The middle one speaks in surprisingly good common, “Come with me! We have questions for you. Do not resist or reach for a weapon or you will be charged with assaulting Duke Nebub’s men!”

The soldiers look prepared to fight.

One approaches Seeler intending to disarm him of his obvious weapons.
Adept Greytalker

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Wed Jan 05, 2022 7:07 pm  
Tathar & Mowen

The following morning, Tathar and Morwen make a quick stop to purchase clothing to dress themselves as commonfolk before making the short journey across the bay and dock at Loreltarma; paying the docking fee.

Tathar first makes straight for the temple dedicated to Sehanine. The temple is three stories high with a small tower rising two more stories off the main level. The tower roof is flat, allowing the priests to view the night sky unobstructed.

At the temple, Tathar tithes a diamond (500gp), 41ep, 77sp and 182cp.

He replenishes needed spell components.

Tathar is known to the church clergy and is greeted with respect. He and Morwen are invited to sit for a moment and enjoy a brunch. Tathar inquires about any alchemists in town. The clergy give the pair directions to the local alchemist. In addition, they offer to sell the duo some of the healing powers of Sehanine.

Tathar, already able to channel her power upon her blessing, declines. Morwen happily accepts the offer trading two gem encrusted chalices (250gp each) and two diamonds (100gp each) for two potions of healing power.

From the temple, the couple make their way to the alchemist’s shop. It is a small stone block building with few windows on the main floor. The upper level is made of wood and boasts additional windows, though they are heavily barred. A very stout steel door adorns the front of the building. The door has a small sliding peek hole, about 4 inches square, that is currently closed. A brown wooden sign with a blue bubbling glass vial swings slightly in the warm morning breeze.

Tathar tries the door but it is locked.

Tathar knocks on the door and waits patiently. His elf ears pick up the sound of someone slowly moving inside; eventually shuffling through the building to the door. The peep hole slides open. An older man with a severely scarred face, likely from a chemical burn, peers out at Tathar and Morwen. He is likely in his early 60s. He appears short and a bit plump.

“Elves, eh?” the man comments. “What would an elf couple wish of an old man like myself?” He appears to be eyeing up the ability to pay of his potential clients. Apparently, he has had positive business with elves for he appeared to look favorably upon Tathar and Morwen.

Morwen flashes him a smile and says, "Good sir, we have just left the Temple of Sehanine and upon their recommendation for an alchemist have found our way to your door. We are embarking on a journey and are unsure what potions we may need, but would like to view your wares in case one stands out."

“I am sorry my dear, I do not open my door for customers. However, I would be more than happy to try and assist you should you have something more specific in mind. I have a small collections of items I have prepared that may fit your needs. If you trust in other devices besides potions, I may also have some powders or herbs that I can mix together to assist you.”

Morwen makes a simple request, “Do you have anything that would make me invisible? I have found that the second safest way to avoid being killed is not to be seen. The first safest, of course, is to stay at home. And since that is not an option . . .” She leaves the last comment hanging there.

“Well, my dear lady,” he points to his face, “sometimes staying home backfires as well.” He thinks to himself for a moment then answers, “I believe I have what you are requesting. A fine fellow requested I make it a while back and then never arrived to purchase it. Guess he could have used it a day earlier. It is a one dose shot, single use but should last the better part of a day. 550gp and it is yours.”

Morwen looks to the ground upon hearing the price, knowing she does not have that much with her.

Tathar, noticing this and not wanting for Morwen to suffer the embarrassment, pulls a valuable sapphire (1000gp) from his coin bag and covertly shows it to the alchemist, “Could you do two potions for this?” he asks.

“I fear I have only the one concoction that will make you completely disappear. However, if not being seen is the goal, I believe I may have something else you would consider. I have a little concoction that will shrink you considerably. Either that, or it makes the rest of the world grow much bigger. However, I am more inclined to believe it makes the drinker small. You drink half of it, you will be half your size. Drink it all, and you will shrink down to just the size of a large mouse or so. The best part, it shrinks whatever you’re are wearing and carrying as well.”
The alchemist looks closely at the sapphire Tathar holds without reaching for it. He eyes it closely, moving his head to see it at several different angles. “I believe I could sell both potions for that sapphire.”
The old man looks to the elves for their reply.

Tathar looks at Morwen. Morwen shrugs her shoulders before inquiring of the alchemist, “How long will the shrinking potion last?”
“Between an hour or two before you return to your original size,” is the answer.

Morwen nods approval. Tathar looks back at the alchemist and concludes the sale, “This could be a very useful potion.” Tathar takes the potions and hands them Morwen while dexterously handing the sapphire to the alchemist in one gentle but swift move.

“Good luck,” the alchemist wishes in a friendly tone as a goodbye before shutting the portal in the door.

Morwen securely stows the two potions and the Sehanine pair return to the docks.

Comus and the men stand upon the boat facing three armed men on the dock next to the boat. Everyone appears relaxed as if waiting for Tathar’s return. Comus appears to have made it apparent that they were not coming onto the boat as he stands squared off, though at something similar to parade rest, in front of the three men.

Two of the men wear studded leather armor and are armed with spear and shield. White tunics with the emblem of Loreltarma on its front are worn over the armor. Their shield emblems match that of the tunic. They are obviously members of the town guards. The final man, the leader, wears studded leather armor and has a sword in a scabbard on his belt. His tunic is similar but light blue in color. A patch, mounted at his left clavicle, shows his rank; that of captain. He holds a parchment in his hand that he begins to unroll as he speaks.

The captain respectfully addresses Tathar, “Goodday Lord Tathar Surion, Reagent of Tur Thar Guldar, honorable clergy of Sehanine Moonbow.” He turns his attention to Morwen and addresses her, “Lady Morwen Alcerin, Ambassador of Baroness Andrella of Resenford, I greet you.”

He reads from the scroll, ”The Council of Seven of Loreltarma has requested your presence before the council in regards to the conflict between the Barony of Restenford and the Dutchy of Kroten.”
The captain, quickly going about his business, finishes, “I am to direct you to the council, straightaway my Lord and my Lady.”
<No threat of force is being signaled. What is your actions.>

Morwen and Tathar give each other puzzled looks. Morwen looks at the captain and flashes him a sincere smile. “Captain, you say that you are to direct us to the council straight away, but your parchment ‘requested’ our presence. Are we free to refuse this, or are we going whether we like it or not?”

Before the captain can react, Morwen finishes her thought, “Mind you, my intention, and I am certain Tathar’s, although I do not intend to speak for him, is that we will attend the council. I merely ask because I am wondering if we are to be interrogated or simply inquired upon.”

The captain’s face flushes, “My apologies, m’Lady! You certainly are free to do as you wish. Please pardon my tongue. I chose my wording poorly.”

“If you will give me a moment to step into the cabin and change my attire, I will join you momentarily. My clothes are certainly not fit to be seen at court,” her voice is sweet and polite but leaves it no room for discussion. She does not pause for an answer, moving to the cabin of the Ungohling to change.

Morwen takes off her traveling clothes and puts on a green evening gown with a silver sash and a plain brooch. She wears sandals on her feet.

Tathar, in a stark contrast, remains as is with his face covered in charcoal excepting the moon shaped white circles around his eyes.

Comus is left in charge of the boat. The two elves follow the captain to the council.

The captain of the guard leads the elven pair across town into the government district without incident. The city chambers are eloquent enough; befitting a town of it size.

Upon entry to the council chambers, the pair finds only one person sitting in the room. The man, in his early 30s, sits at the center of a long table. The table sits upon a slightly raised platform at the back of the room. The table sits perpendicular to the entrance. He wears a tan vest over a white tunic. His light brown wavy hair falls short of his shoulders. He has a close-trimmed beard.

“Greetings Lord Surion and Lady Alcerin. I am Billtirid. I am the council member that called upon you. Please, have a seat.”

Tathar and Morwen politely accept his invitation and sit upon the visitor’s chairs. They are simple wooden chairs though they boast cushions and are obviously well crafted.

“I do not have much time to speak to you so I will skip the pleasantries and get to my business. I, unlike much of the counsel, am very concerned about the conflict between Kroten and Restenford. Also, I am concerned about the intent of the Sehanine elves.”
“Firstly, the conflict between Kroten and Restenford has not, nor will it, help the greater good of the island. We all stand to lose if all out war breaks out. Furthermore, the controlling fist of the Duke of Kroten would not be welcome to most, in my opinion. I ask that you, Lady Morwen, representing Baroness Andrella, and you, Lord Surion, representing the Sehanine elves, pay Duke Nebub a visit in his court and see what demands he may have in regards to ceasing hostilities. Unfortunately, this counsel has sat on its hands and pays little attention past the shores of this small town.”

“Secondly, of the Sehanine elves, what, if any, was the purpose of setting up a keep on the northern borders of Restenford? Why now are the Sehanine elves making themselves a base of operations?”
Adept Greytalker

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Wed Jan 05, 2022 7:13 pm  

The wagon caravan continues north along the roadway. It makes a stop at a guard house on the southwest edge of town where Loris Naef pays a small fee for each wagon to continue on into town. It appears to be a simple toll for commerce traffic.

Loris Naef and cargo continue on the Kroten highway turning east before reaching the southern wall that encloses part of the town.
It turns slightly northeast before turning back west off the cobblestone Kroten Highway onto a side path. A couple blocks later the group arrives at their destination. A door opens and the group enters a building.
Grimlock observes several buildings along the eastern route; south of the wall. There is the following observed:
301 – a second guardhouse, two stories
302 – baker
303 – barber
304 – entertainer
305 – carpenter
306 – cobbler
307 – bath house
308 – 2nd entertainer
309 – public house – entertainment such as music etc
312 – gaming house
313 – wind mill (disrepair)
Kroten Road Square (numerous carts selling various wares and foodstuffs, 326-332)
333 – a tavern that appears to serve hobgoblins.

The roadway turns a little northeast and continues past the following buildings:
120 – tailor
121 – foundry
127 – winery

It passes the hill named Celestian’s Rise which now holds the Fane of Syrul (155) and the barracks across the street (156).
Turning left onto Cross Street, it passes a weaver (160) and a series of stone circles (149) then three more buildings come by; the butcher (133), the fletcher (132) and the armorer (131). The final two buildings are the tinker (130) and a livery stable (129).

Across the street from the livery stable is a teamster. The party is shuttled into the barn on the east side of the house.

Upon the barn being secured, Loris Naef begins releasing Cholak and Esned from their confines. They rub their sore muscles as they straighten out and stretch.

Grimlock is presumed to have entered the barn as well. The half-elf remains invisible and very hard, if not impossible, to detect. He has become an expert at stealthy movements. He has come a long way from the days of secreting himself behind dirty dull-colored canvas.

The group is not in the barn long enough to formulate a plan for their next move when there is a heavy knock on the barn’s sliding door. Whoever is outside made a point of making their approach secret. A gruff voice calls out, “Open the door by the authority of Duke Nebub!” The voice is not human. It appears to be that of a bugbear.
Adept Greytalker

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Wed Jan 05, 2022 7:14 pm  
Tathar & Mowen

Tathar and Morwen look at each other to see who will speak first. Morwen nods to Tathar, giving him the okay if he wishes. Tathar turns to the counselor and says, "In regard to your question of the Sehanine elves building a 'base of operations' as you call it, I must admit that I am just a priest of Sehanine, and I follow the will of Sehanine and the priests that she has put over me. More revered and powerful priests worked with Pelltar to drive out the evil that inhabited the keep at Bone Hill. I believe this was a great thing for the entire island. I was then commissioned by my superiors to turn the previously evil land into a monastery for good, prayer, rest for travelers, and most importantly a place to worship the Lady of Illusions, Sehanine Moonbow."

"It is not a base of operations, as you call it, but a beacon of light where there was once darkness. If you were to travel there, not only would you be welcomed, but you would see that the only armaments we have is what it would take to drive away evil that might attempt to retake the keep."

Tathar finishes his speaking and looks at Morwen, then down to the tabletop as if in contemplation.

Morwen looks from Tathar with a well veiled sadness and flashes a smile. "Councilor Billtirid, I apologize, but since your time is limited and I wish to honor that, I will forgo the normal pleasantries as well. Baroness Andrella would welcome an alliance with Lo Reltarma since we would be stronger together. If Nebub attacks and successfully overthrows Restonford, it will only be a matter of time before his eyes turn to northeast and then this way."

"As to your request of our going to Kroten, I can tell you that I have been sent in that direction by Baroness Andrella to see what I can ascertain, and Tathar has been lovely enough to accompany me, to afford me whatever protection he can. But going into the court at Kroten was not something I was planning on doing. Are you able to provide any sort of support? Either official or unofficial? A contingent of Lo Reltarma soldiers, big enough to help protect us against traveling marauders, but small enough to not be a threat to Duke Nabub may give the Duke pause in thinking that we are more aligned with each other and he thinks. It may so also serve to ensure we come out of the court with our hides intact."

Billtiried replies, “I am not able to speak for the entire counsel. In fact, I wish to keep this meeting a secret. Therefore, I can not supply you with any material support.”

He stops, looks around and then leans in closer before speaking in a near whisper using the elven language, “Know that powerful entities are watching the outcome of this skirmish; both for good and for ill. Please, go to court, be not afraid, you will be aided by those you know not yet.”

“I do not expect your trust. We share the same cause.”

He returns to the common language as he leans back in his chair, “You have our goodwill in the interest of peace. I am sorry I cannot offer you more.”
Adept Greytalker

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Sat Feb 19, 2022 8:40 am  

Lexington, with a somewhat surprised look on his face as he was taken unaware by such a well-spoken hobgoblin, speaks with a mouthful of pie, “Miff ib rurrry rood rie.” He wipes his mouth and says, “Okay, I definitely don’t want any trouble like that.

The bugbear reaching for Seeler’s weapon pauses for a moment to look at Lexington and then back to Seeler.

Seeler stands firm and confident seeing where this situation goes.
Lexington looks around and asks Seeler, “Where’s my mom? Won’t she be worried?”

The hobgoblins continue with their detention of the young man and the dwarf. Seeler is disarmed of his obvious weapons and they are both shackled into iron manacles. A dark hood is placed over both their heads.

The hobgoblins roughly push the two to get them walking and direct them, in what appears to be an easterly direction, down the cobblestone path. It seems they are still on the Kroten highway.

Lexington and Seeler are turned and moved through the city. It is in a generally northerly direction. They are led through a few gates and brought into a final structure. They are brought into the subterranean basement. Each is unshackled and pushed into the room. The hood is removed as two of them tumble into their new homes

Each cell has a twelve-foot ceiling. There is a cot, a single chair and two small eight-inch diameter buckets on the floor next to the cot. The buckets are eight inches tall and would just fit through the small hole in the bottom of the cell door. High up on the wall between cells, nearly eleven feet off the floor, is a three in diameter pipe to allow air to move between cells. The door itself is of thick hardwood reinforced with iron bands. The doors have latches with padlocks on the exterior side.

Ergon whispers softly to Jandre, “I see a faint glow in the distance,” pointing to the light. “Draw swords and be on the ready. We must stay silent and hide.”

Jandre nods and sets his backpack containing his armor quietly on the ground and then readies his maul for combat.

The light appears to be moving ever so slowly and silently in their direction.

Breymeer suggests to Ek, “Return to the group and bring them forward to the stone. Hopefully we can decipher this stone.”

Ek dutifully turns back towards Ergon and Jandre.

Breymeer remains near the stone and quietly watches and listens for danger. Breymeer slowly feels the ground around the stone and then the stone itself. Using the full moon light of the little moon, Celene, Breymeer determines a few things. The stone does appear to be some type of worked stone. There is also sign of recent travel through the area as Breymeer finds non-descript foot print, from a man-sized boot, in the soil. The boot print is in line with what appears to be a not often used trail.

Ek moves back slowly through the woods towards the two Pholtus holy men. As he nears the two others, Ek sees an illumination moving through the woods to his left. The light source also appears to be moving towards Ek’s companions.

Ergon draws out his holy sword and prepares for trouble.

Jandre stands stalwart next to Ergon. The two stand tall, even without the protection of their armor.

The light source continues toward them. It illuminates and area as a torch would. The eastern sky shows the very first hint of the approaching dawn.

The light breaks from the foliage. It presents as a ball of light, white in color and approx. one foot in diameter. It stops 20 feet from Ergon and Jandre. It remains still at that point, hovering approx. six feet off the ground.

Ek immediately takes cover in the nearest spot of darkness to blend in. He becomes motionless. He keeps the light source within sight; moving forward as necessary. The light continues on an intercept course with Ergon and Jandre.

The light enters the area where Ek left Ergon and Jandre. The dark elf moves quietly up. He gets close enough to have an open bow shot should his assistance be needed.

The light source becomes a white light with a light bluish tint. It pulses a few times and then begins to float off in Ek’s direction.

The light source becomes a white light with a light bluish tint. It pulses a few times and then begins to float off in the direction of Breymeer’s last known path.

Morwen replies in the voice of a practiced politician. "Sir, is there nothing you can aid is with? You ask is to go into the lion's den and trust to forces we do not know?"

Tathar comments' "That is my life, and I gladly embrace anything that The Mystic Lady deems appropriate."

"That maybe find for you, Lord Tathar, but I am not so easily swayed. Councilor, can you not even send word of us as an envoy, so that we may at least gain audience unmolested?"

The Counselman replies, “I am sorry my lady. I do not speak for the entire counsel. I just assure you, you are not alone in this pursuit of peace.”:

As the two others speak, Tathar’s pupils turn to cresent moons and he drifts away from the conversation into a vision. He sees a vast cavern of glowing reddish hues. A soft distant female voice whispers out a single word, “Peylae.”

Tathar’s vision continues. The Lady of Illusion fills his mind with the image of Breymeer and company leading a small expedition within the cavern. Their purpose or direction is not revealed to the elven priest.
Finally, a blackness appears and moves towards Tathar. As it gets closer, it appears to be a massive black horse. It bears a dark, possibly female, rider on its back.

The horse continues forwards until it blocks out the image of the reddish cavern. It becomes the only image in Tathar’s mind.

The horse has glowing red eyes and flaming orange nostrils. It’s hooves burn like embers and sparks fly from them as they pound the air as it charges forward though it flies through the air.

The rider is difficult to make out from under her deep black robe. A hood, worn low over the face, covers all details.

The image closes nearer and nearer until it becomes just blackness as it rolls over the Sehanine priest. The image causes Tathar to flinch. His eyes return to normal and he becomes aware of Morwen’s concerning gaze upon him.

Billtiried, sensing something had overcome Tathar, re-states his position. “Lady Alcerin and Lord Surion, I am sorry I can give you no material aid. Trust you have friends on your side. Duke Nebub is truly evil though not insanely. If you call upon him at court, you can trust he will great you with respect and honor your positions. He does believe in the rule of law. Just beware, he makes the law in Kroten.”

Billitiried turns to leave but gives one last comment, “He will not attack you outright in court. If anything, he will work to have others do you harm. Watch your back but do not fear meeting him in open court.”

Morwen thanks Billitiried, "Counselor Billitiried, thank you for the information. Know we will do all we can. Would you be so kind as to provide us with an escort back to our ship? I would hate to be overtaken by brigands, and few tend to be brazen enough to engage with soldiers on official duty."

“Most certainly! Captain, return them to where they wish to go.”

The captain and his men dutifully follow the order. They bring Tathar and Morwen back to the docks and return them safely to where the Ungohling is docked.

Comus appears relieved the two elves returned without much delay.

The captain and his men depart.

Esned quickly scans the barn looking for a good place to hide.
The barn is 55 feet long and 35 feet wide. The large sliding door the party just entered through is mounted on the southern wall facing the street. The south and north walls are lined with stables, most of them containing horses and possibly a stable boy or two doing chores.
On the west end of the barn is a ladder built into the wall that leads to a hay loft.

Loris Naef curses quietly. “Quickly, help me get these barrels back together!”

The knocking outside the door becomes louder and one of the hobgoblins begins to push on the door causing it to start to open.

A female voice, coming from the direction of the house, pauses the situation, “What is the meaning of this? By what suspicion do you force your way into my barn?” The voice is strong and unwaivering.
Loris Naef repeats his commant, “Now, we must act now!”

Loris Naef gasps as the barn door is pushed open and the light of the day spills in revealing the group.

Esned manages to duck behind a barrel. He positions himself so that he may move quickly under the wagon if necessary.

Cholak is caught flat footed.

Standing in the doorway is roughly a half dozen hobgoblins dressed in normal clothing. They have no weapons in hand though they do have daggers in sheaths on their belts.

Next to the hobgoblins is a pretty 30-something year old woman. She is not armed or wearing armor either.

The suspected adversaries look at the shock and horror on Loris Naef’s face and begin laughing out loud. They slap their knees and pat each other on the back.

The woman walks forward towards the party still wearing a wide grin, “My dear Loris, have I caught you unprepared?”

Loris Naef only replies weakly, “Ralla, you are cruel madam. I nearly soiled myself.”

The hobgoblins enjoy one last laugh before dispersing towards the teamster’s residence next door. They slide the barn door shut prior to departing.

Ralla continues, “So, this is your load of fish, eh?”

“Indeed,” answers Loris Naef who is starting to regain his composure.

Rolla snickers one final time at Loris Naef’s expense. He simply rolls his eyes. It is obvious these two have been acquaintances for some time.
Rolla gets to business, “You will have to hide in the stall until early morning. Loris can deliver you to the castle at the end of the night watch as the kitchen staff is beginning the morning chores.” She points to the northwesternmost stall.

“You are welcome to walk about the barn. If anyone questions you, you are assistants and security for Loris.” With that, she turns to depart. Ask she walks out, Loris Naef calls to Rolla. As she turns, he pulls out a small cloth pouch. It has several dozen coins in it. He throws it to her. With obvious dexterity, Rolla snatches it out of the air. As she exits the barn and slides the door shut, she snickers one last time at her prank and wishes, “Good luck.”
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
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From: Minnesota

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Sat Feb 19, 2022 8:56 am  
Lexington's recieves a surprise guest

Lexington and Seeler find they have time on their hands. A few hours pass without much activity. Both adventurers were stripped of their main possessions short of their clothes before being deposited into the cells.
Seeler finds some comfort actually in being surrounded by rock. Having dark vision, he finds sitting in the dark not as uncomfortable as Lexington.
The two find they can hear each other somewhat. The sounds are most clear through the air tubes near the top of the wall.

Lexington finds himself longing for a book to read when interestingly, his room lights up. Before him is a red headed woman holding a torch. He is immediately struck by her beauty.

She perfectly fills the thin strapped, low cut red dress that barely leaves Lexington’s imagination any room for questions. A high slit up the side of the dress is revealed as she walks seductively towards a torch sconce mounted on the wall near the entrance. He only now notices she held a torch.

She turns facing him with a smile on her face. Her green eyes burn intensely. Lexington has no idea how she got in his room or who she is but even in his mid-teens, he can read the look on her face even if it wasn’t advertised by her body movements.

“What is the matter young man?” the redhead coyly asks. She sets the torch into a sconce on the wall and then slowly moves towards him, seducing him with sensual body movements and a lusting in her eyes.
She steps next to Lexington. His heart is pounding. The smell of her perfume washes over him. She playfully lets a strap of her dress fall down to her elbow.

Being a young bookworm, Lexington has no clue whatsoever on how to respond. In his ignorance, he blurbs out, “Ummmm, errrrr, ahhhh. What’s a nice dungeon like you doing in a girl like this?”

Turning red, he powers forward and tries again, “You wouldn’t happen to have any good books to read?”

The woman ignores his social awkwardness, “I am afraid Nebub doesn’t want you having any pesky books right now. I thought maybe I could entertain you for a while.” The other strap drops off her shoulder and gravity takes ahold of her dress leaving it to fall to the floor.

Seeler, though not without difficulty, can hear the conversation in the cell next door.

Lexington continues to act in his inexperience as he slowly backs up. He bumps the wall behind him, “Oh my . . . ahhh . . . heh-heh . . . ah-hemmm . . . you . . . ahhh . . . may . . . wow . . . catch a chill . . . ummm . . . without . . .. ahh . . . heh-heh . . . you know . . . your dress . . . oh momma . . .”

The woman continues forwards and grabs ahold of the young man. For the next several hours, long past when the torch finally burned out, the woman gives Lex the type of education he never received from a book. Finally, the woman relents and prepares to leave. She winks at Lexington, “See you tomorrow!” Then, as mysteriously as she appeared in the cell, she vanishes from it.

Seeler can only sit in his cell and listen to the commotion from the other cell. It remains a mystery to the dwarf how Lex could have found himself in that situation.

The rest of the day passes with the only other disturbance being that of supper being served; cold soup and bread.

Ek hails Ergon and Jandre from his concealed location to ensure they know he isn’t a threat before finally walking out to greet them.
The two holy men continue to watch the light source. Ek joins them, now realizing it wasn’t their light source.

The light source suddenly blinks out.

The sound of an approaching animal becomes obvious. By the sound, it appears to be a horse. A slight glow now begins to form in the woods again as the creature closes in on the trio. Whoever, or whatever, is on that horse is carrying some type of whitish light, similar to what they associate with a holy light channeled through a priest.

The animal will be upon them in just a few moments.

Ergon whispers to Ek, “What do your elf eyes see?”

Before the dark elf can reply, a large brilliantly white heavy war horse bursts forth from the foliage. The horse appears to be nearly glowing; it illuminates the area around the two men and the elf. It is bright enough the dark elf shields his eyes.

As suddenly as the white war horse appears, a second animal comes charging from out of no where towards the brilliant war horse.

The animal is powerfully built with a jet-black coat. It’s eyes glow red with an infernal evil. Its nostrils are flaming orange as if it breathes the fires of hell. As the hooves pound the ground, embers burst forth. It has a long mane and tail that is ragged and they whip wildly in the air as it gallops.

In what appears to be a visual battle of good versus evil, the dark horse charges the other. The white horse spins and they shoulder into each other with a great collision though neither gives ground.

Though the sun is near, the forest remains dark with shadows and both horses gallop blindly through the dark forest towards Breymeer; he can hear them as they close upon him. In addition to the sound of their flight and pursuit, the glow of the white horse and the fiery display of the dark horse help identify their location to some degree.

The wind is picking up steadily and the sky is clouding over; threatening a turn in the weather.

Breymeer takes note of the galloping horses. Since their group was not in possession of any, the sound can only be met with caution.

Breymeer clears his mind and summons forth his inner animal. Very quickly, an enormously large cave bear, all of fifteen feet tall, stands where Breymeer once stood.

The ranger’s mind remains intact after the transformation. He snorts as he awaits the approaching steeds.

The dark elf watches the two opposing horses gallop off. The dark elf, from the subterranean realms, looks to the two Pholtus holy men; worshippers of the light. Their differences are as starkly contrasting as that of the horses. Ek gives his analysis, “Breymeer is not far away, and in that direction. With all the commotion, it would be a good time to follow as fast as we can in case our assistance is needed.”

Ek, the dark elf, turns to do as he suggested without waiting for much of a response.

The forest appears to be growing darker and more sinister from the direction the black horse arrived. The woods appears to be closing in and the air becomes heavier.

Ergon and Jandre do not care to wait and find out why. Though neither shows signs of fear, both find wisdom in re-uniting with Ek, as he can see in the dark, and Breymeer, who is at home in the woods. They take no time to try and light a lantern or torch. Using what little light there is, they move as quickly and safely through the woods as they dare; using their hearing to give them a sense of direction. The horses galloping remains audible.

Morwen enters the boat cabin and changes back into her adventuring garb.

Meanwhile, Tathar informs Comus that he and Morwen will be heading inland and requests Comus pilot the boat back to Pelreltarma so they can depart for Kroten.

Comus and crew obey; steering the craft back out into open water and landfall at Pelreltarma.

“Dear Captain, may we come with you? Or what are your plans for the boat and for us?” As he waits for a response, it is apparent all crew members within earshot have also stopped in anticipation of an answer

A shocked look falls across Tathar’s face before quickly turning to gladness, “My dear friends, I cannot ask you to come with us. But, if you wish to come on your own, I could never stop you. You knew Peylae and Ledego befre you knew me. Ledego is gone and his spirit rests with the spirits of his ancestors. I know this for a fact because I guided him there when we first returned back to the Spindrift Isles. Peylae, on the other hand, may still be alive. Where Morwen and I are going is very dangerous and it is very possible that we will not come out alive. If you come with us, and die, you will have died for all that is good in the world, and I suspect Sehanine will bless you in the afterlife for it. If you come and survive, know that you will have an equal share in any and all treasure we might find. I will not, now or ever, find any fault with any man who decides to stay behind, but speak now, for our road is long and our time is short.”

Comus, the first mate, is the first to speak, “I have Captain Ledego and Lady Peylae to thank for saving my life on numerous occasions. Should she be alive, I will give my life in the quest to find Lady Peylae.”
Larrig, the crewmaster speaks next, “My wife and previous crewmember, Ersan, remained in Restenford as she is carrying our child. As a result, I do not wish to needlessly forfeit my life. The quest to find Lady Peylae and rid the world of some evil along the way is a quest I can honorably risk Ersan raising a fatherless child. I will aid you as I can.”

Ment, Tiz and Nedwyn uniformly respond, “Let’s rock and roll!”

With that, The Ungohling departs for the mainland.

Tathar looks over the crew to get an idea on their disposition. He does not distrust their loyalty, he simply takes a moment to judge the strengths and general health.

Comus, the first mate, looks determined. The man is very well muscled with a stern face. A man of some mild good looks despite the life at sea. He makes a good leader though his gruff personality can sometimes leave people displeased. Tathar knows Comus is a strong warrior to have at his side. He wears a leather breastplate, leather bracers and wields hammers in combat. He’ll either hoist a large sledgehammer or pick up a war hammer in each hand.

Larrig, the crewmaster, has the perfect personality to be between the sailors and Comus. Larrig is well liked on board the Ungohling. When forced into a fight, Larrig is exceptional with a bow and is strong enough to stand in melee with his cutlass and dagger. He also possesses leather armor but generally does not wear it about the boat.

Though the remaining three excel in sailing, they all have the personality and appearance of men that have spent too many days at sea. Their faces are worn from the sun and sea winds. All are loyal; they just approach their work with the stern determination of a dwarf. Once the day’s work is done, they are of fair enough disposition to be decent company.

The three sailors also have their leather armor stowed. Each carries a cutlass. In addition to his cutlass, Tiz has a short bow and several throwing knives.

The crew seems to compliment Tathar and Morwen well; a couple strong warriors with honorable moral.

With confidence Sehanine would not steer him wrong, Tathar stands upon the Ungohling as Comus and crew guide the small craft into port at Pelreltarma.

Strangely, waiting upon the dock is an elf. Tathar immediately recognizes the holy moon symbol of a Sehanine priest. The man is dressed in fine chain mail armor and carries a black painted wooden shield. Upon the shield painted a full moon shining upon an archipelago amid a calm sea. The shield’s image bears the signs of many an impact. He is armed with a long bow and quiver upon his shoulder and a finely crafted scabbard holding a long sword of equal quality. A dark cloak is upon his back.
“Lord Surion, I am Gaerhith. I have been sent here to guide you by order of the high priests of the isles. The time has come to remove an enemy from the island. May I step aboard?”

“Gaerhith, well met,” says Tathar with a bow. “This vessel is as much the property of the Moonlight Mistress as any other possession I have. A priest of Sehanine Moonbow is always welcome upon her decks. Please, let us retire to the cabin for refreshments and conversations.”

“Thank you, Lord Surion,” replies the other priest as he steps aboard. He continues to speak as he follows Tathar towards the cabin, “Time is of the essence I am afraid. May I ask you to trust my guidance is true and turn this ship north along the coast throughout the night. We must get near Asmogorgon on the northwest tip of this isle as soon as possible.”

Comus looks to Tathar to see if they are immediately going out to sea. No order follows so Comus stands down the crew as Tathar turns towards the cabin. He invites Gaerhith and Morwen into the cabin.

Tathar’s had been prepared to head ashore to attend court in Kroten. Redirecting by boat is going to require more information as to why.
As soon as the group is within the cabin and the door is closed, Gaerhith begins to speak again, “Lord Surion, I mean you no disrespect and certainly do not question your actions.”

The fellow Sehanine priest remains standing by the door, “I understand my haste is not yours currently. We share the same need though I have not told you yet what it is.”

The elf surrenders to the fact that the Ungohling isn’t moving until Tathar commands it. “As you are painfully aware, there are evil forces upon this island. Fiends and the sort have found portals or gates to gain access here. The very Duke of Kroten has fiendish roots. Sehanine has set in motion a task for her followers. We must take back the island from its current inhabitants and close the gates.”

The elf pauses for a moment to listen outside before continuing, “You have faced one of these gates personally below an old dwarven mine. In addition, you found and overcame the evil under Tur Thar Guldar. As we speak, you were intending to venture north to face down Duke Nebub. You have been one of Sehanine’s most active and successful priests. She now must turn your path.”

“A force of elves is prepared to make landing at Asmogorgon and secure the town. This is the first small step towards the greater goal. This landing force is not your destination however. In the mountainous region outside of town, among the Skull Peaks, is an additional fortress of evil protecting a gate. It was believed we had more time but it appears the evil that wishes to open this gate may be able to do so very soon. If opened, it would be the demise of the landing force. It would set upon the island untold evil and peril. It would become that much more difficult for us to overcome.”

Gaerhith pleads, “Lord Surion, please accept this mission. It is believed you are our best chance of overcoming it. I will be by your side as well. Should you choose another path, I must be on my way. Time is working against us.”

Tathar repies, “We have friends already making their way to Kroten. They are expecting our aid. Are there any forces going to their aid? If so, it would make the decision much easier.”

Gaerhith shakes his head, “No, they’re fate is in their own hands though their success is our own.” Their accomplishments are not unknown. It is believed they will be successful without your aid.”

Tathar looks at Morwen who only stares back at him, her face a blank slate. Then, thinking better of it says, “What does your heart tell you?”

Tathar’s eyes shift from Gaerhith and Morwen, then he looks at the table before him. “My heart tells me to set sail.” He stands, squares his shoulders and walks out the door. On deck, he tells Comus, in a close conversation, “Put us to sea. Head directly out until our course cannot be seen by those on land, then head north. We will be navigating along the west side of the island under Gaerhith’s guidance.”

Once the Ungohling is safely out to sea, Tathar addresses the crew. “Gentlemen, this is Gearhith, one of my brother priests of the Shrouded Lady. Gaerhith, if you are unaware, you must know that I was set upon a path, by a vision from Sehanine, to rescue the maiden Peylae from a plane in hell. We follow you now because I gave an oath as a priest to follow the orders of my superiors. While my heart and my eyes tell me you are true, I would have more proof before we continue further. Tell me, who are our superiors and how did you know where to find me?”
Gaerhith nods in understanding and does not appear offended. “I do not know everyone on this ship so I must approach you.” Gaerhith nears Tathar and whispers into his ear. Tathar appears content but continues, “And how again did you find me?”

I was told you would be using the docks. I simply waited until I found you.

“You indeed are tied to Paylae and you may yet rescue her. I am not privy to what role Paylae is to play in our future but it cannot be denied she remains tied to some destiny here on this island. In Sehanine’s time, I will aid you as I can.”

“Great and terrible forces seem to be at play in this world. The future is greatly threatened by dark forces. We must do what we can to preserve what is left of our elven kingdoms.”

The Ungohling turns north and slips along the islands western shore.

Esned breathes a sigh of relief then begins looking around the new digs. He finds there are a couple stable hands, teenage boys, within the barn as well.

The stable hands keep the stables clean, the horses fed and ridden and generally keep the barn clean. They come and go as the day wears on. There appears to be three separate boys.

Loris Naef shakes his head and breathes out a sigh of relief, “We shall head out before first light tomorrow morning. I sincerely wish to deposit you at your destination so that I may keep my head upon my shoulders another season or two.”

Once morning arrives, Cholak and Esned take a good deep breath before lowering themselves into the barrels. Even though the air is heavy with smell of the barn and horses, it is much better than the permanent smell of fish on the inside of the barrels. The dwarf and the gnome may never get themselves clean again.

Grimlock, invisible, is presumed to follow as Laris Naef guides his horse and wagon out of the barn and towards Duke Nebub’s castle on the hill to the north. The town bell rings marking the arrival of the six o’clock hour.
It has clouded over and a light drizzle adds to the discomfort of a twenty-something mph crosswind. It makes the fifty something degree temperate feel worse. Loris Naef pulls his hood over his head and prods the horses forward.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
Posts: 381
From: Minnesota

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Sat Feb 19, 2022 9:05 am  
Brewfest 6th

Lexington awakes to the sound of the red-headed woman inside his cell again. She is dressed in a light shirt and pants. She slips upon Lexington, startling him awake. She remains on top of him with a coy smile upon her face. He notices his golden medallion set with a star sapphire (8000gp) hangs from around her neck.
She teases Lexington to the point he finds himself very awake.

Seeler awakes to the sound of Lexington. The poor dwarf just shakes his head and rolls away from the common wall the cells share.

The woman stops and becomes serious, “If you want to see me again, you must prepare to leave this cell. Your friends are coming for you soon.”

She points to a Lexington’s spellbooks stacked on the floor near the cell entrance. Next to them is his pack and gear. In addition, Seeler’s gear is also lying upon the floor. “I thought you may want these back. I hope you don’t mind, your medallion is very pretty so I took it as a gift from you. Your very thoughtful.” The look on her face tells Lexington her possession of necklace is not open for negotiation. “Hey dwarf, she speaks towards the common wall, “We exchanged gifts. I have left your equipment here with your friend in exchange for that pretty ruby you had (1000gp). Thank you.”

Much to Lexington’s dismay, she stands and walks away from him, “Hurry and prepare yourself!” She disappears.

Ergon grips his holy weapon as he moves through the forest. Ek is quickly out of sight and much quieter than the two humans. Ergon curses the darkness, “Pholtus, some light would be a blessing.” Upon his thought, his holy sword begins to glow.

Jandre runs just behind Ergon, “Ergon, your sword!” he calls out.
Ergon pulls the weapon from its scabbard. The darkness closing in on the forest lightens with holy light. The two humans can see easily out to 30 feet in all directions. They can see shadows out to twice the distance. It appears the sword illuminated upon Ergon’s prayerful request.

They give a thankful prayer and return to pursuing the stallions.

After moving about a mile through the forest, the sounds of battle erupt from somewhere in the darkness ahead.

Ek skillfully moves through the woods, quickly putting the two humans behind him. The elf prefers to move alone through the woods. Though he isn’t accustomed to a surface forest, the darkness creates a closeness similar to being in the underdark.

A short time after beginning the chase, Ek notices a sudden and sustained illumination behind him. It appears they have found a light source. A prayerful spell no doubt concludes Ek. Having to deal with having to be in the light only solidifies Ek’s thankfulness for being alone. The horses have quickly outpaced the elf. However, his ears still betray their direction of travel. Ek maintains his course.

After moving about a mile through the forest, the sounds of battle erupt from somewhere in the darkness ahead.

Breymeer, now in bear form, scans the forest. In moments, he sees the stallions racing through the woods. Fire and brimstone sail into the air with each powerful landing of the dark horse’s hoofs. Flames shoot from its nostrils in small jets burning along with the creature’s eyes.

Sensing the bear, the animal turns slightly to its left and continues off into the night. Just behind it races the holy white stallion. It appears as a shimmering silvery-white streak as it zigs and zags after the dark horse. The holy horse appears to ignore the bear; it remains focused on the dark horse.

Breymeer, recognizing the two animals as good and evil begins immediate pursuit. The ranger runs full speed, letting the bear’s natural abilities guide it flawlessly through the forest. He will put down evil this dawn or join his brethren in the hallowed halls in his attempt.

After moving about a half-mile through the forest, the sounds of battle erupt from somewhere in the darkness ahead.

Loris Naef moves the cargo west on Cross Street to the intersection with The Path of Light. Here, he turns north. The intersection is bordered by two mason’s homes, both made of stone. There is a third stone building and a wooden structure with a stone base. The third stone building isn’t marked but the fourth is a general store of sorts.

The Path of Light leads north to Cobble Street. Here, Loris Naef turns west towards the Kroten Tavern and Ale House. It is a large, solidly built building. It obviously served as some type of defensive structure in the early days of the town. The basement and main floor are made of stone with a wooden second story.

West of the tavern is the northeast wall tower (Gate 4) of the walled section of town. The slope of Sheeps Hill covers the northwest quarter of the walled section.

Loris moves through the east gate to enter the walled area. Immediately inside, he turns north, exiting through the north gate at this location. The closest building to the gates was a crossbow maker. In addition to the shingle posted in front of his doorway showing a cocked crossbow and some quarrels, a target is set up on a 100 foot range behind the building.

The cart moves down Sheeps Hill, across the northern branch of the Kroten River. Loris Naef pays a toll as he passes the final guardhouse before ascending Dearn’s Peak towards Kroten Castle.

Esned and Cholack bounce along inside their barrels wishing the ride was over.

As they ascend Dearn’s Peak, the flying Grimlock can see the main structure on the hillside is Kroten Castle. It sits approx. 100 or so feet above the river level below. To the west of the castle is a strange wizard’s tower. At least, given by its design, it must have been built by a wizard.

The odd shaped tower looks like a large cube with another smaller cube on its roof. It is held there by a thin tower which doubles as an exterior staircase. I looks to be at least 100 years old. The base is 32 feet across and 32 feet high to its crenulated roofline. The second story has barred windows.

On the roof is an 8 x 8 pillar that is 36 feet tall. Upon the pillar rests a 16 ft x 16 ft x 10 ft tall rectangular shaped structure. The roof is also crenulated.

The castle has a perimeter wall. It has a main gatehouse with a tower to each side of the gate. You pass under the portcullis and between the gate towers. Loris carefully guides through as there is barely room for his wagon. The area is a designed kill zone. All type of missile weapons could be deployed from the two floors above as one passed below. No harm comes as the group moves through. You then pass through a set of solid wooden doors. The doors are pushed forward and the delivery is allowed through.

A wide path leads to the large double doors to the castle. They are twelve feet wide and eight feet tall. The appear to be made of very thick wood and banded with iron.

Loris guides right down a smaller path, passing between the corner of the barn, tucked into the southwest corner against the wall, and the castle’s main structure. On the north side of the barn is a lean-to. It appears to belong to the groom.

The path continues north between the outer wall of the castle building and the outer wall. The area is narrow. The path, passes a vegetable, spice and herb garden and then leads to the side kitchen door just before reaching a large cabin; likely for the kitchen staff.

The kitchen door is propped open. One can see the door is designed to be barred from the inside as needed. The sounds and smells of a busy kitchen roll out the door into the small courtyard. The gnome and dwarf have the slightest reprieve from the constant smell of fish that surrounds them.

Loris uses a hand cart to move the barrels into the kitchen with the help of the cook; a human woman. She displays a bit of strength as she helps move the cargo inside.

Grimlock, the half-elven, remains invisible and hovering slightly above the ground. He keeps himself in position to see into the kitchen through the open door.

Once the barrels are inside, Loris Naef quickly frees Cholak, the dwarf, and Esned, the gnome.

The cook whispers something in Loris Naef’s ear and he quickly relays the situation, “Two of your friends were brought into the cells in the basement below up. By description, it is Lexington, the young mage, and Seeler, the second dwarf.”

Loris Naef takes a meat cleaver off the counter and lets out a sigh. He looks at the group, “I believe my days as a peaceful merchant have come to an end. If you fail in your quest, I will surely be found out about and hung for my crimes.” He looks longingly at the cook before continuing, “Go into the basement and retrieve your friends. Hurry! The Duke will be at breakfast soon. It will be the best time to strike. Hurry, we will cover from here until you return. Hurry, or we shall all die!” Loris Naef’s face is twisted with adrenaline and excitement. “The basement is beyond those doors.

The room has stone walls except for four doors. The first is the propped-open exterior door. The second is a door in the north wall to the left of the hearth that dominates the northeast corner. A door is mounted on the south wall near the eastern exterior side The final is a small door that swings into the kitchen. It is on the southern wall on the far western edge.

A large table sits in the middle of the room. All manner of pots, pans, knives, forks and other cooking utensils are scattered about the kitchen and handing from the ceiling above the table.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
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Mon Mar 21, 2022 8:11 pm  

Lexington melts with infatuation. As she’s leaving, he stumbles on his words, “Ahhhh . . . Yea . . . Very pretty . . . You look better on me . . . err . . . I mean it . . . I mean, the medallion . . . on you . . . looks very better . . . pretty.” He then manages to unknowningly blurt out his best geek pick-up line ever, “If you ever want that ruby polished, I’d be happy to help.”

Seeler speaks as best he can through the tube as she vanishes, “Thanks for my equipment – that sounds fair!” Though he doesn’t know it is too late, he calls out, “What shall we call you m’lady?”

No answer comes.

As Lex comes to his senses, he hurries over to his and Seeler’s things. He quietly asks, “How do we get out of here?”

The answer is unclear though Lexington realizes there is probably enough oil left in the lantern to study his spellbooks.

Seeler, being a dwarf, can see about his cell without the light. He just sits and waits for what may happen next.

Looking closely at the doors, they can see they are solid iron, not iron banded wood. In addition to the nine inch square hole at the bottom, a small peep hole is cut in the center of the door at eye height (for a human).

The lantern is getting low on oil when the two prisoners hear what sounds like the iron door in the next room opening. It appears the duo is not alone anymore.

Breymeer is the closest to the fight among his peers. He continues toward the sounds of battle intending to support the forces of good.
As he nears the fray, he can hear voices and shouts along with the sound of the horses trampling hooves.

Ek continues forward towards the sounds of battle though he slows a bit to remain cautious of dangers. He keeps and eye and ear out for threats as he hustles along. He keeps a sharp elf eye out for traps while moving along the darkest areas he can find. In addition, he remains vigilant for any sign of Breymeer.

Ergon looks at Jandre, yelling, “Let’s go and see what that sound is!” Jandre follows the paladin as the two men move cautiously yet swiftly towards the sounds of battle with weapons drawn.

The cook points to the door in the northwest corner of the room. “Beyond the door is a stairwell into the basement. It leads to a long hallway that is mainly used for storage. There is a second hallway that leads south; to your left. Once you take the second hallway, take the first door on your right. The cells are accessed from that room.”

Esned is the first to speak, his gnomish voice full of confidence, “I shall assist in freeing our friends. To the basement we go!”

Cholak concurs, “Hell yeah, let’s roll!’

Cholak opens the door, revealing a small hallway with a stone stairway down. Next to the stairwell is a wall sconce holding a glass shielded candle (unlit). Stacked in this room is firewood and coal for the kitchen. A small hole in the upper part of the wall sheds a small amount of light into the room and allows for some air circulation. There was a similar pipe high up in the kitchen.

Cholak and Esned descend the stairwell, going down in an easterly direction. They assume Grimlock is following. At the bottom of the stairwell is another air pipe that allows in the smallest amount of light. Esned and Cholak both see very well in the dark. Grimlock struggles but can generally see shadows, movement and the general layout in the low light; at least far enough not to run into anything. The design of the stairwell causes them to have to buttonhook back to the west to see the length of the hallway. There is a solid wooden door on the south wall at the base of the stairs. It is five feet wide.

Looking around, they can see the area is a long storage hallway with a secondary hallway leading off to their left. The group moves down the secondary hallway until it reaches the first door on the right some 50 feet from the stairwell. The door is made of solid iron. A second door on the right is about 20 feet further down the hallway. It also appears to be made of iron. It has some raised squares in the middle of it. A third door, this one made of wood and five feet wide, is straight across from them on the left (east) side of the hall. Both iron doors are three feet wide.

Grimlock takes a look at the lock on the door. After determining that it appears safe, he goes to work on the lock. It does not take the multi-talented rouge long to have the lock opened.

Listening to the cook, the group opens the door and enters the room. Grimlock remains in the hallway. He cannot see anything within the unlit room.

The iron door is well oiled though it still makes some noise as it opens inward. Beyond the door, a is a large square room (30ftx30ft) that contains many items for extracting information from someone. There are three sets of manacles on the north wall that are designed to hold someone in a standing position. There are several torches (unlit) in wall sconces. Along the west wall there are three cells with solid iron doors. The doors have holes at the bottom about nine inches square. A peep hole is located about eye height (for a human) in each door.

Tathar questions, “Gaerhith, what does your intelligence gathering have for us? What kind of fiends will we be encountering; what are their weaknesses? Do we have any aid waiting for us? Or does this group represent the whole of our attack force?”

Gaerhith answers each question. “Some type of unholy witch riding a black demon horse has been witnessed coming and going from the ruined keep that sits among the Skull Peaks. Whether or not she is the main foe, I do not know. Our mission is to enter the keep and prevent anyone or anything from opening a gate to this world. Judging from what we have learned about the previous gates, it is likely this one may also be tied to the hells. I know not what we will encounter there though I doubt it will be anything but evil.”

He continues, “We shall not have to worry about any forces coming to the aid of the keep out of Asmogorgon. Our associates should have the town controlled shortly after our arrival to the area.”

“As for assistance, there is a small community near the Skull Peaks. Hopefully we can gather some more information and supplies there. As far as entering the keep, at this point, we’re it.”

Breymeer is the first to arrive on the scene. It is a small clearing, approximately 30 feet across. Seven large boulders are arranged in a rough circle. Each boulder is well settled into the ground. A fire burns within the circle and the area appears to have been converted temporarily into a campsite.

Around the fire, a battle rages.

A wretched-looking old woman is doing battle with a man who appears to be a Baklunish mage. He wears a turban on his head, a long beard upon his face and robes. Three images of him swim and drift together confusion the whereabouts of his true location. He holds a wand in his hand which he appears to be about to use.

The witch is a haggard old woman with fangs and dry, chapped lips. Her fingers end in razer sharp fingernail/claws. Her skin is a deep bluish-violet. Her hair is ragged and jet-black. Her eyes glow with a fierce hatred; shining red in the dull lighting.

At the witch’s feet, a gnome lies motionless.

Just ahead of the mage, a woman in chain mail melees with the witch. The woman wields a two-handed sword of fine quality. A look of determination is fading into one of desperation.

Outside of the stones, the stallions do battle. A thick cloud of noxious vapors surrounds the black war horse. The white war horse battles on. Both animals show multiple injuries. A woman with black hair and a strong build had been fighting against the demon horse. She appears to have gotten a bit of the toxic smoke inhaled as she is bent over fighting to breath. The demon horse rears up and kicks into her. The woman reacts just in time. Having dropped her weapon, she bringing up her shield with both hands. Both hooves strike the shield in a shower of sparks and dark smoke. The woman is launched backwards and falls between two of the boulders. She rolls quickly up to her hands and knees. She is alive but a bit stunned. Though she appears to be mostly human, her slight fangs, facial and ear structures give away a partial half-orc ancestry. The stallions continue to battle fiercely.

A second woman, this one in gilded plate mail, lies upon the ground nearby. Her long sword lies next to her and her shield is still strapped to her arm. She may have been overcome by fumes or the significant impact to her head. Blood trickles from her ears. She appears to have just fallen in battle as a man with identical plate mail rushes to her from within the stones. The both wear sun symbols on their armor and shields. The holy man has a mace in his right hand.

Ek is only about a half a minute behind Breymeer at this point.
Jandre and Ergon are about a minute to a minute in a half out.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
Posts: 381
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Mon Mar 21, 2022 8:24 pm  

Lexington finds his wands and scroll with his gear. He smiles. Internally, he feels confident in his spell power; having lost none of it during incarceration.

The mage begins to meditate in preparation of his escape.

Seeler finds the time less easy to pass. He sits quietly, waiting and watching in the dark for the first sign of his friends.
It is not a long wait. There is some commotion in the next room and then quiet footsteps.

Esned whispers to Cholak, “Check the doors.” The gnome eyes the peep holes and smiles knowing the dwarf has no better chance to look into them than he. Esned walks towards the door back to the hallway, “I will keep watch.”

Cholak moves to each door and speaks softly, “Seeler? Lex?” After no luck at the first door (to the north), he finds Cholak and Lexington in the final two cells. Lexington, in the final cell, simply answers, “Yes.”
Lexington finishes gathering his things and prepares to leave once the door is opened.

Cholak can see each door has a lock.

Breymeer, still in the form of an enormous cave bear, charges into the firelit circle heading straight for the black stallion. A deep, fierce growl turns into a deafening roar as Breymeer the Bear covers the short distance in a flash.

The witch is awestruck at the voraciousness of the charging bear.

The mirror imaged mage is also caught flat footed. The woman battling the witch takes the moment to push the mage to cover; putting a rock between herself and the witch, while watching the bear charge by.

The man in gilded plate mail also stops in his tracks with a stunned look on his face as the bear go by him.

The demon horse moves too slowly to cover its flank as the mammoth bear crashes into it.

Ek, hearing the battle and knowing he’s close, attempts to pick up the pace. Unlike his sun kissed brethren, he finds little sure footing trying to run through the forest. He diligently continues forward.

Jandre and Ergon continue forward somewhere in the forest behind Ek.

Breymeer the Bear slams into the demon horse’s flank while trying to hold his breath to avoid the toxic fumes. Smoke and cinders fly into the air at the impact. The demon horse rolls underneath the bear. The bear rakes the black stallion with its claws as it passes over; cutting into its hide.

The stallion quickly rolls back onto its feet as the white stallion crashes into it.

The battle has suddenly turned against the witch and the dark warhorse. To make the situation worse, Ek has arrived on the scene. He quickly assesses the situation and conjures up two glowing missiles, resembling arrows, that shoot forth from his pointed finger as he points at the witch. They fly unerringly into her. The dark elf yells out, “The bear will help you, do not attack it!”

The man in gilded plate mail eyes up the bear. He decides the dark elf must be truthful as the bear and the white war horse now battle together against the demon horse. The priest rushes over to his fallen maiden warrior.

The multi-imaged mage points his wand towards the witch. She is suddenly enveloped in a deep, impenetrable darkness. Unfortunately, this also encompasses the mage and the female warrior. They both stumble backwards, trying to create distance between themselves and the now unseen witch.

Ergon kicks up the pace as Jandre follows suit. The two holy men come upon the battle scene.

A sinister voice emits from the darkness where the witch was last seen. She speaks in the common tongue, “Breymeer and companions! I knew you would not disappoint.”

Bright colorful lights, pure white, light purple, brilliant blue, green, amber, light sky-blue and ruby red, begin bouncing through the clearing. Each light’s origination is a stone in the circle. From the stone, the lights bounce dizzyingly around the clearing in an endless laser light show.
“You left Peylae for dead Breymeer! Now you shall find her or die trying. Know that the Hells will be standing in your way!”

With that, the witch and the demon warhorse disappear.

The laser show grows more and more intense until it becomes to mind-numbingly difficult to see. Each occupant of the glade covers their eyes to avoid the painful light show. Moments later, a very still quiet settles upon the group.

Looking around, each in turn, the group discovers they are no longer in the clearing in the woods. The seven stones remain in place but are no longer anchored to the ground. The are in the same positions but a simple darkness lay around them. The darkness is not blocking out the light; it appears to be a lack of substance. There is simply nothing there to be seen.

The brilliant white war horse stands where it was in relation to the stones. It appears confused. Its eyes are wide. It knickers nervously. It calms some when it sees the holy man in gilded plate mail kneeling nearby. However, the female holy warrior’s body is no longer next to the holy man. The man wails with emotional pain and drops forward weeping.

Breymeer the Bear is next to the warhorse. The bear struggles to adjust to the suddenness of the change.

Ek, Jandre and Ergon stand near each other, looking about in confusion.
The mage, still with images about him, and the maiden warrior are arm in arm as if they were still stumbling out of the darkness. They stop and look around bewildered.

Finally, the orc woman stands from near the boulders she was thrown between.

Looking around, there is nothing of substance as far as the eyes can see. It cannot be described as darkness, just nothingness. A vastness of nothingness surrounds the group.

Ergon scans the scene for dangers; finding nothing. He looks upon the newcomers and asks, “Anyone hurt or in need of healing?”

No one answers, all being a bit awestruck. Ergon looks upon them. His evaluation shows that no one currently present is in need of care. The few that were on the ground previously and did not appear here now are presumed to have perished. At the least, they are beyond his aid.
Ek remains where he is, prepared for battle. He watches everyone present closely.

Breymeer, assuming the new people are not a threat, returns to human form. The transformation exhausts him and he collapses to a seated position, holding himself up with one arm, “I am Breymeer of the Restenford Rangers and our group will not harm you. Give me a minute to regain my wits and then help us figure out what the hell just happened.”

The woman with slight orcish features looks around. She is armed and remains in a defensive position though not threatening Breymeer and company.

The mage remains imaged. He moves towards the nearest boulder for shelter.

The man in gilded plate mail continues to sob on his knees.

The female warrior next to the Baklunish mage speaks for the group, “Captain Breymeer, I know of you. We are of no threat to you as well.” She looks to her companions to assure them of her confidence.
“I am Yechwa. My husband is Amos, son of Almax the druid. You traveled for a short time with my husband. I believe you fought side by side against Duke Nebub’s forces north of Restenford.”
She continues, “My companions are Orwar Ascoban, the priest of Pelor over there.” She points to the sobbing man in plate mail. “His paladin, Pamina, is missing.”

Yechwa points to the Baklunish man, “Roodin Bokassad comes to us from the far west near Ull.” The mage simply nods; showing little trust yet in the group.

The gnome was Ayla, though I fear the worst for her as well.

“Our newest addition is this warrior over here,” she points to the orcish woman. “She’s earned our trust.”

The orcish warrior stows her weapons and relaxes, “I am Rook.”

Yechwa, appearing to be the leader of the group, looks around at the nothingness, “This is certainly an odd place.”

She tries to walk over to a boulder. “It feels as if I am more floating than walking. Like I am willing myself forward as opposed to propelling myself forward.” Yechwa walks over and touches a boulder. “Seems this is here with us. Where did the rest of the clearing go? Where did I fallen go? It appears just the living made whatever journey we made.”

It does not appear that illumination is necessary. The group can see each other clearly, though colors are a little greyed out.

With no point of reference, other than the what they knew to be north as they stood previously in the actual clearing, the group is uncertain what to do next. Everyone looks around at each other as if asking for suggestions.

Lexington stands ready in his cell for someone to open the locked door for him. Seeler impatiently awaits his freedom as well.
Esned watches the hallway for danger wondering why the other two have not freed their companions yet. They must get back upstairs to confront Nebub before he leaves the breakfast table or lose the tactical advantage.
Cholak remains at the cell doors and Grimlock is presumed to be nearby.

With quiet incantations, Grimlock, remaining invisible, brings his magic to bear upon the locks instead of spending the time picking them.
With a click, each lock gives way and the prisoners escape.

Seeler quickly moves into Lexington’s cell and dons all of his gear.

Lexington, already having stowed his gear, steps out of the cell. There seems to be something different about him. He almost appears happy even though he was imprisoned.

The group quickly re-unites and shares information. Lexington and Seeler speak of the mysterious traveler Alluvianna and the other group share there is an opportunity to catch Duke Nebub unaware at breakfast if they move immediately to assault him.

What started out as a large assault party has boiled down to this: a dwarf warrior, a dwarf warrior-priest, a gnome priest, a human mage and a half-elven warrior-mage-rouge.

Upstairs, the merchant and kitchen maid await their return from the basement.

Esned advises the way back to the kitchen stairwell is still clear.

Breymeer, not liking the feeling of being out in the open, moves over to a boulder to sit down and have something to lean against and rests.

He looks at Yachwa and explains, “The shape changing saps me of energy for a moment.”

Ek appears a bit freaked out by the endless open space. He moves to a boulder to give him some sense of comfort. While there, he inspects the surface of the stone for any details it may give. Since they stone is no longer set into the ground, Ek can look below the stone; where it was once set into the soil.

Breymeer watches Ek while finishing speaking to Yechwa, "This may not be the exact time or place but I hope we can soon share stories about how we each came to be in this predicament.”

Yechwa replies, “I agree Captain. For now, simply know this, we are your side and will aid you while our goals are similar. We support Restenford!”

Yechwa looks at Ek before questioning Breymeer, “I know you are a man of honor. I also know the dark elves have hearts of darkness. Since you travel with this elf, I assume he has your trust? It is obvious he was aiding us before the witch bespelled us.”

Oswar Ascoban collects himself at the sound of Yechwa’s response to Breymeer. He looks at the newcomers, especially the paladin and priest of Pholtus. He nods cautiously towards the fellow followers of light knowing that Pholtus followers can be fanatical in their beliefs.

Roodin Bakassad, having looked around, advised, “I do not know what the witch did but I believe we have entered another plane of existence. Possible we are stuck in the ethereal or astral. This may be a dangerous place. We should stick together.”

He continues, “I am not really sure what to think about direction now. I am not sure how we can get out of here. My only guess is the stones are significant since they remain with us in this plane. It seems the other non-living items did not make the journey.”

The thought causes sadness to wash over him, “Which leads me to conclude our friends have perished.” He looks to Oswar Ascoban, “I am sorry my friend, I fear she is gone.”

Oswar Ascoban nods in agreement, “May Pelor protect her and Ayla,” as he wipes tears from his face.

Ergon, having not received a request for healing, finishes catching his breath from the run through the forest. Jandre stands near him, also catching his breath.

Rook watches the group to see what happens next.

Ek, looking under the stone, finds it has a large blue sapphire (5000gp) set into the bottom of the boulder.

Rook, desiring a frame of reference, takes a place besides one of the stones. She keeps her back to the outside of the ring; facing the newcomers.

Ergon goes quiet and concentrates. He seems to be focused in on the area of the boulders.

Breymeer answers Yechwa, “Yes, my dark friend, Ek, does like to keep to himself but his skills do come in handy. Please put your mind at rest as he has my trust.”

Yechwa nods acknowledgement. It appears to be all she needs to hear. She is, obviously, used to overlooking stereotypes as she currently travels with one of orc blood.

Ek finishes examining the boulder and moves onto another one. He examines that boulder in similar fashion.

Roodin Bokassad peers out into the nothingness for a while before commenting, “I am no expert in regards to where we might be. However, it appears we are at least sustainable here. We can breathe, talk, move about and generally, are not affected by the change of environment. Other than it appears we move by will as opposed by friction upon a secondary surface.”

He continues, “Unless we are all caught in some type of illusion, I believe we have entered another plane. If we cannot return through the gate we came through here, we may have to travel out into the openness to find an alternate route. However, I make no guarantee there is safety or an alternate route out there. I simply do not know.” His Baklunish accent is heavy but his words seem knowledgeable.

Grimlock can be heard chanting another incantation. His bodiless voice announces, “I will head up and scout before everyone else heads up to start the attack.”

Lexington says, “I’ve got many spells at the ready and my wands if necessary. When we go in, I can cast a hold spell on Nebub. That may ease our assault.”

“Good idea,” replies Grimlock before he is silent; seemingly having left the room.

Cholak, Lexington, Ensed and Seeler work their way back upstairs to the kitchen to rendezvous with Loris Naef and the cook.

Ek looks up from his work and speaks, seemingly unconcerned if others hear, “Gems under each boulder. May have something to do with getting out of here.”

Breymeer continues to rest. While doing so he listens to the wisdom and advise of the others. He stands as strength begins to come back to him. He looks at one of the boulders to see if he may be able to turn it over. It appears it could weigh as much as four or five hundred pounds. Moving it does not appear easy, though the ranger finds he can simply move and change his reference. Up and down to not appear to have as much meaning. He finds himself upside down but not disoriented. He is not able to examine the bottom of the boulder. He looks out of place, seemingly standing on his head, compared to the others.

Ek works his way around the boulders, inspecting each one in similar fashion. He reports his findings. There are indeed gems set into the bottom of each boulder. Ek reports there are one each of diamond, amethyst, sapphire, emerald, topaz, jacinth and ruby. The rays that bounced around the clearing prior to everything changing match the gemstones. The green ray came from the emerald, etc.
After reporting his findings, he starts to move away from the others and the stones, watching and examining the distance for anything.

The group returns to the kitchen. The cook, Jevvala, is speaking quietly to Grimlock while Loris Naef listens in.

Jevvala seems to be speaking to the air as she points to the swinging kitchen door on the south side of the room. It leads to a small ten foot by ten foot hall with full door on the west and another swinging door on the south that leads into the dining room. There is a door immediately upon entering the dining room that is mounted on the west wall. The cook instructs, “We will go through the swinging doors then hard right through the door into the entry hall. There will be a guard at the front door. It will be one of the sergeants. Duke Nebub’s Knight Commander, Sir Dirtbragg, has an office just off the hall. He will either be in the office or his bedroom above the office on the second level.”

She stops and listens for a moment, “Everyone will be coming down to the dining room for breakfast soon. The Duke wishes breakfast in bed this morning. We have not heard from Duchess Esbella yet.”

She twists her hand nervously on the meat cleaver. “Once past the guard, we can rush up either stairwell to the second level. That room should be empty. Within the room is a stairway to the third level. From there, we simply cross the third level landing to the duke’s bedroom. We shouldn’t meet resistance beyond the first guard if we are lucky.”

A look of concern washes over her face as she looks to Loris Naef, “If I should fall, be warned, most of the other doors in the castle lead to bedrooms of the duke’s guards.”

She points to the back stairwell. “The other stairwell there goes up to the second level. It is guarded by an ogre and beyond him, more of the duke’s warriors. I suggest we quickly and quietly overcome the guard and the front door and make haste for the duke’s room.”

The Ungohling cruises along the coast overnight. Gaerhith requests the small ship to move as close as it can safely sail once the sun begins to show itself.

A mostly cloudy sky brings with it some drizzle. Gaerhith appears pleased with the weather as it gives a little more cover for their landing.
After some time, yet still early in the morning, Gaerhith believes he has spied the landing.

Comus guides the ship in as far as possible before everyone gets into the life boat. Tathar issues the command and the Ungohling completes the now-familiar reshaping down to a small box. Tathar stows the box and the small life boat is rowed towards shore.

As promised, a well-hidden, yet treacherous, rocky shoreline gives way to a small stone landing. They work patiently among the rocks, taking their time to not get swamped. Comus and crew deliver everyone onto shore without trouble.

Gaerhith seems pleased, “Well now,” he states with a smile, “we just have to traverse those nasty foothills.”

Gaerhith dictates a quick traveler’s guide to the local layout. He points to each landmark as he speaks.

Looking eastward, the group can see two mountain ranges, one south of their location and one north. The southern one grows in height and size as it moves generally east-northeast towards a large set of mountain peaks. They are the Barrier Mountains.

The second range is the Skull Peaks. It is not as impressive. A higher portion of the range is near the coast where the City of Asmogorgon sits upon the sea (to the north of the mountains in the flatter land). From the peaks by the city, the range drops to basically foothills again. It is in this area the road from Kroten connects Asmogorgon and Kroten. The Skull peaks are the second are of higher mountains. At the base is the small establishment of Winterhaven. Up in the mountain slopes one finds the Keep on the Shadowfell.

From the Skull Peaks, the range drops back down to foothills again moving east-southeast until it meets the large multi-peaks of the Barrier Peaks; completing the encirclement of the foothills the group now prepares to travel through.

Gaerhith finishes, “I am hopeful we may be able to find a guide or at least supply ourselves for the trek to the keep.”

Gaerhith looks to Tathar Surion in an acknowledgement that it is Tarthar, and not Gaerhith, who leads the expedition, “May we continue my brother?”
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
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Wed Sep 21, 2022 3:38 pm  
Kroten Castle

Grimlock warns, “This is the last you will hear of my before engaging the duke.” Quiet falls upon the group as they listen further.

Grimlock continues, “I suggest you surprise the lower guard with a hold spell and take him with you as to not remain and alarm any others and to save time stashing him.”

The group concurs.

“From this point on, it is of urgent nature you proceed to the duke’s room, overcoming any resistance quickly. I will make one of you silent and any area around them for 15ft. I suggest the person casting the hold on the first guard remain far enough away from the silent person to not interfere with the spell caster”

The idea continues to meet the group’s approval.

“If the hold sticks, proceed up the stairs. If it fails all rush forward and engage the guard. The silence spell should cover any noise less the guard escape you and call out for help.”

“I will not be able to hear you so proceed quickly. The battle with the duke will be up close and personal due to the silence spell. This I feel will disable more of the duke’s magic versus our own as we have the numbers and capable warriors.”

“The duke must fall quickly as his forces will be less interested in defending a dead leader in case it all goes to hell. Although, hell could be and interesting adventure; today I feel a bit of order is my muse.”
“May lady luck smile upon this hour. Meet you at the top.”

Grimlock quickly calls upon the magics to bring a silence around Seeler; the only non-spellcaster. The dwarf swears unheard as the spell is completed. With that, Grimlock pushes through the two swivel doors and the door exiting the dining room into the foyer opens.

Cholak, intending to cast the hold spell, turns and follows on Grimlock’s heels. Cholak reaches the dining room door before it can shut. As he’s moving, he pulls out a small straight piece of iron while voicing encouragement to the others, “I’m ready for the chit to hit the fan!”

Lexington is next out of the chute, “Let her rip! I’ll save my spells for later rounds.”

Esned, though hurrying, is passed up by others as he quips, “I was thinking along the same type of plan. Let’s do it.” Loris Naef and Jevvala beat Esned through the doors.

Seeler sighs with a silent, “Well, crap!” He’s out the door last, trying to make sure Cholak has room to cast his spell.

Passing through the dining room (18.5’x33’), a quick scan of the room reveals three windows on the east wall. The outer two are 2x4 and the central window is 4x6. The shutters are open.

The center of the room is dominated by a large dining table that is twenty one feet long and seven feet wide. There are two tall back arm chairs at the head of the table (north wall) and seven chairs along each side. The far end of the table has a single arm chair. Upon the table are two large silver candelabra; each holding five candles.

The west wall holds shelving with pewter serving sets.

Next to the kitchen door is a small table with a chest upon it. The chest is padlocked. It is also connected to a bolt in the wall by a small sturdy looking chain.

Once into the entry hall, Grimlock’s whereabouts are lost immediately.
The group enters the entrance hall (18x33). The large entrance double doors to the keep are twelve feet wide and eight feet heigh. They are very stout in appearance, thick wood with iron bands. They are barred on the inside. They are hinged to swing either direction. On each side of the door is a vertically barred window (2x5). The shutters are open, allowing an ample amount of light into the room.

On the west wall, at the base of the western stairwell, is a wooden door.

The center of the north wall contains ornate wooden double doors. It appears likely they lead to the throne room.

Two large braziers are at the foot of the twin ornate staircases that ascend to the second level. Both of the inner walls are decorated with large tapestries depicting large battlefields.

A Suel man of some physical strength stands looking out the far window. He wears chain mail armor and has a shield upon his left arm. A scimitar with a gem mounted into the hilt rests in a scabbard on his left hip. A long bow is stowed upon his back attached to a quiver of arrows. The bow is not strung. A brass horn hangs on his right hip by a small chain.

The man appears to have been paying attention as he immediately turns to face Cholak. Not recognizing the dwarf, he immediately goes on the defense, “Who are you!” he states as he reaches for the brass horn. He brings his shield up instinctively.

Cholak calls out his command, “Hold!” As the man brings the horn to his face, his body becomes rigid in place; the horn inches from his lips.

The group rushes past Cholak as he finishes his spell.

Seeler tries to keep the group encompassed in the silence spell. He moves along trying to get to the center of the group.
Silence falls upon the group as they rush across the floor.

Lexington immediately to the closest stair and begins rushing up. He assumes Grimlock is just ahead of him. Ensed is on Lexington’s heels but quickly loses ground going up the stairs. Jevvala waits at the bottom of the stairwell with Seeler.

Seeler waits at the bottom of the stairs as Cholak and Loris Naef rush over and grab the guard. They drag him over to the stairwell. Their footsteps become evident as they reach the guard. They hurry dragging him back, though his boots scrape across the floor; leather upon stone.

The wooden door at the base of the stairs opens and a man in chain mail walks out as if to see who was making noise. He immediately grabs his neck and turns red. A golden colored noose appears around his neck. The golden rope leads to a woman who suddenly appears standing on the west stairwell.

She is a gorgeous red headed woman in a thin silk white dress. The rope attaches around her waste as if it had possibly been her belt. She is upon the man immediately. She locks an impassioned kiss upon him as she drives the discolored steel blade of a dagger deep into his abdomen.

She repeated drives the dagger into the man as he collapses onto the ground. She drops down upon him, turning the blade in her hand. She continues to plunge the dagger into him as she straddles him. Red blood stains quickly coat the front of her chest.

She looks at Lexington as he ascends the stairs. The sudden attack has caught the young mage’s attention. He recognizes her immediately as the woman who visited his cell. Fangs can be seen in her mouth as she sneers at Lexington, “Goodbye dear boy! Know this, if you fail in your quest, I will return and kill you tomorrow. Win the day, and live long my lover!”

As she speaks, her shape changes. Crimson red wings, as tall as the woman, unfold from her back. She bites deeply into the dying man, taking the last of his life. With that, she folds her wings over the pair and they disappear from view.

Not having time to contemplate what happened to the second guard, the group continues up the eastern stairwell.

Grimlock is still scouting the second level when Lexington makes it to the top of the landing. The top of the landing is the northernmost part of the room, in the northeast corner.

The upper hall matches the size of the lower hall. The room contains two 18 inch by 42 inch windows with vertical bars. Each has a shutter. A tall stool sits in front of the west window and a leather chair in front of the east window. A small table with a glass shaded candle is next to the chair. A decanter and a goblet complete the items on the table. A larger table and two chairs sit against the center of the east wall. The room is well enough lit.

Both down staircases have glass hooded candles on small shelf that illuminate the stairwell when dark. Spare candles sit on the shelf next to the candle.

Next to the down staircases are three large boulders than can be pushed down the stairs.

There are four doors in the room. The center of the west wall, the northernmost section of the west wall, the northernmost section of the east wall and a double door in the center of the north wall. All are stout wooden doors with locks.

The staircase up starts near the center of the west wall and goes upward to the south.

Grimlock, unbeknownst to anyone, scraps plans to wizard lock doors and continues up to the third level to scout considering the group is right on his heels.

The group moves as close to in unison as possible to keep Silent Seeler in the middle of the group.

Good blessings are upon the group and no further resistance is found.
Lexington moves to the third level with Jevvala; her having caught up to him. Behind them are Seeler and Esned. Finally, Loris Naef and Cholak bring up the rear dragging the rigid guard along with them.

At the top of the stairs is an iron door. It has been left open. The landing of the stairwell is in the southwest corner of the room. A large single window dominates the south wall near the group. It is crisscrossed with four horizontal and eight vertical iron bars that are wired at each intersection. There are no shutters.

A large double wide wooden chair with arms and cushions is in front of the window. A large table, with eight chairs (four per side) and a large armed chair at the north end, occupies the center of the room. It is finely crafted.

A small 10x10 alcove on the north wall, in the east corner, opens to two iron doors; one on the east wall, one on the west. Both doors have locks.
Jevvala gives a hand signal, pointing towards the western door in the alcove. She puts her pointer finger from her right hand into a hole created by her left fist and makes an unlocking gesure.

If Grimlock has followed the plan, he should be nearby.

Cholak readies himself to cast aid once the group enters the duke’s bedroom.

The group is gathered at the south end of the room. The moment of destiny is upon them.

Cholak and Loris Naef drag the guard’s body up to the third story landing and leave it lying in the SE corner.

Cholak motions to Seeler and the group. Using crude sign language, he points to the SW corner; indicating to Seeler and the others to gather there. They follow the dwarf’s command.

Cholak motions Lexington over to him, the two of them stand outside of the silenced area that surrounds Seeler.

Cholak, in a whisper, asks Lexington about magically opening the bedroom door. Lexington shakes his head. The young mage then pulls a bone wand with a crystal set at the tip.

The cook approaches the dwarf and the mage while they speak. “The door is likely unlocked. He is awaiting his breakfast. I will volunteer to open the door.”

Cholak motions in the air in an attempt to get Grimlock to come over. “Jevvala will open the door if it is unlocked. If it is locked, you may have to force it open with your magical powers or pick the lock.”

The group prepares their assault.

Seeler moves up to the door behind Jevvala. Cholak is just behind them.
Lexington, wand in hand, and Esned are just outside of the alcove, waiting to bring up the rear. Loris Naef stands next to Jevvala. Esned takes his hammer in hand, ready for melee.

Grimlock moves back away from the silenced Seeler in case a spell is needed.
Adept Greytalker

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Wed Sep 21, 2022 3:45 pm  
Kroten Castle

Jevvala looks Loris Naef in the eye and she smiles warmly at him. She takes a deep breath and looks back at the group. Esned, being at the end of the line, nods back in affirmation.

Jevvala pushes open the door and charges in, leaving the cone of silence surrounding Seeler. She curses the duke, “Back to Hell you villain!”
The room is unlit. From the natural lighting spilling in from the window on the southern wall of the stairwell landing, the demi-humans can see well enough into the bedroom. The humans, Lexington, Jevvala and Loris Naef, are unable to see more than five feet into the room.

The room is roughly forty feet east/west and thirty feet north/south. There is a stout wooden trap door in the stone floor located in the northwest corner of the room.

The area directly to the group’s right (north) is enveloped in a deep darkness. The darkness begins at the stone wall that supports the entrance door and extends north approx. ten feet.

The bed, centered on the west wall, is large, luxurious and well-made. Two chests, one per side of the bed, appear to be wardrobes. They sit against the wall.

Painted on the floor of the room, between the bed and a table centered on the north wall. Is a Circled Snake Pentagram. Just outside the circle, at the snake head points, are five gold candle holders holding a honeycomb candle.

The table and two chairs are well crafted and made of stout wood. Sitting in the darkness, in the eastern chair, is Duke Nebub.

The duke is not surprised by the sudden incursion into his private chamber. He is dressed in his leather armor and has an ornate cloak over his shoulders. An exquisite long sword sits in a scabbard on his left hip. A long leather sheath sits upon the table. It is roughly four feet long and eight inches wide. It is nearly two inches thick.

Duke Nebub rises from his chair and places his hand upon the hilt of his sword.

He is a tall, well-muscled man with thick dark hair and a dark mustache and beard that is trimmed to follow his jaw line. It comes to a point upon his chin. He wears a crown upon his head that consists of a thin band of platinum set with a ¾ inch ruby.

Grimlock moves to the ceiling and begins circling to a position behind the duke. Grimlock draws his sword quietly as he drifts into position awaiting a back attack.

Duke Nebub pulls sword and shouts, “Slay her!” He throws the blade forward and it springs to life in mid-air. The blade slices across her mid-section causing a fatal gash. She drops to the floor and slides to a stop. Loris Naef cries out in silence, “No!” as he charges forward.

Duke Nebub opens the leather sheath on the table and draws forth a javelin.

Esned, being the last one to enter the room having followed Lexington in, shuts the door behind him. With an ear to the door, he listens for reinforcements with his hammer at the ready. He keeps a keen eye on the progress of the attack in the bedchamber.

Lexington follows Loris Naef and then Cholak into the room. He moves to the east side of the room enough to break away from Silent Seeler. He aims his wand at the darkness to the group’s right side, “Aeros!” Once spoken, white crystalline motes spray forth furiously from the end of the wand in a cone shape. They blast forward covering the entire west wall floor to ceiling in a frigid blast of ice and frost.

Thankfully, no one in the party was in area of the frost blast. Even so, a short-lived blast of cold blows across the room to everyone’s discomfort (no damage to anyone).

The blast of cold slows Loris Naef’s charge enough to allow Duke Nebub to hurl his javelin towards the merchant. The javelin transforms into a bolt of lightning and slams into Loris Naef’s chest. With a thundercrack, Loris Naef tumbles to the ground dead. The smell of ozone mixes with the chill air.

Finally, Seeler moves forward so that he is only about ten feet away from the duke; ensuring the ring of silence encompassed the villain.

Seeler leaps over Loris Naef’s fallen body and charges Duke Nebub. As Seeler passes the dancing sword, it strikes down upon his neck (8, 37/45). Seeler continues forward screaming out an unheard war cry. The duke takes a second javelin in hand and throws it at Lexington as Seeler reaches the nobleman and drives his axe down upon the duke’s right leg. Though a direct hit, the axe fails to pierce his skin.
The javelin, as the previous one, turns to a bolt of lightning as it streaks across the room and strikes Lexington. The nimble mage attempts to dodge it but the electricity arcs into his right thigh, knocking him back into the wall and down upon the ground (13, 8/21). He remains conscious but is in pain.

The duke’s head suddenly and violently snaps to the right. Appearing behind the duke is Grimlock. Grimlock swung Bloodletter in a decapitating stroke. The blade would surely have taken off the head had it not caught a bit of the armor and cloak on the duke’s shoulder. It was enough to allow the duke to deflect some of the swing’s energy and keep his head upon his shoulders. As it is, he took a nasty slice from his mouth to behind his ear (30, 34/64).

Esned watches the battle unfolding as he keeps a keen eye for reinforcements.

The duke turns so that Grimlock is on his left and Seeler on his right as he draws a second long sword. He calls out a short three word sentence that remains unheard.

Grimlock flies back up and away slightly, attempting to distract the duke. The half elf shelters himself behind his shield.

Seeler strokes the duke a second time on the thigh without effect. Seeler pushes he attack trying to keep the duke occupied.

The dancing blade slashes Seeler across the back (6, 31/45). The stout dwarf retains his footing and fights on through the pain.

Though his pain, the young mage calls out to the duke, “If it is in my powers, you will not escape back to the darkness from which you came nor will you call for more help.” In the darkness, having judged the room from the illumination of the lightning strokes, Lexington points his wand towards the blackness of the west wall, “Turac!”

A solid wall of ice forms between the duke and the blackness adding to the coolness of the room. Small snowflakes drift about near the ice wall.
Esned, giving one last look for reinforcements, moves into the room and begins given aid to Lexington’s thigh (1, 9/21). The gnome keeps an eye for the door as he works.

The ruckus has caused and alarm to be raised. Shouts and confusion begin coming from lower levels of the castle.

Finally, from the icy formation created by Lexington, comes forth an alien type creature. It has to slouch its 12-foot insect-like body to fit into the room. It has claws on hands and feet, and sharp pincers at the mouth. The head bulges with multifaceted eyes. It has a long, thick tail covered with razor-sharp spikes. It has and generally frosty white appearance. Evil and malice emanate from the creature as it arches back, mandibles wide in a silent screech.

Lexington thanks Esned for the aid and begins moving towards the hallway, “I think I’ll be of better service alive and not so close to the action here.”

Esned readies a hammer in preparation should he need to call upon his deity for guide it to help defend Lexington and the group from an assault from the hallway.

Seeler continues to keep the duke occupied though this new devilry has him concerned. While doing so, the dancing blade slashes the dwarf again (3, 28/45).

Grimlock moves in and the duke and unleashes a flurry of blows. The duke attempts to parry but the half-elf’s skill with the blade and shield overwhelms him. The duke, soundless, calls out a single word as Grimlock’s blade slashes him.

The outline of the pentagram on the floor immediately glows an intense red.

Grimlock bashes the duke with his shield, bringing him to his knees.

The pentagram drops away revealing a hellish hole in the floor. All of the air in the room is immediately sucked into the hole with hurricane force.

Before Grimlock’s fatal blow falls upon the duke, Nebub is pulled into the hole followed quickly by Seeler and then Grimlock.

The devil jumps in next followed by Esned.

Finally, a struggling Lexington clings to the wall out into the hallway but the vortex ultimately pulls him in as well.

With a brilliant hellish-organge-red flash and a thunderclap, the room returns to normal. Only the bodies of Loris Naef and Jevvala remain.

After a moment of what feels like freefall, there is a flash of hellish light and those transported fall roughly to a chill stone floor. In the flash, one can quickly make out they are now in an oval shaped room approx. 40 feet long by 20 feet wide and 14 feet high. The shiny black walls reflect the explosion of light brightly and then all goes dark.

Grimlock lands near the center of the room, between the right hand wall and true center.

Esned is to his left but closer to true center.

Seeler is in the center of the room.

Lexington is to Grimlock’s side, opposite to him than Esned.

In appearance, Seeler holds the center of the room and the other three form a line behind him; from left to right, Esned, Grimlock and Lexington.

Between Seeler and Lexington drops the devil and just behind it, Nebub.

Nothing else of the room was comprehended in the brief flash of light, considering focus was on the enemy nearby.

Indicating the silence spell has been deactivated, everyone can hear themselves hit the ground (no damage).
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
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Wed Sep 21, 2022 3:50 pm  
Keep on the Shadowfell

Tathar questions, “Gaerhith, is it your intention that we travel to Asmogorgon for supplies and any help we can muster, then follow the road to Shadowfell Keep?”

Tathar questions the wisdom of going to Asmogorgon, “Will we be safe in Asmogorgon? I would think Nebub has spies everywhere.”
“Sorry Lord Surion,” is Gaerhith’s reply. “I agree Asmogorgon would not be a wise place to travel right now. I meant Winterhaven. It should be a relatively safe place. Nearly a thousand people live there, or nearby. It is large enough to find supplies for the journey into the mountains.”

The Ungohling crew, Ment, Tiz and Nedwyn, look back and forth at each other. No words are spoken but it is obvious, they prefer the sea to the mountains. Without a word, they loyally follow Tathar into the foothills.

A strong wind and drizzle make the first day of inland travel less than pleasing. The group zig zags through the foothills keeping a generally easterly course while trying to avoid as much elevation changing as possible. As the day winds to a close, the drizzle stops and the skies partially clear. The wind remains steady as the group contemplates camp.

The area is rocky but still contains enough trees, brush and scrub to easily find wood for a fire. The ground is broken up enough, finding shelter from the wind is also not difficult.

Gaerhith contemplates, “We covered some five or so miles today. As the eagle flies, it should be twelve to fifteen miles to reach the road. With as much as we are forced to wander back and forth, it will likely be a couple days until we find it.”

Tathar tells the crew to set guards tonight, each taking a turn. Tiz volunteers for first watch. He climbs up a small outcropping to gain a vantage point.

The rest of the party gather’s up wood for a fire and prepares the camp. For the evening anyway, it appears the rain will hold off.

The evening passes without incident as each crew member takes a two hour watch.
The next day brings much of the same. The wind dies down significantly but a steady rain begins to fall by noon. By evening, the weather has turned worse bringing pouring rain. Other than fighting the weather, and having a reduced movement for the day, the day passes without incident.

Tathar scouts around on the second evening and finds an open enough area, mainly clear of loose rocks. He takes out the Ungohling box and gives the command word. It dutifully changes into the small ship, complete with interior cabin. The ship lists to one side but comes safely to rest.

Guards are set and the night passes again without incident excepting the pouring rain. The rain stops by morning though a strong wind blows down the mountains across the foothills. The ship offered much protection from the driving wind and rain; especially for those in the cabin.

The third day, Patchwall the 1st, is spent in similar fashion, moving slowly in an easterly direction towards the road and Winterhaven.

A third night is spent in the foothills. The Ungohling is used for shelter again from the rain. This night there is no rain. The skies are clear.

Patchwall the 2nd remains windy but dry. The sun is warm.
It is on this day that the group comes upon what Gaerhith believes is the roadway he is looking for. It is not well maintained though it remains good enough for cart and wagon passage.

Gaerhith believes the town is now to the left, north of the group.

Following Gaerhith’s hunch, the group turns north and follows the roadway. Having camped another night, the group moves north on Patchwall 3rd. The wind is cool but comfortable. The rain is gone, for now. The road is generally level. The road winds it’s way through the foothills among woodlands, hills and rocky outcroppings. It continues to climb in elevation; sometimes gradually, sometimes sharply. An occasional cobblestone peeks throught the dirt road, indicating decades of neglect. The roadway is rutted with occasional wagon/cart travel. It is obvious that regular travel is not common though the road is still in use.

Patchwall 4th opens with overcast skies and rain. Gaernith believes town is within reach this day. The group waits out the rain for the early morning before turning the Ungohling back into a box. The rain lessens but becomes wind driven drizzle. The group moves out, hoping to reach the comforts of town by the end of the day.

Tathar, Morwen and Gaernith walk in the middle of the group.

First Mate Comus walks the front with Mert and Tiz.

Crewchief Larrig walks the rear with Nedwyn.

Shortly after leaving camp, Comus stops the group and motions Tathar forward. There are muddy footprints on the road, it appears they were made by small clawed feet. The tracks come from around a small curve in the road ahead of the group. They were initially moving towards the group, stop and then turn back up the road away from the group. It appears there were two creatures.

Tathar stops and concentrates on the area ahead of him. He slowly turns his body to analyze the curvature of the path. From around the curve, Tathar detects evil. A sinister, cruel feeling is concentrated around the curve. He detects nothing else.

The view of the path beyond the curve is obstructed by tree and brush growth mixed with the occasional rock formation.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
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Wed Sep 21, 2022 3:58 pm  
Pyramid of Shadows

Breymeer states what they others are also assuming, “The key to getting out of this weirdness has to have something to do with the gems. Any idea?”

The ranger captain watches Ek as the dark elf walks further out into the nothingness. “I am going to try and keep Ek in sight and see what he might find out in the abyss.” Breymeer follows Ek’s direction of travel. The keen-eyed ranger evaluates his surroundings, always looking for the slightest hint of change.

Ek moves cautiously forward as if he were walking on the edge of a cloud, waiting to fall through. He keeps moving outward in as straight of a line as he can manage.

The Roodin Bokassad attempts to go over the moment everything changed, “I remember that witch seemed to have triggered the transformation. It is possible she teleported us somewhere but I am still more included to believe she sent us into the astral plane somehow. I agree the gems appear to play a roll, but I am afraid some outside magics may have to be employed to trigger the transfer.” He begins examining the boulders.

Yechwa nods in agreement with Bokassad’s summary before asking her crew, “Do we stay here and try and manipulate a transformation back or should we adventure forward in hopes of finding something else?” She looks to Ergon and Jandre as well; hoping for their input.

Ergon prays earnestly seeking guidance and wisdom. The warhorse stands attentively next to the paladin. Jandre looks out into the vastness.

Roodin Bokassad continues, seeming to struggle a little bit with his thoughts, “This plane is not my primary area of study. But I believe we are bound yet to our normal plane my a magical “rope”. We may be able to travel forth into this endless sea without losing our ability to come back to this gate.

Yechwa questions, “Should someone stay here or should we all travel together? Or should we stay and try and manipulate this gate?”

Roodin Bokassad shrugs but gives his opinion, “I have heard horrible tales of people being lost to this place forever. I believe we should stay together.”

Rook and Orwar Ascoban mill about near the stones while Ek slowly continues to walk out into the nothingness.

The warhorse gives a sudden snort and looks out into the vastness bringing attention to something off in the distance.

Orwar Ascoban looks momentarily and questions, “Is that a wisp of clouds?”

Roodin Bokassad looks for a moment, “It is moving very fast. And there are several of them!”

The image comes into clear view. Several very dark mutli-vortex tornadoes are bearing down on your location. They are traveling at great speed and will be upon you momentarily. There is little time to prepare.

As the storm comes closer, dark, tube-like clouds, roll across what would be considered the sky. They move swiftly.

Dropping from them are the now inky-black funnel clouds laced with indigo streaks.

Yechwa shouts, “Take any cover you can! Try and stay together!” She ducks behind a boulder the best she can.

Roodin Bokassad warns, “Astral storms!” He moves next to Yechwa and ducks down.

Orwar Ascoban joins the ranger and mage.

“Must we fight the wind?” questions Rook as she shelters behind a boulder by herself.

Jandre looks to Ergon, “Shall we try to out run it on the horse or take shelter here?” Ergon still prays. The horse remains steady; it does not appear overly frightened.

Breymeer hollers to Ek to return, “Sprint back Ek!”

Breymeer, himself, turns and wills himself back to the rocks. He seemingly runs in place in the absence of gravity as he wills himself to the stone circle as fast as he can. His hair and beard flutter slightly as he travels. He takes shelter among the stones. The ranger pulls out a rope, but seeing he has not enough time to secure himself, instead takes a grip of the stone and holds on for dear life.

Ek turns at the sound of Breymeer’s voice. He starts to run after the ranger towards the rocks but calculates he will not make it, though he is likely still in the storms path. He can see he cannot outrun the storm.

The storm lacks the audible sound of a blowing wind though the “ground” begins to shake and the storm overtakes the group. It feels like a minor earthquake.

The blackness envelopes all, including Ek. Everyone is torn loose from where they sought shelter and tossed about in the weightless environment. Minus the terror of the moment, it is an exhilarating experience.

Though absolutely terrifying, the group is deposited more or less together. Yechwa, Roodin Bokassad and Orwar Ascoban are all still grouped together. A short distance away is Breymeer, and not far from him is Rook, the half-orc. A little farther out is Ergon and Jandre with the warhorse. Finally, out a fair distrance is Ek. Even Breymeer’s rope is next to him.

Most everything is the same. The weightlessness is ever present. Movement is only possible by thought though the habit of combining it with the physical action of moving one’s arms and legs is still natural. The group notices a lack of smell associated with the wind and storm. In fact, there appears to be no smell at all. In fact, other than when talking to one another, it appears breathing is not required to stay conscious.

Finally, the sky is changing. The storm, in its indigo-streaked darkness, is rolling away in the distance. What now remains is a silvery lit surrounding. The silvery sky goes in every direction; up, down, and outward as far as the eye can see.

Roodin Bokassad comments, “This is more in line with what I have been told of this place. I could not figure out why it was so dark before now. I may have confused it in my own mind somehow.”

All signs of the stone circle are gone. However, one significant location extends out from the silvery vastness.

A dense forest of deciduous trees looms ahead of you. It is difficult to estimate distance accurately here though it appears to be but a fifteen minute “walk” over to it. The trees extend left to right approximately two miles if one compared what you can see to the same time/distance of your home plane. Judging by the outline of the trees, the ground below them is anything but level. In fact, it appears to have some significant and sharp elevation changes.

There is nothing else in view but the silvery sky.

Breymeer picks up his rope and stows it. He calls out so the scattered group can hear him, “I sure as hell would feel more at home over yonder in that woodland instead of standing here waiting for another unnatural storm.” He surveys the group, “How’s everyone feel about getting out of here?”

Ek, being the closest to the forest, begins to move towards it; essentially floating through the air effortlessly as if he were Peter Pan. He does not appear entranced. He has discovered movement only requires the desire to do so, not actual movement.

Yechwa nods in agreement with the Restenford ranger captain.

Roodin Bokassad agrees, “Any abnormality offers more promise than this situation.” He turns and holds his arms out to the endless sky.

“I’ll follow your lead Yechwa,” replies Orwar Ascoban. “What can possibly go wrong in there?” he adds accepting any challenge that lay before him.

The three appear to be very loyal friends.

Ergon and Jandre, gathered by the horse, appear to be in agreement with exploring the forest.

Rook stands ready.

Ergon looks at Jandre, “I think we should be up closer to the front.” Ergon looks upon the party to see if anyone needs healing. Seeing no obvious need, he mounts the warhorse and nudges him towards the distant forest. The horse moves effortlessly forward through the silvery air.

Jandre follows.

Breymeer moves out ahead of Ergon, intent on checking the edge of the forest for dangers before the party enters it. Ek falls in alongside the group but a bit to the flank. He keeps his hood up to block out the bright sky. From under the hood, his sharp elven eyes painfully look around for trouble. He hopes to himself for a dark, dense woods.

“I may be young and foolish,” starts Rook, “but I think there is only one way to go. I am not really a fan of trees and forest but anything is better than this nothingness.” She moves slowly forward behind the group.

The others all fall in line.

The trek is uneventful. Reaching the woods, Breymeer has the group halt momentarily while he and Ek moves around the perimeter a short distance in both directions.

The forest itself is indeed dense and appears to be made up of coniferous trees. The trees appear to be of a southern climate; similar to the islands the group has been bouncing between since leaving the lost city in the jungle. The ground appears to be uneven; a mix of rock and lush soil with many elevation changes.

Breymeer and Ek return to report no obvious paths though there was an interesting find. It appeared something had come into the forest. There was an area of nearly ten feet across and half as deep where the vegetation was broken and/or matted down. From there, a trail led into the woods. It appeared to have been made by two creatures. Both walking on large clawed feet (estimated to be7 to 10 feet tall). They are not overly large though easily a couple hundred points. Each had a tail making occasional marks. The tail did not drag behind the creature, seeming to support the idea the creatures were walking on two feet.
The marks were about ¼ mile to the left of the group.

Rook jokingly ponders, “So, do we follow the trail blazing critters? They seem to know where they’re going and maybe they’ll eat any dangers ahead of us.”

Ergon looks to Breymeer, “What do you think? Will it be beneficial to track these large creatures to find out where they are going?”

Breymeer offers an answer, “I would prefer to take a route into this dense forest where I found the trail. I don’t know if what made the tracks is good or evil but at least it’s a sign that something living has been able to survive and move about. And that puts me more at ease then driving into the forest elsewhere. And, I believe Ek will be more than happy to dive into the darker timber ahead of us to do a quick search around the opening we found. Any other ideas, I’m all ears?”

Ek nods in agreement to Breymeer’s proposal and can’t wait to get into the woods.

Seeing no one in disagreement, Ek drifts over to the trail in the woods with the others following. Prior to reaching the trail, Ek dips into the woods and quickly is gone from sight.

Breymeer whispers to the elf, “If there’s something in there you don’t like and for some reason you can’t come back out to warn us, try to send some type of sign. Otherwise, we’ll be coming in after you after twenty minutes or so if you’re not out.”

Ergon examines the woods and believes he can lead his warhorse into the darkness. The lack of actual gravity, movement by thought, appears to remove the chance of the mount breaking a leg, etc.

The group moves to where the creatures entered the woods. The group prepares for trouble as it waits for Ek.

Ek moves carefully. It is dark and the ground is rocky and uneven. Though movement is still more by though than by actual gravity, the act of walking becomes psychologically natural again. Essentially, Ek feels as if he is walking weightlessly.

The dark elf feels somewhat at home if only the trees were cavern walls.
He moves carefully anticipating eventually coming across the trail. He keeps his angle moving deeper and deeper into the woods.

Ek finds nothing strange, moving about ten minutes forward; covering nearly a quarter mile of uneven terrain. He cuts harder to the trail and quickly finds where the two large creatures moved through the foliage. They appear to be moving normal and not crashing through. They are large enough that Ek located their trail.

Breymeer makes another pass looking for tracks near the wood line. He examines the tracks but they remain alien to him. He can decipher whatever made them are relatively large. There appears to be no other tracks. He comments over his shoulder, “About ten minutes and I’m going in if no sign of the elf.”

Rook surveys the surroundings and sarcastically quips, “What’s a girl like me doing in such a fine place like this?”

A few minutes later, without notice, Ek’s voice alerts all to his return, “About ¼ mile in, big creatures continue deeper into the woods. Nothing else found.”

The group moved into the woods following the trail. Breymeer is in the lead with Ek flanking a short distance to the side. Rook follows Breymeer a short distance back with Yechwa and her two companions on his heels. Finally, Jandre and Ergon make up the rear, slowly guiding the warhorse through the treacherous terrain.

Gravity here is psychologically returning as movement appears more natural though still weightless like.

The group moves in about a half mile without incident before coming to a small clearing. The sense of gravity appears to be returning the farther the group moves into the forest.

The clearing itself is nearly eight feet higher in elevation that the group. It sits upon a small formation of flat rock jutting up from the ground. It is nearly 40 feet cross and at least that in depth though hard to see from below. The natural formation of the rock creates easy steps to walk up the formation into the clearing. The tracks stop at the rock formation though Breymeer can see they climbed it. The area, other than the rock clearing, is surrounded by the same heavy vegetation.

In the center of the clearing stands one of the creatures you have been tracking. It is facing away from you.

The creature is generally a bipod though its body design hints that is moves upright or on all four limbs equally well. The body appears to have an exoskeleton covering much of its exterior, most significantly, the rib cage. It has a large elongated head with a fang rimmed mouth at the front. It has a long tail, nearly eight feet in length, that ends in a sharp barb. The ribs wrap around its body and come together to form four stubby, appendages that protrude from its back, two per side. It’s hand display long fingers with very distinct claws. It’s feet resemble that of a human with stubby toes.

It turns its head towards you and lets out a sinister hiss from its saliva dripping maw.

(Thank you creator of the Aliens movies for this creature)
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
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Thu Apr 13, 2023 8:18 am  
Into Hell

Esned’s gnomish eyes start adjusting to the zero light conditions. He immediately looks to where he saw Nebub land. To his horror, the duke rises to his feet. In fact, the duke looks unharmed. As does the devil next to the duke.

Seeler, also able to see in the dark, immediately charges the duke landing another crushing blow that appears to have caused no damage. Cholak stands and arms himself.

Grimlock comes to the realization the portal must have dismissed his spells. He can no longer fly and presumably, his stoneskin is gone as well.

Lexington, finding himself fully healed, aims his wand at the devil but finds he cannot see anything and holds off unleashing its icy death.

Lexington, realizing he is very vulnerable while unable to see in the dark, can be heard casting a spell. He moves slightly back and towards Grimlock hoping to find safety there.

Cholak, watches as Lexington disappears from all view; into thin air. His attention is quickly drawn to the battle before him. His fellow dwarf, Seeler, is pressing his attack upon the duke.

Grimlock, unable to see in utter darkness, resorts to his blindfighting skills. He listens intently to calculate the movements of friend and foe alike. He is aware Lexington has moved closer into Grimlock’s right flank.

Esned, to Grimlock’s left, hurtles his hammer towards Nebub. The hammer glows lightly with a holy illumination. It strikes Nebub square in the chest (3, 61/64) and then begins dancing around the duke in furtherance of its attack.

The glow from the hammer, though very weak, is amplified slightly by the shiny black walls. Grimlock finds himself able to make out Duke Nebub though pretty much everything else in the room remains dark; excepting the occasional appears of Seeler and be bobs and weaves around the duke.

Nebub appears temporarily confused. He grapples momentarily with the situation as he tries desperately to defend himself. Those that can see him are startled to find he has grown a red-colored tail, nearly two feet long. Three-inch horns now protrude from the sides of his forehead. Finally, his skin has become a reddish hue and scaly.

The devil disappears.

Seeler continues his attack while hollering, “Somebody think of something quick!”. He swings his battle axe in a wide arc but Duke Nebub ducks under it. Allowing the momentum of the swing to spin himself in a circle,
Seeler pivots on a heel and brings the axe around on an upward arc catching the duke in the chest as he squats to avoid the initial attack.
Though the blow does not pierce his reddish scaled skin, the force of the blow knocks the devil off his feet; landing supine.

Lexington is neither seen nor heard.

Grimlock engages in a spell and quickly he is surrounded by six replicas of himself.

Cholak prays.

Esned’s hammer continues to harass the devil and pummels him while he scrambles back to his feet (3, 58/64).

The other devil remains unseen and unheard.

Grimlock and Cholak move against Duke Nebub and a coordinated team.
The devil just regains his feet when Grimlock slashes him across the chest with Bloodletter. True to its name, the sword paints the floor with his dreaded blood (12, 46/64). The muscular half-elf then, using his forward momentum, bashes the devil in the chest with his shield (7, 39/64). Cholak comes at the flank and bashes with his shield as well. It appears to do no physical damage though it does knock the devil back a step; he remains on his feet. Cholak follows with a blow from his mace that fails to cause harm.

The devil sneers as he goes on the offensive. He slashes Cholak across the chest with his long sword but the armor holds and Cholak is undamaged. The devil spins slightly and brings the next blow down upon Grimlock’s shoulder. The blow is true but only dissipates the image struck as it was not the true Grimlock. Six Grimlocks remain. The devil bends and spins with his sword inverted in an attempt to spear Cholak. The dwarf deflects the blow with his shield.

Esned hammer again pounds the devil; this time striking it in the center of its back (5, 34/64).

Lexington and the other devil’s whereabouts remain unknown.

Seeler is glad to have the aid in melee. The two dwarves fight side by side as Grimlock attempts to keep Nebub defending two fronts.

The duke begins moving towards one of the narrow ends of the oval room while continuing to engage the party in melee.

Esned’s spiritual hammer fails to strike a blow this round as the devil parries it.

Cholak prays the devil be held but the prayer fails to have effect.

Seeler, emboldened by Cholak’s aid, breavely continues to melee with the devil.

Grimlock continues to press his attack using his blindfighting skills.

Grimlock and Nebub exchange a series of blows; both being very accomplished swordsmen. Duke Nebub destroys a mirror image with a deadly stroke before being sliced in quick succession across the chest by Bloodletter; only one of them actually cutting through the armor (15, 19/64). The duke returns a blow upon Grimlock only to watch another mirror image disappear. The duke hastens his movement towards the end of the room as Grimlock bashes Nebub with his shield (6, 13/64).
The duke finally finds the real Grimlock and bites him harshly with his longsword (13, 30/43(46)) nearly knocking the half-elf prone but
Grimlock nimbly recovers and stays on his feet..

Lexington remains unseen as he struggles to keep track of the combat and movements of the others in the dark.

Wishing to help his fellow party members, but fearing giving his position away, Lexington hopes the sounds of battle cover his incantation.
Lexington removes a glowworm and calls forth magical energies from it yielding a much-needed result for the human’s ability to see.

Four glowing torches appear floating in the air in a square around the area of combat near the center of the room. Lexington can now see plainly what is transpiring.

The sudden appearance of light throws off the rest of the group as their vision needs to adjust; excepting Grimlock, who was battling using his blind fighting skills.

The duke attempts to take advantage of the situation and he breaks and runs. While doing so, his form begins to change; leathery wings are sprouting.

Grimlock, annoyed that he was actually struck by the duke, lays into him with sword and shield nearly knocking the fleeing duke down.

The duke appears to be fleeing towards the corner as an escape attempt before he is brought low by the glowing holy hammer of Esned. The hammer chases the shape changing duke down and cracks his skull open.
The duke drops to the ground in a death quiver.

Cholak calmly walks up and heals the half-elf warrior completely.

Esned surveys the area for further dangers or things hidden by the dark. A small passageway leads from the cavern in the direction Nebub was fleeing. Finding no threats and a simple plain chamber, he moves to tend to the wounded while keeping an eye on the exit.

Cholak gives thanks to Lex for the gift of light and offers to give him healing aid but finds him unhurt. In fact, none of the group is hurt after passing through the gate.

Meanwhile, Grimlock thanks Cholak for the generous healing from Kord as Grimlock moves to the duke. “We’re taking this demon’s head as proof of his demise.” He looks over the body for something that may be the link to the group’s arrival here.

As Grimlock prepares to lop off Nebub’s head, a high pitched and lilting voice calls out, “Stop!”

A creature walks into the cavern from the opening. He towers overs the group, nearly 12 feet tall and very well muscled. He has a long, barbed tail and two-toed, clawed feet. Large, bat-like leathery wings adorn his back. He has a human head with dog-shaped ears. He carries a large wicked looking spear.

Behind him enters six dark haired women. All are scantily clad in sheer, nearly see-through, loose-fitting shirt and pants resembling sleepwear. Each carries two daggers in their hands.

The high pitched voice of the man continues, “You have slain my bastard son!”
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
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Thu Apr 13, 2023 8:23 am  
Into Hell

As the devil enters the room, Lexington holds as steady as he can in hopes he makes no noise and draws no attention to himself.

Esned and Seeler can only stare in awe as they are caught off guard.

Cholak readies his shield and sword in anticipation of meeting his deity Kord.

Grimlock remains calm, having faced many devils and demons. He raises his sword and responds, “I’m not fond of devil’s nor their demonic concubines, but I am not unreasonable in hearing your terms to stay my hand. So let’s hear it devil, what will you offer to keep your bastard son’s head where it is?”

The devil responds, “Duke Nebub was a half-witted fool. His fate has found him. I am taking him with me none the less though I shall hold you blameless in his death.”

The six concubines move forward and pick up the limp body of Nebub. The towering devil approaches them. He removes the crown from Nebub’s head. He then touches the body and it and the concubines disappear. “There are ways out of this little corner of hell. You are free to leave should you find them. Your souls are mine should you perish here. I will hold true to my word.”

The devil hands Grimlock the crown, “Should you make it out, this belongs to the next duke.” With that, the devil disappears.

The crown is a thin golden band that rests on the forehead. The front of the crown has a forward facing ruby mounted to it. (1500gp)

Esned continues to be vigilant. He intently listens for anything that may be sneaking around the rough stone chamber. He comments, more to himself than anyone in particular, “Why do I get the feeling this isn’t going to be easy.”

Grimlock asks, “Does anyone have any idea where we are? Pray to your deities for guidance.” He stows the crown and continues, “I am able to continue and have some magical resourses left but am at the point of resorting mostly to my warrior skills. I say we move quickly and try to escape. What do the rest of you feel we should do?”

Cholak prays to Kord for guidance. No onswer comes and there appears to be something of a veil between Cholak and his deity. His healing prayer was answered when he healed Grimlock but there Grimlock removes his dagger. The illumination from the holy light bestowed upon it instantly lights the chamber in a brilliant white light. After a few seconds for everyone’s eyes to adjust, the half-elf secures it to his helmet.

The cave walls are obsidian and occasionally razer sharp protections jut from the wall. They are easily avoidable in the light. The shiny surface of the walls intensifies they already brilliant light on Grimlock’s helm.
Grimlock walks towards the passageway saying, “This way for certain adventure . . . and likely, death!” He smiles and continues to the passage.

Lexington appears to have been looking for a light source. Now able to see, he watches the rest of the group to see what the next move is.

Esned speaks next, “I agree we should find the quickest way of escape. I offer to check out this red lit passage.” The gnome moves forwards with Grimlock.

Cholak and Seeler fall in step behind the others.

Lexington follows. It is obvious the passageway is the only viable option of finding out where they are and how to escape back to where from they came.

Moving towards the passageway, the group finds the tunnel is narrow being only four feet wide and three and a half feet tall. Esned moves forward and takes the lead with a stooping Grimlock behind him. The dwarves, Seeler then Cholak, enter next with a crawling Lexington behind them.

The passageway moves forward twenty five feet until opening into a massive chamber.

The cave entrance is in the side of a massive column in the near center of a strange chamber. The entire area is lit by a reddish light. Before you, and in all directions you can see, is this chamber. A ceiling can be seen about one mile above you. The air is still. The chamber you come out of was near 65 degrees F. The outside air is much warmer, between 90 and 100 degrees F.

Once out of the cave, the group can see the chamber appears to have a southern wall within sight of you. A valley moves away from you between the chamber wall and a line of stalagmites and stalactites that come together in several columns. They form a small chain of hills and columns. To the left and right of the cave are two hills that rise from the sandstone floor of this chamber. Further to the left is a river of lava that flows across the chamber. Far ahead, to the left of the small chain of hills, the river splits around a hill.

The massiveness of the room is mindboggling.
is some type of resistance in the channel between Cholak and Kord.

The illumination spell brought forth by Lexington winks out and Seeler sighs as darkness once again descends upon the group.

From the corner of the chamber comes a faint red light; not bright enough to illuminate the room. It hints at some type of passageway.

Grimlock, puts the illuminated dagger back in its sheath, “Well, I don’t want to be here any longer than we have to. The fastest way to find a way out is to cover a lot of ground quickly. Keep an eye on me ‘cause who knows what lives in this devil cave. I’ll be back . . . I hope.”

Grimlock removes a feather from his pocket, speaks and incantation and blows the feather from his palm. The feather fades away as Grimlock rises into the air.

Cholak responds, “We’ll watch for ya best we can.”

Esned tells Grimlock, “We’re going to move towards the lava and investigate as we go.” He gnomes moves forward. Seeler follows the gnome while muttering, “Why can’t I sense how far below the ground we are. It’s as if we aren’t below the ground we once stood.”

Cholak falls in behind the other three. They move slowly and cautiously as they try and also track Grimlock’s travels.

Lexington, happy the room is illuminated, follows the others.

Grimlock stays 50 to 100 feet above the sandstone floor. The group almost immediately looses sight of the half-elf as he flies into a valley between a spine of low rock (350 feet) accented by two columns. The outer wall of the cavern wall is on Grimlock’s right. Ahead of him is a very tall mound (623 feet) with a thick column next to it.

Grimlock passes a low hill (250 feet) before entering a valley between the outer wall (on his right) and a tall spine of rock (on his left). He next flies between a very tall mound (623 feet, on his left) and a half mile thick column (on his right, made from stalagmite and stalactites joining together).

The valley opens considerably as Grimlock comes to the far end of the 350 foot tall spine. To his right are two low hills (200 feet and 150 feet). The sandstone floor behind the small mounts rises into a hill as it meets the cavern wall. Approx. ¾ mile up the hillface, at the corner of the cavern, two large caverns enter the cavern wall. It is too difficult from Grimlock’s position if they dead end or not. Each is about a half mile wide and hundreds of yards floor to ceiling.

Around the 350 foot tall spine appears to be a small lake with some type of vegetation growing.

Grimlock has been in flight for approx. 90 minutes. He has covered approx. 8 miles so far.

Grimlock hustles to return to the group. He flies just off the deck hoping to tumble safely once the flying spell ends.

Grimlock covers about a fourth of the way back. He loses flight between the high hill (not on his right) and the massive column (now to his left).
Grimlock goes into a series of tumbles and rolls as he hits the sandstone floor. He comes to a stop on his feet unharmed. He quickly looks around but finds no immediate danger.

Grimlock calculates his is around five miles from where he left his friends. Temps have climbed over 100 degrees F.

Seeler, with a puzzled and concerned look on his face, tells the group, “I cannot sense how far below the ground we are!? It doesn’t make any sense to me.” He draws his weapon and continues looking around and trying to see where Grimlock may be flying.

The foursome moves along the hill to the left after leaving the cave. The hill climbs above the cave to a solid column 1/3 to ½ mile thick. The hill moves counter-clockwise around column. A hill rises from the sandstone floor to the column some 3/8 mile up the hillslope.

Bending around the hill, the group finds a sheltered valley some 1 ½ miles deep and ½ mile wide. The far end of the valley ends with the hillslope climbing to a wider but skinnier column. A third ¼ mile round column rises from the hillcrest across the narrow part of the valley opening.

Crossing the narrow valley, the group walks to the lava river without incident. This place is massive. And hot, especially at the lave river. The group stays a few hundred yards from it as a precaution. Temperatures are now over 100 degrees F. Hiking in armor is hot work; dehydrating the body.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
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Thu Apr 13, 2023 8:29 am  
Keep Shadowfell

Tathar alerts the party to potential danger ahead. The lead element readies their weapons and prepares for trouble.

Morwen removes and readies her bow, nocking an arrow. She slips into the wooded area to her left.

Comus steps ahead of the group to the center of the path and readies his sledge hammer. To his flanks, and slightly behind him, Mert and Tiz stand ready with their cutlasses.

Gaerhith steps to the side of Tathar to give them both space to fight. Gaerhith readies his bow.

Larrig readies his bow while Nedwyn covers him with his cutlass. Larrig watches mainly the flanks while Nedwyn keeps a sharp eye out to the rear of the group.

Morwen creeps forward using what cover she can. Moving ahead she uses some shrubbery as a screen to gain a vantage point around the curve. Ahead, past more shrubbery, are two rocks, one on each side of the path. From behind the left rock, Morwen spies a small scaly head, similar to that of a dog, mounted on a small scaly humanoid creature, peeking out around the rock as if waiting in ambush.

Morwen moves slightly to get to a vantage point to see if she can spy anything hiding behind the rock on the opposite side of the trail. She spies nothing but isn’t convinced there isn’t something secreted there.

Also of note, two other rocky formations big enough to hide the enemy come into view about 25 feet beyond the first rocks.

She sneaks back to the party and advises them of the danger ahead.

Morwen asks for a few minutes to get back into position with her bow before the party moves up. “I will try and take out the ones on the left side of the road with my arrows. Hopefully, the group can take out the ones on the right.”

Seeing everyone understands the plan, Morwen disappears again into the growth.

The party waits for Morwen to regain her position of advantage before moving up cautiously.

They continue forward, around the bend and towards the rocks on opposite sides of the road. Closer and closer they move without incident.
Two other rocky formations big enough to hide the enemy come into view about 25 feet beyond the first rocks.

She will also advise the group that she thinks there could be more than that was able to detect. She will continue back to her sneaking spot and wait until the party advances then fire at the first two. Tathar will also ready his bow.

Morwen returns to the shrubbery; finding an area that screens her outline but yet gives her an opportunity to fire upon anything that threatens the group.

Tathar readies his bow. He and Gaerhith watch the group as they advance. Both have arrows nocked.

Comus, seeing his advance is covered, move ahead cautiously with both hands on his sledge hammer.

Larrig, walking just behind Comus on his left, watches both flanks. His bow is nocked.

Nedwyn, on the Comus’ right, watches his right flank and checks back to the rear by turning slowly in half circles. He holds his cutlass pointed outward like a compass dial.

Comus and crew advance up towards the rocks, of which the left was reported to hide a creature. They come within 15 feet of the boulders when the attack breaks.

A scaly creature, about the size of a skinny halfling, steps from the boulder with a javelin in hand looking to chuck it towards Tathar and Gaerhith. He has a spear in his other hand. He has two more javelins in a open ended case on his back.

From the further set of boulders comes a charge. Three of the scaly dog creatures charge from the far left boulder, each preparing to throw a javelin while carrying a spear in their other hand. The move to the trail and appear to be charging Comus and crew head on. Like the other, they have reserve javelins in a case on their backs. From the far right boulder comes one more. He is of similar appearance though he is moving, using cover, parallel to the trail attempting to close the distance to the group’s right side.

Morwen releases her arrow followed a quick second. Both arrows bury into the creature flanking on the opposite side of the road, felling it.

Tathar pumps two arrows into the creature that stepped out from behind the boulder to throw a javelin at him. Both arrows strike the creature in the head, killing it before it can attack.

Gaerhith fires twice at the charging group, felling one of them but missing with his other shot.

A javelin from the charging group strikes Comus, scratching his arm (32/34).

The other two javelins miss. The remaining two continue their charge, spears set to skewer.

Continuing to fire arrows, Tathar drops one of the remaining creatures while Gaerhith ends the life of the other.

It becomes quiet.

Morwen uses the opportunity to listen. From behind the far right rock, Morwen hears some rustling immediately after the charging kobolds drop. Then nothing.

Comus uses the break in the action to wrap a binding around the scratch on his arm.

Morwen stows her bow and draws steel. She moves cautiously forwards towards the rustling sounds; ready for trouble. The rustling is coming from the far set of boulders so she uses the closer set to help screen her advance.

Tathar and company move up and investigate the bodies. Each has a few silver pieces, hide armor, a small shield, a spear and javelins.
While the bodies are being looked over, a second wave suddenly attacks.
Two kobolds in scale armor and stout shields charge forwards from the right side of the road. They brandish short swords.

At the same time, a slinger steps out from where Morwen heard the commotion. It has lit a small firepot and prepares to sling in at the group on the roadway. It appears not to notice Morwen’s approach.

Tathar goes on the defensive and backs away from the charge warning the group, “Spread out!”

Gaerhith backpedals and arms himself with a staff. Ment and Nedwyn draw cutlasses and cover Tathar’s retreat.

The kobold slinger flings his firebomb towards the group on the road but fire long. It lands, blowing open and splashing a thick burning fuel harmlessly upon the ground.

It shrieks as Morwen appears on his flank. It tries to back-peddle as Morwen’s blade slashes it down; ending the threat.

The two remaining kobolds fail in their charge and are quickly cut down.
The first by Comus’ war hammer and the second by a combination of Larrig and Tiz cutlasses.

No more kobolds remain. Morwen quietly checks around the perimeter rocks while the rest of the crew drags the bodies from the roadway.

A total of 24 silver pieces are recovered.

Morwen recommends looking for the kobold lair. She begins looking around for any sign from whence they came.

Tathar and his ship crew drag the bodies off the roadway and stow them in some grass behind a rock, Tathar comments, “We can move them into the lair if we find it nearby.”

Morwen discovers a faint trail that leads south from the roadway towards the southern end of a spine of high hills.

Gaernith labels them, “The locals call them the Gardbury Downs for reasons unknown to me.”

The roadway continues west-northwest towards Winterhaven.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
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From: Minnesota

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Thu Apr 13, 2023 8:33 am  
Pyramid Shadows

Ek slips deeper into the woods and begins to work his way around the back of the stone slab; his bow out and ready.

Breymeer slowly slips off his pack and begins looking for something in it.

Ergon takes a guarded position, ready to fight. His warhorse stomps and snorts aggressively. Jandre remains next to Ergon, also at the ready.
Rook, clutching her grandfather’s orcish spear readies for battle, “Where’s its partner?” She carefully scans her surroundings and waits for the reactions of her companions.

Yechwa moves up cautiously next to Breymeer, “What do you make of this strange creature?”

Orwar Ascoban takes ahold of his sun shaped holy symbol, “What danger might this bring?”

Roodin Bokassad stands awestruck, “Amazing, isn’t it?”

The creature takes a couple threatening steps towards the group, clacking its dripping teeth together.

Breymeer exhales sharply, not finding what he is looking for. He then remembers giving the item to Cirdan Saralonde back in the jungle city.

In a sudden burst, the second of the strange creatures bursts forth from the woods on all four limbs with its tail swinging wildly back and forth through the air. It’s target appears to be Orwar Ascoban and Roodin Bokassad, who are both transfixed on the first creature standing on the stone landing.

Breymeer hollers out, “We will not harm you unless you harm us. We only wish to get out of here!” as he moves to intercept the charging creature. As he suspected, the creature remains at a dead charge; likely not understanding the ranger.

Yechwa arms herself with her two-handed sword and watches the creature on the ledge, intending to defend the group should it join the fray.

Rook, with her spear, and Orwar Ascoban, holding his mace, are a second line of defense as the stand ready behind Breymeer.

Roodin Bokassad pulls a pinch of phosphorus out and speaks arcanely as he scatters the phosphorus in a small circle in the air between himself and the rock outcropping. The outer perimeter of the stone, between the group and the creatures, becomes engorged in opaque flames creating a wall, twenty feet high, along the edge of the rock in a circular shape. The creatures are caught within the radius. The flames appear to generate no heat towards the party.

Inside the circle must be hellish as the charging creature, not slowing for the flames, burst forth, launching itself off the ledge towards Breymeer. The creature has been obviously burned by the flaming wall (11, 14/25).

Breymeer carves into the creature with his dwarven battle axe and hand axe as it lands. The battle axe catches it square in the chest (4, 10/25) and the hand axe across its right thigh (7, 3/25).

The creature rakes Breymeer across the chest with its claws (6, 57/63(67) and 3, 54/63(67). The experienced ranger is able to dodge its toothy maw and whip like tail.

The ranger counters with additional blows from his axes. Unfortunately, the battle axe slips from Breyeer’s hand and flies through the air. It bounces noisily off the outcropping; falling to the ground.

Without hesitation, Breymeer drives his hand axe down upon the creature’s head felling it. It drops lifeless to the ground.

Ek, hearing the commotion, picks up his pace to a near run as he navigates his way to the back of the clear rock. A burst of light illuminates the area of the rock clearing as he moves. He emerges with his bow to see the majority of the rock outcropping is now covered by a ring of high opaque flames.

Ergon hands the reigns of the warhorse to Jandre and moves quickly forward to Breymeer. The paladin lays his hands upon the ranger’s injuries and prays. The damage disappears completely.

Breymeer retrieves his axe and inspects it for damage. It appears intact. He awaits the second creature’s charge.

Rook utters he favorite orcish curse, “Kark mi Plashnak!” as she watches the first beast fall. She remains guarded awaiting the second creature’s charge.

Ek watches the flames closely attempting to gain a target for his arrow but nothing appears to him.

Roadin Bokassad maintains his concentration on his spell and the flames remain.

Yechwa begins circling the left flank of the flames, attempting to spread out the party. Oswar Ascoban follows along with her for backup.

When nothing further charges from the flames, Roadin Bokassad allows the spell to end. The flames immediately flare out leaving the remains of one very torched creature on the bare rock.

The creature felled by Breymeer remains still as well. A slight sizzling and smell emanate from the body. The creature’s blood appears to bubble and boil as it eats into the organic material it touches. It appears to have a strong acidic nature to it.

A calm returns to the forest and rock clearing.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
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Thu Apr 13, 2023 8:40 am  
Pyramid Shadows

Rook looks at the dead creature and states with disgust, “Sha! Pusholog!” Switching back to common, she continues, “I hope not every creature here has acid blood.”

Ergon calls for his horse which comes dutifully to his side. The paladin then concentrates towards the second creature on top the stone ledge.

Breymeer, already starting to walk, tells the group, “Why don’t you let me circle this area and see if I can find any signs of anything else coming or going. If I come up with nothing, I’m guessing this raised opening is the key to something and figure we should check it out closer.

The ranger slowly circles the opening looking for tracks or any other signs of coming or going from this raised clearing. He avoids the oozing dead creatures.

Ek falls in behind the ranger; some twenty yards in distance and further into the darkness of the forest.

While the group waits, the rest of the party regroups. Yechwa and company climb up on to of the stone ledge and group together. They are prepared to aid the ranger as needed.

Ergon, Jandre and Rook remain at the ready at the base of the rock.

Breymeer finds a distinct path from the stone slab leading deeper into the forest. The large beasts have not yet traversed it other than a short distance in the woods to set up their ambush. It mainly appears to have been creature by forest creatures and booted man-sized feet; some a little smaller. Most recent, maybe a half to dozen man sized booted feet moved deeper into the woods. Of forest creatures, they appear to be hoofed, like deer, etc.

Ergon focuses and scans the area attempting to pick up on and evil that taints the area. He finds none.

Ek enters the stone clearing and begins searching around, carefully avoiding the acidic foreign creature.

Breymeer holds security at the new trail he located by the stone slab, “With all the man-sized tracks and wild animal tracks coming and going, I can’t help but wonder what would draw animals, and men for that matter, to this stone slab opening. There is no food here. There is no water here. Makes me wonder if this is a sacrifice area. Is this a portal like the one we just went through?”

A search of the stone slab reveals nothing telling. Other than the dead creature, there appears to be no other fluid marks, runes, or magical inscriptions that indicate it is anything other than a stone clearing.

Breymeer, giving closer examination to the trail, indicates the most recent tracks show the man tracks going from the slab deeper into the forest.

A quiet falls upon the group as they contemplate their options.
The stone clearing is not giving up any clues. The only discernable path leads deeper into the forest. The grey nothingness awaits outside the borders of the forest.

Judging by the strangeness of the alien creatures the group just put down, there is no telling what dangers the forest may hold.

Rook breaks the silence, “A doorway? Out of this place maybe? Or only in? How does it open?” The orcish woman prods at the stone with her foot. “From what I’ve seen here so far, this doesn’t seem like a place a person with any brains would purposely visit.”

Looking more optimistic, she finishes with, “If we make it out alive, I’ll treat everyone to a barrel of the finest blood wine.”

Yechwa look obediently towards Breymeer, “Captain Breymeer, you are the rightful leader here. What is our next course of action?”

Breymeer answers confidently, “I see no other route than to follow this path into the forest. I’ll scout ahead and do my best to stay aware of any dangers.”

Breymeer leads the way forward on the path. He is diligently watching the trail for any signs of danger or sub-trails. “Ek, give a pheasant call if danger presents itself.”

Ek, never enjoying being around people, enters the woods, moving about twenty yards to Breymeer’s left flank; though slightly ahead of the ranger. The going is uneven but the drow elf is accustomed to the difficult terrains in the underdark.

Yechwa, a Restenford Ranger as well, takes a position behind Breymeer by fifty feet allowing him time and room to work. Yechwa’s companions, Oswar Ascoban and Roodin Bokassad, remain near her.

Rook is next followed by Ergon, leading his horse, and Jandre taking up the rear.

The group walks cautiously for several hours. Nothing more serious than the sounds of birds and forest creatures threatens the party though the forest remains very dense and dark. The ground continues to slowly gain elevation. The trail continues to show booted tracks mixed with occasional signs of animal tracks.

The dense forest suddenly parts to reveal a clearing, perhaps 50 feet across, with a small tumble of rocks at the center. Something about the clearing doesn’t feel right. It’s as though the sounds of the forest refuse to enter the clearing, and the air around you feels strange and tingling.

Breyeer holds and examines the clearing using some vegetation as concealment. Ek moves up nearby and also remains concealed.
Yechwa, Oswar Ascoban and Roodin Bokassad halt a short distance behind Breymeer and take up a rear guard position. Ergon and Jandre join them. The war horse stands dutifully next to the holy warriors.

Rook, a little ahead of the others, remains on guard, not trusting anything about this strange place. The half-orc doesn’t want to fall victim to any nasty surprises. She holds her spear pointed out ahead of her.

A cursing deep voice alerts Breymeer and Ek to trouble. Those farther down the trail also hear the sound but cannot see into the clearing.

A dwarf, swearing in his native tongue, enters the clearing directly opposite Breymeer. The dwarf is with two more of his kin; all male warriors. They are dressed in plate armor and have heavy shields. They carry war hammers in their weapon hand. The appear concerned and look about as if they had lost something or someone. The continue moving into the clearing, and therefore, closer to Breymeer’s position.

Behind the dwarves, remaining at the edge of the clearing, are two human men. They are dressed in leather armor and carry maces. One holds the reigns of a strange mount. It appears to be some type of large lizard; though it is too far into the shadows of the wood to make out too many details. It is the size of a war horse.

Breymeer steps to the edge of the clearing and, in a loud voice, hails the dwarves and men in the common tongue, “Hello master dwarves, please do not be alarmed as I mean you no harm. I will, however, defend myself to my last breath if necessary. I only wish to find my way out of this place. I am called Breymeer. With whom do I speak and what pray tell brings you to this place?” The others in Breymeer’s group can clearly hear him speaking.

As Breymeer moved forward to the edge of the clearing, Ek began to circle counter-clockwise around the edge of the clearing, staying well within the woodline, to get behind the opposing group of men and dwarves.

Rook halts all movement except to find herself better cover and concealment. She remains on guard; listening intently.

Ergon focuses his attention towards the unseen clearing ahead of him in attempts to discern the nature of those to whom Breymeer speaks.

One of the dwarves speaks back, answering in the common tongue, “Lost er ya?” The other two dwarves fan out from the speaker; moving about 10 feet apart. The step into the clearing.

The human holding the reigns mounts the giant lizard and begins to move into the clearing. The other human remains in the shade of the trees and begins moving clockwise around the clearing.

The dwarf continues, “I twas ‘oping yer were Mr. Vren our companion. ‘Aven’t ‘appen to seen ‘im ‘ave ya? Seems he gone missin’ an’ now yer ‘ere, eh!”

The dwarves stand about 40 feet from Breymeer with the mounted lizard behind them.

Egon continues in prayer, hoping to discern if the other group bears evil intent.

Jandre begins to pray in preparation of casting a spell.

Ek hears the human flanking the clearing through the edge of the woodline towards him. Ek moves very quietly around the human while keeping his own presence hidden. The human passes by Ek without apparently noticing the drow elf. The human has a footman’s mace in hand and is focused in on sneaking around behind Breymeer. The human does not notice Ek arming himself with a bow.

Breymeer boldly steps into the clearing and replies, “I have been traveling the trail behind me and observed no sign of your companion. I have been following some tracks however. What say we break for a minute and I’d be more than happy to explain to you what the trail behind me has shown. Are you willing to return the favor with information about the direction you have come? My stomach tells me it’s time for a bite anyway. I do have to admit however, your friend in the woods is making me a bit nervous the was he’s circling in the shadows.”

In a gesture of good faith, Breymeer sheaths his weapons; but remains a the ready. He watches the dwarves closely. Breymeer eyes their equipment for symbols that would betray their disposition or country of origin.

Ergon cautions Breymeer, “They are evil my friend! I can sense it!”

The two flanking dwarves continue forward while widening their position on Breymeer. The human with them guides the lizard to a frontal approach with the remaining dwarf. All are menacingly moving up on Breymeer.

The dwarf responds while looking intently into the woods behind
Breymeer, “You appear lost and alone. We’ve come up your trail and we have our own food. We only care to know what you did with Vren.”

Jandre is prepared to unleash his spell as necessary.

Breymeer places his hands back on his two weapons and states loudly, “Master dwarf, I cannot help but feel your intentions are less than friendly unless your companions halt their flanking movements and everyone stow their weapons and come out into the clear. I wish not to fight and the ball is in your court. I have seen no Mr. Vren or anyone else for that matter.”

Several sounds can be heard behind Breymeer.

First, Rook steps forward from the foliage, “Pusholog! Glob!” She has spear in hand and is ready to dance.

Secondly, the sound of heavy plate armor rings as Ergon mounts his holy warhorse. He rides up on Breymeers flank, opposite Rook. The massive warhorse kicks up dirt threateningly with a front hoof. Ergon’s armor gleans in the light as he palms his sword hilt.

Jandre moves forward with holy symbol in hand; still prepared to bring about his spell.

Yechwa quietly leads her companions up the left side of the clearing, saying in the cover of the woods. Their plate and chain mail give away their intent though it appears Yechwa was moving quickly to cover ground, more than silently. Oswar Ascoban and Roodin Bokassad move with her.

Ek holds with arrow nocked.

A sudden attitude shift comes across the dwarf’s face. His eyes widen as Breymeer’s backup arrive. The flanking dwarf stops and faces the woods where Yechwa moves. The lizard rider moves his mount next to the speaking dwarf. The flanking dwarf on Ek’s side of the woods moves closer to the center of the clearing again. The human coming towards Ek stops moving and watches.

The dwarf leader speaks, “Er, eh. Haven’t seen ‘em eh.” He appears to be stalling to analyze the new threats. “Eh. Why ‘re y’all here den?”

Breymeer responds to the dwarf, “As I mentioned earlier, we are unsure as to where ‘here’ is. I will offer that we ended up in this place due to powers out of our control. As to our personal affairs, that, my friend, I see as having no bearing on this happenstance meeting with you. Now, I already told you we’ve no intention to do harm here and kindly asked for your help with directions and information about what lies ahead of us. Now, if you have other thoughts, want to pretend you know nothing about this area, and wish to hinder us in our efforts, well then, my good dwarf, my friends and I are in need of a good workout and will be happy to oblige. Are you ready to help us or shall we dance?”

Rook twists her hands on her spear menacingly.

Ergon, without speaking, dismounts and walks towards the dwarf leader. To the dwarf leader he says, “We haven’t seen or even heard of Mr. Vren. As you can see, I have no reason to lie or mislead you. If you know a way out of here, and would please tell us, we will be on our way.”

Ek, staying hidden with bow at the ready, keeps his attention on the human in the woods. The dark elf is prepared to end his life at the first sign of an offensive move, be it spell or assault.

The dwarf looks at his buddies and then back towards the paladin and ranger, “’Tis ‘ow we arrived as well. Weird place it ‘tis.”

The dwarf looks down and has a confused look upon his face. He points at the ground near his feet, “Where dat pyramid lookin’ thing come from?” His nearby companions look as confused as the dwarf. The on one the lizard utters, “It seems to be getting bigger.”

On the ground, a few feet in front of the dwarf leader, amongst a tumble of smoothly worn stones is a small pyramid. The pyramid grows into an approx. one foot triangle. It has a slowly pulsating glow that shifts between the primary colors.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
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Tue Dec 05, 2023 9:45 am  

Esned points ahead, “There is a choke point through the passage. I suggest we wait for Grimlock to complete his recon before we continue. We could find some water while we wait.”

Lexington responds, “I am in no way able to lead an expedition in such an area. I will happily keep an eye out for any trouble and will aid the group with my magic as needed.”

He takes out his wand of frost and ice in hopes it will be more effective in such a hot place.

The group looks around a bit but there is no water in sight. The temperature climbs over 100 degree F as the mid afternoon approaches. Nearly three hours after he left, Grimlock is located coming up the side of the hill that the group walked as they headed toward the lava river. Grimlock is flying fast and low, maybe 5 to 10 feet off the deck.

He lands with the group, seemingly unharmed.

Seeler addresses Grimlock as the half-elf lands, “What did you see? Is there a way for us to cross this lava river? This is way too hot down here; I want to get the hell out of here!”

Grimlock explains to the group that he traveled to the southwest. The chamber is massive. He is unsure of how to get across the lava river. He did not see anything dangerous to the southwest in regards to creatures.

Grimlock suggests the group get back to the cavern and explore once the heat of the day turns to the heat of the night to prevent those in heavy armor from dropping over from heat exposure.

The group rests for a couple days, eating and drinking food provided by Esned.

While passing the time, the party discovers a few details about the cavern.

The day time gets about as bright as an overcast day; though very heavily tinged red. It is very hot; upwards of 100 degrees F or more at mid day.

As the day goes on, the sky darkens to near moonlight night; though still red tinged. Temps fall between 60 and 80 degrees.

The group decides they will move at night under the moonlight.

The wind in this place is generally stagnant. Though, with sudden appearance, the wind can gust mightily, even whipping up a tornado-like whirlwind.

Lightning storms also come and go without warning.

Being stuck in what appears to be some type of hell, the group sets out at midnight on the beginning of the fourth day after arrival.

Seeler suggests, “Whatever way Grimlock’s path was that he cleared seems like the safest way to travel. We should follow that. Or we can take the suggestion of Grimlock on which way we would go.”

The group moves out of the cave in the middle of the night. Seeler marks the ground with chalk about every 50 yards as a precaution.

Having no other suggestions, the group moves counter-clockwise hoping the way Grimlock went remains clear.

The group leaves the cave behind. For the first mile, the group cuts southwest between a 250ft tall hill and the larger, longer 350ft tall hill that separates the southwestern portion of the chamber from the rest of it.

Turning east, the group sticks close to the taller hill. To the south, the chamber wall climbs steeply before sharply rising to meet the ceiling of the chamber (some 1500 feet above the sandstone floor). It travels another mile before the group moves north around a small hill. Then. cutting between a very large hill (600+ feet) and the northern 350ft tall spine, the group puts two more miles under their feet.

The group is cautiously moving about one mile an hour without wearing out the gnome. This speed keeps the group vigilant.

Coming to the southwestern corner of the cave, the group looks at their options. Two hills sit before them. The first about 200ft tall and the next 150ft tall. Beyond them in the far southwestern corner the wall rises up between two enormous columns. It appears some large caverns jut into the chamber wall several hundred feet up the chamber slope. To the north, a valley runs between the hills leading towards more open area.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
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Tue Dec 05, 2023 9:50 am  
Keep on the Shadowfell

Morwen asks Gaernith, “Gaernith, do you think this is just an opportunistic group looking to mug travelers or something more in need of attention? Or should we just press on?”

“Lady Morwen,” he replies, “I am unsure.” He pauses in thought and then continues, “Answers may lay in Winterhave. But if you wish to examine the area for a lair and rid the town of these vermin, it would be noble. I believe our mission lies in the keep but it could be related.”

Tathar speaks, “If they may be related, I recomment we investigate the lair. If we find intel, great, if not, we will rid the town of an ongoing evil.”
“Fair statement Lord Surion,” Gaernith nods towards his superior and they turn south into the wild lands.

The group quietly, slowly and cautiously follows what evidence Morwen can find of a trail. The kobolds appear to have not tried to hide their trail but they are small and light so Morwen is forced to go slowly in order to not lose the trail.

The afternoon is waning by the time the group upon several small glades of trees that lead up to a cliffside waterfall, where a stream tumbles from the top of a rocky overhang. The water descends the side of the hill and flows away to the southwest.

Gaernith nods in the direction of the waterfall, “I not an expert on these creatures but I suspect they dwell somewhere amongst that outcropping.”

The group stands at the edge of a clearing to the northeast of the waterfall. Between the group and the waterfall, a natural row of trees, some 15 to 25 feet wide, parallels the river creating a barrier between the clearing ahead of the party and the area of the waterfall and river. Trees also grow along the party’s left (northeast) allowing them cover should they move closer towards the waterfall area. The rock ledge looks relatively flat.

Tathar quickly consults with Gaernith and Morwen. Tathar questions Gaernith, “I can sense evil ahead. I believe another, larger, ambush is set. Do you believe we can navigate around this obstacle? Do you believe it is necessary to assault this encampment or may we bypass it and yet accomplish our goal?”

Gaernith quickly answers, “I believe we can retreat back to the old track and continue on to the keep without adversely affecting the mission.”

Tathar agrees. Using hand motions to the others, he signals the group to withdraw and return back to the path upon which the group was initially ambushed.

The group’s quiet retreat appears to have been a success. Upon returning to the road, they turn towards Winterhaven.

After a mile or two of traveling through the wooded foothills, the rutted King’s Road leads to the foot of a broad hill that holds the walled village of Winterhaven. The village is nestled in the southern foothills of the Cairngorm Peaks. The walls are weathered stone topped by defensive palisades. Small thatched homes stand around Winterhaven, each fronting a small piece of farmland or pasture. Beyond the farms to the west and south lie dark woods and to the north, tall mountain peaks.

A road runs away from the town, both to the east and to the west. The one the group is on approaches the town from the south.

“The keep lies to the west along that road there,” Gaernith points to the roadway leading west out of the town. “Do you wish to stop in the town Lord Surion, or continue to the keep?”

The sun is disappearing behind the hills and light is fading into dusk.

The group continues towards Winterhaven. The town sits just north of the intersection of the King’s Road and the road traveling east and west through the area.

The town is surrounded by a two-story wall constructed of locally quarried mountain stone. The wall is ten feet thick and very stout in appearance. Over the wall can be seen the upper rooflines of several buildings scattered within the wall’s confines. Most notably, a three hundred foot tall tower stands near the middle of the town.

The roadway leads to the western side of the wall; entering between two square towers acting as the gatehouse. Eight towers in total mark the outside wall. Two other towers form a gatehouse for an inner wall that separates the larger, southern section of town, from the smaller northern section.

The town’s footprint is small, some 200 feet east/west by 150 feet north/south.

It is quickly becoming dark as the group approaches the western gatehouse. The heavy, iron reinforced, doors are closed. Two human guards, one per tower, look down upon the group. “Hail travelers, welcome to Winterhaven. Any troubles upon the road?”
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
Posts: 381
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Tue Dec 05, 2023 9:59 am  
Pyramid Of Shadows

Rook watches to see what happens to the dwarf near the pyramid while taking a quick cursory look for more of the objects in the clearing. He sees no other similar objects.

The dwarf near the pyramid backs away from it, “Wha’ is dis magics?” The lizard rider also cautiously backs up. The other two dwarves ready weapons. The human in the woods looks on with intrigue.

With a sudden humming, an image is projected from the pyramid. It stands in mid-air above the pyramid. The figure, a ghost, perhaps, shows as an insubstantial vision of a male humanoid figure with curved horns sprouting from near his forehead and following the crown of his head back along each side. It boasts a tail. It is clothed in ornate red robes. “Greetings, travelers,” the image says in perfect, if not rigid, common, “I am Karavakos. What do you seek in the Pyramid of Shadows?”
Without a thought, the dwarf leader barks, “Have you taken Mr. Vren?”

The image turns and looks to the dwarf and his companions, “Mr Vren has not been taken. Mr. Vren has entered the pyramid on his own accord. You may enter as well by touching its surface. Or stay out here and face the dangers of this environ. I care not.”

He turns back towards the Restenford Ranger Captain, “And I suppose you have come for Peylae, have you not, Captain Breymeer?”

Ergon draws his weapons, as he has detected evil. He stands at the ready and watches for Breymeer’s next action. Ergon keeps a steady eye on the figure that has just appeared.

Rook keeps alert, still ready to tussle.

Breyeer fearlessly holds his ground and responds, “Karavakos, your knowledge impresses me. If you have knowledge of Peylae, I would be greatly in your debt if you would share that with us. And, it would not hurt to have more knowledge about this place, particularly how to get out. If that means entering the pyramid, what type of journey can I expect if I touch it’s surface?

“Captain Breymeer, this place is out of place and time as you understand it. It is a place where things, people particularly, can be secured. I am the caretaker. An enemy of yours has placed Lady Peylae here. You may enter and retrieve her if that is your wish. You and your companions, should you wish to take them with you. You may reach your homeland again from the pyramid, I assure you.”

The dwarf interrupts, “We be ‘ishin’ to get Mr. Vren!”

The image, turns his head and looks at the dwarf over his shoulder, “Very well Master Dwarf. Let it be so.” With that, colorful rays shoot forth from the pyramid into the dwarf and his companions in the clearing. The light rays retract back to the pyramid. The three dwarves, man and lizard are all pulled towards the pyramid. Their images fade into colored lights at the pyramid absorbs their images without a sound.

Ek can see the final human still standing in awe in the woods near the dark elf.

“Chose your own path. Lady Peylae will be here waiting for you until the end of time,” the image begins to fade. “I have guest to attend to. Should you enter, I shall speak with you again.”

Breymeer addresses the group, "Well, we can't allow Peylae to be stuck for eternity. Who's up for an adventure? I'm ready to give 'er hell and dive into this pyramid thing."

Jandre steps forward next to the paladin. The priest removes a beat up looking cigar and gets it lit with some frustration, "My last one. I've been saving it." He gives a couple long puffs on it and exhales sharply. Looking over to Breymeer, he clenches the cigar between his teeth and gives an 'I'm ready' nod of his head.

"I'm with you!" Ergon holds securely onto the reigns of his warhorse, "He's coming with."

Rook responds with nothing more than orcish profanity but appears ready to follow Breymeer in..

Yechwa and company have a quick discussion and she steps forward with the two men standing boldly behind her. "Captain, I will follow you into whatever carnage awaits us. My companions pledge their support as they can though out of friendship and not duty. " Both men concur.

Ek stands fast as he waits to see what the human in the woods does.

The human holds his place, even ducking down a little too hide himself.

Breymeer approaches the pyramid cautiously. The others fall in line behind the ranger.

Giving one last look to the group, Breymeer bends over and touches the colorful pyramid. He immediately fades into the pyramid.

These rest of the group follows suit led by Egon and his horse, Jandre, Rook and finally Yechwa and company.

As the party starts disappearing, Ek break free from his hiding spot and follow them into the pyramid.

These group is immediately onset by trouble. Each struggles to comprehend the new scene.

The group appears to be in a pit, some ten feet below the level of the floor of a dimly lit chamber of unknown size. The bottom of the pit is covered bodies of all kinds of humanoids of civilized races; dwarves, elves, halflings, humans and such. Their clothing and armor appears off a time forgotten. An overpowering smell of death hangs in there air.

You're group is not alone in the pit. The dwarves and humans that transported ahead of you are fighting a pitched battle.

A two headed giant is just arriving at the edge of the pit. The giant is covered in splattered blood He has a large blood stained meat cleaver in each hand. Each of his heads grin as he kneels down and waits for an opportunity to behead those in the pit. Each head appears to be encouraging the other. It truly appears to be enjoying itself.

The headless body of the lizard riding human lays next to the giant at the edge of the pit. The motionless tail of the lizard hangs over the edge of the pit next to the human. The giants appears to have just returned from finishing off the lizard.

The three dwarves are still standing in a small semi circle with their backs to the wall. A giant green centipede like creature is in the pit between your newly arrived group and the dwarves. It has a large tooth filled mouth with eight tentacles circling its mouth that lash out at the dwarves.

A second such creature clings to the edge of the pit and attacks down upon the dwarves. They are in a dire predicament.

The pit is nearly 15 feet wide. It is 10 feet up to the level of the floor above the group. It is unknown how deep the bodies are stacked under the group’s feet.

In the pit, the group struggles with the new environment as the ettin looks down upon them. Its skin stained dark, exposed through holes in its rotting clothing. Its teeth show yellow and chipped as it grins and curses. The hair on both heads kept cut short, near the skull.

Just below the ettin, moving in on the creature’s right side, Yechwa, in her chain mail and helm etched with feathers, engages it with her two handed sword. Her cape trails behind her as she moves in for the attack. The ettin swings down upon her with one cleaver as she tries to cut off its arm. Steel meets steal as the ettin parries her blow.

Oswar Ascoban, the priest of Pelor, engages the ettin on the left side with his mace. With his gilded plate armor and shield his defense, he meets the ettin’s blow with his mace, shattering the meat cleaver.

Behind the two, Roodin Bokassad tries to buy time. He steadies himself. As he points towards the ettin, four greenish-blue missiles shoot forth from his finger in succession. Each strikes the giant’s torso as its grins turn to anger (12, 57/69).

The sudden change of scenery catches Ergon and Jandre off guard. Ergon, wearing his heavy field plate armor, struggles to hold onto the warhorse reigns as it struggles to stand on the mishmash of bodies that makes up the floor of the pit. Jandre is behind the horse and can only manage not being trampled under the massive hooves of the warhorse. The holy warriors stand near the corner, farther to the ettin’s left than Oswar, just out of reach.

Across the pit from the ettin, in the corner to the ettin’s right side, the dwarves battle the two carrion crawlers. The battle is behind Roodin Bokassad.

One creature is on the pit floor. One dwarf makes an attempt to circle the creature along the back wall of the pit to flank it. The creature stretches forward and entwines the dwarf with tentacles. The dwarf goes limp as the creature begins to chew on him.

The creature on the wall hangs over and attacks the other two dwarves. The both fail to land a significant blow. The creature wraps up one of the dwarves in its circle of tentacles but looses grip and falls into the pit on top of the limp dwarf.

The final dwarf standing is the one that spoke to the group in the clearing.
In the final corner, across the pit and to the ettin’s left, Ek moves to the wall and begins to climb his way up the corner.

Rook sees Ek climbing the wall and takes up a position to cover his flank. The orc warrior stands ready with her prized spear.

Finally, Breymeer, having appeared in the pit nearest the carrion crawlers, advances into the flank of the creature initially in the pit as it munches on the limp dwarf. As he moves, he makes certain both Yechwa and Orwar Ascoban are holding their own.

As the ranger closes, he notes the creature looks more like a slug or similar type creature. Its head is covered with a thicker hide than the body. A rank odor befalls Breymeer as he buries his dwarven rune etched hand-axe into the creature’s soft side (4, 15/19).

The ranger buries his battle axe into its side, just ahead of the front series of legs (3, 12/19). Putting both hands together, the ranger rakes the creature along its side, severing off several legs (6, 6/19). Greenish goo leaks from the injury as the creature drops to its side. It contorts its body enough to spin counter-clockwise to face Breymeer with its writhing tentacles.

Ek pulls himself out of the pit after scaling the wall. Behind him, Rook jumps and lays her spear across the corner of the hole. She starts pulling herself up while calling to Ek for assistance. The dark elf grabs onto the orc blooded warrior and heaves. The effort brings Rook to the floor level of the chamber. Ek steps back, preparing to cast a spell.

Meanwhile, in the pit, Jandre wades his way across the bodies to join Breymeer in the battle with the wounded crawler.

Breymeer, realizing he may want to stay out of the grasp of the tentacles, uses his battle axe to parry while continuing to hack away with his battle axe.

The crawler struggles; writhing upon the floor. In desperation, it attacks the ranger. Showing incredible skill, Breymeer parries an onslaught of tentacles until the creature bites down upon his arm (2, 61/63). Catching the creature overextended, Breymeer smashes his battle axe down upon its head (9, -3.19). At the same time, Jandre steps up and hammers the it in soft tissue of its flank. The creature drops upon the body littered pit floor and quivers as Breymeer removes his axe from its corpse.

Nearby the final dwarf attempts to melee with the crawler but steps oddly on one of the dead bodies in the pit. He fails to catch himself and falls prone. The foul smelling slug-like creature collects itself from its fall. It ignores the dwarf that tripped and continues to chew on the one it fell on.

Below the ettin, Ergon calms his warhorse as they both finally find somewhat stable footing.

Roodin Bokassad utters something incomprehensible and blows a feather from his hand. He rises several inches off the bodies on the bottom of the pit.

The sound of steel on steel rings in the chamber as Yechwa’s two-handed sword and the ettin’s cleaver continue to make contact as each parries the other’s assault.

Oswar takes a step back, prays to Pelor, and heaves a hammer at the ettin. The hammer begins to glow softly with a orangish light. It impacts the ettin in the chest (4, 53/69). The ettin drops its broken cleaver and bats at the menacing hammer with his now free hand.

Breymeer, being cautious of his footing, steps back away from the carcass of the dying crawler while stowing his axes and removing his bow.

Ergon, collecting himself, assesses the situation. He charges, to the extent the body ridden floor allows, towards the remaining crawler in the pit wielding his holy sword. The warhorse follows, smashing dead bodies under hoof.

The dwarf rolls out of the way of the charging paladin. He pulls himself up against the body of the slain crawler, now standing next to Jandre.

Yechwa cannot effectively reach the ettin from within the hole when it isn’t leaning over after her so she changes target and moves between the Roodin Bokassad and the remaining crawler. She slashes it’s side wide open with her two-handed sword.

Ergon simultaneously buries his holy sword into the creature’s head. It drops to the pit floor dead.

Roodin Bokassad flies up out of the pit and lands directly across from the ettin and generally above those that just finished melee with the crawlers.

Rook begins circling the room counter-clockwise, cautiously passing by the open stairwell that leads downward.

Ek unleashes two magical missiles. The bolts of energy streak across the top of the pit and strike the ettin center mass (7, 46/69).

Orwar Ascoban continues his assault on the ettin with his spiritual hammer. The hammer whacks the ettin in the left shoulder (5, 41/69).

Immediately thereafter, Breymeer puts an arrow into its chest (7, 34/69). The ettin bellows in agony. In a rage, it jumps in the pit. The sound of breaking bones and crushing bodies is sickening as the giant sinks several feet into the bodies. With its free hand, it attempts to grab Orwar Ascoban. It knabs him for a moment but the Pelor cleric spins from the giant’s grasp. Frustrated, the giant attempts to cut the priest in half with it’s cleaver but misses completely.

Rook, arriving at the edge of the pit, drives her grandfather’s spear into the ettin’s back (9, 25/69).

The ettin screams in a homicidal rage. Its eyes widen and spit flies from it mouths. It appears to have lost any control as it screams out threats and obscenities in its own tongue.

The ettin seems to have gained the initiative by his sudden entrance into the pit. Only Breymeer reacts quickly, shooting another arrow into its chest (9, 16/69). The long armed ettin slashes the ranger back across his chest with the oversized cleaver (10, 51/63). Only Breymeer’s experience in combat and studded leather armor allow him to escape being mortally wounded. The ranger even manages to maintain his foot and nock another arrow.

Trying to buy his companion some time, both Yechwa and Ergon attack the ettin from its right flank. Neither lands a significant blow.

Rook pulls his spear from the creature’s back as it turns to grab him with its free hand. Two more magical glowing bolts from Ek strike the ettin (9, 7/69) as Rook drives her spear into the ettin’s heart (9, -2/69) killing it instantly.

The ettin crumbles to the floor of the pit, taking hard blows from the warhorse’s right rear hoof and the magically glowing holy hammer. Jandre steps back to avoid the collapsing giant.

Roodin Bokassad simply watches from the edge of the pit; to Ek’s left.

A quiet falls upon the room momentarily until disturbed by a voice outside of the pit. It is coming from the corner to Rook’s rear and left side. There is an alcove there with heads mounted on spikes. The voice calls forth in elvish, “You out there! We can help each other, I just know it.” The voice appears to be that of a female.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
Posts: 381
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Tue Dec 05, 2023 10:05 am  
Pyramid Of Shadows

Ek moves toward the northeast alcove, seeking out the source of the unknown elvish voice.

Breymeer stows his bow, and with a boost from Jandre and an outstretched hand from Roodin Bokassad, Breymeer climbs out of the pit at the southeast corner.

Rook turns to face the northeast alcove as the voice continues, “Please, continue to me. I am in the sack mounted next to these unpleasant looking ettin trophies.”

Mounted on spikes in the alcove are four heads. Working clockwise around the alcove are a human male, a human female, a dwarf and an orc. The final peg has a small sack hanging from it that appears to contain a baseball sized object.

Ek becomes more cautious as he approaches the alcove containing the heads and the voice in the bag. He takes a defensive stance as he engages the voice in conversation, though he has lowered his voice so now none can hear him from the area of the pit.

Rook, not seeming to understand elvish, largely ignores the voice. She spits on the fallen enemy and gloats in her victory by casting a few orcish curses at the dead ettin.

In the pit, those remaining struggle to climb out of the body strewn pit. The bodies continue to twitch and an unease remains.

Roodin Bokassad speaks to Ergon, “Please noble warrior, lead your horse to the edge of the pit and I will assist it up.”

Ergon complies. Roodin Bokassad takes out a feather and utters an incantation. He touches the feather to the head of the horse while advising, “Each of you, use the horse’s height to climb out of this abysmal pit.”

Ergon remains with his steed as everyone else gets out of the pit.
“Now,” Roodin Bokassad continues, “Ergon, mount your horse and command it to fly out.”

Ergon, a bit uneasy or unsure or both, gives his horse the command and some encouraging heels into its flanks. The horse, showing its intelligence, gracefully rises out of the pit and lands upon the stone floor. Egon thanks Pholtus for such a blessed creature.

The group eyes the room while Ek has his conversation with the exception of Ergon; who seems to be studying what is transpiring between Ek and the voice.

The dwarf takes stock of his situation. Looking around the room, similar to the others, he states to anyone interested, “I’m alon’ w’ich ya. Ye shud be knowin’ me name. Kolus. Kolus Darkgut I be.”

Ek moves to the sack very carefully; ever ready to tumble away to safety.

He lowers his voice as he speaks to the sack, maintaining the elvish language, “How could one of my elf brethren be stove up in a sack of this size? Explain, or I will assume this is a trick and be on my way.”
Ek is prepared for trouble.

“Fate has brought you to this prison, though I do not know what fate you follow. If you wish to escape from here, you will need my assistance. I am Vyrellis. At least I am what remains of Vyrellis. Aid me in becoming whole again and I will assist you in your quest. Acting together, we shall overcome and escape from here.”

Breymeer moves closer to Ek to help cover his back. The group remains vigilant of the multiple exits from the room. One in each direction with the westerly passage going down a flight of stairs.

Ergon dismounts from his warhorse, petting him and encouraging him, “What a good boy you are!”

Ergon then prays to Pholtus. He looks over to Breymeer and asks the ranger, and the rest of the group, if anyone needs healing.

Meanwhile, Ek continues his conversation for a short time before turning to the group, “The voice is Vyrellis. She claims to be an elf who worships Sehanine from the Spindrift Isles of which one is Lendore. She claims to be able to assist us in escaping if we help her become whole again along the way.”

As Ek finishes his statement, a beautiful song begins. It drifts into the room from up the stairwell to the west.

Ek responds to the voice, “Vyrellis, what will it take to restore you? And if we do, can you tell me your deity or whom you are a follower of to help assure us you’ll bring no harm?”

“I follow Sehanine Moonbow of the Spindrift Isles. Men often call one of the islands Lendore Island. Though, by the sound of your voice, you are drow and not a surface dwelling elf. I ask of you, take the orb in this sack so that we may assist each other.”

Rook remains on guard, but quietly responds to Kolus with a sly smile, trying to hold back her natural orcish disdain of dwarves, “Colon Rotgut, hmph. You’ll fit right in. Welcome to the motley crew.”

The dwarf does not appear to notice the orc’s insult. Instead, it has focused in on the singing and curiously moves to the stairwell down to the west; holding his war hammer in hand. Yechwa, still holding her two-handed sword, and Roodin Bokassad, the mage, move to back the dwarf.

Orwar Ascoban, in his gilded plate mail, holds near the southern edge of the room watching the southern passage. He asks over his shoulder towards Yechwa, the ranger, “What devilry is this new song?” She doesn’t return a comment.

Ergon turns his attention towards the singing as well. Jandre warns him, “Careful my friend, I trust this not.” Ergon begins to move towards the stairwell but his war horse steps between him and the stairs, temporarily impeding his move.

Ek, in light of hearing the singing voice and thinking a charm of some type could be in the works, and going with his gut that what he hears from the sack is legit, states in a voice loud enough for all to hear, “I have heard no objections and I believe what I have learned can help us. There is an orb in this sack I feel with help us.”

Ek quickly looks at the group, and to Breymeer particularly, for any further concerns or comments. Breymeer simply nods before the ranger captain turns and joins the group descending the western stairwell.

Ek pulls the sack open as it hangs on the peg and carefully removes the orb. The orb of darkest obsidian easily fits in the palm of his hand.

As Ek looks upon its inky depths, the severed head of a noble elvish female floats into view and Ek hears her sing song voice, continuing to speak in elvish, “I am Vyrellis, and I offer my assistance to whoever carries this orb.”

Ek responds to the floating head of Vyrellis, “Well, this is very timely indeed, my good Vyrellis. It seems my companions are being pulled away from me, against their will, by a singing that is messing with their brains. I believe we can likely help you regain your wholeness if you are willing to get them out of this charm and help us get safely out of this place.”

“Certain death awaits them!” warns Vyrellis in elvish. “If they cannot be held back, you must defeat the vile filth that awaits them!”

Ek responds, “Your warning is not a surprise and don’t underestimate the power of our group. You stated you could help us. Make good on that promise now and prove to me you can be trusted by helping us with this now, be it with actions to get my friends out of this charmed state or advice that will help. Act fast as I have to leave and help my companions.”
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
Posts: 381
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Thu Dec 21, 2023 12:43 pm  
Pyramid Of Shadows

After a brief conversation between Ek and the Orb, spoken in elvish, Ek turns towards the stairwell in attempts to sprint ahead of his companions before they descend the stairwell unprotected. To his surprise, in an instant, he is ahead of the group; having teleported somehow just ahead of them. He barely has time to adjust before he is moving down the stairwell; saved by his incredible dexterity.

In common, a noble sounding female voice being emitted from the orb calls out, “I will aid Ek and your group with my powers as I am able. And Ek, through his own free will, shall be the channel from which I use my powers! I am Vyrellis!”

During this time, Oswar Ascoban prays for the removal of the enchantment with no noticeable effect.

Jandre and the war horse continue to block Ergon’s path until the sun image that forms the base of Ergon’s holy sword begins to glow and the light washes over the paladin. With renewed vigor, Ergon looks to his holy companion, “Jandre, I’m good, by the grace of Pholtus.” Ergon has shaken off the charm.

The stairwell leads twenty feet west and down into a large room; fifty feet wide and eighty feet long. Entering the room, Ek stands upon a stone balcony, twenty feet wide and ten feet long. The balcony sits ten feet above the dark water that covers the floor of this room; if there is a floor.

A rope bridge, with a wooden walkway, slants sharply downward towards a wooden platform that sits just above the level of the water. Two other rope bridges form the other supports for the wooden platform; one to the north and one to the south. The northern bridge connects to a stone balcony that sits ten feet above the water. The southern bridge stretches out of view.

The bridges are tied to wooden posts mounted on the balconies. Each bridge is ten feet wide. The bridge leading away from Ek towards the wooden platform is missing five feet of wooden walkway boards at the half-way point.

The length of the north and south walls are broken up with window shaped niches (3 feet high, 2 feet wide) that glow with the soft firelight from the torches that are mounted on wall sconces within the niche. They are fifteen feet above the water.

The far end of the room, illuminating the wooden platform, are three more niches, side by side, illuminated by small braziers of burning coal.
They are five feet above the wooden platform.

The singing is coming from the far corners of the room. On the northern stone balcony sits one of the sources of some of the singing. A foul creature is taking flight. She is human sized, having the lower body of a vulture and the upper body of a naked woman. Though her body appears to be that of a young adult woman, it is covered with dirt and grime; giving her the appearance of an older hag. Her hair is matted and unkept. Her teeth are sharp though disgustingly dirty. In one hand, she carries a long bone of some kind; wielding it as a club.

The dwarf, Kolus, steps past Ek with his hammer in hand. Though appearing to be in a daze, Ek hears the dwarf mutter, “I’m gunna whack’er!”

Rook mindlessly walks past Ek, following the dwarf, entranced by the music.

Yetchwa and Roodin Bokassad both walk past Ek and follow the other two onto the rope supported wooden bridge. Breymeer is the last to enter the room.

Ek responds to Kolus as the dwarf passes by the dark elf, “Kolus, if our companions keep mindlessly walking forward, they will fall through the hole in the bridge unless you stop them.” Kolus appears to have received Ek’s warning; confirming such with a nearly imperceivable nod of his head.

Ek mutters to the orb, “Well Vyrellis, looks like a lot of this is up to me and you. I’m gonna plan to magic missile this ugly, flying bitch unless you got a better idea.”

“You and I, dear Ek,” it responds, somewhat snooty in elvish.

Oswar Ascaban steps to the top of the stairs and focuses a prayer on the entranced group a second time, “Pelor, bring you light upon their minds and break this enchantment!”

This time, the prayer has a significant effect. Breymeer, Roodin Bokassad and Rook break free of the enchantment. Only Yechwa remains entranced, still walking mindlessly forward.

Kolus, on the sloped wooden bridge planking, near the edge of hole in the planking, attempts to stop Yechwa from continuing forward towards the hole. The dwarf easily grabs ahold of the human ranger but to his surprise, she elusively slips his grasp; breaking free of him. The next moment finds her in freefall as she continues to stumble forward. She plunges down the open section of bridge and splashes into the dark water about 6 feet below.

Ek conjures up two glowing arrow-like missiles and directs them flawlessly at the vulture-ish woman as she takes flight. The arrows strike her center mass (4 & 5, 61/70). Her singing turns to a shriek of pain.
She continues to shriek, more now in anger, as she flies across the chamber towards Kolus.

Kolus waits for her like a trained warrior. She comes swooping in on him, claws flared forward, in an attempt to rake him and knock him off the bridge.

The dwarf, using his shield to block one clawed leg, slams the other leg with his war hammer (5, 56/70). She clumsily pulls up from her attack and flies up above him, just out of melee range.

Behind Kolus, spaced out evenly on the bridge, are Rook, Roodin Bokassad and Breymeer.

Jandre joins Oswar Ascaban at the top of the stairs. Ergon leads his war horse over and joins the two priests; standing behind them.

A second creature, nearly identical to the first, comes flying around the corner to the south at the far west end of the room. She carries no weapon. She is maintaining her original singing.

The creature hovering above Kolus lets out a mind-splitting shriek focused on the dwarf. He cowers in pain but holds his ground (5, 35/40).

Roodin Bokassad takes flight. He flies directly under the hole in the bridge and plunges into the water after Yechwa. The ranger sank quickly below the surface in her chain mail armor. The only trace of her is a string of bubbles in the dark water.

Rook holds her position with her grandfather’s spear at the ready. She growls loudly orcish and dwarvish curses attempting to be louder than any of the charming songs.

Breymeer, now realizing what is occurring, removes his bow from his shoulder with the grace of expert archer. With amazing speed, he nocks and releases an arrow into the unnatural spawn hovering by Kouls. The arrow takes some feather and meat from its the left thigh as it passes through(6, 50/70).

Kolus recovers from the sonic blast. With the creature out of melee range, and Breymeer now trying to turn it into a pin cushion, Kolus leaps the gap in the bridge intending to head off the second enemy. He clears the gap and takes a defensive stance facing west.

Kolus now stands on the western side of the hole on the bridge leaving Rook in the front of the group on the east side/.

Orwar Ascoban prays, “Pelor, silence this unholy beast!” as he holds his sun-like holy symbol and points to the shrieking, hovering bird-woman. She overcomes the prayer causing it to fail.

Jandre and Ergon hold their position at the top of the stairs. They watch over the ettin’s chamber and the passageways that exit the room.

Ek, seeing the second flying creature coming, calls upon his magical powers to create a deep, impenetrable darkness in her line of flight. An area thirty feet in diameter goes completely black.

As the creature flies into the blackness, her singing instantly stops. With a panic induced squawk, she veers left and lands hard upon the bridge decking somewhere in the darkness west of Kolus.

Breymeer’s bowstring sings a second time as another arrow draws blood from the hovering menace. This arrow removes her left ear as it whistles past her head (7, 43/70).

Roodin Bokassad burst back to the water’s surface. He has Yechwa in a bear hug. She is coughing and spitting out water. She looks half drown.

Oswar Ascoban moves down the stairwell slowly, getting a better look at the room. Putting prayers aside for the moment, he pulls out his footman’s mace, intent on getting into the fray. Behind him, Jandre and Ergon continue to hold rear security.

From the darkness, the second creature emerges moving east along the bridge deck. She flaps her wings and begins to take flight as she engages Kolus in melee. She grabs his plate armor with both clawed hands and tosses him backwards down the hole in the bridge. Kolus drops like a stone. He lands supine, splashing down next to Roodin Bokassad and Yechwa. Kolus’ hammer drops into the water and disappears from sight. Kolus immediately disappears from view below the water, sinking like a stone in his plate mail armor.

After dropping Kolus, the beast flies towards Rook.

The lead winged horror flies at Breymeer. Her mouth is wide open displaying her pointed teeth. Ek conjures up and delivers two more magical bolts into the foul spawn (4 & 3, 18/70). A moment later, the ranger targets her with an arrow impaling her abdomen (13, 30/70) causing a nasty wound. She crashes into him as he attempts to get a second arrow into her, raking him with her claws. Breymeer’s studded leather armor withstands one attack but the second opens a wound on his face (12, 39/63(67)), wounded, minor bleed). The impact drives him to the ground, knocking the wind out of him. Breymeer gasps for breath as blood oozes from the wound and into his left eye (-2 to hit; -3 total including the penalty from the wound). In a coarse voice she threatens, “I eat yer face!”

Rook, seeing an opportunity, moves in behind the harpy on Breymeer; at the same time putting distance between herself and the one that dropped Kolus into the cold water. She spears the creature on the back of the left arm (5, 25/70).

With a war cry, Oswar Ascoban quickens his pace and closes to aid Breymeer and Rook.

Breymeer struggles to break free but finds himself trapped under the nightmarish woman-vulture. It appears certain death soon awaits the ranger.

In attempt to help his friend, two more mystical missiles from Ek discharge their energy into the harpy (4 & 2, 12/70). She is obviously weakened but appears to intoxicated on the though of killing and eating Breymeer.

Oswar Ascoban attempts to knock the creature off Breymeer as he engages it with his mace. She ducks under his arcing swing.

Shrieking with hysteria while managing to keep the ranger prone, she takes her club in both hands, one on the butt and one at the top. In a flash, she raises the club horizontal to the ground and slams it down upon the ranger’s neck (8, 31/63(67), critical hit, 2nd wound, now -4 hit, -1 dam, +2 ac, -1” move). Breymeer was able to tuck his chin at the last moment enough to keep her from breaking his neck. She squawks with bloodlust delight as she bites at his face. Breymeer gets his arm between her and his head, taking the bite on his forearm instead (4, 27/63(67).

Rook is prepared for the second harpy. Continuing her own chorus of curses and hisses, “Come get a taste of my spear you toothed turkey!” Rook spears it square in the chest (8, 62/70). It thinks better of engaging the half-orc. Instead, it turns and dives below the bridge on top of Roodin Bokassad and Yechwa. Took takes a second poke at it as it dives below the level of the bridge.

Roodin Bokassad, still able to magically fly, is just lifting Yechwa out of the water when the harpy lands on them. The harpy lands on Roodin Bokassad with her clawed feet. The claws fail to penetrate his skin as if he were protected by some type of magical enchantment or barrier.

Yechwa does not fair as well. The creature claws her across the face (8, 44/52) as it bends her head sideways and bites her viciously on the neck (8, 36/52, wound). The impact upon them drives them back down into the water.

Below them, there is no sign of Kolus.

Jandre, eyeing the pit of twitching bodies, asks of Ergon, “If anything comes out of that pit, yell for me. Pholtus be with us!”

The priest grasps his maul with both hands and charges down the stairs, “Keep fighting Breymeer!”

Rook spins and drives her spear into the harpy’s back as it chews on Breymeer. The spear bites deeply into her flesh.

Orwar Ascoban continues the assault with his mace. This time he lands a blow across her face, knocking her off of Breymeer and onto the floor between Jandre and himself. Her club flies out of her hands and lands on the stairwell.

While prone, she claws madly at Orwar Ascoban, raking him across the back of the shin (5, 24/29) and biting him on the foot (6, 18/29).
Breymeer’s pupils grow wide as he summons the power of the Bear Cloak of Llerg. He finds the bear cloak has already begun to wrap around him. The fur of the cloak engulfing the ranger as he grows and transforms into a 15ft tall cave bear.

Rook takes a couple steps back from the bear.

Jandre grabs Orwar Ascoban and starts pulling him back up the stairwell and away from the bear.

Breymeer the Bear’s roar echoes throughout the stone chamber as he pounces upon the harpy, tearing her left arm off and opening up her abdomen. He bites onto her torso and shakes her violently until there is no sign of life remaining. She is a lifeless, broken and bloody mess when the bear drops her back onto the cold stone floor with a low growl.

In face of the massive bear, Ergon is pleased to see his war horse remains calm though obviously alerted by its sudden appearance.

Below the bridge, splashing about in the water, Roodin Bokassad and Yechwa continue to fight with the remaining harpy aYes bubbles float to the surface near where Kolus splashed down and disappeared.
Yechwa, having lost her two-handed sword to the dark water, draws a dagger and stabs at the harpy’s right leg, grazing it lightly (3, 59/70).
Roodin Bokassad flies upward, attempting to push past the harpy. As he moves upward, the harpy bites and claws him about the shoulder, neck and head (9, 8/17). Roodin Bokassad flies up through the hole, pushing the harpy into the bottom of the stout wooden bridge decking. She strikes her head on the bottom of the bridge decking and goes limp, dropping into the water like a spent Mayfly. Stunned, she takes on water, slips below the dark surface and drowns.

At the same time, a burst of bubbles on the surface precedes Kolus’ return. He gasps deeply as he breaks the surface of the water, spouting water and profanities in rapid succession. He is no longer wearing his plate mail armor nor does he have his shield or Warhammer.

He splashes wildly and nearly goes back down when Roodin Bokassad’s grabs the dwarf and convinces him to calm down. The mage, showing some strength, holds the dwarf above water until he is calm enough to lift back onto the bridge.

The water stills and the battle ends.

Breymeer the Bear begins to calm after trashing the harpy. With the other adventurers backing away from him and not being considered a threat, the bear releases its hold on the ranger and he transforms back into his human form. He collapses for a moment before collecting himself. He stand boldy again about the time Roodin Bokassad is setting Kolus down upon the bridge decking; on the western side.

Roodin Bokassad and Kolus stand on the west side of the hole. The mage requests, “Ek, do you feel we are safe enough to dispel the void of darkness ahead of us so that we can be certain there are no further surprises?”

Yecha sits on the eastern edge of the bridge, still collecting herself. Not far from her, Rook stands upon the bridge. Breymeer stands near Ek. Jandre and Orwar Ascoban are at the base of the stairwell.

Ergon and his war horse remain at the top of the stairs. Nothing is threatening him but the noise from the pit indicates the bodies continue to stir there.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
Posts: 381
From: Minnesota

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Thu Dec 21, 2023 12:49 pm  
Pyramid Of Shadows

Thumping the butt of her spear onto the bridge, Rook gives out her owl growl of pleasure with the victory in battle.

Rook notices Kolus’ condition. With a smirk, she needles the un-armored and un-armed dwarf, “Funny battle strategy there Rotgut. Seems to work though.”

“Aye!” comments the dwarf, “Be short life ‘er wit’ ner’armor.” He pulls out a throwing hammer and looks upon it glumly. He pulls out a second hammer, one in each hand before informing Rook, “I knock out da teeth. You gut’m wit’ da spear.”

Breymeer collects himself and wipes blood from his eyes. A small stream of blood continues to run down his cheek. He picks up his weapons and any other items he had come loose in the attack. He keeps his bow in hand, ready for the next threat. With a smile, he looks at those that are new to him, “Fear not my friends, I can usually control the power of the bear. I almost never tear limbs off of or eat my friends.”

“Shapeshifter?” asks Roodin Bokassad.

Yechwa comforts her friends, “He is a Restenford Ranger Captain! You will fair well in his care.”

Ek, using his command of the underdark, removes the blackness on the west end of the room.

In elvish, Ek engages the orb in a conversation.

Ergon calls down from the top of the stairs, “Anyone in need of assistance.”

Jandre advises, “I’ll check on them.”

Jandre approaches Breymeer and administers a healing prayer (25, 52/63(67)). The bleeding on his face stops and much of his injuries are healed. His wounds disappear.

Ek points out to the orb, “See, I told you not to underestimate the power of my comrades. I believe you have good intentions and ask you now for help. Are there further dangers in this area? Can you point us in the proper direction to get us out of this place? We’ll do what we can to make you whole in return for assistance.”

The orb answers, “This whole pyramid is a danger. All the creatures are trapped here. They have either accepted their fate and laired or are trying to calculate a way out. The pyramid is a collection of strangeness from all over the multiverse. The key to escape comes with defeating Karavakos. He is treacherous!”

The orb continues, “Some strange plant creatures have established a lair to the south. A group of humans, arriving just prior to you, have fled from the ettin, moving north past the alcove you found me. I will attempt to guide you as you move through the pyramid if I can. For now, you should move from here. Gurrak, the ettin, and his crawler pets won’t remain dead for long.”

Rook inquires of his wet companions, “How deep is the water? Is it possible to collect the items that were lost?”

“’bout t’ree o’me!” declares Kolus. “Armor be junk now. Cut’r off, I did.”

“My sword is somewhere down there,” Yechwa sadly concludes.

The sound of Ergon’s footsteps are heard as he is leading his horse down the stairwell towards the group. His horse, having learned to manage the flying enchantment, makes no sound at is hovers just above the steps.
Ek tells Breymeer, “I have guidance from the orb I found above. I can translate if you’d like as I am hearing we should move quickly.”

Breymeer attempts to get the group to focus on him for a moment, “Gather quickly my comrades and listen up.”

Once he has everyone’s attention, with Ergon reaching the bottom of the stairs, the ranger captain continues, “Go ahead and state what you have learned Ek.”

Breymeer nods to Ek. Ek advises the group, “I’m being told that this whole place is dangerous and the only way to get out is to defeat Karavakos. Strange plant creatures are to our south and some humans that arrived just prior to us have fled north past where I found this orb. The ettin and the crawler things won’t stay dead so we should move.”

Kolus nearly interrupts, “Dat be Mr. Vren! I be followin’ ‘im.” The dwarf appears to care not for his missing hammer or armor. He leaps the open gap in the bridge deck to join the group.

Yechwa looks sadly at the water, “That was a darn good blade.” With a sigh, she falls in with the group.

Roodin Bokassad, like the war horse, maintains flight, moving just above the level of the floor.

Breymeer starts up the stairs, leading the group as they fall in behind him.

Crossing around the dead pit, it appears the orb is correct. The bodies at the bottom of the pit continue to twitch and contort. The ettin and the crawlers appear to be healing. The move more than the others as if coming out of a stupor.

Not wanting to face that mad butcher again, the group moves to the northeast corner of the room, past the alcove with the mounted trophies of severed heads. The group moves north up the stone passageway.

The passageway is made of tightly fitting stone blocks; like the rest of the pyramid. The passageway is not lit. From the dim light of the ettin room, those with low light or dark vision can see up the hallway. There is a passageway leading to the east, approx. 40 feet north of the ettin room. Just past that, on the left (west) there is a double door. The passageway continues north out of view. There is generally no sound or other obvious indications of what may lay ahead.

Behind the group, the noise and activity in the pit continues.

While mustering together, Ek, in elvish, asks the orb, “Let me know if we are getting close to Karavakos.”

The orb responds, obviously preferring to speak in elvish, “If Karavakos or my life force are detected by me, I will surely let you know.”

Ek, being in his element and enjoying the darkness, moves to the front of the group.

Breymeer requests a light source. Before anyone can think to dig one out, the warhorse begins to radiate a soft white light. It is the equivalent of a torchlight.

Breymeer falls in a short distance behind Ek stating to those in the rear, “Let me know if critters start coming out of the pit towards us.”

Ergon and Jandre follow Breymeer with the war horse directly behind them.

Yechwa is next followed by Orwar Ascoban and Roodin Bokassad walking side by side.

The dwarf, Kolus Darkgut is next.

Rook takes up the rear, making sure to stay out of the radius of the illuminated war horse.

The group moves north up the hallway.

Moving north, Ek can see the hallway ends thirty feet past the doors to the left (west). At the north end of the passage is another set of double doors.

The passage to the east reaches a set of stairs going down after only twenty feet. A large, dimly lit room can be seen beyond the stairwell. The floor is hidden under more mirky water. The details of the room cannot be made out. The water appears to have some random current to it. It quietly laps the stairwell.

Breymeer covers the eastern passage while Ek moves to the double doors on the western wall. Ek whispers something to the orb in elvish. After receiving an answer, Ek listens at the door.

Ek asks the orb, “Get any feelings behind this door?”
It simply answers, “No.”

Listening at the door, Ek hears squeaking from what sounds like rodents coming from whatever lay beyond the door.

The door does not appear to be locked.

Breymeer can see no tracks in the dust free hallway. He does see a faint stain or discoloration near the center of the eastern passageway at the top of the stairs.

Ergon begins to move up towards Ek. The paladin has not yet reached the dark elf when Ek, gripping his short sword, opens one of the double doors a crack.

Cold air brushes Ek’s face as the door is cracked open, carrying the smell of dust, freshly turned dirt and rat excrement. Across the room, an enormous mound of bones is piled. To Ek’s right is a double door. Several very large (two-feet long), vicious looking rats, scurry around the bone pile. He peeks around quickly and shuts the door again.

Ergon lets out a sigh, seeing no danger present itself.

Breymeer, meanwhile, steps into the eastern passage, scanning for more details. He moves closer to the top of the stairs. As Ergon leads his war horse farther towards Ek, the light in the eastern passage increases enough for Breymeer to make out the stain appears to be blood.

As the ranger gets to the top of the stairs, he can see more blood splattered on the stairwell. The body of a lizard man lay face down upon the stairwell. It has been hacked and punctured. A second lizard man’s body is partially on the stairs and partially in the water. It has been penetrated with several arrows. It’s neck nearly severed in what may have been a coup de grace. Next to each body is a wooden club.
The stairwell with the lizard man bodies disappears into murky water that covers the floor of this odd-shaped chamber. At least two other stairways lead out of the chamber, and a platform floats atop the water on the eastern side of the chamber. A wooden ladder connects to the platform on the southeast corner to assist one in climbing out of the water onto the platform. A heavy door stands in the wall beside the platform. Breymeer can not see the south side of the room from where he stands.
The water churns in irregular patterns; moved by an unseen force or current.

Rook remains on guard at the rear of the group, backed by Kolus. The ettin and crawlers have not yet arisen from the pit.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
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Thu Jan 04, 2024 11:26 am  
Hell chamber

Suddenly, the group is ringed by a dome of fire! The dome is roughly forty to fifty feet in diameter, encircling the group. A wave of heat washes over each character (no damage) as if blown on in a sauna.

Through the top of the flames bursts a gargoyle shaped creature, approximately three feet in stature. It is covered in spines. It has a spiked tail and long talons on its feet. It carries a cruelly tipped military fork.

It hovers above you heads, flapping its wings while a voice enters the mind. The voice is low and sinister, speaking very broken common, mixed with some unknown devilish tongue, “Deliver message for <Unkown> Kekak, Master <unknown> World. <Unkonwn> Kekak say you stayed too long. Give <unknown> Kekak forgiveness gift and be shown door. No gift, then die!”

Grimlock, being invisible and flying, waits to see how the others react. Grimlock slips the glowing dagger all the way into its scabbard so that no light is given off by it.

Lex asks, “What gift would be good enough to merit Kekak’s forgiveness?”

“What give to live?” it answers.

Lexington questions the group, “Can we pool together an offering to appease this devil as a door out of this place is what we are looking for?”

“Magics <unknown>.” It pauses to think, “Magics, yes.”

Seeler, the dwarf, digs out a gold necklace set with two emeralds (4000gp). He then removes one of the two large rubies he is holding (1000gp). He silently cringes knowing it actually belongs to Ergon.

Seeler sets the items on the ground before him, “I offer this.”

Lexington pulls out a wooden wand, “I acquired this in the depths of White Plume Mountain but have never been able to learn its magic.” He removes the glass tipped wooden wand from a leather scroll case to display it. He sets the wand and the scroll case upon the ground.

“And you, gnome and <unknown> elf?” It appears to have picked up on the presence of Grimlock and the lack of participation from Esned.

Esned removes a magical necklace and places it upon the ground begrudgingly.

Seeler digs a little deeper and, with disappointment on his face, dumps out various coins into a pile (89pp, 213gp, 92ep, 95sp), “Damn devil.”

The devil points to Cholak, “You give not.” It calls out Grimlock again, “None, you give none elf!”

In a final threat it orders, “Now, last go.”

Sweat beads up on the characters as the heat from the flame dome radiates upon them.

Lexington speaks as boldly as his young self can muster, “If he Grimlock gives nothing, keep him, but let us out of this yell . . . ummm . . . I mean, please find our gifts satisfactory and let us out.”

A red, man-sized gargoyle like creature walks through the flames and each hears in their mind, “Go! I shall allow you to pass the fire. All but the one who gives not. Not free to go are they. All else are free, climb the southeast slope and search. You may find a way. You have eternity to find the passage.”

Grimlock, in his mind, hears, “You, stay behind if you wish to hear another offer.”

Lexington replies with a slight bow, “Thank you.” He takes his leave in the direction of the southeast slope and bravely walks fearlessly through the fire, disappearing into the flames without a sound.

Cholak, before parting, speaks into the general air to Grimlock, “Grim, I don[‘t know what you’re planning but even a cat can run out of lives.”

A bodiless voice responds over the roar of the flames, “And they always land on their feet as well!”

The dwarf, Cholak, follows Lexington and also disappears into the flames.

Seeler watches Esned express concern for the half-elf, “I am torn leaving you behind. Grimlock, do you have a feasible plan to survive this situation.

Lexington and Cholak, enter the flames without feeling any pain or burns from the intense fire. They emerge out of the fire dome and against stand on the sandstone floor of the strange chamber.

The other three do not emerge as Lexington and Cholak make there way away from the dome of fire.

Surprisingly, over the roar of the fire dome, they hear Seeler give a war cry, “You are going to die!!”

Grimlock responds confidently back to Esned, “This isn’t the first devil I’ve met. The last one didn’t fair too well by the end of our meeting. I’d like to see what this one has to say.”

Esned analyses the half-elf’s take on the situation while Grimlock continues, “The devil seems to be part of my journey, but doesn’t necessarily have to be part of yours.”

Suddenly, Seeler, with battle axe in hand, charges the red gargoyle-like creature while shouting a war cry, “You are going to die!!”

Seelers drives his axe down upon the creature’s shoulder in what should have been a mortal blow. Instead, the axe deflects harmlessly off as if Seeler had tried to drive it into concrete. His follow-up blow, being thrown off balance by the deflecting axe, misses the creature completely.
“You paid tribute dwarf. Now it is forfeit!” laughs the red gargoyle. “As will be your life!”

The spiny little devil flies over to the pile of discarded treasure and begins to gather it up. Three others suddenly appear next it and help with the collection.

Meanwhile, Lexington continues away from the dome of fire, out of the range of its heat. He stops, trying to monitor the progress of the battle.

Unseen, Grimlock can be heard calling upon his magical nature and casting a spell. It has no obvious effect to the observer.

Esned shouts, “For Carl!” as he heaves a throwing hammer at the red gargoyle. The hammer begins to glow with a light green illuminance as it slams into the devil’s left shin. The hammer and the devil disappear. A quiet laughter can be heard as the red gargoyle vanishes.

Seeler, giving up on the red devil, charges the group of spined devils at the treasure pile. He barrels into the group and grabs ahold of the gold and emerald necklace he donated to the pile. One of the spiny devils grab it as well causing a standoff. To pull will break the necklace.

Outside the flames, Cholak yells, “Our friends need aid! Quickly, we must return to them!” The dwarf runs back to the flaming dome and finding it not causing him to burn up, runs back through it into the interior of the dome.

Lexington holds his position for a moment while the young man thinks the situation through.

Seeler and the little devil stare at each other, neither wanting to destroy the necklace.

Suddenly, Cholak returns to the interior of the dome as Esned charges over to the treasure hording spiny devils and strikes the one vying for control of the necklace with Seeler. Esned’s blow hits it square in the back below the neck (5, 15/20). The blow causes the creature to release its grip on the jewelry and call out in surprise and pain.

Grimlock has gone quiet.

Lexington remains outside of the fire dome.

Lexington pulls out his own eyelash. He encases the eyelash in some gum arabic he had removed from his spell component stash with his free hand. With some cryptic wording and some well-practiced movements, he disappears from view.

Now invisible, Lexington slowly and carefully makes his way to the escape cavern reportedly in the southeastern slopes.

Seeler stows the necklace as the spiny devils finish grabbing up the rest of the treasure pile.

Seeler attempts to strike one of them but they disappear. Nothing of them can be seen or heard.

The fire dome remains in place.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
Posts: 381
From: Minnesota

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Sat Jan 06, 2024 11:20 am  
Keep on the Shadowfell

Morwen, using her charismatic diplomacy skills, replies kindly, “Good sir, the road was not too bad. We were accosted by kobolds some distance back, but these brave men got the better of them.” She waves her hand towards her companions before she continues, “You and the other guards must do a fine job to keep the roads so safe.”

The guard smirks, “You words are more kind than true I fear. Those buggers are getting more and more courageous. I am glad to hear you bested them. They have all but shut down the King’s Road to travellers.”

The other guard cuts in, “But it is safe around here. They are not yet numerous enough to come close to town.”

Morwen questions, “Do you have an inn to stay in?”

“Yes, ma’am,” answers the first guard. “Just inside the gate you will find Wrafton’s Inn.”

“I’ll get the gate,” comments the second guard as he disappears from view.

“Do you happen to have a chapel to worship to Lady Sehanine?” inquires Morwen.

“No. There are few elves here,” comes the answer from the remaining guard, “We do have a chapel that the locals use. It is a general place of worship. I hope that will suffice.”

The sound of wood scraping on wood echoes from behind the gate as the guard removes the heavy beam used as a bar. The gate swings open and the group enters.

The road bends immediately to the left. Directly in front of the group is Wrafton’s Inn. The building is approx. 50 feet north/south and 25 feet east/west. A simple wooden sign of a grey colored flagon sitting on a copper-colored plate hangs above the door. The structure is made of wood and stands two stories tall. The main portion of the first floor is the common room, kitchen and storage. The upper level is obviously rooms for travelers to rent. Smoke billows from multiple chimneys that break up the roofline.

To the south, along the roadway is the towns marketplace. It is a wide spot in the road. It is currently quiet. The few wagons remaining are buttoned up tight for the night.

A stable is built against the town wall to the south of the marketplace.

Other than the huge five-story tower in the middle of town, nothing else can be seen clearly from the entrance gate.

A light rain begins to fall as the mountains chill the air into the 50s. The wind is threatening to pick up; threatening to bring a storm.

Entering the inn, the group finds a decent crowd. The place is half full. The bar sits in the middle of the room, able to serve customers in all directions. Circling around the bar are stools every couple of feet. This arrangement takes up the vast majority of the floor space. The outer wall is lined with booths, each having a central table. The benches on each side of the table can hold up to three people of average size. The bar takes up 35 feet of the 50 foot length of the building.

The air is heavy with wood smoke, pipe smoke of various blends and aromas from the kitchen that makes the hungry salivate after a long march on the roadway. Ham and fowl appear to be the main dishes tonight. Fresh garden vegetables and the like along with fresh bread, butter and cheese round out the meal.

It appears most of the folk are locals with a few of the wagon merchants mixed in.

There are several open booths but no room at the bar for the entire party to sit together. Two open booths are available next to each other to the left or across the bar.

The wall to the right has no booths. The wide swinging door to the kitchen is located there; in the northwest corner. In the northeast corner, leading upward to the west, is a stairwell leading to the second floor.

Most in the crowd look up and let their eyes linger for a short time. It is obvious your group is not from around here; consisting of Sehanine elves and sailors.

The sailors scowl back at the crowd, as a sailor would.

Morwen approaches the bar while Tathar leads the group to two empty booths next to each other on the left (south) side of the room.

Comus and Larrig slide into one side of the booth, positioned so they can see the entrance door. Ment, Tiz and Nedwyn slide in opposite them.

In the other booth slide in Tathar with Gaerhith across from them. Tathar can see the entrance. Tathar leaves room for Morwen’s return.

Several waitresses move about the room. Two appear in their teens or early twenties while the other, likely their mother, is middle aged.

Morwen inquires about renting rooms; securing four guest rooms upstairs (4gp).

Morwen questions the bartender about playing music. The bartender calls to one of the young waitresses, “Fetch Ms. Wraftan and serve the new tables please.”

The waitress disappears into the kitchen and then heads to the tables the adventurers occupied.

Shortly after, a woman comes out of the kitchen smiling at Mowen. The woman is in her mid 40s. She is pretty and fit but the lines on her face show a life of hard work and worry. She enters the enclosure of the bar and moves across from Morwen, “I am the owner, Salvana Wrafton, I hear you are a musician.”

Meanwhile, the waitress arrives at the table, “Good evening fine gentleman. Would you like to dine or will you just be having beverages this evening?”

Tathar digs out his coin purse, intending to purchase the entire meal for the group.

Morwen, with a sweet smile, answers, ‘I will play and sign, if you are accepting. I ask that if your profits for the evening increase, that my companions see a compensation in our room and board.”

Salvana Wrafton smiles warmly, “I see no loss in that offer. You have yourself a deal.” The innkeeper puts forth her hand and shakes Morwen’s hand firmly. The barkeep has the strong grip of a woman who has managed her life on her own.

Tathar hands over 5 pieces of gold, “Both please. For both talbes. If this be not enough, I will settle affairs at the end of the evening.” The waitress takes the coins and heads promptly towards the kitchen. As she passes the bar, Salvana Wrafton hails her. The waitress moves close to the bar. Wrafton leans over the bars and comments to the waitress who, smiling, nods her head and hurries off to the kitchen with a quickened step; she is unable to conceal her smile.

Salvana Wrafton, with an open hand, pounds on the bar bringing an utter silence to the bar. Every eye in the bar is on her when she announces, “Hail, good patrons! I have splendid news for weary souls. One of our new arrivals, this very evening, has offered to perform for us this evening!”

A round of cheers carries around the bar as the group looks obviously towards Tathar and his crew. No longer are there suspicious looks; instead replaced with anticipation and excitement.

Salvana Wrafton pauses realizes she has been premature. She looks to Morwen with an apologetic grin, “I am sorry m’lady. To whom do we owe this grand evening to?”

Morwen answers with her polished social skills, “I am Lady Morwen Alcerin.”

Salvana Wrafton continues excitedly, “Lady Alcerin shall entertain us this evening!” She looks to Morwen and asks, “Would you mind starting while the kitchen makes your meal. We shall pause while you eat and then cheer you on for another round!”

Morwen agrees and removes her gold and silver leaf inlaid baliset from her shoulder. She moves over to her companions and leans against Tathar’s table. She begins to pick at the nine-string instrument knowing each note plays upon the priest’s heartstrings.

Morwen starts with an upbeat human drinking song with a fast beat aiming to get the crowd into a jovial mood. It is followed by a second, this time a sailor’s song of fair weather and a good catch. It played well in Restenford. A third song, this one a little slower, playing omage to a farming life; the planting and growing of crops.

The bar is in a fine mood by the time she finishes. Ale sales have obviously doubled and Wrafton appears very pleased.

Morwen takes her leave when the food is presented though the crowd gives a disappointed but polite sigh; holding hope she will continue after her meal.

During the meal, a man enters the inn. The room comes to its feet and many a voice call out, “Greetings Lord Padraig!” Not wishing to be rude, the group attempts to be polite but by the time they react to stand, the introduction is over and he enters the room. Only Morwen was able to pop to her feet and give the man proper honors; a skill she acquired working around various dukes, barons and the like.

It takes Lord Padraig very little time in scanning the room to spy Tathar and his company. He immediately approaches them. Walking confidently to them, he stops and stands before the group.

“I am Ernest Padraig, the Lord of Winterhaven. I mean not to trouble you during your meal but the security of this town is of grave importance to me; hence the interruption. I do apologize.”

The place had grown quiet and Padraig lowers his voice, “My guards informed me you had some trouble with brigands on the way in. When you are done with your meal, would you kindly tell me about the encounter. I will grab a booth and a meal while I await your tale.”

He moves across the room and greets another man who had been sitting in a booth alone. He joins the man while ordering a meal from one of the young waitresses who had been dutifully waiting for him to find a seat.

Once everyone is finished dining, Morwen walks to Lord Padraig’s table. She invites them to join her table and they accept invitation.

Tathar is seated one on side of the booth. He slides over as Comus stands. Morwen joins Tathar and Comus slides in behind her, keeping one leg partially out from under the table so he could quietly stand.

Gaerhith sits on the other side and is joined by Lord Pedraig and his associate, who is quickly identified as Rond Kelfem, captain of the Winterhaven Regulars.

Lord Pedraig, being polite but direct, goes directly into questioning, “The brigands, what can you tell me about them. Who and how many?”

Tathar repies, “My lord, we were ambushed by approximately eight kobolds, but Sehanine granted me the insight to detect a large amount of evil spanning the entire bank of the river, a waterfall and a rocky outcropping. Whether this was also kobolds or some more sinister evil, I cannot say.”

Tathar pauses to read his face. Tathar can tell the man is not surprised. A grim look of concern settles upon the man while Tathar continues, “We decided to move on, rather than risk fighting a group that was more than we could handle.”

Lord Padraig mutters, “Wise, you are.”

“They are becoming more bold, m’Lord,” analyses Rond Kelfem. “It is but a matter of time before the test the defenses of Winterhaven.
A howl of wind whistles, rattling the windows some in their frames as rain begins to fall.

“What is it that brings you and your good companions to Winterhaven?” questions Lord Pedraig. It is obvious most of your human friends have not been this long on land for a while. Nor this far inland? May I ask, what is it that brings Sehanine priests, sailors and an elf maiden to Winterhaven?”

Tathar looks to Gaerhith, “Maybe it’s better if you tackle this question.”

“I am sorry, but Lady Sehanine’s business is not Winterhaven’s business. Suffice it to say, we are not here as a threat to you or your people. In fact, we are you allies, if killing the brigands on the road isn’t proof enough. We are simply passing through and were in the wanting of an inn.”

Lord Pedraig is not pleased with the answer but it appears he is enough of a politician to swallow it. “Fair enough. I meant no offense. I am Lord of Winterhaven,” he states firmly attempting to assert some show of power, “so it is my business to know what is or may be occurring around this settlement.”

As the conversation is taking place, a half-elven woman, that had been sitting in a booth by herself on the west side of the bar, moves past the table with a side eye before walking towards the front door, appearing to be intent on leaving.

Tathar, watching the half-elf intently for a hint that will give away the Lord or captain, “Do either of you know that woman?”

“Aye, that’s Ninaran. She is a quiet elf hunter. Mostly ever she’s alone here. She comes and goes from town in between her hunting and occasional employment as a scout or guide. Always seems stern. Very few talk to her and most of those that do soon wish they hadn’t.” Informs Lord Pedraig as he and Captain Kelfem absent mindedly watch her depart.

Morwen states, “Something is off about her. I do not like the way she gave a side look at us in passing. Are you sure she is not a spy? If she keeps to herself and doesn’t welcome conversation . . .” Morwen leaves the sentence dangling for innuendo.

“Fair question,” responds the lord. “But for whom? The kobold bandits? Seems unlikely.”

Tathar asks Lord Padraig, “Being Lord of Winterhaven, and keeping close tabs on the goings on, is there anything you can tell us to watch out for, or anything you may need assistance in?”

Looking next at the captain, Tathar corrects his question, “In the priestly realm that is.”

The captain looks to his lord. Receiving a nod of approval, the captain answers, “We’ve received some frightening concerns in regards to the graveyard south of town. Sister Linora won’t go there anymore. Nor has anyone else in town since Sister Linora claims some of the dead have disappeared.”

As Lord Padraig watches the crowd around them for easedroppers, the captain, in a very low voice, continues, “We are unsure if someone dug them up.” He pauses, not wanting to accept his other conclusion, “Or the dead have returned.”

The lord speaks, also in hushed tones, “Delphina Moongem, an elf that sells flowers in the market square, said she has noticed goblin activity increasing near the old keep in the foothills north of town.”

The lord thinks for a moment before finishing with, “I see not what goblins on our north, dead to the south and kobolds raiding the roads have in common other than gloom for this town.”

Then comes the request, “Would investigating any of these dangers be in accordance with your quest? If so, what can we do to join forces and eliminate some of these threats?”

Morwen speaks before Tathar can answer. She has a little force to her voice, though still respectful, feeling the Lord of Winterhaven may not have put two and two together, or maybe he knows his town folk better than she, “You have goblins to the north, disappearing dead to the south and kobolds getting brave on the roadways and you question who that half-elf may be spying for? If they operate together from different sides, it is obvious there is someone more powerful than kobolds she is working for.”

Tathar, looking to head off a heated debate or insult, interjects, “It seems that your request and our quest align more than just a little. It is our duty to honor the Moonlight Mistress and deal with possible undead or necromancers. Is there a place more private that we can talk?”

“Yes, of course, come to my manor house tomorrow at the lunch hour,” responds the lord.

Morwen declines her head respectfully and departs to continue playing for the crowd. It appears most of the bar crowd was pretending not to be watching as they immediately see Morwen stand and prepare to play her baliset again. A cheer goes up.

The lord, seeing a fitting time to leave, bids the group farewell and, joined by his captain, they leave the bar.

As the lord and captain are making their goodbye, Morwen moves over to Comus table and whispers to him while acting like she is tuning her instrument. She tells him to find out all he and his men can about the situation, the keep and especially, the half-elf woman.

As Morwen begins to play, Comus speaks with his crew. A few moments later, Larrig, the half-elven crewmaster, and Tiz, one of the human sailors, get up and leave the bar, moving out into the street behind the mysterious half-elven woman.

Tathar informs Comus to have him and his men meet them for breakfast in the morning to discuss what everyone found out.

Tathar questions Gaernith about what evils the priest expects to encounter in the keep while keeping his eye open for anyone that seems suspicious or watching them.

Gaernith admits he is uncertain what types of guardians the keep will hold. He expects to find some evil priest and or mage in charge of opening the rift. If already open, they may be over their heads as some powerful demon or devils could have been released.

“It sounds like a gathering horde of goblins if nothing else,” finishes Gaerhith.

Tathar asks Gaerhith’s opinion on how to approach the conversation with the Lord of Winterhaven tomorrow.

“He has no idea the elven army is coming. I am certain these threats are heavy on his mind. He seems reluctant to send anyone out to investigate even the kobold brigands. So, he either doesn’t have the power or the guts to do it. I am guessing he will be very quick to allow us free range of the area. Maybe even support our efforts to some degree.”

Morwen, seeing the two priests strategizing, plays another upbeat song to keep the noise level in the crowd high enough to cover their conversation.

Larrig is not gone too long before he returns to inform Tathar and then Comus, “The half-elven woman exited the gate into the night. I did not want to make it obvious we were following her so I returned here. Tiz climbed the town wall and is going to tale her into the night long enough to see where she goes. If it isn’t too far.”

Tiz has not returned after Morwen has played a few more songs. Comus alleviates their concerns by agreeing to stay up a while longer to watch for him. Larrig volunteers to stay with Comus and they send the rest of the crew to bed.

Eyeing the owner behind the bar, Morwen approaches Salvana Wrafton to negotiate a tab. Salvana Wrafton smiles warmly at her, “I am mostly empty tonight. I have set aside four rooms for your group. You owe me nothing for them.”

Tathar and Gaerhith retire to one room. Comus and Larrig to another and the rest of the crew takes the third. Morwen is given her own room.

After being gone for about ninety minutes, Comus knocks gently on Tathar’s door and announces quietly, “Tiz has returned. She headed south to the cemetery and appeared to be conducting some type of ritual. He did not witness much before he figured he better get back to update us.”
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
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From: Minnesota

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Sun Jan 07, 2024 4:52 pm  
Pyramid of Shadows

Cold air brushes Ek’s face as the door is cracked open, carrying the smell of dust, freshly turned dirt and rat excrement. Across the room, an enormous mound of bones is piled. To Ek’s right is a double door. Several very large (two-feet long), vicious looking rats, scurry around the bone pile.

Ek looks over his shoulder to Ergon, “Rats, stink and bones in that room. Best leave those doors shut.”

Breymeer’s voice comes from the eastern passage, “Stairs leading down into murky water, dead lizard men and something in that water causing it to swirl around. I’d prefer to check out those doors down the passage to the north.”

Breymeer retreats back towards the group as Ek moves north up the passage to the double doors. He quietly hustles up the hall, moving along at a jog. Reaching the door, Ek begins looking at the door and listening for some noise to betray what may be on the other side.

Breymeer catches up to Ek and begins inspecting the floor for any evidence it may give.

Ek can see the doors are not locked.

While the door is inspected, Orwar Ascoban lays his hands upon Yechwa’s head wound and prays for healing. The prayer is answered and her head injury disappears.

Next, the priest of Pelor heals Roodin Bokassad, improving his condition though he is still scratched up some.

Ek opens the door and looks into the room as Breymeer stands by, axes in hand, ready for action.

The orb, in elvish, calls out to Ek in a hushed voice, “The library! Heed not the whispers!”

The doors open to a small hall that leads into a vast dimly lit room. The hall is about ten feet wide and fifteen feet long. The room has a twenty-foot high ceiling and is at approximately 65 feet across. The foyer blocks Ek’s vision of the room from left to right but it appears to be a large room.

Shelves packed with books line the walls and stand to the sides of the room. There’s about ten feet or so between the tops of the shelves and the ceiling. In the center, a grassy square surrounds a proud statue of an elvish princess.

At first, the room appears to be deathly quiet. Then, Ek and Breymeer begin to hear faint whispers. They start out barely audible, but then grow louder and press upon their minds – an unintelligible jumble of words in many languages, like a thousand voices murmuring at once.

Ek closes the door. South, down the hall, Ergon is on guard, praying under his breath.

Ek warns Breymeer, “Cover your ears ranger, don’t listen to the voices from the library. This room seems to be of some importance. A library of some sort and statue of an elvish princess. What do you want to do?”

The rest of the group is gathered near the western double door and passageway to the watery eastern room. Ergon and Jandre are the initial line of backup, posting at the intersection. Yechwa and her crew are between them and the ettin chamber. Rook and the dwarf hold the rear guard, watching the ettin chamber, only some thirty-five feet from the pit of undying dead.

Ek raises his voice enough to be heard by the others, “This room seems to be of some importance. A library of some sort with a statue of an elvish princess. However, there are whispering voices we heard that felt disturbing to our minds. I believe it would be dangerous to enter unless we can silence those voices. Any idea?”

The group looks on as Roodin Bokassad moves up, “A library you say? I would have interest in it if we can figure out what danger the voices pose.”

Ek offers, “I’ll go in and check it out. I think I can handle those voices. See you in a bit hopefully.” The dark elf then vanishes from view.

Roodin Bokassad removes a small amount of two different light-colored powers and put them in his palm. He utters and incantation over them and then, using his finger, smudges the combined powder under each eye. “I’ll be able to track you, Ek. Call for help and we shall come.”

The door to the library opens enough to allow access. Ek presumably enters and the door shuts again.

Ek slips silently and unseen into the library entrance hall.

“Good choice dear Ek,” compliments the orb, still speaking in elvish.

He moves quietly up to the edge of the main area of the library. The voices in his head become louder as he moves to the edge of the bookshelves that are set into the perimeter wall of the room. The outer bookshelves are continuous around the circumference of the room and several feet wide. Ladders lead from the floor to the top of the ten-foot tall book shelves. Across the room, set at the top of the book shelf is another double door mounted in the wall.

The statue is fifteen feet tall and ornately carved from a greyish stone. The elvish princess is clad in plated armor that covers her shoulders and forearms. A fine chain shirt covers her breasts, leaving her midriff exposed. A linen garment flows across her hips. In her left hand, a sword with its tip pointed at an angle down, touching the grass. Her hair flows out from under a pointed crown and cascades down her back. On the front of the crown, some type of cut gem is mounted. The gem appears to have been carved from the same stone and appears to be one with the statue.

“The statue is important. Investigate it. There is likely a precious stone there that we must collect.”

As Ek looks about the room, two creatures come into view. From the back side of the free-standing book shelves closest to the grass, one from each side of the grass, emerges humanoid figures; two total. They wear plate mail armor and wield scimitars. Each has a dagger sheathed upon their belt. Their faces are nearly featureless, with no nose or mouth, having only two darkly set eyes that carefully scan the room.

They may have heard the door open and close. They do not appear to be focusing on Ek’s location; simply moving slowly towards him and scanning the room. They are flanking the grass and moving cautiously south in Ek’s general direction.

Rook, to Kolus, speaking quietly, “I’m not used to things I kill waking up. If those things in that pit decide to crawl out, I am not going to stick around to greet them.”

Kolus nods affirmatively in return, “Aye! I be wit’ ya.”

Breymeer listens intently at the door for the first sounds of trouble with Ek.

The rest of the group holds, prepared for trouble, ahead or behind.
Yechwa and company keep an eye down the eastern corridor.

Nearly a minute has gone by since the door closed behind Ek. It is utterly silent in the room.

Nothing has yet come out of the pit in the ettin chamber.

Ek freezes in place and does his best to control his breathing as the danger presents itself. He watches the creatures, training his breath to slow. Not a sound comes from the elf as he stands frozen in place.
The creatures move forward slowly. They dart their heads back and forth trying to find an unseen threat in vain. They move forward along the edge of the grassy carpet and then close on the entryway. Ek, seeing their intent, moves just into the room and to the left side of the passageway. The voices are now loudest in his mind. He finds it hard to concentrate as he presses against the book shelf and allows the creatures to pass. They appear not of this world. Thin robes, torn and tattered, deep ruby colored drape over them. The creatures are very foreign to Ek.

Each one moves to a side of the double doors Ek had just entered from. Unbeknownst to Breymeer and company, danger now lurks on the other side.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
Posts: 381
From: Minnesota

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Sun Jan 07, 2024 5:00 pm  
Pyramid of Shadows

Rook alternates between checking the rear and the action, or lack of action, at the double doors to his north. The half-orc war maiden seems to be gaining strength and confidence from her battles. Even in her confidence, she wishes to get away from the pit.

Breymeer remains at the ready, axes in hands, quietly listening and waiting for fany sign of problems. Another minute goes by without a single sound.

Ek, the moment the strange humanoids are past him, begins creeping towards the statue among the grass. He moves slowly and silently, knowing the slightest slip will bring him unwanted attention. After thirty seconds he reaches the back side of the statue and begins to climb, seeing the creatures area still guarding the doorway.

Ek takes him time and another thirty seconds pass as he ascends the back side of the statue. To his surprise, the gem on the front of the crown seems to be an ash covered real amethyst.

“Good, good, dear Ek,” calls the orb very quietly in elvish, “You are doing well. Keep this up and we might just get out of here.

As anxiety builds in the hallway, Breymeer stays the course, waiting for some type of change. Several more minutes pass.

Ek, glancing at the creatures to confirm they are staying put, Ek begins trying to remove the gem. With one hand, he attempts to twist and pull.
Ek finds the gem is set into the stone.

The dark elf quietly removes a knife from his boot and after a quiet couple minutes, is able to break the gem free from the statue.
“Very good,” whispers the orb in elvish.

Ek stows the gem securely and quietly climbs back down the back side of the statue.

Ek remains hidden behind the statue and whispers to the orb in elvish, “What do I do with it?”

“Stow it, there is more yet to collect,” she whispers in return.

Ek, seeing the doors a hazard to the south, moves quietly north along the grass, across the remaining stone floor and then, attempting to be silent, climbs up the bookshelf on the north side of the statue.

Reaching the top, Ek peer around the room before lifting himself onto the shelf. In both his left and right corner (NE and NW), Ek sees immediate threats. In each corner is another of the creatures. Each one is laying down upon the shelf with a bow in one and an arrow in the other. The do not appear to see or hear Ek.

Another thirty seconds go by. The room is vacant of any indication Ek is in trouble. There has been no sound at all.

Rook and Kolus are the first of the group to hear it but all eventually become aware of a low painful moan. It increases in volume, being loud enough to be heard by Breymeer as he stands in anticipation at the north double door. The ettin’s left leg suddenly kicks into the air, as if by reflex, and falls back out of view into the pit. The moan ends as the leg lands back into the twitching mass of bodies.

Ek pulls himself up onto the top of the book shelf without making a sound. A quick glance shows the doors open away from the room as the hinges appear to be on the other side of the doors.

Ek removes a small bit of phosphorus he collected and smashes it between his fingers as he focuses on creating a humanoid shaped glowing form at the top of the statue.

The archers immediately see it and slowly rise to a kneeling shooting position. They draw back their bows and let arrows fly as the glowing form moves down the statue. One arrow flies high as the other swishes through the image before breaking on the statue.

The image reaches the ground and moves towards the southern double door. The archers give an unearthly shriek drawing the attention of the two creatures at the double door. They turn and move towards the glowing humanoid moving towards them across the grass carpet. The archers draw back a second arrow as Ek, not seeing a lock, pushes on the door and slips though, hopefully undetected.

Ek is standing in a 10x10 foot entryway. The room in front of him is 30 feet wide and 25 feet deep. It is made of the same pyramid stone. The room is dimly lit by an unknown source.

A stone angel, its wings folded around its body, stands on an ornate pedestal. A stone, carved and painted to look like an eye, is cradled in its hands, the eye gazing directly at you. An L-shaped table and a heavy cabinet stand against the opposite wall, with a closed door between them and another door stands to the left.

It appears the room is unoccupied. Ek hears nothing from the library indicating anything is coming after him.

Ergon continues his praying as he stands in a defensive position, ready to take action wherever it comes at him.

Rook moves further away from the pit joining Yechwa.

Kolus takes a few steps back towards the group as well.

Another minute goes by when Breymeer hears bowstrings sing before the whole group hears unholy shrieks from within the room Ek entered. Bowstrings sing a second time.

Ergon calculates, “Well, I guess that is our que. We best get in there and help out Ek!’

Breymeer, with axes in hand, kicks the door open and charges in.

He finds himself in a small entryway (10 feet wide, 15 feet long). Ahead of him is a large room with rows of bookshelves stacked with scrolls and books. The perimeter of the room is lined with a book shelf all they way around. The shelves are 10 feet high. The ceiling in the library is 20 feet high. Across the room, above the book shelf, a double door is mounted into the north wall. In the center of the room is an area (30 ft by 30 ft) of green carpet that appears to be natural grass. A statue of proud elf princess stands in the center of the grassy area.

The statue is fifteen feet tall and ornately carved from a greyish stone. The elvish princess is clad in plated armor that covers her shoulders and forearms. A fine chain shirt covers her breasts, leaving her midriff exposed. A linen garment flows across her hips. In her left hand, a sword with its tip pointed at an angle down, touching the grass. Her hair flows out from under a pointed crown and cascades down her back.

Moving from the statue towards the door Breymeer just entered is a dimly illuminated, vaguely humanoid shaped creature.

Two different creatures, with their backs to Breymeer as he kicks open the door, were moving from the doorway towards the illumination.

Each of the creatures wears plate mail armor under a thin, deep ruby colored robe. The robes drape over them and are torn and tattered with age. Both creatures wield scimitars and have daggers sheathed upon their belts. Their faces are pale and nearly featureless, lacking a nose or mouth. They have keen dark eyes deeply set where a human’s are.
With a hiss, they turn and look at Breymeer. From out of sight, to the right, comes a voice giving what appears to be a command in a foreign language. The creature to Breymeer’s left prepares to face off with him while the other moves north to intercept the ghost-like illumination.

A cacophony of voices begins to fill Breymeer’s mind. He does his best to ignore them as he closes into melee.

Ek freezes for a moment and whispers to the orb, “Anything I should know about this room?”

The orb answers back, “I fear we are being watched. Though they may not be able to see us.”

After a short moment, Ek slowly and silently moves toward the angel to get a closer look at it.

The orb whispers in elvish still, “I feel the presence of Karavakos near.”

Ek moves silently back towards the door and opens it enough to peak out. He overlooks the unfolding scene. He scans for anyone that may indicate they are Karavakos.

Breymeer loudly calls back to the group while engaging the creature in melee, “Someone is to my right giving commands!!”
The creature slices Breymeer across the chest with his scimitar (3, 49/63(67)). Immediately an energy pulse runs up Breymeer’s nerves and strikes his brain in some type of mind-damaging psychic impulse (5, 44/63(67)).

Breymeer drives his battle axe down upon the creature’s lead thigh but the metal plate of the armor deflects the blow. With his handaxe, Breymeer is able to draw some blood from a blow to its abdomen (6, 64/70).

Ergon, seeing Breymeer kick the door open and charge in, follows suit close behind and ready for battle with his holy sword. He whistles and his glowing war horse faithfully follows the paladin. The voices enter Ergon’s mind as he enters the room, growing in intensity as he closes in for combat.

The second soldier engages the ghost-like apparition, swinging its scimitar though the illumination.

A bowstring sings from the northeast corner drawing attention to a kneeling creature. He is similar to the others excepting he has a longbow and quiver in addition to the scimitar and dagger. He is firing at the doorway that leads north out of the room from the top of the bookshelf.

One of the doors is ajar. The arrow impales into the heavy wooden door as an energy pulse is released into it with a star wars laser-like sound.

<Northwest bowman moving to southwest to engage; still on bookshelf. Mindstrike moving up for melee, second voidblade engaging the fairie fire>

Ek scans for enemy. Sticking his head out from the door far enough to examine the room. The creature in the northwest corner is moving to the south, looking for a shooting lane. The creature to the northeast has an arrow drawn and is watching the northern doorway where Ek stands.

Retreating back a step, Ek whispers to the orb, “Where’s Karavakos? Is he controlling these bastards? I am looking to aid in this battle.”
“Karavakos is not in the library, I would have felt him. I believe he close at hand, somewhere ahead of us; away from the library.”

Rook moves to the corner of the western door and eastern passageway so that she can watch for danger from all three directions.

Yechwa orders her companions to remain with Rook and guard the rear as she moves forward while taking her bow off her shoulder. She enters the room and puts and arrow to string, looking for her first target among the sudden confusion of the voices invading her mind.

Oswar Ascoban stands ready with mace.

Roodin Bokassad, still hovering above the ground, states, “If it turns against us in the library, I will fly in to assist though I am still in some pain from our last ruckus.”

Kolus retreats another five feet towards the group.

Jandre moves to the doorway to the library.

Ergon ignores the voices and forces himself forward. He steps up to engage in melee. Hearing Breymeer call out a creature to the ranger’s right, Ergon changes directions and rounds the corner to the right. There he meets a third of the creatures moving forward from the south ends of the closest eastern bookshelf. Ergon engages the creature in combat.
The paladin swings his holy sword, slicing the creature along its right side (9, 78/87).

The creature attempts to strike back. Its scimitar bounces harmlessly off the paladin’s field plate armor.

Breymeer struggles defeating the plate mail armor of the humanoid. Due to the armor along with its quickness, the ranger fails to land a telling blow before Ergon’s war horse enters the fray.

The holy war horse bends right and circles past Breymeer, trotting through the air a few feet above the ground. It flies directly over the creature engaged with the ranger. The creature attempts to slice the holy, glowing horse but fails to land the strike before it is trampled down by the horse; knocking it supine. The horse continues on towards where the ghost-like creature fights a second alien humanoid.

Breymeer takes advantage of the situation. As the creature rolls to its side in an attempt to get up, the ranger drives his battle axe down upon its left shoulder (4, 60/70). Though the blow doesn’t break through the armor, the force of the blow bruises its shoulder, knocking it back supine.

Breymeer continues his attack on the disadvantaged creature supine in front of him. At the same time, the creature lets out a focused scream causing Breymeer a psychic distortion that strikes him like eating ice cream too quickly. A sharp pain rocks though his head (12, 32/63(67)) as Breymeer’s battle axe crashes down cutting into its abdomen (5, 55/70). Wincing through the pain, the ranger also strikes its right thigh with a solid blow, penetrating the armor and into the thigh causing a bleeding wound (15, 40/70; minor bleed). The creature appears to be getting wore down.

Jandre, with his massive maul, moves to aid Breymeer. As if driving railroad spikes, the holy man swings the maul over his head and brings it crashing down. The creature, with unnatural reflexes, moves at the last second and the hammers slams into the floor, chipping of a small bit of stone.

Ergon, yelling loudly, “I will send you back to the pits of hell!” swings his holy sword back across the creature cutting it a second time across the mid-section (9, 69/87).

The glowing ghost-like creature breaks melee with the alien humanoid and begins moving north. The humanoid gives it one final cut with its scimitar. Again, the blade wizzes through the air without apparent effect.
The creature hisses at the ghost before having to turn its attention to the warhorse closing in on its flank.

The war horse’s charge brings it about right towards the humanoid by the statue. It turns just in time to slice the warhorse across the lower neck (8, 19/27) before being run down. The creature is knocked prone as the war horse now turns towards Ergon’s fight.

The ghost like creature reaches the north end of the room and scales the bookshelf, moving up towards the double doors above the bookshelf on the north wall.

Yechwa attempts to put two arrows into the prone humanoid that had been flattened by the war horse. She fails to find the angle and both arrows fly harmlessly by and bury themselves into the grassy carpet.
Roodin Bokassad flies up to the double doors, “I will monitor the battle now that Jandre has entered the fray.”

Ek does a forward flip from the top of the bookshelf, landing safely on the floor as he side-steps to maintain his balance. The bowman appears to have its attention on the glowing ghost Ek conjured up.

Breymeer stubbornly fights on through the pain in his head. He drives his battle axe into the creature’s left ankle (7, 33/70) though the nimble faceless humanoid deflects the hand axe with its scimitar.
It manages to roll out of the way of Jandre’s maul a second time.

After parrying Breymeer’s hand axe, it slashes Breymeer across the right thigh (4, 28/63(67)) as another wave of psychic pain rips through his head (5, 23/63(67).

Yechwa manages to stick an arrow into her target before it rises to its feet (4, 66/70). Once up, it moves quickly and gracefully towards Ergon and his mount.

Ergon moves to strike but the creature facing him gives out a reverberating howl. The paladin falters, nearly falling over. As Ergon catches himself, the creature, while howling, knocks the holy sword from the paladin’s hand. The weapon strikes the ground with a clang and settles at the paladin’s feet. The howl sends a psychic shock wave through Ergon (10, 18/28).

Coming to the rescue, the war horse plows into Ergon’s foe, knocking it flat to the ground. The war horse stops and rears up, preparing to pulverize the enemy with its hooves.

The creature in the northeast corner sends two arrows into the glowing ghost at the top of the bookshelf by the northern door, which is standing ajar. The first arrow flies through its head and the center its chest. Both arrows skip down the wall and smash into the northwest corner, shattering upon impact.

Without warning, another humanoid, also using a longbow, appears along the western wall, having crawled along the top of the shelf without being seen. It stands and fires an arrow at Ergon. The arrow deflects off his left shoulder plate causing him no harm.

Rook holds her rearguard position even though the sound of battle tempts her to join, “Let me know if you need my help over there.”

Roodin Bokassad shouts back down the hall in his Baklunish accented voice, “It is getting bad in there!”. He flies into the room, past the melee in the entrance to the south side of the elven statue. He remains hovering in the air in front of the statues head. He begins digging out spell components.

Rook scans the east stairway, trying to see if there is anything that be of value to her dwarf companion “Rutgut”. Nothing sticks out but while scanning, she hears a faint sound of a door opening and someone or something trying to quiet step while wearing heavy boots.

Kolus takes another five-foot retreat closer to the others as the noise in the pit is not subsiding.

Oswar Ascoban, hearing Roodin’s call for aid, moves up and takes the mage’s vacated position at the doorway. He holds his mace in hand.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
Posts: 381
From: Minnesota

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Sun Jan 07, 2024 5:04 pm  
Pyramid of Shadows

Ek begins skirting the room, moving clockwise. He moves carefully, looking for other creatures or clues as to where the voices may be actually coming from.

The creature in the northeast corner moves along the shelf and passes by above the dark elf as Ek moves along the north outer bookshelf to the northeast corner.

The voices are incessant as he moves around the northeast corner and starts south along the outer perimeter there. Other than the countless books and scrolls on the shelves, nothing looks out of place or appears to be a source of the voices. The voices appear to be everywhere but most disturbing along the bookshelves themselves.

Ergon is dazed momentarily by the sudden psychic attack upon him. The whole room spins slightly as he desperately tries to regain his wits. While doing so, he bends down absentmindedly and picks up his holy sword. He is doing his best to regain his concentration even with the non-stop chattering voices in his head.

The war horse attempts to ground pound Ergon’s assailant as it spins and rolls away in an attempt to regain its feet. Deftly, it out-maneuvers the war horse and, brandishing its scimitar, regains its feet.

Seeing his holy companion in danger, Jandre charges the creature attempting to flank him. Before the priest can reach the paladin, the alien humanoid grazes the paladin across the neck (2, 16/28). The blow is mostly stopped by his plate armor however, another debilitating psychic pulse rocks the already weakened warrior (5, 11/28).
Jandre, screaming while he swings, drives his maul down onto the creature’s head (5, 61/70). It is only a glancing blow as the creature dodges nearly out of the way. Between the blow to the head and the creature’s dodge, it loses its balance and falls prone at the priest and paladin’s feet.

Pulling out a thin metal wire, Roodin Bokassad quickly bends it into his desired cage-like design. He utters an incantation and wave his free hand over the battlefield. The creature that just avoided the war horse, now standing, suddenly stops moving. It has become completely still.

Breymeer drives his battle axe down upon his enemy, striking it deeply upon the right thigh giving it another bleeding wound (16, 17/70). Blood from the impact sprays into Breymeer’s eyes causing his follow-up hand axe attack to miss wildly. The ranger squints to try and clear the blood from his eyes (-1 hit, +1 ac until remedied).

Yechwa stops loading arrows as Jandre charges out of the doorway.
Seeing an opportunity to aid her fellow ranger, she pounces on the downed humanoid in front of Breymeer; focusing on his sword arm. Using her bow, she pins the creature’s sword arm to the ground and preventing it from attacking.

Breymeer continues battling with blurry vision. He lands another blow from his battle axe on the creature’s free arm as it attempts to fight free from Yechwa (4, 13/70). Very much weakened now, it fights savagely to free itself to no avail. Yechwa keeps the blade arm pinned.

Oswar Ascoban, mace in hand, charges in to aid the rangers. He attempts to knock the creature on the head with his mace but misses.

From the southwest, two more arrows target Ergon but both miss their mark.

The creature in the northwest corner moves along the bookshelf towards the ghost while putting one more arrow though the apparition. Again, the arrow passes through the illumination and breaks on the far wall.

In the hallway, Rook motions to Kolus indicating she hears something. The combat trained dwarf appears to understand her sign language and moves cautiously up to the intersection with the eastern passageway.
More booted feet are heard and then, dimly over the sounds of the churning water, Rook and Kolus can hear some splashing. As if something or some things are entering the water.

Ek continues down the row of shelves on the east side of the room. The creature that threatened him in the northeast corner has moved west and is no longer a threat. Ahead of him, around the southeast corner of the bookshelves, Ek can hear the melee growing louder.

Ek reaches the corner of the bookshelf and carefully peeks around it to analyze the unfolding battle ahead of him.

Rook takes a guarded position saying, “Sounds like we’ll have visitors soon.” With a chuckle, then says, “If they aren’t friendly, I hope you’re skilled in naked battle.”

“Aye, be da dwarves dat swim wit’ lit’le hairy women!” he quips.

Among the sounds of the bubbling water comes some splashing, most likely unintentional, as it is quiet and nearly blends in with the sounds of the stirring water.

The sound is much like a muffled echo and hard to place in the room. It seems possible there are several things in the water, and as they get closer, it appears they may be coming from two directions within the flooded room, one group north, one group south.

Kolus confirms Rooks perception of the situation, “Der be many for the spearin’!” The still wet dwarf takes out a second throwing hammer. Holding one in each hand, he tucks mostly around the corner of the hall so just one eye and some beard are sticking out into the eastern passageway. “Wishin’ I had me armor,” he says glumly.

Nothing can be seen yet, but they are coming.

Yechwa continues to wrestle the creature, keeping it sword arm pinned to the ground.

Oswar Ascoban connects with his mace, smashing its free arm at the shoulder.

Breymeer, now with the upper hand, puts the coup de grace on the creature before him. With his battle axe, he chops off its left leg before burying his hand axe deep into its chest.

The creature goes limp and dies.

“We are in a strange place,” mutters Yechwa as she begins to get back to her feet, breathing heavily.

Roodin Bokassad begins the same incantation again.

Jandre, with an arcing swing, drives his maul into the prone creature again (9, 52/70). The force of the blow nearly flattens the creature. Amazingly, it gets up to its hands and knees before suddenly ceasing to move completely.

Roodin Bokassad looks down upon the situation with relief. Both creatures facing Jandre are no longer moving, froze in their positions.
Ergon turns his attention to the southwest. He flings his shield up, sword in hand, and moves toward the archer near the corner.

Ergon’s war horse is immediately beside him, as if urging the paladin to mount up. Doing so draws the attention of the archer. One arrow sticks into the war horse (6, 13/27) as the other sails by between horse and paladin. The horse appears to be rocked by a similar pulse as the others have felt (5, 8/27).

On the north end of the room, now ignoring the glowing ghost, the alien creature on top of the bookshelf moves to the double doors. With one standing ajar, it quickly disappears into the room beyond.

Breymeer, using the corner of the shelves as partial cover, stows his axes and removes his bow and puts his fine-tuned archer skill to work.

In an exchange of missile fire, Breymeer’s sheaf arrow cuts across the southwestern archer’s face (7, 57/64). The faceless humanoid fires two arrows at Jandre, attempting to stop him from executing the others. The first arrow strikes the priest on the left arm as Jandre raises his massive maul to crush one of the magically held humanoids skulls (5, 31/36) sending a familiar shock wave through his body (5, 26/36). The second arrow deflects harmlessly off Jandre’s left shoulder plate.

The priest calls out his judgement as his maul crashes down on the creature’s head, destroying the first of the two held creatures, “I smote you in Pholtus name!”

Oswar Ascoban moves up and smites the second held creature with his mace, crushing it in similar fashion as Jandre’s blow.

Yechwa, back on her feet, puts another arrow to her bowstring while alerting the party to another threat, “Three more, far wall!” She nods her head towards the northern double doors.

There, ignoring the glowing ghost, three more faceless humanoids come out of the doorway and begin to scale down the bookshelf. They wear robe covered plate mail as the others and, similarly, are armed with scimitar and dagger. Both weapons are currently sheathed on their belts as the descend the bookcase.

Roodin Bokassad, positions himself behind the head of the statue and removes a bit of webbing from a spider using it to bring forth a massive amount of webbing. The webs shoot forth from his hands and he completely coats the north end of the room between the standing bookshelves. The webs connect from floor to ceiling, forty feet wide, twenty feet high and ten feet deep. The upper northern doorway, and the ghost that stands there, are no longer visible.

Ergon, reaching the bookshelf below the archer ponders how to get up to the foe. The paladin is wearing field plate armor and has shield and holy sword in hand.

Ergon’s warhorse, still hovering above the ground, nudges the paladin with his head. It seems to be encouraging the paladin to mount up.

Ek, using the din of battle to cover the sound of his movements, picks up the pace and jogs across the room, avoiding contact with any of the combatants. He passes by the melee as Jandre puts down the first humanoid. He can see Oswar Ascoban moving up to aid Jandre.
Realizing they do not need him, the dark elf continues on his mission.
Reaching the bookshelf below the southwest archer, Ek moves around Ergon and his warhorse. With refined elven dexterity, Ek scales the bookshelf and pulls himself up atop it.

Ek’s keen eye picks up on the fact that the creature glances quickly in his direction at the elf’s arrival.

Rook repositions, hiding around the corner across from Kolus and peeking down the eastern hallway.

The threat comes into view.

From the southern end of the room, wading through the water, are five humans. They appear to be of Suel decent, pale with light hair. They move forward in two rows.

Three of them make up the first row. They wear chainmail armor and carry halberds in their hands, spearpoint forward. They have crossbows and quivers over their shoulders.

There are two of them in the second row. They wear leather armor and wield their crossbows. Each has a club at his side.

Joining them from the north, and taking up the front ranks, are two more Suel humans. They also have leather armor donned. Each carries a club but are sans crossbow.

They reach the eastern passageway stairs and begin to climb up them; forming three lines. The front line are clubbers. They are followed by two of the polearms and finally the crossbowmen. The final man, holding a halberd, takes up a position at the base of the stairs and looks back into the room. He looks to the north. He appears to signal to others out of view.

Rook’s heart beats fast in her chest before Kolus whispers over, “T’ose be Gharash Vren’s boys.”
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
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From: Minnesota

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Fri Feb 09, 2024 9:23 am  
Escaping hell

Esned looks slightly depressed, “Darn, I was gonna try to grab me treasure back! I suggest we follow Lexington, unless someone has a better idea.”

Seeler turns to the group, “Sorry guys, I don’t know what came over me!! I might have just screwed us all!!”

The voice of Grimlock can be heard and Seeler feels Grimlock’s hand on the dwarf’s shoulder, “A little irreverence is just what we needed! I did hear a voice in my head asking about another option. Seeler was a bit too quick to the axe for the voice to finish explaining. I assume it was the little devil but maybe it was the keeper of this place as well.”

Esned looks around but Lexington is not in sight.

Cholak awaits the groups next move.

Lexington continues his march to the southeastern slopes.

Grimlock tests the fire dome to see if he can pass through. Finding no harm in it, he passes through.

Cholak also exits the dome followed by Esned.

Seeler is the last out of the dome, “Let’s get the heck out of here guys! Let’s head towards the southeastern slopes and find a way out of here!”

Moving towards the slopes, the group notices occasional foot prints appearing to show Lexington is also heading towards the southeastern slope. This suspicion is confirmed when the group finds and arrow drawn in some loose sand pointing in that direction.

Lexington is easily outpacing the other group, being of a longer legged race. The armored dwarf and gnome cannot keep up with the unarmored human.

Lexington makes it to the base of the exterior slope as “daylight” is dawning upon the chamber. Behind him, a nasty looking storm is starting to brew. Lightning begins to flash. The storm is moving directly towards the southeast where the group seeks their escape from the chamber.

Looking up the slope, Lexington can see three large openings that extend into the wall of the chamber. If the devil be true, one of them contains an escape route.

The dwarves and the gnome make for the southeast as quickly as they dare with a hearty, “Let’s go!” from Esned.

Grimlock flies along the way making sure the route is safe. At least they assume Grimlock is with them, being invisible and flying, they only get reassurance when he speaks to them.

The night has passed and “dawn” has arrived in the chamber. The group has nearly 1.5 miles to get to the exterior slope when the storm is first noticed moving towards them from the north. The lightning was the first indication of trouble. Cracking white flashes followed by the booming thunder in and enclosed cavern. Heavy winds pick up sand and obscure the vision behind the group.

It appears hell has turned against the adventurers.

The storm is closing quickly and the group has a mile and a half to the chamber walls, plus a climb of at least a half mile to find much for shelter other than cowering behind large rocks or boulders, etc.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
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Fri Feb 09, 2024 9:26 am  
Keep on the Shadowfell

The night passes without incident. The morning is warm but very windy (20 mph with higher gusts) with clear skies overhead.

The group enjoys a breakfast compliments of the house. Salvana Wrafton informs Morwen she is welcome to sing in barter whenever she wishes.

A quick question to the gate guard reveals the correct path to take south to the graveyard. The gate guards warn, “There is a strange fog hanging onto the ground that a way. Even in this wind.”

The group moves towards the graveyard. It is just a short distance from town, about a half mile. The fog increases in density as the group comes closer. The wind appears to be held at bay. Though it is concealed in the thick fog, it appears to be located a couple hundred yards ahead of the group.

Tathar questions Gaerhith about the fog, “It is obviously unnatural, or the wind would have dispatched it. This wasn’t here last night or my crewman would not have been able to see; it must be the work of that elf-woman.”

Gaerhith agrees.

“Do you know of any spells that we may ask of Sehanine to disperse it?” questions Tathar, hoping for divine aid.

Gaerhith sadly is of no aid.

Tathar, along with Gaerhith, scan the fog, searching for a source of evil, as it thickens around them. Tathar scan catches the graveyard while Gaerhith the path they took here.

Gaerhith reports the way back is clear. Tathar finds the way forward clear.

The group moves up a little farther and repeats the scan with similar results.

Moving forward a little farther, now maybe 100 yards from the graveyard, they try again.

Gaerhith finds the way back still clear.

Tathar finds the graveyard is encompassed by evil. Various degrees in multiple locations; all stagnant.

Morwen listens intently but finds no sound in the frightful fog. She can hear the wind blowing nearby but it is as if it no longer reaches them.

“How large is this graveyard?” questions Tathar.

Tiz comments, “About one hundred and twenty-five feet long and one hundred feet wide. The perimeter is encircled by a wrought iron fence some ten feet tall. The entrance gate is on the northern side of the east fence. There were three buildings on the grounds. Two were twenty by twenty feet and a larger building, rectangular in shape, some 60 feet by 30 feet. The two smaller buildings are near the center of the graveyard, basically between two trees that grow on the grounds. The larger building is on the western edge. In fact, fence attaches to the northwest and southwest corner of the building; being the start and end point of the fence. The fence does not continue along the west edge of the building.”
From where the group stands, they can nearly make out the exterior wrought iron fence, the trees and the outline of the buildings. The path appears to move south and then turn west into the graveyard’s northeast corner.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
Posts: 381
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Fri Feb 09, 2024 9:32 am  
Pyramid of Shadows

Ek begins skirting the room, moving clockwise. He moves carefully, looking for other creatures or clues as to where the voices may be actually coming from.

The creature in the northeast corner moves along the shelf and passes by above the dark elf as Ek moves along the north outer bookshelf to the northeast corner.

The voices are incessant as he moves around the northeast corner and starts south along the outer perimeter there. Other than the countless books and scrolls on the shelves, nothing looks out of place or appears to be a source of the voices. The voices appear to be everywhere but most disturbing along the bookshelves themselves.

Ergon is dazed momentarily by the sudden psychic attack upon him. The whole room spins slightly as he desperately tries to regain his wits. While doing so, he bends down absentmindedly and picks up his holy sword. He is doing his best to regain his concentration even with the non-stop chattering voices in his head.

The war horse attempts to ground pound Ergon’s assailant as it spins and rolls away in an attempt to regain its feet. Deftly, it out-maneuvers the war horse and, brandishing its scimitar, regains its feet.

Seeing his holy companion in danger, Jandre charges the creature attempting to flank him. Before the priest can reach the paladin, the alien humanoid grazes the paladin across the neck (2, 16/28). The blow is mostly stopped by his plate armor however, another debilitating psychic pulse rocks the already weakened warrior (5, 11/28).

Jandre, screaming while he swings, drives his maul down onto the creature’s head (5, 61/70). It is only a glancing blow as the creature dodges nearly out of the way. Between the blow to the head and the creature’s dodge, it loses its balance and falls prone at the priest and paladin’s feet.

Pulling out a thin metal wire, Roodin Bokassad quickly bends it into his desired cage-like design. He utters an incantation and wave his free hand over the battlefield. The creature that just avoided the war horse, now standing, suddenly stops moving. It has become completely still.

Breymeer drives his battle axe down upon his enemy, striking it deeply upon the right thigh giving it another bleeding wound (16, 17/70). Blood from the impact sprays into Breymeer’s eyes causing his follow-up hand axe attack to miss wildly. The ranger squints to try and clear the blood from his eyes (-1 hit, +1 ac until remedied).

Yechwa stops loading arrows as Jandre charges out of the doorway. Seeing an opportunity to aid her fellow ranger, she pounces on the downed humanoid in front of Breymeer; focusing on his sword arm. Using her bow, she pins the creature’s sword arm to the ground and preventing it from attacking.

Breymeer continues battling with blurry vision. He lands another blow from his battle axe on the creature’s free arm as it attempts to fight free from Yechwa (4, 13/70). Very much weakened now, it fights savagely to free itself to no avail. Yechwa keeps the blade arm pinned.

Oswar Ascoban, mace in hand, charges in to aid the rangers. He attempts to knock the creature on the head with his mace but misses.

From the southwest, two more arrows target Ergon but both miss their mark.

The creature in the northwest corner moves along the bookshelf towards the ghost while putting one more arrow though the apparition. Again, the arrow passes through the illumination and breaks on the far wall.

In the hallway, Rook motions to Kolus indicating she hears something.
The combat trained dwarf appears to understand her sign language and moves cautiously up to the intersection with the eastern passageway.

More booted feet are heard and then, dimly over the sounds of the churning water, Rook and Kolus can hear some splashing. As if something or some things are entering the water.

Ek continues down the row of shelves on the east side of the room. The creature that threatened him in the northeast corner has moved west and is no longer a threat. Ahead of him, around the southeast corner of the bookshelves, Ek can hear the melee growing louder.

Ek reaches the corner of the bookshelf and carefully peeks around it to analyze the unfolding battle ahead of him.

Rook takes a guarded position saying, “Sounds like we’ll have visitors soon.” With a chuckle, then says, “If they aren’t friendly, I hope you’re skilled in naked battle.”

“Aye, be da dwarves dat swim wit’ lit’le hairy women!” he quips.

Among the sounds of the bubbling water comes some splashing, most likely unintentional, as it is quiet and nearly blends in with the sounds of the stirring water.

The sound is much like a muffled echo and hard to place in the room. It seems possible there are several things in the water, and as they get closer, it appears they may be coming from two directions within the flooded room, one group north, one group south.

Kolus confirms Rooks perception of the situation, “Der be many for the spearin’!” The still wet dwarf takes out a second throwing hammer. Holding one in each hand, he tucks mostly around the corner of the hall so just one eye and some beard are sticking out into the eastern passageway. “Wishin’ I had me armor,” he says glumly.

Nothing can be seen yet, but they are coming.

Yechwa continues to wrestle the creature, keeping it sword arm pinned to the ground.

Oswar Ascoban connects with his mace, smashing its free arm at the shoulder.

Breymeer, now with the upper hand, puts the coup de grace on the creature before him. With his battle axe, he chops off its left leg before burying his hand axe deep into its chest.

The creature goes limp and dies.

“We are in a strange place,” mutters Yechwa as she begins to get back to her feet, breathing heavily.

Roodin Bokassad begins the same incantation again.

Jandre, with an arcing swing, drives his maul into the prone creature again (9, 52/70). The force of the blow nearly flattens the creature.
Amazingly, it gets up to its hands and knees before suddenly ceasing to move completely.

Roodin Bokassad looks down upon the situation with relief. Both creatures facing Jandre are no longer moving, froze in their positions.
Ergon turns his attention to the southwest. He flings his shield up, sword in hand, and moves toward the archer near the corner.

Ergon’s war horse is immediately beside him, as if urging the paladin to mount up. Doing so draws the attention of the archer. One arrow sticks into the war horse (6, 13/27) as the other sails by between horse and paladin. The horse appears to be rocked by a similar pulse as the others have felt (5, 8/27).

On the north end of the room, now ignoring the glowing ghost, the alien creature on top of the bookshelf moves to the double doors. With one standing ajar, it quickly disappears into the room beyond.

Breymeer, using the corner of the shelves as partial cover, stows his axes and removes his bow and puts his fine-tuned archer skill to work.

In an exchange of missile fire, Breymeer’s sheaf arrow cuts across the southwestern archer’s face (7, 57/64). The faceless humanoid fires two arrows at Jandre, attempting to stop him from executing the others. The first arrow strikes the priest on the left arm as Jandre raises his massive maul to crush one of the magically held humanoids skulls (5, 31/36) sending a familiar shock wave through his body (5, 26/36). The second arrow deflects harmlessly off Jandre’s left shoulder plate.

The priest calls out his judgement as his maul crashes down on the creature’s head, destroying the first of the two held creatures, “I smote you in Pholtus name!”

Oswar Ascoban moves up and smites the second held creature with his mace, crushing it in similar fashion as Jandre’s blow.

Yechwa, back on her feet, puts another arrow to her bowstring while alerting the party to another threat, “Three more, far wall!” She nods her head towards the northern double doors.

There, ignoring the glowing ghost, three more faceless humanoids come out of the doorway and begin to scale down the bookshelf. They wear robe covered plate mail as the others and, similarly, are armed with scimitar and dagger. Both weapons are currently sheathed on their belts as the descend the bookcase.

Roodin Bokassad, positions himself behind the head of the statue and removes a bit of webbing from a spider using it to bring forth a massive amount of webbing. The webs shoot forth from his hands and he completely coats the north end of the room between the standing bookshelves. The webs connect from floor to ceiling, forty feet wide, twenty feet high and ten feet deep. The upper northern doorway, and the ghost that stands there, are no longer visible.

Ergon, reaching the bookshelf below the archer ponders how to get up to the foe. The paladin is wearing field plate armor and has shield and holy sword in hand.

Ergon’s warhorse, still hovering above the ground, nudges the paladin with his head. It seems to be encouraging the paladin to mount up.

Ek, using the din of battle to cover the sound of his movements, picks up the pace and jogs across the room, avoiding contact with any of the combatants. He passes by the melee as Jandre puts down the first humanoid. He can see Oswar Ascoban moving up to aid Jandre. Realizing they do not need him, the dark elf continues on his mission. Reaching the bookshelf below the southwest archer, Ek moves around Ergon and his warhorse. With refined elven dexterity, Ek scales the bookshelf and pulls himself up atop it.

Ek’s keen eye picks up on the fact that the creature glances quickly in his direction at the elf’s arrival.

Rook repositions, hiding around the corner across from Kolus and peeking down the eastern hallway.

The threat comes into view.

From the southern end of the room, wading through the water, are five humans. They appear to be of Suel decent, pale with light hair. They move forward in two rows.

Three of them make up the first row. They wear chainmail armor and carry halberds in their hands, spearpoint forward. They have crossbows and quivers over their shoulders.

There are two of them in the second row. They wear leather armor and wield their crossbows. Each has a club at his side.

Joining them from the north, and taking up the front ranks, are two more Suel humans. They also have leather armor donned. Each carries a club but are sans crossbow.

They reach the eastern passageway stairs and begin to climb up them; forming three lines. The front line are clubbers. They are followed by two of the polearms and finally the crossbowmen. The final man, holding a halberd, takes up a position at the base of the stairs and looks back into the room. He looks to the north. He appears to signal to others out of view.

Rook’s heart beats fast in her chest before Kolus whispers over, “T’ose be Gharash Vren’s boys.”
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
Posts: 381
From: Minnesota

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Fri Feb 09, 2024 9:40 am  
Pyramid of Shadows

Ek ceases to move hoping the creature ignores him again and goes back to what it was doing. Ek studies the creature to determine its weakest and most vulnerable point. The dark elf noted that blood sprayed from the wounds they received so he believes the creatures to be living beings; not the undead.

Ek holds his position, waiting for an opportunity to strike while slowly drawing out his weapon. The elf stands very quietly, about ten feet north of the creature.

The creature’s attention is quickly drawn away from the elf as two arrows pierce it.

Ergon, trying to ignore the increased noise of voices in his head, mounts his war horse while Breymeer and Yechwa continue to fire arrows into the creature on the bookshelf.

The creature appears to lose its focus for a moment, giving the rangers the advantage. Breymeer’s sheaf arrow cuts its lower left arm (9, 48/70) while Yetcha grazes it in the upper left arm (2, 46/70).

Through the pain, the faceless creature transitions from its bow to its scimitar. While doing so, it howls down and a wave of pain rips though the paladin’s head (10, 1/28).

Ergon fearlessly prompts his war horse and it rises into the air, tossing its head in annoyance at the voices it also hears. The two combatants immediately clash steel on steel. Ergon is the first to draw blood, cutting it across its upper right leg (8, 38/70).

Breymeer takes careful aim so as not to strike Ergon and fires another arrow. He curses as it flies high and explodes on the stone wall above the creature’s head.

Yechwa makes a miracle shot, striking it hard in the sword arm, giving it a wound (13, 25/70). It screeches in pain and rage.

Roodin Bokassad remains hovering by the statue, using it as cover, while he watches the webs for any activity.

Oswar Ascoban and Jandre take a few more blows to make sure their work is complete. It appears to be so, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Rook whispers back to Kolus, “Friends?”

Kolus answers, “Aye!” as he steps out from the wall into the intersections and greets the crew, speaking common, “I be a’lookin’ fer ya!”

In their own tongue, Rook can make out, “Kolus!” The rest of the sentence goes untranslated but Rook can guess at the statement as Kolus then answers, “Aye! I be’in all dat left.”

As Rook watches the exchange, in the distance, he notices a very large hand grip the edge of the pit followed by a deep, loud moan.

At the same time, one of the crawling creatures with tentacle ringed mouths begins to climb out of the pit facing the northern hallway occupied by Rook and Kolus.

Breymeer, sniper that he is, puts another one of his arrows into the creature. This time striking it in the side. The arrow buries itself into his guts (5, 20/70). His second arrow flies high and breaks upon the stone wall.

Yechwa, inspired by her previous shot, curses as she sends two arrows breaking upon the stone wall. She has fired off nearly half of her arrows.

Ergon, badly weakened but still in the fight, keeps swinging away. While maintaining his attack, he prompts his horse to engage as well. The paladin strokes the creature across the left shoulder (9, 11/70).

What comes next catches the group off guard, Ek’s short sword appears sticking out of the creature’s chest. Appearing next to the creature is the dark elf himself with a grim smile upon his face.

As the creature is sliding off the end of Ek’s blade, Ergon’s war horse rears up and puts a hoof into its check breaking multiple ribs. The strange creature flies back into the stone wall and slams against it. It immediately crumples to the top of the wooden bookshelf and rolls forward falling to the stone floor ten feet below with a dull thud.
Rook enters the room from the passageway. She appears taken aback for a moment by the voices.

Roodin Bokassad reports no movement in the webbings that he can see.

Oswar Ascoban and Jandre, both covered in gore and spatter, catch a breather.

Rook yells to Kolus, “The beasties from the pit are crawling out! I’m going to take my changes in the next room with the battle.”

Rook peers around the corner at the soldiers and waves at the group before making her retreat.

Rook hears Kolus say to his group, “Orc’n odders be friend-like.”
Kolus drops into the eastern passageway and Rook can hear them forming a skirmish line before she enters the library.

She is immediately assaulted by a growing sound of thousands of voices in her head.

Ergon lowers his horse down on top of the slain creature making sure it has met its demise. The horse settles down upon the strange humanoid with all its weight and stomps him one last time crushing what is left of the rib cage.

While Ergon is lowering down on the creature, the dark elf does a flip off the shelf and lands crouched next to the slain creature, his short sword, still in hand, has been driven to the stone floor though its head.

Ek gives a search of the strange creature before moving to the book shelves nearby.

Breymeer collects three arrows while telling Ek, “Thanks for the help Ek. You have any helpful info about this place?”

Ek, moving to start his searching, responds, “Pretty sure Karavakos is close at hand.” He points to the doors atop the northern bookshelves in the center of the wall, “Through those double doors now webbed shut.”

Jandre approaches Ergon on his war horse and places a healing prayer upon the paladin, greatly easing his injuries (16/ 17/28).

A quick search of the creature shows, aside from its armor and weapons, it appears to carry nothing in the way of treasure.

Rook enters the library and growls with disdain at the chorus of voices that enter her head.

When she gets her composure, she informs the group at large, “Sorry for coming to the party late. I must tell you the beasts from the pit have come back to life. Also, a group of humans, Kolus’s friends, came from the watery stairway. They are squaring off against the resurrected beasts.”

Kolus calls out in retreat, “Tha’ strange crawl’r hold’n at da room. We goin’ ta talk wit’ Mr.Vren. Come if’n ya need rest.”

After his invitation, the retreat of booted feet can be heard. Then only the grunting of the angry ettin as it continues to gain strength and climb out of the pit.

Yetchwa, watching the southern hall now from the doorway, reports that Kolus and the humans have retreated down the eastern passage towards the watery room. The crawly creature and ettin are not advancing up the hallway, though the crawly creature seems to have blocked the entrance to the room and is menacingly staring up the hallway with its tentacles wiggling in the air.

Rook swears at the voices before commenting, “I don’t like reading books, and now know I like listening to them read them read themselves even less.”

Breymeer is quiet for a moment going over options in his head. He nods to Yetchwa in acknowledgement that Kolus and his friends have retreated back into the water room.

Ergon thanks Jandre for the healing prayer and blesses his fellow holy man in return.

The paladin nudges his war horse, moving it closer to Breymeer, saying, “We need to continue on, if there’s any way we can fortify where we are at, then we can get a couple hours of rest. If we cannot rest right now, we need to continue the fight.”

Quietly, the paladin whispers something to the ranger captain.

Breymeer agrees with Ergon that some rest and healing is needed. If that is what the group wishes to do, it appears Kolus has a safe place figured out.”

Ek begins speaking with the orb quietly in elvish.

Continuing with his evaluation, Breymeer gives the other option, “Otherwise, I’m hearing Karavakos is close, just past the webbed entrance. Should we consult with Kolus and his friends about joining together. I like the idea of moving forward, away from the pit creatures, and finding Karavakos. However, if some can’t go on and need healing, let’s do what we have to do.”

Roodin Bokassad, having flown over to join the meeting, informs Breymeer that the webs should hold for a couple hours, unless the other creatures have a way to defeat them.

Ergon asks if anyone is injured and in need of care.

Ek whispers to the orb in elvish "Can you still feel that Kravakos is near and is there any other routes to him other than the webbed entrance? And can you tell me how to end these annoying voices?”

“Yes, Karavakos is beyond the upper doors though I know of no other route to him of than that behind the webs,” the orb answers. “As for the voices, I know not. They appear to be coming from the books themselves.”

Ergo speaks directly to Breymeer, so only he can hear. “What’s your call, I’m here to do whatever you think is next.”
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
Posts: 381
From: Minnesota

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Wed Feb 28, 2024 7:08 pm  
Escaping hell

Lexington scrambles us the sandstone slope finding it mostly hard stone. Behind him the wind whipped sand is obscuring more and more of the landscape. He can see his friends rallying together; likely formulating a plan of escape.

Lexington makes for the left cavern. Moving up the slope, he can see the left cavern appears to continue through to the north. The sandstorm has not yet blocked the passageway. Lexington can see it leads back to the northern portion of this cavern.

To his right, the two other caverns start out as one very large opening before breaking into two separate passages. Both end in darkness.

The storm closes closer and closer. Lexington is about ¼ mile up the slope. He needs to cover another quarter mile for any sense of real shelter.

Grimlock offers to cast a flying spell on two out of the three companions, Seeler, Cholak or Esned.

No one immediately answers the half-elf.

Seeing the lightning coming, Seeler quickly begins removing his armor.

Grimlock casts a fly spell upon Cholak.

Seeler waves off the half-elf as the stubborn dwarf continues to take off his armor, fearful of the lightning, “Ain’t much for magic.”

Esned instead receives the second fly spell. The two diminutive fliers take a few minutes to get the hang of the movements.

Seeler gets his armor off and stowed before briskly walking towards the southeastern slope.

Grimlock flies off for the slopes. He calls back over his shoulder, “Last one to the cave is in for a SHOCK!”

Grimlock, being comfortable controlling himself while flying, is quickly out ahead of the group. The invisible jack-of-all-trades mercenary is quickly gone.

Esned thanks the half-elf, “Thanks for the lift!” Once the gnome has the general concept of flight, he follows after Grimlock.

Cholak, a dwarf, struggles a bit more with the sudden magical ability of flight. He is the last to move to the southeastern slopes.

Seeler mutters to himself, “Very freakin’ funny!” as the others quickly outpace him. The dwarf looks back over his shoulder at the storm with concern.

Lexington continues up the slope. Looking back, he can see Grimlock, assumably, has taken the time to cast a flying spell upon Esned and Cholak.

Seeler for some reason, is not flying. Instead, he is removing his plate mail armor in advance of the coming lightning storm.

As the groups move towards the southeastern slopes, a shadow passes by drawing their attention to a large serpentine creature that flies into view, moving from north to south around the storm, making an arching maneuver over the southeastern passage. It bears a distinct red hue to it. The creature is over 100 feet long including the head, neck body and tail. A red dragon has arrived.

Seeler, already coming to the conclusion that the storm is going to roll over him before he gets to safety, feels a bit defeated.

Lexington is unsure where Grimlock is. The half-elf was invisible but assumed to have been with Cholak and Esned when the flying spells were cast. Whether the half-elf is on his own now, traveling with Cholak and Esned or moving along with Seeler, is unknown.

Lexington can tell the speed of the storm will overtake Seeler before he reaches the slopes. The other two flyers should make the slope in time.

A shadow passes by drawing Lexington’s attention to a large serpentine creature that flies by from north to south making an arching maneuver over the southeastern passage. It bears a distinct red hue to it. Though a bit different in design from the green dragon Lexington experienced beforehand, it appears to be a dragon none-the-less. It appears to be a bit smaller than the green dragon. Or nearly the same size anyway, being over 100 feet long including neck, body and tail.

Esned, flying a little ahead of Cholak, asks, “Anyone see a safe-ish place to regroup?”

The two continue to fly straight for the southeastern slopes though the dragon will be able to intercept them prior to their arrival.

The dragon, appearing to hone in on the pair, continues arcing in a fashion that will bring it down upon them from the rear.

Seeler, falling farther and farther behind Esned and Cholak, may not have to worry about the dragon as the storm is about to overtake him.

Grimlock appears likely to be able to outmaneuver the dragon and get to the southeastern caverns partially up the slope, though his companions, Seeler, Cholak and Esned are not likely to be so lucky between the dangers of the storm and the dragon.

Lexington has lost any idea where Grimlock is. Seeler is about to be eaten up by the storm and Cholak and Esned are now being circled by the dragon.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
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Wed Feb 28, 2024 7:18 pm  
Keep on the Shadowfell

Tathar calls the group back out of the fog in an attempt to do a perimeter check. The group is on high alert.

Tathar and Comus are in the lead. Tathar with bow at the ready and Comus with his sledge hammer in hand. They are well spaced, about ten feet apart.

Gaerhith and Morwen make up the rear. Gaerhith has his bow out and Morwen her lasso. Between the ranks fall Larrig and Ment, Larrig with bow and Ment with a cutlass and Tiz and Nedwyn also with bow and cutlass respectively.

As they retreat to reach the line of fog, they quickly realize the fog is spreading. It appears to be radiating out from the cemetery. Dark clouds are moving in and the day darkens. By the time the group reaches the end of the fog, they have nearly reached the city walls again.

“Tiz,” questions Tathar, “where was the elf when she started her ritual?”

“In the graveyard, in front of the largest building; north of the path through the grounds,” he dutifully replies.

Tathar focuses on the fog but finds it does not radiate evil.

Tathar turns to Gaerhith, again questioning his fellow priest, “Am I correct in my understanding that the keep is our focus, and that is where we will find the gate?”

Gaerhith, his face showing his concern for the expanding fog, focuses back on Tathar, “Yes. Yes, the gate is our focus. I am assured the gate is in the keep.”

Though much to far away to have heard any conversation, the gate guards spy the group and call out to them, “We are locking the gates! Something unnatural about that fog! You need to come in if that is your intention!”

Sounds of shouts and orders and nervous voices increase in clamor over the city walls. Those inside the town walls are scared.

With a wave from Tathar, the group double times back to the gate. The gate is open just enough to left the group through. It is then quickly shut and barred. Several extra guards from the barracks are coming down the street to man the wall.

Backtracking the guards, the group moves down the street, through the market square and past the stables. On the west side of the market square is a general store.

Behind that sits an unmarked building though it appears to be some type of training facility for the local militia/guards. In front of the building, sparring in the yard, are several warrior type men. One, obviously a man of Kord, is very familiar. It is Markus, the warrior priest. He appears to be training a couple of other men in melee combat.

A large boarding house is built along the south outer town wall on the south side of the general store and training center.

Moving north past the general store, the high tower sits on the left side of the path. Behind it are several residential homes and a large stone temple generally dedicated to the Suel pantheon.

To the right of the path, is the smithy, run by a dwarven man.

The path terminates at the inner gate, currently closed. Two men stand in front of the gate and two more, one on each side, are on the interior wall, partially obstructed from view by the parapet atop the wall.

Tathar and Morwen recognize Markus. They stop and Tathar hails him, “Markus, son of Kord! What fortuitous circumstance be this!”

Markus, also recognizing the others, looks up as they hail him. His attention is momentarily drawn away from his old traveling companions to the heavy fog drifting over the town walls, encircling the settlement.

The warrior priest utters a quick prayer before meeting his approaching friends.

Markus returns a warm greeting to the elves, “Greetings my old companions, how are thee faring these days? This fog gives me a bad feeling and I would believe some foul force is at hand.

Morwen answers, "Of course there is, friend Markus, this sort of thing seems to follow Tathar!" She turns and winks at Tathar. Then back at Marcus, "You wouldn't be available to help us, would you?"

Markus smiles, "I know of an axe for hire who I have sparred with and gives me a run for my coin. He's young in his skill but would likely be worth contracting to come along. Helleck Blackstone is his name, he's a brute of a dwarf.

Morwen replies, "All dwarfs are brutes." She says this with the flat affect that most elves have for dwarfs. "Still, if you vouch, Marcus, that's all I need to know."

"I'll vouch for his axe and dedication, loyalty and cooperation with elves will likely be revealed in the coming days," agrees Markus.

Morwen replies, "I think Tathar still has a medallion that might go a long way in winning the dwarfs loyalty."

Helleck agrees to lend his axe and shield for an equal share of the spoils or 10 g a day whichever is greater with the exception of food, drink and lodging is covered by the agreement.

Morwen quips, "A guy could go broke giving room and board to a dwarf!"

Markus simply agrees, "Aye!"

After the brief exchange, Tathar, Morwen and company bid Markus goodbye and advise him and his companion to be ready to travel momentarily.

Moving just a short distance up the road to the inner gate, they find it closed and guarded. Two guards stand before the gate at road level and several more stand upon the wall looking down upon the road.

Morwen, drawing on her etiquette and charisma, speaks politely and authoritatively to the guards, “Please let us through to speak to the Lord of Winterhaven. We have very urgent business with him. Also, the elf woman, Ninaran by name according to the Lord of Winterhaven, is behind this encroaching fog. She should be detained if located.”

“You shall not pass,” the guard states as ordered. “However, we can send word. Who are you that request an audience with Lord Padraig?”

Markus advises Helleck he has joined a group for an adventure and that he has talked them into hiring Helleck as Markus’ henchman.

The two quickly begin packing their gear.

Morwen answers, “Send word to the Lord of Winterhaven that Tathar Surion, priest of Devine Sehanine, Lord of Tur Thar Guldar, and his company have arrived for the meeting that was set only yesterday.” She pauses, then, “Move with haste, sir! The evil that threatens this town will not wait, and neither will we!”

“I am sorry Lady Morwen,” the guard answers. “And most respectively to you to Lord Surion. Lord Padraig is unable to meet with you at the moment. We are currently in emergency muster. He will send for you went the emergency declaration has ended, should you still be at the inn.”

“Join me in praying for Sehanine’s guidance,” requests Tathar of Gaerhith. The two mages sit on the ground and ask Sehanine for guidance in regards to waiting for a meeting with the Lord of Winterhaven or if they should instead make haste for the keep.

Tathar, in his dream-like state, sees an image of a fiery black steed bursting through the gates of Winterhaven. Upon the steed rides a haggard old woman, resembling a heinous witch. Dirty black hair hangs down over her dark, filthy robe. Her skin is green and warty. Following her are the walking dead. The townsfolk that do not perish, flee before the woe-bringers.

Gaerhith looks Tathar in the eye as the Lord of Tur Thar Guldar eye’s return to normal from their moonshape. “Lord Surion, our mission is the keep. This town shall fall unless we can prevail. It is the humans that brought this fate upon themselves meddling with the dark powers.”

Tathar looks about the faces of the people, especially the soldiers. He can see fear. There are not enough of them to hold off a devilish onslaught. Certainly, none will be sent by the Lord of Winterhaven beyond the walls.

Markus and his henchman grab their go bags. It takes them very little time to get everything they own packed and ready for the adventure.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
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Wed Feb 28, 2024 7:35 pm  
Pyramid of Shadows

Rook gives her opinion, “I can find no rest here with this noise in my head, not that I need any. I would choose to press on one way or another.”

Ergon, assessing his war horse’s injuries and finding them considerable, wishes to rest up if it is safe to do so.

Jandre agrees with Rook, “These voices will give us no peace. Let Pholtus aid us.”

With that Jandre prays over the horse and then Ergon. Ergon is fully healed and the war horse is nearly so. The horse is very much improved.

Jandre begins moving through the group healing the most significantly injured.

Breymeer, having heard from most of the company around him, moves swiftly to the southern passage and calls out, “Kolus, where do you flee to. We need to stick together.”

The dwarf and his companions are gone or fail to respond.

Breymeer consults with Yetchwa in the doorway while Jandre moves over to Roodin Bokassad. The priest heals the mage completely; not failing to inform him of the one true way.

The group gathers around the rangers during their discussion.

“Did Kolus tell anyone what they are up to and did you see this group of friends of his?” Breymeer asks the fellow Restenford Ranger. “Why is Kolus and his group running away from us at this moment when we most need to keep together? I like it not and am hesitant to follow. As a fellow Restenford Ranger, Yechwa, I trust what you’ve seen and heard while out in the hall and trust your take on this. Do you believe we can trust them and have they made it clear there is a safe place to hold up? If not, I say we move on toward Karavakos immediately even though I am not at my best.”

Yechwa answers promptly, “I trust Kolus not though he fought very bravely. I believe it very apparent had they had the upper hand in the clearing, they would have slain us there. I believe he fought bravely because our loss was his loss. He knew he was dead without us. Now that he is among his companions, of unknown number, I would not rely on him nor trust him unless death is our other option. We are talented enough, Captain Breymeer. Lead on and my companions and I shall follow faithfully.”

Jandre approaches Breymeer with healing prayers. He prays long upon the ranger healing Breymeer fully. “Under the protection of Pholtus, we are strong indeed. You are now at your best my warrior companion.”

Breymeer makes a command decision, “Through the web it is!”

Roodin Bokassad advises, “Once we have a plan formulated, I will dispel the web. Hopefully the sudden change of status on those strange humanoids will give us the upper hand and we can put them down before they get much of a reaction. They are indeed powerful.”

Ek, keeping enough to himself, whispers in elvish to the orb, “Is the water covered room safe or do you believe it unwise to use that area as a place of rest?”

“The room itself can drown a man but the area beyond is dry. The group of humanoids ignored my calls for aid when they arrived. They instead fled the ettin and crawlers as fast as they could, minus those lost in their flight. Twenty men, give or take, fled north from the ettin. How many remain, I do not know.”

Bremeer expresses sincere thanks to Jandre along with donation pledges to Pholtus.

With a new vigor and energy after the healing, Breymeer looks at the webbed entry and says, “Who’s ready to join me up at the doors? Our archers can be ready to turn theses bastards into pin chushions and then after the first voley, we’ll be ready to step in and hack them to shreds like the evil dogs they are! And I bet Ergon and his gifted steed are also willing to unleash hell on them as well!”

Breymeer moves to the left of the webs and climbs up the bookshielf. He removes his battle axe and hand axe; both of dwarvish origin. He stands, waiting to pounce, as the others move into position.

Ek moves to the right side of the base of the statue. The dark elf takes partial cover and readies his bow.

Ergon, seated upon his war horse, moves up to the base of the webs a little to the right to stay out of the way of incoming missile fire. His war horse hovers just above the ground, a reminder that the horse still has the ability to fly. Ergon, sword in hand, is ready for battle.

Rook moves to the base of the webs on the left side. She has her spear in hand, ready to attack the web-trapped creatures once they are released.

Oswar Ascoban moves up next to Rook. He grips his shield and wields his mace. The gilded mail wearing priest gives the half-orc an, “I’m ready!” nod of the head.

Yechwa, having lost her sword beneath the water, takes up a position next to Ek with her bow, ready to shoot from the left side of the statue.

Jandre moves up with Ergon. The warrior priest has his heavy maul in hand.

Roodin Bokassad, also still flying, hovers behind the statue, above the heads of the dark elf and the half elf. He looks around the room to make sure everyone is in place. He looks over his shoulder to make sure the hallway is clear. Feeling ready, he looks to Breymeer. The ranger is ready.

Roodin Bokassad dispels the webs.

The webs disappear. The three strange humanoids come into view as they were climbing down the bookshelfs.

Ek, having extremely fast reflexes, is the first to fire upon the humanoids, catching them still clinging to the bookcase. Ek puts two arrows into the back of the humanoid right of center (4+2=6, 64/70).

Yechwa fires two arrows at the one left of center, hitting once (3, 67/70). The other arrow sticks into a book next to the creature’s head.

Roodin Bokassad, having much luck with his previously spell, calls upon the incantation that held the creatures from moving. Taking the thin iron wire in hand he manipulates the magical energies and casts them upon the three humanoids. Only the one right of center is unheld. The other two stop moving but still cling to the shelves about five feet above the ground.

As soon as the missile barrage ends, Rook charges forward to skewer the humanoid left of center. She drives her spear into the creature (9, 58/70), peeling it off the wall and driving it down to the stone library floor (1, 57/70), knocking it prone.

Oswar Ascaban rushes up next to the half-orc warrioress and smashes its head with his footman’s mace, ending its life.

Ergon, mounted, charges the remaining viable creature. Ergon smites the creature with his holy sword (12, 52/70).

Jandre follows Ergon’s lead, driving his maul down upon the creatures left shoulder (5, 47/70).

The creature, showing signs of injury, gets to the floor. Drawing its psych damaging scimitar, it spins to face its adversaries with a mind blasting scream. The psychic blast rocks Ergon nearly to his knees (12, 16/28), causes his war horse to take a step back, throwing its head into the air (8, 15/27) and makes Jandre scream back in pain (8, 18/36).

Breymeer sees the doorway is still ajar. From behind the door, the keen warrior notices movement. Breymeer kicks open the door and before him stands a likeness of Karavakos though his staff is somewhat different. The bottom is shod in a light bluish colored metal. Several metal bands wind around the dark hardwood shaft. The staff is topped with a small white colored glass orb held in place by the lightning like metal bands that extend out the top of the shaft.

Recognizing Karavakos, the ranger attack immediately with a war cry. He cleaves at the mage’s chest with his battle axe (5, 73/78) and catches him on the right arm with his hand axe (6, 67/78).

The mage slams the butt of his staff of the ground and calls out “Har”. A powerful thunderclap explodes past Breymeer concussing his body (15, 48/63) and forcing him backwards off the bookshelf.

The ranger twists to try and break his fall managing to soften the blow as he lands on the stone floor about five feet out from the bookshelf, directly below the double door above (1, 47/63). Breymeer’s ears ring terribly and he finds he cannot hear at the moment.

Ek, hearing the spell and seeing Breymeer blown back, stows his bow and whispers to the orb, “You moved me where I needed to be once Vyrellis, can you get me up into that room and behind whatever foe blew Bremeer on his butt? If you put me directly beind what’s up there, I’ll plunge my magic black into its back.”

“Begin running forward but prepare to about face when the room changes,” it answers.

The dark elf draws his sword and charges forward only to suddenly disappear from view.

Breymeer, not happy, struggles to his feet and scrambles to his left. He takes partial cover behind the closest bookcase. He takes out his bow and his black arrow.

Ergon wheels his horse and charges, using the current flying ability of his horse. Jandre covers the move by keeping the only other viable humanoid engaged in melee combat. The horse rises into the air in less of a charge than Ergon was hoping. He does rise fast enough to engage the wizard in the doorway; one with the appearance of Karavakos.

Karavakos, seeing the rising paladin, points the staff at him, calling out, “Valignant!” The top glass orb, focused by the metal bands, in an instant, discharges a lightning bolt that streaks towards Ergon’s field plate covered body but the power of his holy sword shelters the paladin and his holy war horse keeping them from harm. The lightning bolt continues past the pair, arcing down and completing a circuit with Jandre’s plate mail covered body (15, 3/36, wound). The force of the bolt blows Jandre off his feet, landing prone.

The paladin and steed combination complete their movement, coming upon Karavakos close enough Ergon is able to stroke him with his holy sword (12, 55/78).

Rook, having stepped back from the wall enough to target Karavakos, heaves her heavy spear at the mage. The spear strikes the mage center mass, cutting a gash in its chest (15, 40/78, wound, minor bleed). Blood continues to drip from the injury.

Rook draws her sword.

Oswar Ascoban moves ahead of Rook and smashes the head of the other held humanoid, ending its life.

The strange humanoid that was in melee with Jandre takes advantage of the priest’s unfortunate lightning strike. His scimitar cleaves Jandre’s head off (15, <-10 hit points, instant death). His body quivers from the remnants of the psychic blast and previous lightning strike.

Immediately thereafter, Yechwa buries two arrows into the creature that slew Jandre. The first buries itself into its chest (12, 35/70, ½ move, minor bleed). The creature is visibly shaken by the injury as it continues to drip blood. The second arrow grazes its ribs as it passes by (3, 32/70).
Four illuminated missiles are conjured up by Roodin Bokassad and sent streaking past Ergon and into Karavakos (12, 43/78) further injuring the mage.

The war horse manages to kick Karavakos left leg with its right hoof (4, 39/78). The mage is looking more and more the worse for wear.

Ek, the moment he disappears from the main floor, appears behind the mage. The dark elf quickly stops running and turns around, facing the back side of the mage while it is engaged with Ergon in the opening of the double door (only one door is open, to Ek’s right, Karavakos left).

Rook looks around the room and spies a ladder to the upper shelf in the northwest corner. The half-orc makes for the ladder hoping to close on the mage. As he begins his climb, the distracting voices become even more loud in her head.

As Rook passes moves past Breymeer, the ranger forces himself to focus. The voices in his head have hit a crescendo as well as he used the bookshelf for cover. Knocking the black arrow, the ranger sniper take careful aim of the mage. The arrow flies true and pierces the mage’s right thigh (8, 31/78).

Ergon continues his frontal assault while encouraging his horse to do the same. The paladin slices the mage across the mid-section (11, 20/78). Ergon’s horse was unable to deliver a strike.

The mage has a crazed look in his eye. It keeps in the fight though showing several injuries. He is obviously hurt but apparently determined to fight to the bitter end. The pulls out a miniature platinum sword with a grip and pommel of copper and zinc. The mage utters a couple arcane words and the sword expands out and nearly fades from view. The shimmering image of the sword floats into the air and then viciously begins attacking Ergon. The paladin reflexively brings his shield up and stops the blow. The force of the blow, even through blocked by the shield, nearly unhorses the holy warrior.

Ek moves silently up behind the mage. As the black arrow pierces the mage’s thigh, Ek pounces. The dark elf drives his short sword into its back (8, 12/78).

Breymeer strings and releases a second arrow, this one a normal sheaf arrow. The arrow sticks into the mage’s chest (8, 4/78). Seemingly near death, the crazed mage fights on.

Below the mage, on the floor of the library, Yechwa and Oswar Ascoban continue to engage with the remaining humanoid; Yechwa with her bow and Oswar Ascoban with his mace.

Oswar Ascoban holds his position while Yechwa strikes the creature with both arrows as the creature moved forward to engage Oswar (4, 28/70), (6, 22/70).

As the creature closes on Oswar Ascoban, he attempts to smash its head flat. The creature out-maneuvers the priest as it ducks under Oswar Ascoban’s swing by rolling forward. Coming up in a crouched position, it drives its scimitar into Oswar Ascoban’s midsection. The psychic pulse races through the priest (13, 11/29).

Not wanting to lose both of the holy men in the same battle, Roodin Bokassad redirects his attention from the mage to the battle between the priest and the humanoid. Roodin Bokassad conjures up more glowing arrow-like missiles. All four missiles strike true (17, 5/70).

The creature, though harmed, remains in the fight. Roodin Bokassad curses the uncanny strength of these creatures.

Oswar Ascoban parries the scimitar with his footman’s mace before spinning and landing a blow upon his foe’s ribcage (2, 3/70). Though just a glancing blow, the creature reels in such a weakened state. It is still off balance when Yechwa’s first arrow sticks deep into its chest, felling it.

Above that fray, Breymeer’s archery skills fall a little flat on his first arrow. Though flying true, the heavily armored paladin suddenly moves into the line of fire as Breymeer releases the arrow. It bounces harmlessly off the paladin’s left shoulder as Ergon drives his holy sword into the humanoid again (8, 4/78).

Ek, thinking he may have bit off more than he can chew, wants nothing to do with hand to hand combat with this foe. Leaving his sword in the creature, the nimble elf backflips his way back into the room and away from the strange mage.

Roodin Bokassad, re-focuses his attention on the mage like humanoid engaged with Ergon. Sending four more mystical bolts into the creature finally drops it where it stood.

Rook, moving across the top of the shelf, drives her sword into the mage’s body one last time, just to be certain.

Breymeer holds from firing his last arrow, keeping it knocked in case more trouble appears.

Other than the continuance of the voices, the battle appears to be over. No other creatures present themselves.

The orb whispers to Ek in elvish, “Find the key! He must have a key!”

Ek move cautiously forward toward even though Rook appears to have certified the mage’s death. The dark elf grabs ahold of the finely crafted dwarven short sword and pulls it from the corpse before kneeling down and checking the mage’s possessions.

Next to the dark elf, Rook cleans the blood and gore off her blade and stows it away. She retrieves her spear. With the best smile she can muster she states, “I’m really starting to like hanging out with this group.” The half-orc continues to gain skills in melee.

Ek removes a silver chain that contains a jeweled key. It appears to be made of adamantine. “Trului, cin are a callon nin mellon!” speaks the orb.

Ek finds no magical components as he would have suspected. A very strange mage indeed.

Finally, Ek recovers Breymeer’s black arrow. It is intact.
Standing, Ek takes the mage’s staff. Both Ek and Rook can smell ozone, like a stroke of lightning on a rainy day. Both can hear the soft, distant rumble of thunder.

Breymeer stays on guard with his arrow knocked and searching all directions for additional dangers. After several moments, he climbs the noisy bookshelf and joins Ek and Rook at the double door.

Ek, without speaking, hands Breymeer his black arrow back. The ranger puts it back in his quiver.

Ergon lands his warhorse and dismounts. Rushing to Jandre’s side he prays from his fallen holy warrior.

Yechwa, showing respect, bows her head but keeps her bow in one hand and an arrow in the other.

Roodin Bokassad flies down and stands silently near the paladin in reverence.

Oswar Ascoban takes a deep breath and goes down to one knee, partially out of respect for Jandre and partially because of his injuries.

Breymeer, Rook and Ek look about the room beyond the doors. A ten foot wide, fifteen foot deep hall is just beyond the double doors. A twenty-five foot deep, thirty foot wide room opens beyond the hall.

A stone angel, its wings folded around its body, stands on an ornate pedestal. A stone, carved and painted to look like an eye, is cradled in its hands, the eye gazing directly at you. An L-shaped table and a heavy cabinet stand against the opposite wall, with a closed door between them and another door stands to the left. The doors, like others in the pyramid, are made of heavy wood.

In the library, the voices continue to invade the occupant’s heads. In the room beyond the doors, there is quiet, other than the soft thunder emitting from Ek’s new staff.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
Posts: 381
From: Minnesota

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Wed Jun 19, 2024 5:46 am  

Esned looks desperately for a safe place to hide. He looks back over his shoulder and realizes it is all in vain. The dragon can fly nearly twice as fast as he is going. In addition, the gnome barely has the maneuvering down yet.

Cholak faces the same fate. The dragon is diving down upon them now. Death is near!

Seeler sees the dragon in a death dive on an intercept course with Cholak and Esned. That is the last thing he sees and the storm blows sand and dust around him. The world becomes a very dark, reddish hell.

Grimlock watches, calculating his next move.

Lexington stays as sheltered as he can as he moves south towards the other cavern. The going is slow on the slope. His presence is given away by the occasional footprint as he can’s avoid the sandy areas. He hopes the storm will hide his tracks.

The massive dragon fills Lexington with dread as he hopes his companions don’t become a quick snake for it. Not wanting to give away his position, he holds off attempting any spells or using his trusty wand.

Lexington can quickly see the storm will strike him before he makes shelter. Though, where he is now is no worse off than the vast open channel he had been in. In fact, it appears he left a wind tunnel of certain death behind him.

Though never witnessed by Cholak or Esned, nor Lexington, for that matter, Grimlock makes an attempt to close on the dragon to aid his companions. He readies spells as he flies.

The dragon flies down upon the hapless gnome and dwarf. Snatching the gnome in its right foreclaw, the dragon does an impressive wing over to drop upon the dwarf, snatching him up in the left foreclaw.

It then arcs back north, though the open cavernous chamber, around the hills and out of sight.

Lexington continues to move towards the other cavern. Movement catches his eye. Behind him are two hounds moving carefully among the rocks. He is not sure where they picked up his trail but they are most certainly following him. It almost appears to Lexington that they continue to look at him. Not just in his general direction, but directly at him though Lexington remains invisible.

The hounds have rust-red or red-brown fur and red, glowing eyes. The markings, teeth, and tongue are soot black. It stands two to three feet high at the shoulder.

They do not appear to be closing on him. They seem to be keeping their distance, as if monitoring Lexington’s location.

Seeler is immediately engulfed with dust. A bolt of light strikes the ground much to close for comfort. The dwarf, though not injured by it, feels a slight tingle. The smell of ozone is in the air. The thunderclap nearly knocks the dwarf over and his hearing is blasted by a loud ringing in his ears.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
Posts: 381
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Wed Jun 19, 2024 5:56 am  
Pyramid of Shadows

The quiet from the voices that the room offers is enough for Rook. She enters the room and stands guard with her spear in hand. She scans the room, trying to keep an eye on the stone angel; never looking away for any extended period of time.

Ergon looks up and calls out to those on top of the bookcase, “We need to find a place to hole up.”

Breymeer calls back down, “Ergon, would it be possible to put Jandre on your horse and get him moved up here, where we and our fallen friend can all be more at peace?”

It appears Breymeer has turned and is moving into the room beyond the doors as he requests, “If you give us just a minute, we can make sure it’s safe where I believe there is relief from those cursed voices.”

Breymeer turns and advances into the room alongside Rook.

Ek, hearing Breymeer’s plan, starts toward the room, moving slowly down the hall ahead of Breymeer and Rook.

Ek, moving silently, reaches the edge of the room. No new threats reveal themselves. Breymeer and Rook have Ek’s back. Breymeer admires the half-orcs bravery.

Ek whispers to the orb, speaking elvish, “What more, if anything, can you tell me about this key and that next room with the stone angel? Are we safe to move forward?”

The orb is uncertain about the room but gives a definitive, “You will need the key to pass the sanctuary.”

Ek enters the main room and moves about the room to take a closer look at the contents, not making any attempt to touch anything. He seems to be scanning carefully with keen eyes. He checks the floor and ceiling as he moves. Very regularly, the dark elf looks back at the statue.

Rook moves in as well, spear ready to skewer.

Breymeer steps in with his companions and looks about. Breymeer watches the elf walk around. Seeing nothing of danger, Breymeer returns to the ledge and calls to those below to come up, “Ergon, let’s get our fallen friend cleaned up and placed somewhere more fitting than that unsettling room below.”

Ergon, with help of the others, gracefully put Jandre’s body on the war horse.

As the paladin and others are setting Jandre onto the back of the horse, the eye, cradled in the statue’s hands, suddenly explodes emitting a shock wave of energy through the room.

The shock wave explodes past Breymeer propelling him off the shelf. Being blown clear saves him much from the force of the blast (4, 64/68). He lands hard on the edge of the grass, fifteen feet from the wall (3, 62/68). His quiver was below his body on impact with the floor. Half of his arrows snap. A quick scan shows his black arrow remains intact.

Ek is blown behind the corner of the cabinet, also sheltering him from the main force of the blast (4, 10/14).

Rook is blown onto the desk and into the stone wall (7, 29/36).

The eye disintegrates in the blast; nothing of it remains.

The books, papers and scrolls on top of the desk are blown aloft. Papers and dust flitter to the floor and out the door into the library in some type of confetti strewn parade.

“I missed that, sorry!” speaks the orb in common as Rook and Ek regain their feet.

Breymeer gets up off the floor. The look on his face shows he is sick of being blown on his butt from up above. He, yet again, brushes himself off, making sure nothing is coming from the pit area south of the room.

Seeing the crawling creature just sitting at the entrance of the ettin room, with the ettin behind it. They both watch the group in the library but are not advancing.

Breymeer stows his bow and makes the climb up the bookshelf. The ranger is quickly getting experienced at the climb. Upon reaching the upper level, standing outside the double door, Breymeer draws both axes. He stands ready for whatever is next.

Ergon’s war horse, following Ergon’s command, flies into the air and hovers next to Breymeer with Jandre’s remains tied to it.

Ergon and the rest of the group below climb up to the top of the bookshelf ready to bring Jandre into the next room. They await an all clear from Rook or Ek.

Ek, not thrilled with the orb at this point, replies to it in common so everyone can hear, “At least I now know your limits include finding traps.” Ek gets back up from behind the corner of the cabinet and continues to search the room, starting with the cabinet.

Rook grunts, takes a look at the papers around her as she slides off the desk and back onto her feet, “The papers are blank.”

Ek quickly finds the front cabinet doors have a lock built into the doors. It is obviously locked.

Rook readies her spear again, watching for the next surprise. “Jiak urro jigi!” she grumbles.

Breymeer enters the room, “Come on in everyone, it seems much quieter and peaceful here now.” Ergon ascends the bookshelf and leads his horse into the room. Breymeer stows his axes to assist Ergon in laying Jandre down upon the floor. The ranger then rearms himself.

Ek speaks to the orb in elvish as he walks around the room, examining everything in some detail. He peruses a few papers finding Rook was correct, everything seems to be blank.

Ek checks the cabinet lock for traps, then picks it open considering the key he found does not appear to be for this lock.

Yechwa takes up a position in the doorway watching the library and southern hallway.

Roodin Bokassad starts sifting through papers as well, curious as to why everything is blank. The majority of the books survived the blast intact.

Oswar Ascoban, keeping his mace in hand, stands between the two doors, next to Ek while the dark elf works on the cabinet, in case something suddenly comes through them.

Ek succeeds in picking the lock. Opening the doors, Ek finds the cabinet contains a few old dusty tomes.

Ek speaks to the orb in elvish, “I assume the key will open this cabinet. What can you tell me about what’s inside?”

The orb responds, “The key shall not be needed for now. We need to find the other two keys as well. Each form of the mage is likely to possess one.”

While Ek examines the large books in the cabinet, he cautions, “Don’t let your guard down, I believe the wizard we just vanquished is still around this place in two more different forms.”

Ek removes one of the large tomes and sets it on the desk. Finding an old ink pen and dried up ink well, he does his best to try and write in the book. He makes impressions in the pages, “Where is the next key?” and “Where does Karavakos hide?” He writes both sentences in common and elvish. In addition, he asks the same questions out loud in elvish and common while writing in the book.

Nothing appears to happen.

Roodin Bokassad, stops examining the books and papers, “They are all blank. Though one might come in handy later. He walks over to Oswar Ascoban, who is still guarding between the doors, and stows a book in his pack.

Breymeer and Rook remain vigilant within the room while Yechwa watches the library and southern hallway.

Though Rook is not an intellectual, she shares a thought about the situation, “A library of blank books and pages makes no sense. Would it be possible that the voices we hear outside this room be the words that were written on these pages, and some kind of magic has changed them?”

Roodin Bokassad ponders her statement and answers her, “I could not understand any of the voices but that doesn’t mean the books were written in any language we would understand. This does seem to be a foreign environment. You certainly could be right!” The mage seems impressed with the half-orc’s analysis.

Ergon prays over Jandre and then covers him reverently with a blanket. He draws his holy sword, moves to Breymeer and stands ready.

Yechwa confirms the library and hall are still clear. Oswar Oscaban moves to her side in case something sudden comes out of the library.

Breymeer continues around the room looking at anything that catches his eye. As Ek moves to the door on the center of the northern wall, the ranger moves to guard him. The elf whispers something to the orb in elvish but receives only an unsatisfying short reply.

Ek checks the area of the door for any traps. After several long minutes, the dark elf opens the door, finding it unlocked.

The door opens into another room. The eastern portion, fifteen feet by fifteen feet, appears to be a storage area. It contains crates and barrels and a few bolts of cloth. One of the crates has the lid removed. It contains dried fruits. The western portion of the room, fifteen feet by ten feet, is bare. On the western end of the room, a curtain partitions the storage room off from whatever lay beyond. The curtains appear to be made of heavy, thick fabric died a dark maroon; similar to the color of the creature’s cloaks.

Continuing to seek advice, in elvish, Ek asks the orb, “What is our next move? Where should we go?” The orb answers with a simple, “I will advise when I can. I do not have an answer for your every move.”

Ergon bravely steps forward saying, “Let me enter first so that I can check for the presence of evil. Anyone else can then enter to check for traps.”

The paladin steps into the room and spends the next few minutes slowly scanning from left to right.

While Ergon is concentrating, Rook moves up alongside the warrior and stands in defense with her spear forward.

Once the paladin gives the all clear, Rook moves to the crates and begins smelling the dried fruits. Finding them palatable, she begins to each a handful of them. She eyes up the curtain on the other room, intending to check it out next.

Yechwa and Oswar Ascoban remain in the chamber with the statue. Oswar Ascoban has his mace in hand while Yechwa continues to monitor the Library from the doorway while wielding her bow.

Roodin Bokassad continues to pick through the scrolls, books and parchments looking for anything of interest.

Breymeer and Ek filter into the storage room behind Rook and Ergon.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 21, 2013
Posts: 381
From: Minnesota

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Wed Jun 19, 2024 6:06 am  
Keep on the Shadowfell

Standing up from his praying, Tathar, with the look of a zealot who has seen his deity, “The Midnight Mistress has shown us what will happen if we do not neutralize the keep. These people and the Lord of Winterhaven cannot help us! We leave for the keep immediately. Get all your gear for adventure and meet at the training ground with Markus, priest of Kord. We leave in one quarter of an hour!”

The group reunites with Markus and his henchman, Helleck Blackstone, at the training center. They are packed and waiting.

“We need horses?” questions Markus.

“We are passing the stable though we shouldn’t need them,” answers Gaerhith not knowing if Markus is aware of the keep’s location. “The keep is only a couple miles out of town.”

Markus inquires about holy water, “We should get some holy water. My experience with undead is they are formidable foes but always released from their torment when possible.”

Tathar looks at the fog as it is rolling over the city walls, “Markus, we have no time. We must leave town.”

With that, Tathar and company move to the front gate in hopes of being let back out. The doors are closed and barred. The guards are not looking like they would be inclined to open them. Though they try to hide it, most look afraid.

Visibility is dropping at the gate and the fog has extended to the inn and stable and encompasses the market square.

Tathar begins looking at the wall, wanting an immediate way over. He calls for a grappling hook and rope, “I’ll be the last one over.”

Markus, not having the patience, runs to the gate and yells, “Open this stupid gate or your only hope of survival will be gone!”

The guards stand in shock for a moment. They have scene this priest of Kord at the training center. Each knows the are bested. Facing sure annihilation from Markus, they take their chances on the dark fog beyond the gate.

Several guards begin to lift the bar as the gate is cracked open only enough to let the party out. With haste, the group moves swiftly though. The gate is immediately shut and barred again as Tathar and company exit Winterhaven into the fog.

Tathar readies his quarter staff.

Morwen pulls out her sword as she listens intently ahead of them in the spreading fog. Morwen hears nothing over the hue and cry about town behind them.

Markus encourages, “Let’s go,” as he readies himself.

Comus and crew arm themselves as well with the archers readying their bows.

The road to Shadowfell Keep is arduous. It is obviously not well traveled. No maintenance has been done for many long years. The road is often overgrown with grass, ferns and small trees though it is not hard to follow. The road meanders approximately two miles north-northeast through a valley as it climbs between the multiple peaks.

The group quickly leaves the fog behind without incident. There is no question it is spreading out from the cemetery and around town. It is almost moving slowly around the town to the somewhat populated farmland around the walled community. Those outside the wall are holing up in their residences.

The group makes the journey without an incident.

Ahead, the narrow track widens into a clearing. There is an eerie silence. Great piles of shattered stone blocks and scorched timbers dominate the clearing, sprawling out from its center to the edge of the woods. No plants grow among the ruins or within the clearing. The ground is bare dirt, and although the forest has begun to reclaim the path leading here, it has not intruded into the ruins of Shadowfell Keep. No animals, in the air or on the ground, are in the clearing or among the rubble.

Yet clearly someone has tampered with the ruins. In the center of the debris, stone blocks and timbers have been gathered into a pile. Someone has cleared a path through the rubble and pulled aside the wreckage to reveal a stone staircase. The staircase descends into the darkness.

The group can nearly feel the dark energy of the plate radiating outward. It reminds Tathar of delving below the dwarven miles and uncovering the unholy gate there. Tathar ponders how Breymeer, Grimlock and the others are fairing in their quests. So many of Tathar’s friends from the delve haven’t been seen again.

Tathar asks Gaerhith to be vigilant for any evil that may have followed the group, or being laying in wait.

Gaerhith holds his holy symbol before him as he prays, carefully searching the area around them, starting with the rear.

Knowing it will take a while for Gaernith to complete his search, Tathar and company move slowly forward while Morwen searches for traps.
Markus and Helleck take up the second row, ready for combat should it arise.

Comus and the rest of the crew follow along behind. They monitor Gaerhith as he remains stationary, slowly turning in a circle.

Morwen moves slowly enough that Gaerhith remains close enough to aid should the need arise.

The many tumbled stones and debris create uncountable ambush and trap locations.

The air becomes very still as the group passes by the outer walls and into the ruined keep. One would even believe there is a slight chill to the air. Tensions are high.

Over the course of ten minutes, Morwen moves the group forward. Gaerhith has completed his prayer and caught back up with the group, remaining in the rear. He advises nothing specific was located though the whole area feels unholy.

Morwen is surprised to find the central tower area, now with the upper levels collapse, unguarded. The debris has been removed from a pathway leading to the stairwell. Defensive positions have been fabricated out of the stone but they appear surprisingly unattended. Ahead, beneath the opening in the ground, is the stairwell leading down into the darkness below.

The group pauses while Gaerhith, again with his holy symbol before him, examines the stairwell down. “There is a general ill feeling about this place. In addition, something or somethings of a maligned heart is not far ahead from the base of the stairwell.”
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