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The Olman Pantheon
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Apprentice Greytalker

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Sun Jul 14, 2024 12:48 pm  
The Olman Pantheon


The supplement "The Scarlet Brotherhood" indicates that the deities of this pantheon were originally worshipped on a parallel material plane of existence, from which they would have come from the stars. The erratum of this supplement suggests that they still dwell there.

Some deities are not described in the Scarlet Brotherhood and are part of Aztec mythology.

OMETEOTL, N is the greater god of Creation, progenitor of the Olman pantheon. His symbol is a footprint or sign of infinity.
Ometeotl is a personification of the Olman principle of duality, at once masculine and feminine, negative and positive, and light and shadow. He can even be considered as two distinct gods, Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl. In a sense, he is the embodiment of the universe, and all things are part of him. No statue or image of Ometeotl has ever been made, for he is as invisible as the wind. The only image of Ometeotl that can be detected is his footprints. At will, Ometeotl can create anything without tiring.
Ometeotl's worshippers are olman. They can be of any alignment.
Ometeotl clerics are free to behave as they please. Like most Olman clerics, Ometeotl clerics must choose a direction in which to pray at the start of their career. Eastern clerics wear red, southern clerics yellow, western clerics black and northern clerics white.
Olman temples are generally stepped pyramids with entrances at the bottom corresponding to the four cardinal points.

QUETZALCOATL, LN is the greater god of Air, Wisdom, Birds and Snakes. He is patron of the arts and founder of metallurgy.
Quetzalecoatl is the most powerful god of the myth, although his claim is disputed by the followers of Tezcatlipoca, his sworn enemy. Quetzaleoatl is a patron of the arts and the founder of metallurgy. He is the least warlike of the Olman deities. His symbol is a feathered serpent with wings.
Quetzalcoatl is depicted with pale skin, a full dark beard, wearing long concealed robes or the feathered costume of a nobleman. In his own kingdom, Quetzalcoatl appears as a talking serpent with green feathers. He has a bewildering number of other forms. In some of them, he can act chaotically or perversely, making it very difficult to assign him an alignment. He can't be harmed by creatures in the same form he uses, so if he's in dragon form, he can't be harmed by any type of dragon, and if he appears as a wizard, he can't be harmed by magical spells.
Quetzalcoatl's clerics teach respect for social conventions, kindness to others and peaceful relations with neighbors. They teach that civility separates humans from beasts, and that it is through civilization that humans achieve perfection. Followers of Quetzalcoatl often go on quest to do things like help a good prince become king instead of his evil rivals, protect villages from monsters and foil the schemes of Tezcatlipoca and his henchmen.
Clerics of Quetzalcoatl are expected to have civic and literary knowledge, and to pass on their wisdom either as advisors to noble rulers or as teachers in the Calmecac, a religious school. They are rulers and administrators who promote their god through political means. They expect their orders to be followed by all non-priests and young priests of other gods. They carve elaborate sculptures and make metal objects.
Rituals to the Olman deities are generally performed every 20 days, corresponding to the different "signs" of the divinatory calendar. Each sign is governed by a different deity. Sacrifices can take many forms, depending on the god. The public is required to attend each ritual, performed at the temple of the appropriate god. Celebrations in honor of Quetzalcoatl are colorful and filled with dance and music. Quetzalcoatl does not require human sacrifice, unlike many others in his pantheon. Quetzalcoatl's clerics look out to sea at all times, waiting for signs of their god's return.

MICLANTECUHTLI, LM is the greater god of Death, Darkness, Murder and the Underworld. In their true forms, Mictlantecuhtli and his wife Mictlanchihuatl resemble emaciated humans with skull-shaped heads and bulging eyes. Mictlantecuhtli is also depicted as a skeletal canid. A special relationship with Chitza-Atlan, guardian of the Underworld gates, could be assumed. He and his wife live in the Underworld, the Land of Death, the kingdom of Mictlan. The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan" adventure includes a diorama depicting Mictlan. It shows classic torments such as a devil forcing men to roll a boulder down a hill, a region of burning sands in which demons torture captured souls, a lava-filled canyon, an icy desert, a steam-filled chasm, a treacherous swamp, and a stygian river. A hedge of thorns protects a happy hunting ground from the rest of the kingdom.
The primary responsibility of Mictlantecuhtli's clerics is to prepare the dead for their journey to the afterlife and to preside over the rights of death. Dark and cold, they never show mercy to their adversaries, sacrificing them to their deity whenever possible.
Like most Olman clerics, Mictlantecuhtli clerics must choose a direction to pray to at the start of their career. Eastern clerics wear red, southern clerics yellow, western clerics black and northern clerics white.
Olman temples are generally stepped pyramids with entrances at the bottom corresponding to the four cardinal points.
Rituals to Olman deities are generally performed every 20 days, corresponding to the different "signs" of the divinatory calendar. Each sign is ruled by a different deity. Sacrifices can take many forms, depending on the god. The public is required to attend each ritual, held at the temple of the appropriate god. During the sign of Mictlantecuhtli, which recurs once a year, the clerics of the gods of death must spill some of their own blood to nourish their deities. Mictlantecuhtli and Mictlanchihuatl also require a small amount of blood from any of their priests who cast a reanimation spell. Worshippers of Mictlantecuhtli attract his attention by sacrificing 50 of their followers during the darkness of the moons. These sacrifices are then transformed into the undead to act as the god's agents in the mortal world. Mictlantecuhtli encourages his followers to send their enemies to become his slaves in the Beyond.

TEZCATLIPOCA, CM is the greater god of the Sun, Moon and Night.
Tezcatlipoca sows’ disorder and war but is also the source of wealth. He personifies the harmful and destructive forces of nature and is also the patron of guilty pleasures and arcane magic. It is also the vessel through which people obtain absolution for their sins. His symbol is a jaguar.
Tezcatlipoca rarely takes physical form, preferring to remain invisible and ethereal. When he assumes a material body, he usually appears as a jaguar or a giant bear. He may also appear as a one-footed man with a round obsidian mirror instead of a foot. He is depicted as having black skin with a yellow-striped face. He will occasionally take on a more human form in order to pass himself off as someone else.
Tezcatlipoca and his followers are always plotting the overthrow of Quetzoleoatl, and this god is the patron of scheming and treachery. His sister Tlazoteotl helped him provoke Quetzalcoatl's exile.
Tezcatlipoca encourages people to escape the bonds imposed on them by society and fate. His followers push back the boundaries of ethics and morality and seek to change their destiny through sheer force of will.
Tezcatlipoca is worshipped in Hepmonalande and the Amedio jungle by Olman warriors, thieves, witches and farmers. The humble worship him to escape their burdens, as do the ambitious. His followers may never know when the quest they undertake is part of their god's greater plan or merely a random act of destruction, but they're usually tasked with doing things like embarrassing respected rulers, stealing powerful magic or playing deadly tricks on entire villages.
Tezcatlipoca's clerics wear ash-gray garments with jeweled heaumes and feathered capes. They are politically active and prone to devious methods. They encourage war against other cities. Many are sent to spy on Quetzalcoatl's clerics. Like those of the other Olman gods, Tezcatlipoca's clerics refrain from bathing regularly, and dried blood and filth cover them following their rituals. Tezcatlipoca is a patron saint of diviners, and his clerics train in a number of traditional divination methods. Some take magician or sorcerer levels, and often specialize as diviners or illusionists. Tezcatlipoca is very strict with his clerics, tolerating no mistakes or shortcomings. Those who transgress against him may be denied spells and visited by thieves who serve their god.
Olman temples are generally stepped pyramids with entrances at the bottom corresponding to the four cardinal points. Tezcatlipoca shrines may contain magic mirrors (like the one at Tamoachan). Jaguar sculptures feature prominently.
Sacrifices are made to Tezcatlipoca in the hope of bringing gentle sunshine to his crops and scorching heat to crops grown by the tribe's enemies. Each year, the priests of Tezcatlipoca pamper a perfect human man before tearing out his heart. The public is obliged to attend these rituals, held in the temples of Tezcatlipoca.

XIPE TOTEC is one of the four creator deities of Aztec mythology, along with Quetzalcoatl, Tezcatlipoca and Huitzilopochtli. Xipe Totec was the god of nature and goldsmiths. According to the Olmans, he sacrificed himself to nourish mankind.

CAMAXTLI, N is the intermediate god of Destiny

COATLICUE, N is the intermediate earth goddess.
Coatlicue is the Olman goddess of the earth from which all life is born, and of the earth in which the dead are buried. She is the patroness of mothers and fathers, but also of barren rocks and deep caves, worshipped by miners and mourners alike.
Coatlicue is normally depicted as a woman wearing a necklace of severed hands and a skirt made of writhing live snakes. Sometimes she also has a snake's head.
Coatlicue is the mother of Huitzilopochtli, the god of War, as well as countless other children.
Coatlicue's clerics teach that the earth is like a womb from which all things emerge, and the tomb to which they return. They teach that the earth is not something that can be possessed, only used for a time before having to lie fallow for a time.
An alabaster statuette of Coatlicue was discovered in the ruins of Tamoachan.
Coatlicue clerics are responsible for determining the best place to plant crops or hunt, and for determining when the local land can no longer support one, the other or both. Like most Olman clerics, Coatlicue clerics must choose a direction in which to pray at the start of their career. Eastern clerics wear red, southern clerics yellow, western clerics black and northern clerics white. The preferred weapon of Coatlicue clerics is the pickaxe.
Coatlicue temples are often caves or built to imitate caves.
Prayers in Coatlicue ask for abundant harvests, the birth of children or hidden treasures from the earth. Coatlicue clerics celebrate births and act as midwives. They preside over ceremonies involving beginnings, such as the planting of crops and the opening of mines. They also preside over the burials of the dead.

CHALCHIHUITLICUE CB Chalchihuitlicue is the intermediate deity of running water and was the protector of the Fourth Sun. She takes pleasure in blessing chaste love, sheltering children and protecting humanity in general. It was through her influence that her evil husband, Tlaloc, created his paradise for those who die by water. In her true form, she is a beautiful woman dressed in a green jade skirt. She has the power to create natural disasters such as tsunamis and hurricanes. When the Fourth Sun ended in a devastating flood, she saved humanity by transforming her worshippers into fish.

HUHUETEOTL, CM is the intermediate fire god
Huhueteotl is the Olman god who embodies the passage of time and the destructive side of fire. His symbol is an image of himself. Huhueteotl is a demonic creature, a humanoid with a head resembling a ferocious alligator, clad in armor made of red gems. Flames crackle around him, completely enveloping his body.
He demands many sacrifices from his worshippers and doesn't hesitate to punish them with bolts of fire.
Huhueteotl's clerics are quick-tempered and quick to act. They don't like to wait, but excel at arousing fiery emotions in soldiers. As a result, many serve in the army. They usually wear cherry-red leather armor and may wear jeweled headdresses during ceremonies.
Huhueteotl is worshipped on active volcanoes, whenever possible.
Precious metals, gems, cloth and human beings are sacrificed to Huhueteotl on the night of the waning moon by being thrown into active volcanoes. Every 52 years, Huhueteotl demands a special sacrifice of gems, feathered robes and humans, or he will stop time. The public is required to attend each ritual, held at the temple of the appropriate god.

HUITZILOPOCHTLI, NM, is the intermediate god of war and sacrifice.

TLALOC, LM is the intermediate god of rain
Tlaloc is represented as a reptilian humanoid dressed in black. His eyes, surrounded by white rings, protrude from their sockets, and large tusks protrude from his mouth. Its forked tongue resembles that of a snake. Its black headdress is adorned with a garland of white feathers. He is fifteen feet tall.
Tlaloc is the husband of the goddess of Water, Beauty and Youth, Chalchihuitlicue. Their children, minor aquatic spirits known as Tlaloques, serve him.
Tlaloc encourages obedience and discipline. He teaches that the will of the Olman gods must be obeyed if people are to receive their blessings, such as rain. Likewise, those who obey their superiors on the mortal plane will also be rewarded. Tlaloc also encourages his followers to seize opportunities to progress, just as Tlaloc does.
Tlaloc is undoubtedly the most revered deity among Olman, as all depend on the crops his rain sustains. He is also revered by the Yuan-ti of Olman origin.
The duties of Tlaloc's clerics include rapture, torture, weather tracking and forecasting. They pray daily to their god in the hope of retaining his goodwill. When not serving in the temple, they often give advice and blessings to rural communities, extolling the power of their god and expecting gratitude and obedience in return. They wear leather helmets and feathered capes, and dress in ashen gray or black with a necklace of white feathers, jade or metal.
Like most Olman clerics, Tlaloc clerics must choose a direction to pray to at the start of their career. Eastern clerics wear red, southern clerics yellow, western clerics black and northern clerics white. The preferred weapon of Tlaloc's clerics is the javelin.
Most Olman cities include a stepped pyramid dedicated to Tlaloc, with entrances at the bottom corresponding to the four cardinal points. As a rule, such pyramids will be found nested within similar pyramids dedicated to other major Olman gods. Small shrines dedicated to Tlaloc and his wife can be found near springs.
Tlaloc's clerics build idols from cornmeal dough, which they sell to farmers wishing to perform rituals to the rain god. During periods of drought, additional rites are performed involving shouting and dancing all night in the hope of waking Tlaloc from his slumber. If prayers fail, a bloody sacrifice may be attempted. A youngster may be bled. The more he cries during this ritual, the more Tlaloc's followers think it's going to rain. Typical Tlaloc quests include protecting a noble olman from evil spirits or overthrowing an unholy king.
A child or baby is sacrificed to Tlaloc every full moon. Once a year, at the spring equinox, a great feast is organized in honor of Tlaloc. Many babies are bought or kidnapped during this period and sacrificed to Tlaloc; the priests then cook and eat them. The public is required to attend each ritual, held in the temple of Tlaloc.
Around 1100 BC, the high priests of the Olman city-states of Alocotla and Xapatlapo made a pact with Tlaloc. In an elaborate ceremony, they sacrificed and devoured a thousand children, and all those who took part were transformed into yuan-ti. These changes came to fruition, and the yuan-ti continue to rule these two cities to this day, as well as the town of Xuxulieto and elsewhere.

TONATIUH NM This superior god is the fifth and current sun god. His previous aspect Nahahuatl was the god of misfortune (poverty, disease, earthquakes). Tonatiuh is represented with a face that shines like the sun, obscuring the rest of his body with its light. As a Nanahuatl, he is depicted as a miserable-looking dwarf.
Tonatiuh killed Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, a god of war known as the Morning Star. Tonatiuh's herald is a Diantrefosse. His allies are the salamanders, known as xiuhcoatl, "snakes of fire" in the Olman language.
The Olmans believe in an "upper world" and a "lower world". The world below is the abode of the dead. Tonatiuh travels between these two realms, entering the underworld every night and traveling through the upper world every day.
Tonatiuh is cruel and demanding, refusing to travel through the heavens unless continually nourished by the hearts and blood of humans and deities. He teaches his followers that happiness and success in life come only with pain and toil. His worshippers are invited to test their own limits.
Tonatiuh was worshipped on the Isle of Dread, where a stone disk depicts him holding court alongside Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl. There was also an unnamed solar god represented in the ruins of Tamoachan.
Tonatiuh's clerics can channel positive energy even when they are evil. They perform many precise rituals throughout the day to appease and empower their god. They believe that if these rituals are not performed, the sun will not rise, and the monsters of darkness will take over the world. Tonatiuh expects his priests to oppose the monstrous creatures of darkness, just as he does on his nightly journey through the underworld.
Tonatiuh temples are built atop stepped pyramids, usually next to Tlaloc temples. The altars of Tonatiuh's temples are stained with blood.
Tonatiuh demands that the hearts of captured warriors be sacrificed to him almost daily, to give him the strength he needs to make his daily journey across the sky. Soldiers pierce themselves and scatter their blood as a sacrifice to Tonatiuh in the hope that he will grant them strength in battle. Prayers to Tonatiuh are said at every sunset. Prayers to Tonatiuh are also said to ask for mercy when the sun becomes too hot or other misfortunes strike.

CAMAZOTZ, CM is the lesser god of the Bats.
Camazotz is the Olman god of bats and evil. As Zotzilaha, he is the god of Vampires and the Underworld. His symbol is a giant bat.
Camazotz manifests as a great bat surrounded by a dark cloud of a thousand normal bats. Like many of the deities worshipped by the Olman people, Camazotz is a two-faced god. He's a voracious blood-drinker and rabies-propagator, but he's also a benign predator of insect pests.
Camazotz is revered by many Olmans and by werebats of Olman origin. He is particularly popular with the Telaneteculi nation, whose leader is a unique vampire bat.
Camazotz clerics like to inspire terror, although they also play a role in protecting people from crop-destroying insects. They sometimes kidnap and sacrifice political enemies under cover of darkness. They wear leather helmets and leather armor. Their color is saffron. Like most Olman clerics, Camazotz priests must choose a direction to pray to at the start of their career. Eastern clerics wear red, southern clerics yellow, western clerics black and northern clerics white.
Camazotz is worshipped in temples and caves, which may be guarded by bats, vampires or creatures from the elemental plane of water such as nereids and water weirdos.
Whenever Luna reaches her final quarter, the public is forced to watch as Camazotz clerics sacrifice insects (often using Insect Plague spells) to appease their deity.

CENTEOTL, CN goddess of agriculture, nature and corn (she performs the latter duty with her male counterpart CINTEOTL).

ITZAMNA, NB low-ranking god of medicine

COYOLXAUHQUI, NB, was the lower-ranking goddess of the moon and stars.

TLAZOLTEOTL, CM is the lesser goddess of vice
Tlazoteotl is the goddess of guilty loves, bodily pleasure and vice.
When the goddess is stressed, pressured or attacked, she manifests as a monster with a humanoid body, devilish face, fangs, flaming eyes, talons on her feet and hands and black, warty skin slippery with fat. This is an illusion, however, and when relaxed or at ease, she appears as a beautiful woman, inspiring jealousy and lust in equal measure, but fifteen feet tall. She is lightly dressed, revealing as much of her charms as possible. She is described as a terrible temptress who seeks to ruin good and loyal people. No evil being can even think of harming her, even if magically compelled to do so.
Tlazoteotl is Tezcatlipoca's sister. She led Quetzalcoatl into vices, resulting in his exile.
In the adventure "Tales of the Outer Planes (1988)", Tlazolteotl is shown living with the god Xochipilli in a "Palace of Pleasure" known as Zannibar on a jungle world of unknown name. Zannibar appeals to all the senses, probably even those not possessed by humans, filled with music, perfumes, musks, statues, tapestries, waterfalls, decorative plants and delicious food. The temperature is a constant 25 degrees Celcius, and it's always evening. The complex is guarded by warriors with ocelot or monkey heads.
The priestesses of Tlazolteotl are charged with tempting those of vile and immoral character into indecent acts. Every three months (at least) they must tempt a man into guilty love. They feed on waste, detritus and garbage. Their favorite weapon is the sickle, and they can also wield poisoned daggers. Like most Olman priests, the priestesses of Tlazoteotl must choose a direction in which to pray at the start of their career. Eastern clerics wear red, southern clerics yellow, western clerics black and northern clerics white.
Olman temples are generally stepped pyramids with entrances at the bottom corresponding to the four cardinal points.
Rituals to Olman deities are generally performed every 20 days, corresponding to the different "signs" of the divinatory calendar. Each sign is ruled by a different deity. Sacrifices can take many forms, depending on the god. The public is required to attend each ritual, held at the temple of the appropriate god.

XOCHIPILLI, CB "Prince of Flowers" is the lesser god of all love-related themes (poetry, music, dance, beauty), but also of games and flowers.

XOCHIQUETZAL NB is the lesser goddess of flowers, dance and self-esteem. Together with her twin brother, Xochipilli, she is responsible for much of what men and women find joyful in life. However, as goddess of love, she's a little less fickle than he is, although this doesn't mean she's entirely constant.

CHITZA-ATLAN LM is a demigod, Guardian of the Gates of Death. His symbol is a mummified centaur.


The Creation of the World and the Flight of the First Sun
Although each was individually powerful, it was only by working together that Quetzalcoatl and Tecatlipoca were able to create the world, laying the goddess Coatlicue in the waters below and shaping her body into various landforms. After completing this task, they quarreled over who would be the sun. Tezcatlipoca, dark as shadow, stole the sun and tied it to his waist, but because of his dark nature, he could only light up half the day. Eventually, Quetzalcoatl knocked Tezcatlipoca from the sky with a gigantic stick, and he thus became the second sun.

The Tools of Civilization and the Exile of the Feathered Serpent
During his reign as the second sun, Quetzalcoatl took on human form and lived among mortals, teaching them agriculture, craftsmanship, governance and piety. Tezcatlipoca became jealous of the esteem in which mortals held Quetzalcoatl and also took human form, using his powers to sow evil and discord. He seduced entire villages and drove them to acts of self-destruction. With the help of his sister Tlazoteotl, Tezcatlipoca led Quetzalcoatl into vices, which so shamed Quetzalcoatl that he ordered a city razed to the ground and all its treasures buried. Then he sailed out to sea on a raft of snakes, vowing to return one day and reclaim his kingdom. Without Quetzalcoatl's influence, Tezcatlipoca was free to spread evil unhindered. Many look forward to the day when Quetzalcoatl will reconcile with himself and return.

The Third Sun
After the end of the Second Sun, which was ruled by Quetzalcoatl, Tlaloc became the ruler of the sun in the third age of the world. After a time, Quetzalcoatl sent a firestorm that scorched the earth, turning the survivors into turkeys. Quetzalcoatl then invited Tlaloc's wife, Chalchihuitlicue, to become the fourth sun.

The Fourth Sun
The next Sun, and Tlaloc's new wife, was Chalchiuhtlicue. She was very loving towards the people, but Tezcatlipoca was not. The people and Chalchiuhtlicue felt his judgment when he told the water goddess that she wasn't really loving and had only feigned kindness out of selfishness to win the people's praise. Chalchiuhtlicue was so crushed by these words that she wept blood for the next fifty-two years, causing a horrible flood that drowned everyone on Toerre. Humans became fish to survive.

The Fifth Sun
After Chalchihuitlicue's time had passed and it was time to choose a new sun to shine in the sky, each god said "Not me!" By default, then, the burden fell on the smallest and weakest of the gods, who couldn't refuse when the others bullied him. "Don't be afraid, Nanahuatl," said the other gods, calling the dwarf god by the name he had at the time. "You may be weak and impoverished now, but like the sun you will be glorious." This was cold comfort to Nanahuatl, who knew that dragging the sun across the sky for centuries would be hard, dangerous work, and defeating the creatures of the underworld every night would be just as risky. Yet he had no choice, so Nanahuatl, the god of misfortune, threw himself into a bonfire, and so, as his body was completely consumed by the flames, he found himself in the underworld. The next morning, the god who had been Nanahuatl, but was now Tonatiuh, emerged east of the horizon and then stopped. He refused to rise until the gods who had bullied him into becoming the new sun agreed to give him their hearts to eat. Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli fired an arrow at Tonatiuh, but Tonatiuh dodged and shot his assailant with his own flaming dart. Seeing now that Tonatiuh had become too powerful to resist. One by one, they sacrificed their lives, sending their hearts to be devoured by the voracious solar god. Finally satiated, Tonatiuh continued his journey across the sky. Since then, Tonatiuh has demanded daily sacrifices from his mortal followers, or one day the sun will no longer rise.

The Mountain of Food
Quetzalcoatl discovered the Mountain of Food, where cereals and other foods had been hidden since the beginning of the world. Most of the gods thought that these foods should all be given to humans, but Tlaloc stole them and hoarded them in his own kingdom, distributing portions only as he pleased. Some years, he distributes more, others less.

The Four Jugs
Tlaloc is said to possess four jugs. The first contains fresh water, which he will pour over the world if he has obtained enough prayers and sacrifices. When he's unhappy, he sprinkles the water from one of his other jugs. The second pitcher contains water filled with cobwebs and eggs, which will cause burning. The third pitcher contains frost and the fourth pitcher rots the fruit.

Initial writing in French.
Translation by DeepL.

Note: by translating and reading the Olman deities and people, one can imagine that the Olman were the mysterious and cruel Ur-flanae. This reconciles the text of Sean K. Reynolds and C2 The Shrine of Tamoachan. After the fall of their kingdoms/empires, the Olman won Hepmonaland and then the jungle of Amedio; A chronological research is necessary to validate this solution.
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Joined: Jun 29, 2001
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Sun Jul 14, 2024 4:54 pm  

Carlos Lising's adventure _The Tears that Forever Stain_ at centered on the worship of Mictlantechtli (I think it was that figure, unless it was a new one that Carlos created for the module).

Allan Grohe<br /><br />
Apprentice Greytalker

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Mon Jul 15, 2024 2:12 am  

What is the source of the body of text above?

I do find the idea that the Olman are synonymous the Ur-Flan interesting. I think that's a workable idea with some potentially interesting results.
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Apr 30, 2022
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Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:31 am  

Naughtical wrote:
What is the source of the body of text above?

I do find the idea that the Olman are synonymous the Ur-Flan interesting. I think that's a workable idea with some potentially interesting results.

There are many sources:
The SB
The DDG AD&D 1st
Several documents in French, including Wikipedia. There are many sites that are interested in the Aztecs (they have at least 100 deities). I took some gods that seemed important to me:
- Ometeotl
- Xipe Totec
- Totatiuh
- the goddess of vice (already present in the DDG)
- the legends of the 5 suns
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Thu Aug 01, 2024 9:40 pm  

Thanks for sharing this Docjacques. I'm intrigued by your assertion that the Olman are another name for the Ur-Flan, which I don't think I've ever prior read.

I've been puzzling over the Olman and the Olman–Flan connections / relationships for a long time and am still undecided if I prefer them to derive from a common ancestor (i.e., the indigenous humans of eastern Oerik) or not. (Recently, I learned that Samwise eschews them completely.)

I don't have a lot to add right now to your post but am taking the opportunity to share some notes I took from Canonfire! back in 2020 when I was researching for my current Hold of the Sea Princes campaign. The PCs have yet to reach the Amedio Jungle, so I've not yet developed the Olman (and Amedian Suel) substantially.

Oh, Docjacques, you might be particularly interested in rasgon's 2011 Olman deities post (link provided below).

Without further ado:

MTG, Notes regarding Olman and Tamoachan

On Canonfire!, Maria Deltorre (Mar) used the handles Despotrix and chibirias. She died in 2012, her blog was last archived in 2016,, and someone else (Rich Trickey?) also archived it,

Canonfire! forums:

Searching “Olman” produced 53 matches,

Searching “Tamoachan” produced 79 matches,

Below are a list of forum posts and articles on these subjects that I found particularly interesting.

GVDammerung, Dirty Olman Savages? Postfest?, Mon May 02, 2005 10:05 pm, four (4) pages,

Wolfsire, For The Origins of the Olman, Thu Aug 25, 2005 2:52 pm, one (1) page,

CruelSummerLord, Olman Origins and Metalworking?, Mon Sep 05, 2005 6:40 pm, three (3) pages,

chibirias, The REAL Olman homeland!, Thu Sep 08, 2005 5:02 am,

ephealy, Apocatequil, Sun Apr 30, 2006 3:41 pm, (citing chatdemon, Thoughts on Rexfelis the Cat Lord, Sat, Jun 29, 2002, (introducing “Ixa, who in the Olman pantheon is the matron of panthers, jaguars, were-versions of both of the former, wemics, rakasta, rakshasha, other mu[n]dane felines, and hunting.”)

smillan_31, Yapa Yaya: Mary Vale and the Olman of Monmurg, Wed Aug 30, 2006 8:25 pm,

GVDammerung, Return to Tamoachan - Dungeon 141, Wed Oct 25, 2006 10:38 pm,

GVDammerung, New Info on Southern Oerth, Tue Nov 14, 2006 12:14 am,

Wolfsire, Tabloid Tamoachan - The Glozeris Expedition, Thu Dec 21, 2006 12:30 pm,

rasgon, Olman deities, Thu May 19, 2011 11:33 am,

jephkay, Olman "Amazons", Wed Oct 19, 2011 7:57 am,

grodog, some Tamoachan lore/background from Harold Johnson, Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:44 pm (citing Anybody know anything about Kalka-Kylla? (From Tamoachan),

jamesdglick, Chebikav, Land of Shar, Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:47 pm, (discussing carnivorous apes in Hepmonaland according to rasgon, Monsters of Oerth, Fri May 20, 2011 8:55 pm,

CruelSummerLord, Earthly Cultural Analogies In The Flanaess And Beyond?, Sat Sep 05, 2015 6:09 pm, (citing rasgon, The Duchy of Tenh, Mon, Sep 03, 2001,

rasgon, Tomb of Annihilation on Oerth, Thu Nov 02, 2017 9:57 pm,

jamesdglick, Minor, obscure Deities, Wed Dec 19, 2018 2:47 pm, (citing Havard, Olman Civilization, Wed Jun 27, 2018 10:09 pm,, which in turn cites David Schwartz, Aztec Mythos Redux, Oct 30, 2007,
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 26, 2002
Posts: 543
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Sun Aug 11, 2024 1:47 pm  

What do the "B"s and "M"s stand for in the gods' alignment? I can't tell if they're supposed to represent Good or Evil, and there are too many of them to be typos.
CF Admin

Joined: Jul 28, 2001
Posts: 700
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Sun Aug 11, 2024 5:26 pm  

Since Docjaques is French, I've assumed that they are Bien (Good) and Mal (Evil).
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