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Greyhawk 3.5 campaign chat or play by post.
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Grandmaster Greytalker

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Fri Jul 29, 2011 10:07 am  
Greyhawk 3.5 campaign chat or play by post.

A call for players currently have three players looking for at least three more. Below is a synopsis of the campaign.

3.5 Greyhawk campaign set in Bissel. Many factions vie for control of Bissel the Theocracy of Veluna, The Gran March, The nation of Ket , and Bissel herself are the major players. Bissel’s former capital Thornwood is held by all four nations and none seem willing to part with their piece of a gateway city. Pellak is the new capital of Bissel though Knights of the Watch have plenty of influence not only in Pellak but all of Bissel. Many of the Flan natives who once permeated this beautiful country have long ago settled in bordering lands though their influence is still present to this day.
Ket has the biggest military backing as a single nation and if not for intervention by Veluna and Gran March forces as well as the Knights of the Watch Bissel would still be under Ketish control. The natives of Bissel are not welcoming of strangers in their land as history shows nothing good has come of this. However one common factor remains The Religions of Ket and the Baklunish people have very little influence in these lands.
Velunas’ intervention during the Greyhawk wars was welcomed but many natives feel a bit concerned over Veluna’s presence in Thornwood. For the most part Veluna has played a peacekeeper role well but none see them exiting Thornwood without force. The Gran March is war hungry and is a bit perturbed by Veluna’s presence in Thornwood. Many believe if Veluna was to exit Bissel that the war between Ket and Bissel would spark again with the Gran March more than happy to support the major military force for Bissel. Natives are less put off by the Gran March as both Bissel and the Gran March share similar beliefs and many people from Bissel and the Gran March have members in the Knights of the Watch.
The Knights of the Watch have a lot of interest in the Sheldomar Valley and while they seem to be more of a neutral force the Gran March holds major influence over this group. If Bissel was forced to choose independence or Gran March rule the Knights of the Watch could waver on loyalties easily. Sterich has sent it's share of refugees into Bissel and some have joined forces with Bissel natives. Of all foreigners Sterich is the most welcome as they share many common factors of the natives of Bissel.
The Old Flan faith still has some life in Bissel and Gran March and Sterich natives often support this religious group as well. The church of Heironious has much influence in Bissel as Veluna, Gran March, Sterich, and the Knights of the Watch have ties to this church. Since Bissel is the gateway between three worlds (the Baklunish west, the Sheldomar Valley, and the rest of the Flanaess ) the church of Zilchus is also very common and as long as profit is not sacrificed would continue things the way they are or support which ever none western government stands to produce the best results for the church. Fharlanghn has many followers amongst natives and many neighboring eastern neighbors, even a few Ketish people have given lip service to the traveler. They are perhaps one of the most neutral factions but one can see if loyalties where to sway Bissel would probably win out. The Churches of Rao, Istus, and Geshtai major influence in Thornwood only. Although the later two may be openly attacked anywhere else in Bissel. One group which has gained influence is the Rhennee as river traffic is prominent in Bissel and the natives seem to ignore them while other unknown factions rely on them heavily.
That’s the campaign synopsis if you need help with playable races or cultures let me know. For those of you familiar with Greyhawk my campaign differ slightly from canon. One just an FYI I don’t use alignment for the gods perception is the rule how do people feel about the portfolios of a god. Nerull may be the god of the dead but he is also known as the winter lord so many may have more of a neutral approach to his church in Bissel while other lands may see him as the assassin of souls perception is my rule on religion. Secondly there is no subrace of Drow instead Drow are elves who where cast out for their evil deeds or non elven ideals. Lets say you’re a Grugach elf and you decide to take a human for a spouse you will be cast out and given the name of Drow, even taking one as a lover could cause such dismay. Valley Elf’s never cast out elves and many a Drow has been welcomed amongst them. Trolls are not green-skinned carrot nosed creatures. Many mistake them for Ogres with horns and they are better equipped than your typical ogre. Trolls are often called Ogre Mages especially those whom cast rune magic. Trolls do reside in the Crystalmists and raid neighboring nations they are the least predictable of the humanoid races renowned for their insane logic and their chaotic ways.
Campaign limits only one mage and or sorcerer allowed in the party, Priests are welcome no more than two in a party and western religions should be avoided to provide party cohesiveness a druid counts against the priest limit. Fighters, rangers, rouges, bards are welcome no limits. Monks should either be foreigners or you can use my Monastic Orders of the Flanaess they are also limited to one per party. Paladins are fine though depending on what role your party takes could be difficult to play one also limited to one per party. Racial limitations only one elf and one half-elf per party especially in this campaign human races cultures unlimited, Dwarves are the most prominent of the demi-human races in this area maximum of two in party. Gnomes and halflings share in the one maximum per party so one gnome and one halfling fine. This should be a human centric campaign I’ll send you a list of kits playable in the campaign later. I don’t use prestige classes however I have converted some of them into kits looking to start the campaign by September any questions pm me.
Dennis aka Argon/Aoric

Last edited by Argon on Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:52 am; edited 2 times in total
Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Jul 10, 2003
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Sat Jul 30, 2011 9:41 pm  

An update to the campaign we have a fourth player. You can create your character using a 32 point buy system found on page 169 of the 3.5 DMG. All characters will start at first level. Hit points will be determined as follows maximum hp at first level then half +1 and constitution bonus for every level thereafter.

At first level you can take a feat I created called Intensive Training it will give you four extra points to purchase ability scores. This feat can only be taken at first level. I advise against it unless you think it will serve you better.

Feel free to post here or pm me.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:46 am  

And then their were five. Ok we have 5 players looking for one more but if more want to join thats fine. So far we have a cleric and rouge confirmation. Other classes are still available. Once again feel free to post here or pm me.

Later fellow Hawkers.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:59 pm  

Ok we will be starting the game for Friday nights on irc chat. You can use mibbit go the connect to otherworlders put in your characters name and the channel is #Argonauts.

Bissel campaign is close to kick off still have openings for another player so far we have a rouge,priest, bard, and a possible ranger still openings for anyone else September 2nd will be our first game night. We should meet on the irc chat prior to the game night figure 10 pm EST start time.

Until next time fellow hawkers.
Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Jul 10, 2003
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Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:24 am  

Ok lost one player he fears a chat based campaign. We have 3-4 players right now still kicking it off on Sept 2nd. Don't be afraid to post here if your interested. Campaign is open to more players. If your interested let me know.

To the Liberation of Thornward.

Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Jul 10, 2003
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Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:06 am  

I think the Ketish have sent the assassins out on my players. Campaign has yet to start I now have two confirmed players and one I'm not sure of the status on yet. I was looking to start next week now I'm not so sure. May need more time but if we have three we can move with the current plan.

Otherwise campaign can begin when more players arrive if your interested and the time does not suit your fancy suggest a day and I'll run it by my current players. Note Sundays are out of the question for me.


Apprentice Greytalker

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Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:59 am  

CT, and I might be able be able to play in your game depending on the hours at least, though we will have to relearn 3.5 (both of us typically play Pathfinder).
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Aug 23, 2011
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Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:02 am  

Just chiming in to say I second Iressi's statement. We're willing block apart some time on our Fridays if you'd be interested in having us. Smile

I'd also like to know of your remaining characters what classes, races, and alignments they are playing... And what level we're starting at (you may have said this and I missed it or am blanking on it, if so, my apologies).


Edit: Oh, and what time the game is running. We're on Central time and we actually go to bed kinda early (for my benefit) so that may be the biggest obstacle in our joining.
Shadows and Dust; Just Another Soul.
Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Jul 10, 2003
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Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:13 pm  

Iressi and crystaltears,

I would love to have you two. Monday thru Friday EST I get home around 9:30 pm so the game would start 10pm EST. Sundays are not an option and depending on everyones schedule not sure about Saturdays.

Let me know how this works for you two.

Apprentice Greytalker

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Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:25 am  

Meant to post to this sooner, but it slipped my mind. You would be starting the game around 9PM our time. If you have the game on Fridays (which was your original intent, I believe), we could play for three hours or so. We honestly usually are getting settled for sleep before midnight, but I don't think that being awake that late would be terribly bad for my sleep schedule on a Friday.

If you prefer a longer session, I completely understand, and there will be no hard feelings on our part if that means we can't participate. Smile
Shadows and Dust; Just Another Soul.
Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Jul 10, 2003
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Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:50 am  

I figure about 3-4 hours if we average around that time frame I figure it should be good besides that I don't see the sessions running much longer than a 3-4 hour time frame. So if this works welcome aboard I'll pm you and Iressi. As far as relearning 3.5 not much different than PF from what I've seen but follow this link for the 3.5 srd.

Joined: Oct 06, 2008
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Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:22 am  

Argon as DM! OMG!

Perhaps after I get settled in.

I'll stay in touch.
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Grandmaster Greytalker

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Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:43 am  

Well MS before I started playing in the SC campaign I pretty much DM'ed non-stop for 20 years.

I wish you the best my friend hope your settled in again soon.

Apprentice Greytalker

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Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:22 am  

Argon wrote:
I figure about 3-4 hours if we average around that time frame I figure it should be good besides that I don't see the sessions running much longer than a 3-4 hour time frame. So if this works welcome aboard I'll pm you and Iressi. As far as relearning 3.5 not much different than PF from what I've seen but follow this link for the 3.5 srd.

Iressi said he's up for that (starting at 9PM our time and ending at 12AM or 1AM). I'll look forward to your PM. Smile

Edit: And I just realized you already sent the PM. Embarassed Still getting used to the layout changes, I suppose.
Shadows and Dust; Just Another Soul.

Joined: Oct 06, 2008
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Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:02 am  

Have no fear, Argon. Once I'm settled in I intend on joining the game . . . and causing as much chaos as I can.

I promise.

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Grandmaster Greytalker

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Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:33 pm  


You are always welcome just no Triton's please!
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:24 pm  

Ok the first session kicked off on the Bissel campaign. Below is a summary of what occurred.

Planting 5th, 590 CY
The game began with in the center of Thornward, a middle ground patrolled by recruits of the Knights of the Watch. Merchants are peddling their wares, in the upper left portion of the cities center are a few entertainers all of Baklunish decent. Baklunish merchants peddle their wares exclusively in this section.

One entertainer steps out from the rest he is a puppeteer, and many people mostly Baklunish have gathered to see his performance.

A commotion not to far in the distance disrupts the flow of the town center, people run ,children flee when all is said and done two guardsmen arrive at the scene.

Three lie dead two Baklunish males and one non-Baklunish male with a curled mustache.

Two young Oeridian's were watching the puppet show with a bit of a curiosity and disgust at the same time. Though they showed concern for the deaths of the three men even though two were Baklunish.

Two priests were handing out symbols of the Traveler one young and of Baklunish decent the other older and more traveled a native of the Sheldomar Valley it seems.

Well a young Baklunish man speaking a form of low Baklunish screamed that his friends were killed they were students not soldiers.

The guardsmen thought he was trying to start a riot the puppeteer, and a tall Oeridian male interjected the guardsmen informing them that thee man meant no harm he was concerned and mourning his dead friends.

The young priest quickly went to the bodies to see if he could save any of them, much to his disappointment all three were dead.

As the guards men tried to disperse the crowd which grew angry and frightened, Two Orange furred creatures adorned in metal lamellar with curve hilted blades at their waists entered the scene.

The two brutes wearing armband with the symbols of the Ketish nation demanded the bodies of the Baklunish be given to them.

Well the guardsmen infuriated by the incursion, told the creatures their nation was told to keep them out of the center of town.

As the scene seemed to intensify A short Oeridian woman who accompanied the Oeridian male readied her bladed pole arm.

The puppeteer shouted at the creatures to leave, as the guards needed to clear the crime scene, to which one of the creatures stared at him and threatened to jail the puppeteer.

More creatures advanced on the scene A larger one stared down the guards, the guardsmen drew their weapons. As the large humanoid shouted, "Give them to us or you will regret it" in a harsh tone. He disarmed both guardsmen with one swath from his brutish hand.

"You are weak give them NOW!" exclaimed the Beast. At this moment the puppeteer drew a long thin blade.

Then a lone figure adorned in black , wearing black leather armor with a symbol of tentacles on his chest and the insignia of Bisssel displayed on each shoulder interjected.

"Herhtru leave this place now, or face the Black Brigade".

Meanwhile another figure adorned in black approached the puppeteer and whispered to him "you will not need that". As the puppeteer looked around more than twenty men and women all in black lined the place.

The Large creature fiddled with the handle of his blade and replied "Tarquin this ain't over we will finished this at another time". He then barked orders for his creatures to retreat.

The Black Brigade ushered the crowd away as their leader retrieved the guardsmen weapons for them.

The young priest consoled the baklunish male who lost his friends. The young man confided in the priest that he wanted those responsible to see justice.

The young priest replied that they would, to which the puppeteer echoed the statement. The young priest sort to inquire the aid of the Blacks by approaching their leader.

The Blacks leader declined stating he would leave such things in the capable hands of the priest. The Blacks leader then yelled out, "Until the March is free" he and his brigade quickly existed the area after clearing out much of the crowd that had assembled.

The two oeridians overhearing the young baklunish mans pleas for justice, agree to aid in bringing the men to justice.

Two more guards men arrive each with a cart, one carries away the two baklunish males, the other carries away the mustached man.

Shortly after a strange fellow apparently present during the whole encounter approaches the group of four assembled by the young baklunish man.

He states he overheard some of the conversation and might be able to steer them in the right direction. The puppeteer is first to question the validity of the statement.

"You see one of the victims was a friend of mine" the strange fellow explains. He shows them a scroll case that was given to him shortly before his friend was slain. "Laris left me a message to meet up with him some where and since it is his last wish I will do so." To wish the young priest asks the stranger if he can view the message. The stranger quickly replies, "it is incoded and would be of little use to you, however if you would like my assistance then we can all move on to the Bissel sector."

The party of five apparently exchange some pleasantries, then the young baklunish man thanks them for their help and tells them where they can contact him. In a low baklunish dialect he tells them he is a student at the Velunese school of studies in the Veluna sector, he tells them to ask for Safet Abu-Fakher.

The strange man with the scroll case tells them they are off to the Bitter Breach. The party questions why the Bitter Breach? To which the stranger replies, "because that is where Laris instricted me to go and I owe him that much to follow up on it.

Ok the game pretty much broke there.

The young priest is called Ahmad, and he is a priest of Fharlanghn,

The puppeteer is called Ishaaq, and he was the most out spoken to defend Safet the baklunish student.

The short oeridian woman is Sienna, and she is a pole-arm wielding fighter.

The tall oeridian is her brother Brevel, and he is a wizard trained in the arts arcane and volunteered his and Sienna's aid in the investigation.

The strange man is a tall Flannish male named Andre, the one holding the scroll case and the only lead in this case.

The players are free to describe themselves in this thread. Here's hoping they do our next session will be on September 16th as the priest has to honor his duties to our country.

Until the March is free,

Apprentice Greytalker

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Fri Sep 16, 2011 10:41 am  

Just noticed the invitation to describe our characters and thought I'd go ahead and share a bit about Sennia.


Sennia stands five feet tall and weighs one hundred and forty-one pounds. She may be a short woman, but the meat on her bones is primarily muscle. Anyone with an eye for such things would see that she's the calluses on her hands to mark her as a person who's done labor with them.

Her skin is a deep brown, tanned from her many years of working in the fields of her family's farm. She's got a few light scrapes here and there, scars from her roughhousing as a child, but otherwise no remarkable features adorn her flesh.

She wears her rich, reddish-brown hair to her shoulders so she can pull it into a short ponytail at the nape of her neck. She finds this the most convenient way to wear it with her helmet, but she's still sometimes tempted to hack a little extra off.

Sennia has bright green eyes. They're usually rather spirited, as the warrior has an opinion to share on almost any topic. She favors practical clothing when she's not in her armor, and usually carries simple tools in her pack.


For most of the first session Sennia was pretty quiet, but I'm sure she'll liven up in time. Looking forward to tonight. Smile
Shadows and Dust; Just Another Soul.

Joined: Oct 06, 2008
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Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:02 am  

We need to talk about Sennia . . . so that you can copy my "Pathfinder" style. Wink Evil Grin
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Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Jul 10, 2003
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Sat Sep 17, 2011 11:31 pm  

Session Two kicked off Yesterday!

The puppeteer was absent (Ishaaq), so if you don't see much on him. You know why!

The 5th of Planting, CY 590

Into the Breach!

Andre leads the party into the Bissel sector. Pipe music can be heard here, children playing in the street. The children noticed the party and concerned looks crossed their faces.

Ishaaq seemed to concern the children, while Ahmad received stares of confusion. The deeper the party dwelled into the Bissel quarter , The more uncomfortable things got. Other children punch and stabe a bakluni garbed stuffed sacks. The children gave hateful stares as Ishaaq crossed their view. They started to punch their hands and slap pointed sticks as the party passed by.

At the quarters, center lies a L-shaped building with a sign that reads Bitter Breach. Grown men play the Sheldomar pipes while young lass's dance in the streets. As the party garners closer one can sense the tension in the area. Even a pause comes over the lovely musical setting. The party rushes inside the two-story building which appears to be voided of any windows on the first level.

As the party enters the building, quickly they are greeted by one of two large bouncers. Andre is let in easily, while Ahmad gets some strange stares and then a nod as he is allowed to pass, Brevel and Sienna also have no problem getting in. However, Ishaaq, is stopped at the door the bouncer states, "Your kind isn't welcomed here, surprised you made it this far now gets out"!

Andre slips a few stags into the bouncers hand and whispers, "He's with me things will be fine."

The bouncer looks over Andre and coldly states,"Why isn't he in the stables then."

Andre pauses briefly and slips the bouncer a few more stags then reply, "We would not want to keep you know who waiting would we"!

The bouncer smiles and lets Ishaaq through then says, "Make sure he isn't any problem."

Andre acknowledges the bouncer's concerns.

The inside appears much smaller than the outside this appears to be the Tavern section of the Bitter Breach. Candles and a warm fireplace are the only sources of light in here. A talented entertainer plays the sheldomar pipes a joyous rhythm reverberates through the tavern, though harsh stares follow the parties every move. A brief pause in the music changes to a slower calmer tempo, sobering the tension of Ishaaq's presence.

Andre scours the room for his contact, but only spots the entrance to what must be the kitchen. The smell of whipped potatoes and stewed lambs meat fills the air. Sienna and Ahmad seem enticed by the aroma in here.

Andre finally spots two men in black guarding a doorway. He quickly approaches. Andre speaks to the men and says, I'm here to meet you know who." The guards hold out their hands, and Andre places the coin Simon gave him at the town center. The guards look at each other then at Andre, "Ok one of the guards replies." Brevel asks, "Are we to wait here or follow you in"? Too which Andre counters, "Probably best to go in on my own, but that's up to you." At the same time, the guards usher Andre and clearly state that he is to enter alone. Andre then responds to Brevel, "I guess the decision has been made." Smiles enter the doorway and again to the party comments, "I will be fine."

One of the guards follows behind Michael while the other points the rest of the party to the southern corner of the tavern not too far from the fireplace. A table is present with sweet breads that smell so good even a Raoian priest would slap someone for a taste. Stewed meats and honey suckled ale is also available. Wenches are ready to serve them.

Ahmad is the first to succumb to the sweet breads allure, Sienna is soon to follow and Ishaaq rushes over only to be ignored by the wenches. Brevel respectfully declines an often of some food from one of the wenches. The wench smiles and gives him a wink and says, "You are sure, there are some lovely treats here." The wench spots how close Brevel is to the stocky female warrior. She saunters over in Sienna's direction.

The wench and Sienna have a lovely conversation, and Sienna is given a jelly-filled tart. The wench quickly approaches Brevel.

The wench pulls yet another jelly-filled pastry from her frock and offers a piece to Brevel. She purses her lips and softly speaks, "You must try this, made it myself." The wench pouts a bit, and Brevel nervously accepts the offer and replies, "Yes this is good." Much to Brevel's chagrin the wenches constant advances, have amused Sienna.

Ahmad and Sienna have a great conversation, speaking of how he must travel and would love for them to occupy him in his travels. He states not as hirelings but as welcome companions. Sienna conveyed the young priests well wishes and offer of friendship. Sienna, Brevel, and Ahmad have a moment remembering those lost during Ket's occupation of Bissel. Sienna is consoled by her Brother Brevel, even the flirtatious wench shares in the tender moment offering a hug to the siblings, and all three welcome the embrace.

Meanwhile, the other guard enters the doorway and locks it behind them Andre seems impressed with their security so far. Andre is led down a short hallway to a locked door on the right. The first guard opens the door the room is very dark a lone figure sits at a table to the far end of the room the other guard enters and locks the door. Andre rushes to take a seat at the table and notices a familiar face is sitting in the chair on the opposite side of the table. Its Simon and he is gagged and tied to the chair. Andre quickly realizes things are about to get ugly.

Andre spins around uses the chair to keep some distance between himself and one of the guards while drawing his short sword to engage the other guards wielded a club.

His swing stops short as the guard on the left pauses briefly to avoid the blade. The guard on the right strikes the chair while his friend on the left strikes Andre's arm damaging and causing him to lose his weapon.

Andre quickly draws a dagger and gives himself some space to throw the weapon. The guards seem poised to continue the assault. Andre's dagger flies towards the guard on the left and is deftly avoided by the guard. The guard on the right nearly trips over the chair placed between he and Andre, while the guard on the left strikes Andre's chest disabling him.

Andre falls to the floor palming a few tools while witnessing his attacker's tie him up.

Back in the Tavern a guard comes out of the doorway gains his composure, saunters over to the party eying each of them then clears him throat. The guard points at Brevel and states his friend(Andre) has requested his assistance. Sienna assumes she is to accompany them, but the guard interjects, "Just him"!

Brevel see's that Sienna is about to protest and assures her everything will be fine. Sienna struggles with the thought of not being by her brother's side. The guard forces himself between the wench Sienna and Brevel and ushers him while making a comment, "Dogu-ccommoners".

Ahmad pauses and ponders something familiar with the guard's statement.
Sienna watches as her brother willing followers the guard. The wench replies that it is odd for the Blacks to behave that way, but they have fought hard for Bisselite rights.

The guard seems eager to get Brevel inside the door quickly, and follows him inside once again locking the door behind them like he did with Andre. The guard begins to usher Brevel down the short hallway to a door on the right. He pauses for a moment.

"So that woman out there is she with you"? Brevel replies, "Why yes in a way."
"So you two are a couple the one with the pole arm right"? Brevel says, "Well yes she is my sister. Why do you ask,"?

The guard replies, "Well Its just conversation, I get bored, besides she cute and the wench seemed to like you." "Maybe we can both have some fun tonight." Brevel sternly replies to a defiant, "No."

The guard comments, "No offense, let us go inside. I'm sorry. The guard quickly opens the door and ushers Brevel inside.

Back in the Tavern, Ahmad mentions his dismay at the comment the guard made it's Ketish for East then common for commoners. Sienna is suspicious and she. Ahmad, and Ishaaq agree if they come out again for one of them. They are all going.

Ahmad and Sienna listen at the door to see if they can gather some info.

As Brevel opens the door, he sees a dark room, two figures in chairs are in the room behind a table. Brevel is struck in the back by a club from a hidden assailant. Confused Brevel raises his arms in protest thinking this to be a misunderstanding.

Brevel quickly realizes these guards are intent in harming him. He steps back and begins to mutter some arcane incantation. The guard who ushered Brevel inside swings and misjudges the reach needed to hit him, while the guard whom surprised Brevel strikes him on the right shoulder, Brevel grimaces and struggles to maintain his concentration. The room is filled with colorful lights, and the guards seem memorized by the spell's effect. Brevel lets out a weak cry for help hoping he can get the Calvary to hear him in his disabled state.

Ahmad informs Sienna he hears some cry from beyond the doorway faintly. He believes it is her brother. Sienna tries the door it is locked, she asks if Ahmad or Ishaaq could open it. Ahmad declines and clearly states he has not the skill for such things, While Ishaaq seems offended, "I am not a Smith nor a thief my lady."

Sienna lowers her shoulder and rushes the door it flies open. She yells "Brevel, I'm coming." Brevel gathers some more strength but it is fleeting and yells again. Ahmad, Ishaaq, and Sienna rush towards the far-right doorway at the end of the short hallway.

Once again, the door is locked. Sienna lowers her shoulders again this time the door bends but holds. Frantically, she continues while hearing the cries of her brother, "I'm coming Brevel." Sienna injures her shoulder trying to break down this door, she uses her Guisarme and the door splinters a piece of wood strikes one of the guards in the head, and he falls forward onto the table. Andre has cut his way through the ropes while feigning unconsciousness. Andre frees himself, and Sienna rushes to her brother's side asking for Ahmad help the priest eagerly lends his aid.

Brevel is healed and has a minor injury, while Andre is completely healed. Sienna uses the guard's belt to tie the hands of the remaining guards behind his back as well as his ankles.

Session ended there, until next week.

Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Aug 01, 2011
Posts: 97

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Wed Sep 21, 2011 12:49 pm  

Man oh man I got lucky with that combat. I was at 0 hit points in nothing flat. Really wish I had allowed my 'sister' to come along! hehe :P Was a fun game.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Sun Sep 25, 2011 7:20 pm  

Session Three took place on Friday the 23rd
Once again Ishaaq the faithful puppeteer was absent
The 5th of Planting, CY 590

Breaking the Breach!

When last we left our rag tag crew, they had just helped their friends Andre and Brevel escape the clutches of the Black Brigade.

Andre removes the bonds on Simon the Peck and makes sure his friend is fine. The Peck reveals there is at least one more of them and he knows these men are not one of the blacks.

Simon the Peck also tells the party its time, to leave he knows of a back exit. Andre tells them to go ahead he has a plan.

The party notices a mob gathering down the hallway, one of which is the bouncer. Simon discusses getting rid of the remaining impostor. Sienna lifts the man off the ground and carries him ok were ready to follow.

As Andre greets the mob the rest of the party exits out the back, and follows Simon the Peck.

Andre tells the mob that they can all get through this with the proper arrangements. The bouncer mentions "What arrangements"? "We don't take kindly to those that mess with the blacks". Many in the crowd seem angered and cry of "rush him" can be heard echoing with the growing mob. Andre pats a full pouch and tosses it down the hallway, as tons of stone and metal caltrop’s fill the hallway Andre makes his escape to join his party.

The party follows Simon the Peck which seems to know the alleys and streets like the back of his hand. Avoiding nappers and all as Simon would put it. Some time goes by as they enter a ramshackle abode.

Once inside they notice some fancy comfortable furnishings and find the place nice and cozy. Simon offers the party a drink of some absinthe green liquor that can take the edge off. Brevel wants for a drink and Sienna gives him a look, he then asks for something not too strong Sienna calms her demeanor. The young Priest sits back and welcomes a full serving of the liquor as does Sienna and Ishaaq. Andre declines and Simon drinks the strong liquor, like a baby suckles his mother’s breast milk.

Andre prepares to interrogate the captive impostor. He draws his short sword and tells the man "speak and you might be able to father children, if you don't you’re the next eunuch". Simon chimes in and says "he'll make a great eunuch".

The captive shudders "I'll speak but I can't say much, more than me will pay if I do". "Can you believe the *alls on this eunuch", Simon scowls.

Andre firmly plants the blade in between the captive’s legs. "Just tell me what I what to know". "I know you mean to harm me but all I can say is the school it has the answers" the captive exclaimed.

Ahmad, Sienna, and Brevel all look at the situation in disgust, but know its important to find out what happened.

Andre scowls, "What school"? The captive explains, "its the one in the Veluna quarter". Andre gives him the once over and takes his blade and releases the man’s bonds.

The man looks in bewilderment, "You’re letting me go free". "Yeah", Andre replies "unless you got something more to say". Simon scowls, "You should be hanging him by his bells"! "He was gonna give us the ropes for sure". The captive looks around nervously, "Where's the exit", all while swallowing hard.

Simon calms himself a bit, "well you blind fold him and steer him away from here and make sure he does not follow you back here". Andre agrees and gives the man three coins with x's on the backs, he tells the man "go south of here to the cooper Otah, tell him you’re looking for a tun of Nethys wine and give him the coins". "He will see you make it out of the city".

He blindfolds the man and Sienna and Brevel accompany Andre on escorting this man away from the safe house. Ahmad the priest and Ishaaq the puppeteer rest at the safe house with Simon.

Its night time and night patrols are out the lanterns lights flicker in the distance and it’s easy to avoid said nappers but harder to find ones bearings at night. The trio gets the captive to his destination and set him free. The former captive startled says, 'thank you, that’s it your letting me go"? To which Andre replies, "yes unless you want to tell me something more"? The man quickly says, "one who plays with strings, should be careful not to pull too tight". "That’s all I can say". "It is a saying that may help you". To that the party bids the man farewell and Andre makes sure they are not followed.

Sienna and Brevel ponder the meaning of said words, to no avail. Perhaps it is to be careful as this night has proven so far the trio agrees.

Upon their arrival back at the safe house, Ahmad is nestled under the table, Ishaaq is passed out on the floor and Simon offers the rest of the party a wanton rest.

When the party awakes some hardtack and cheese await them with a soft pink wine, though Simon is absent. Andre washes up and looks around for a change of clothing (Simon seems to have a nice supply of varying clothing and an unusual amount of women’s undergarments). Andre picks out a Velunian garb and ponders on the women's undergarments; it’s too early for that kind of guise.

Ahmad awakens then settles back down for a further rest, by noon the party has started to partake of the wine and hardtack and cheese.

Andre has taken a few symbols from a draw in Simon place. He also adds the impostors clubs to the safe house arsenal. Simon arrives back at the house, the party queries about his departure.

"Well I had to clear things up at the Breach”, Simon explains. “You went back to that place “, Sienna canted. “Yes I did, they know me there, besides I had to get a message to the blacks”, Simon replied. “Aren’t the blacks the ones who set us up”? Sienna scowled. “Those men were no blacks, trust me”! Simon continued. “I don’t know who they were, but they were not blacks”. “True those men were Ket’s”, Andre replied. “By the moons, damn Ket’s are going to pay with their lives they are” Simon chimes. The statement is echoed by Brevel and Sienna to a lesser degree. This goes on for a while with Ahmad the priest protesting the damnation of an entire race. Simon agrees to disagree with the peaceful priest and leave the subject alone for now.
Ishaaq receives a Bisselite makeover courtesy of Simon. Simon tells the party they can use this place as a base of operations as he will be leaving. Simon’s rumored death and the fact that according to rumor all three dead bodies are missing does not bode well for a walking corpse.
Ahmad recalls a few things from the crime scene and mentions that Safet Abu-Fakher is a student at the school. “Perhaps he knows something, either way I think the school is our next lead, Ahmad stated. The rest of the party agreed and will move on to the school.
This session ended on. The 6th of Planting, CY 590


Grandmaster Greytalker

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Tue Sep 27, 2011 6:38 pm  

Ok well life happens and the next game session will take place on October 14th. One player has to skip this week serving our country and I have to miss October 7th, my company has a big Blueprint for Wellness event that I have to attend so I will be home late and have to return on Saturday morning.

Emails will go out and any questions feel free to pm or email me.



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Tue Sep 27, 2011 7:04 pm  

Argon wrote:
I have to miss October 7th, my company has a big Blueprint for Wellness event that I have to attend

Any excuse works . . . I guess. Evil Grin
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Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:41 pm  

Argon wrote:
Sienna is consoled by her Brother Brevel, even the flirtatious wench shares in the tender moment offering a hug to the siblings, and all three welcome the embrace.

What? Mad

Are you playing D&D or Sim City! rolleyes


Grandmaster Greytalker

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Thu Sep 29, 2011 7:09 pm  

The wench flirted with Brevel not Sienna!

Hmmm.... See what happens when you live a Paladins life the thoughts really! Laughing


Grandmaster Greytalker

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Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:58 pm  

Well it appears the Ket's are back to assassinating my players three are out due to time of game its 10 pm EST. I work late not much I could do about it!
So once again the campaign is looking for more players. We have a Rouge and a Priest, what a combination!

Two very good players and a long time DM. As far as the campaign you can see the log here. Feel free to PM me any queries you may have. Note we had another session this Friday I shall post it later.

Apprentice Greytalker

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Fri Oct 21, 2011 7:35 pm  

When's the next session? I may have a warrior-type (still considering several backgrounds)

- Ash
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Fri Oct 21, 2011 8:07 pm  


Was planning on tying up loose ends from last session then introducing new party members after that.


Grandmaster Greytalker

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Wed Nov 09, 2011 10:27 pm  

Session four took place on October 14th

The 6th of Planting CY 590

The party begins their quest to the school in the Velunese quarter. While leaving the Bissel quarter the party spots a figure slumped over in an alley not far from them. Ahmad urges the party to investigate.
Upon further investigation tufts of orange fur and blood are present near the body. Ahmad rushes to see if he can aid the person while Andre contemplates pillaging the stiff’s remains.

To the surprise of all the the man is still alive, seeming to have passed out from wounds he suffered. Some puncture wounds to the chest and abdomen with a few scratches on his neck.

The man has miraculously stabilized and Ahmad quickly calls upon the traveler to give him the strength to heal this man’s wounds.

The man seems to recover quickly and is a bit surprised to be surrounded by the party. Ahmad aids the man to his feet and is graciously welcomed by him.

The party questions the man and finds out his name is Gonnon. The man speaks in a thick Sheldomar accent and tells them he got in a tussle with one of them high jelbi types who was sniffing around the center of town. He was quicker than any I’ve seen and stuck me a couple of times before I stuck him just as well.

Andre points at the knife he found next to the man. “Aye she is a gift from me Da”! “Always keep the blood on the blade he said”. “Guess I should have paid more attention to him”. “Would you be so kind to give her back to me”? “Without her I have been ringing the bells for sure”. Andre hands the blade to Gonnon.

“Aye sir thank you all for your help”! “If your every around these parts again feel free to look me up, I owe you all a decent meal at least”.
“We appreciate the offer Ahmad replies”. Meanwhile Andre follows the trail of fur and blood back to the town center. Ahmad, Sienna, Brevel and Ishaaq remain with Gonnon.

Andre is absent for a while and Ahmad begins to worry he decides it’s time to check on him. Gonnon tells the priest he’s ready to rest up and will meet with them later. Ahmad insists he joins them in locating Andre.
Meanwhile Andre follows a trail back to the town center with no trace of the tussle Gonnon refers too.

Eventually a panic stricken Ahmad sees Andre and he and the party meets back up. Gonnon wishes them all well and leaves. Ishaaq notices the center has been clean with no trace of the attack except some brown-orange string of fur.

Ishaaq notes he never put away his cart and Sienna and Brevel decide to assist him and meet Andre and Ahmad at the school.

The Veluna sector proves to be the most inviting place in the entire city. Followers of Rao give out bread and water to all who enter. Ahmad and Andre feel at ease here this place seems very warm and inviting. Many people great the party and those not caught up in the atmosphere of the sector truly standout.

After venturing deep into the Veluna sector Ahmad and Andre come across the school. The Velunese School of Cultural and Linguistic arts, students in white robes of many ethnicities can be seen there.

Ahmad and Andre view the inner working of the school both enamored by the amount of knowledge available within. The school has two headmasters, the headmaster of Linguistic studies Phillonius and the headmaster of Cultural studies Beylin.

The party experiences some setbacks before gaining an audience with the headmaster Phillonius.

Session ended till The March is free.


Grandmaster Greytalker

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Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:41 pm  

Ok long awaited session update!

October 21st

CY 590, 6th of Planting

The party gets their meeting with Phillonius. Andre sees the various tomes on languages of Oerth. Literary maps of linguistic development in the Flannaess, and scrolls with unknown scriptures’ filled the office. Behind the head master were three long copper tubes which extended the length of the back wall and disappeared into the ceiling.
Ahmad was poised to question the head master, whom at first seemed lost on knowledge of their arrival. A long conversation took place on who might be behind the trouble in Thornward. Some talk about the nature of naming took place and Andre was on his haunches during the whole conversation.
Ahmad and Andre came to a discussion they would visit some of the caravan guilds in the city if anyone knew of the comings and goings in the city that could be a place to start. They will meet with Phillonius and Safet Abu-Fakher later back at the school.
When Ahmad and Andre leave the school some students are in awe and one of the student guards asks Andre if he will speak for her. Andre seems a bit confused by her query. She wants Andre to speak on her behalf so she can be chosen by Phillonius as one of his assistants. Phillonius only chooses one student per year and she really wants to be under his direct tutelage. Andre promises to put in a good word for her. Andre asks her name so he may do so and she replies, my name is Rhea Allward. Andre gets a hug and returns a smile to the young lass as he and Ahmad exit the school.
When the party exits the school they notice many students gathered handing out full pig bladders, looking to bring those to justice who killed two students that attended the school. Seconds after leaving the school, a calming presence returns to the Veluna quarter.
Andre keeps a careful eye out for tails or watchers, while Ahmad walks proudly leading the way to the market at the city’s center.
The serene setting of the Veluna quarter escapes once you leave it to enter the center of town, where the attacks begun. Ahmad and Andre agree they need to reunite with their companions. Andre feels whoever is behind this might get the idea they are more manageable if they remain as a group of two.
A crowd has gathered around the area where Ishaaq had previously setup his cart for his puppet shows. As Andre and Ahmad streamline in that direction, hushed whispers flow through the crowd, as an eerily unease fills the scene. Andre mutters to himself “This is not good”.
The party makes it through the crowd; they see a student wearing white robes kneeling over an object on the ground. A puppet with a knife in its heart and blood smearing its chest mimicking the blood present on the robes of the student. Ketish guardsmen approach the student slowly, this time no hobgoblins are present. One of the ketish sergeants orders his men to take the student into custody. Andre calls out “By what authority do you take this student”? Andre and Ahmad move towards the student and are barred from seeing or attending to him by the guardsmen. They recognize him as Safet Abu-Fakher. Andre ponders “Should he not be in class”? Ahmad frantically screams “Let me through”, “I can heal him”!
The student is taken into the ketish quarter with none of the town’s guardsmen objecting to this behavior. Andre looks at the guardsmen and orders them to stop the ketish guards. Ahmad runs to get in front of the guards, yelling, “By whose authority do you take this man and deny him aid”? One of the guards blocks Ahmads advance, then asserts his authority. “Calm Down” we think he killed the puppeteer, now stop your aggression or you’ll be locked away as well”, the guard replied. Andre interjects, “You Think”? “Take him into custody yourselves then”. Ahmad pleads, “Why not allow me to heal him, so that you can truly find out before he bleeds to death”? “The guard replies, “Damn Fool Its Not His Blood”, besides we can’t he was seen leaving the Ketish quarter, he’s their prisoner”.
Andre looks to the ketish guards and in baklunish he states, “Halt, by the doctrine of the four feet of the dragon, I would hear your claim on this man”! The town guards shove back Andre and Ahmad and state vehemently, “THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING PRIEST”! Ahmad stares into the man’s eyes coldly, and then steps away.
Most of the crowd looks at Ahmad much like they viewed the macabre of the scene. Whispers fill the crowd again as fingers are pointed in the priest’s direction. Ahmad looks at Safet Abu-Fakher, from a distance and states, “We will come to you defense my friend, your headmaster will hear of what has transpired here today”. One of the guards disappointingly exclaims, “Damn it priest, things are bad enough stop your squawking, can’t you see your making the crowd uneasy. Meanwhile Andre closely views the student to make sure he’s who he looks like and not some elaborate disguise. Ahmad after a short pause replies to the guard, “If you guards would do your job and keep the peace, then people would have no reason to feel uneasy”. Ahmad continues his rant somberly, “Murder should not happen here, especially in broad daylight, and then you would claim a student is behind the murder”. Infuriated the guard states coldly, “That’s it leave or be arrested priest, walk away NOW! Ahmad somberly steps aside and says, “The people deserve unity and peace in this of all towns…you Guardsmen should hold that in your thoughts always. Ahmad then turns and walks a short distance away, trying to take deep breaths to calm him, pondering of a way to fix things in Thornward.
After inspecting the student and the feel of the crowd, Andre moves to Ahmad’s side and whispers, “Brother, our father –priest is expecting us, we must go now”. Ahmad sighs heavily and nods, “Then lets us go”. Andre leads them through a short route north at the border of the Ket and Veluna quarters. Once again as he rushes Andre softly speaks to Ahmad, “You were attracting too much attention, and it was not the beneficial kind”. “You are right …I apologize… These events are hard for me to handle… so much death”, Ahmad replies. No sooner than the words leave Ahmad lips, the party notices a shift in the crowd leading towards them. Andre places a hand on Ahmad shoulder, “I know but we will get through this”. Andre glances around as they move, “Okay we need to get off the streets, I know a place, just be ready to move when our distraction happens”, Andre exclaims. Ahmad responds with a calm demeanor, “I will be ready”!
The party notices at least several figures push their way through the crowd, one boldly shouts, “Hey you two, what do you know”! Andre quickly makes for a wagon full with barrels. Ahmad does his best to keep pace with Andre. Another individual from the pursuing party shouts, “Stop right there we know your kind”. Andre swipes at the latch on the back of the wagon, and the gate falls open but none of the barrels move. Andre smacks himself on his forehead noticing the wedge in place to prevent the barrels from falling; he jumps up and kicks out the wedge sending the barrels onto the street below. The rolling barrels cause a fuss and a much needed distraction. Andre grabs Ahmad by the arm and runs as quickly as their legs will take them. The group tries to follow but the barrels keep them at bay for now.
Andre leads Ahmad through alleys making twists and turns over low roof tops until they enter the Ketish quarter, then they slow to a normal brisk pace. This quarter is well maintained by many guards even the Hoch Jebline seem civil but diligent. Andre leads Ahmad to a warehouse in the ketish quarter.
Andre circles the place first before leading them through one of the less apparent entrances. Ahmad raises a flurried brow as he tries to collect himself. Andre whispers, “We should be safe here for a while”. “Good, let us think on our next move going forward”, then Ahmad sighs and shakes his head.
The party comes upon a simple stall with some fine locks. Few are present except the usual guards of this place. “Ah my wagon”, Andre relents, smiles and nods to the guards shaking their hands and slipping a gold piece into each of their palms. Ahmad lumbers in concert with Andre, fatigue catching up on him. Ahmad inquires, “I’m guessing you know this place”? Andre gins, “What gave you that impression”? Then Andre proceeds to the back of his wagon, straightens the crooked hinge on the door, unlocks it, the wrong way, then opens it for Ahmad. “Here, welcome to my abode”, chimes Andre. “Ah, well, thank you”, Ahmad smiles weakly then enters, taking a look around.
The interior of the wagon is very similar to any tradesman's personal wagon; half sales room half living quarters. The number of clothes might infer the wagon belongs to a cloth dealer. "Want something to eat or drink?" Andre asks as he closes the door and takes a seat. Ahmad sits in the nearest chair. "I'm not sure I could eat right now... I could use a good stiff drink, if you've got one, though." Andre gets a goat-hide wineskin and pours the good priest a snifter of Kron Hills Gnomish brandy. Ahmad accepts the drink and downs a good portion of it, “Thank you, friend”. Now that’s some good stuff, a strong fungi presence but stiff nonetheless, Andre claims. “Aye, I can certainly taste it, Ahmad confirms. “Now then, we can wait here but we should check on our comrades, I think we’ve seen enough to say our puppeteer friend is no more”, stated Andre. Ahmad replies, “Aye…he made a good companion for the short time we knew him”, and then he takes another drink in memory of Ishaaq. "Also, we can't be us when we go looking, those men will be looking for two people matching our description, and the fact that there was no sign of Brevel or Sienna at the crime scene does not bode well”, Andre proclaims.
Ahmad belches loudly, “Aye…excuse me, we should think about where we can find them”! “Perhaps we can speak to the guards at the Iron Helm guild, it is not far from the main road into Thornward”, Andre replies. Ahmad inquires, “True… but how can we disguise ourselves”? Then he states, “Well I guess, I can probably change out of my robes”. “Yes, and I might be able to force a move out of our opponents by disguising myself as one of our fellow missing comrades, Andre replies. Ahmad clamors, "We can hope to scare them without pushing them into action, yes... hm... But where do we go from here, to the caravan guild, right"? Andre nods, then continues, “If we push them into reacting, rather than a planned course of action, we might gain an advantage… wait a moment, oh partake of the clothing to change your outfit, I’m sure you’ll find something in your size out here”, Andre explains. As Andre heads into the wagons only other compartment, Ahmad responds, “Alright…thank you”, and then he rummages through the clothing. Ahmad changes into some new clothing and tucks his old clothes neatly into his backpack.
Andre spends a good bit of time in his little cubbyhole but finally emerges hopefully looking like Sienna, "So how do I look"? Ahmad looks at Andre wide-eyed. "Uh... well, I guess if the enemy guards are drunk, you may look like her." Andre chuckles "Alright this is just version one..." goes back to do a better job hopefully. “Andre, let's see what you look like this time", Ahmad chimes. Andre comes out this time with some major adjustments. “Wow, if I didn’t know it was you, I’d think you were Sienna for sure”, Ahmad clamors. (Andre is now disguised as Sienna )
Andre(Sienna) nods, “Now I’ll add the halberd I have in my hidden deck and we can go around asking about Brevel”. “Hmm… the only thing you really seem to be missing is the armor, but that probably won’t hurt the disguise much”, Ahmad explains. “I hope I don’t actually have to try and use this thing, if I can swing it without taking out half the people behind me… and armor I’m no good in so I’ll have to make concessions there”, Andre (Sienna)replies. Ahmad chimes in, “Aye, do I look like anyone but a priest now”? "Now the goal is to throw off those looking for you and Andre and rattle those that took or captured the others. We can check the caravan guard guild hall in this quarter." He looks at Ahmad's choice of clothes and nods "certainly not a priest now", Andre proclaims. Ahmad queries, “Very good…shall we continue on our way, then”? “Yes that works for me”, Andre (Sienna) replies.

After a short walk not too far away from the warehouse the two wayward men um… and women, come across a bustling area and see a sign for the Iron helm caravan guild hall.

Ok folks session ended there and a new player joins the fold for our next session!

Till the March is free!



Last edited by Argon on Fri Aug 03, 2012 9:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Jul 10, 2003
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Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:59 am  

Next Session

CY 590 , 7th of Planting

When last we left Andre and Ahmad or is it Sienna? Left Andres wagon and went in search of a Guild of Guardsman on the road headed east to the gates leading towards the bramble wood. Leaning against the wall a tall stocky man with a soldiers bearing, his pale suloise skin, blonde hair, trimmed mustache and goatee, adorned in a mail shirt and equipped with a war sword. He looks over the contents of a leather purse and grimaces.
Andre (Sienna) Strolls confidently down the main road to the Bramble wood gate, looking for signs of the guildhall. Sienna gets some odd stares from many a passerby and Ahmad notices a line of wagons next to a building the sign above reads in ketish, Demir Alabanda “aka” The Iron Helm. Ahmad glances over to 'Sienna' as they approach the guildhall, "Sienna, How is your voice today”? Should I do all the talking”? The mention of Sienna’s name gets a stir out of the tall pale-skinned stranger with the grimacing expression.
“Sienna”, the pale-skinned stranger quips, “is that you”? Noticing the halberd slung over her back, he smiles. “Sienna”, he calls warmly, “it’s me, Valimar”! A well-dressed baklunish male exits the guildhall and begins to shout at the pale stranger, “get the horses over there and bring them to me now”! “Yes sir”, the pale stranger replies. While (Andre) Sienna turns at the call of her name and waves, but stops short of talking as a bossy baklunish male calls for the pale strangers services. Valimar is befuddled by the man’s order, then queries, “excuse me sir, did you mean me”? “As I have just received my last payment from the guild… but if there’s work to be had…”?
Sienna (Andre) badinages, “I think my voice recovered from my cold, Ahmad”, rendering a pitch and tone imperceptible from Sienna’s own. “Ah, very good, why don’t you lead the way”? “I’m a bit out of my depth when it comes to talking with guards”, Ahmad cracks!
“Yes you easterners are so lazy don’t work for nothing, taking excessive breaks and attacking good solid ketish guards, so WORK”, the baklunish man yammers at Valimar. “Certainly sir, which horses are yours”, Valimar cajoles? Sienna (Andre) strides towards the entrance, looking at Valimar from behind the baklunish man’s back, she cackles, “we’ll talk later”. Looking a bit disconcerted Valimar nods assent to his old friend without further ado. I am not a horse you good for nothing pale skinned easterner, we should of left you to the sakaci peri, muzip peri, cin, the baklunish man blusters. “See here now- I don’t work for you and I’m through being helpful, if you mean to insult me”, Valimar proclaims, while placing his hand on his pommel. Ahmad stops mid-stride and looks at the baklunish male in disgust. “What was that about hobgoblins”, Ahmad remarks? “Tembel bisselite gerektiğini burada düşük doğurmak hisse senedi yerine”, the baklunish male spits, then storms off back into the guildhall. Ahmad shakes his head and laughs a bit. “Ah, well then…that’s a nice thought, isn’t it”, Ahmad comments.
Many more caravans come through the main gate in this sector, and stop by the guildhall. Guards leave and continue- with some of the carts and wagons- in the city. Some wagons drop off guards returning from recent missions, the ambiance is quite loud and busy.
A certain silence is felt as Valimar feels a sharp pain in his left shoulder, as he looks a blackened arrow protrudes from it. Ahmad blinks for a moment as a speeding arrow cuts the right side of his face and leave’s a nasty scare as it nicks him. Sienna is struck in her left thigh with a black arrow-while people scatter some pointing to the rooftops.
Valimar mutters in disbelief, "What the...” Sienna (Andre) uses the halberd to keep her from falling, from the wound-then looks to the rooftops for the snipers. Valimar looks for cover, and head’s for a doorway trying to get a glimpse of the snipers. Ahmad curses and hurries over to Sienna (Andre), "Damn, come on, we need to get under cover"! He then attempts to help her get out of the line of fire, between a wagon and the guildhall. Valimar is blinded by the sun, and cannot determine where the snipers are. Sienna (Andre)is aided by Ahmad. That arrow, damn near tore my leg off", Sienna (Andre) whispers to Ahmad. "Get to cover Sienna", Valimar exclaims –while looking disoriented. Ahmad drags Sienna (Andre) under a wagon with him and ensures that they are both under cover; Sienna offers no resistance to the priest’s assistance. “They got your face too”, Sienna (Andre)exclaims. “If you can get this arrow out of me quickly enough –I can get to the roof tops and see if I can catch any of our attackers”, Sienna (Andre) explains.
A bell can be heard chiming in the distance as many people scramble for cover. Some raise shields, blankets heck even sacks to gain cover from the hail of arrows. Ahmad safely under cover, places his hands on either side of Sienna’s leg wound, applying pressure. "Pull it out and I'll heal you", Ahmad explains. Sienna (Andre) takes a deep breath and yanks out the arrow, all while letting out a whimper as the arrow is freed. "Fharlanghn, hear my plea, heal, my friend's wound so we may continue our travels", Ahmad chants –as the divine energies surge through his hands and seal Sienna’s wound. “I'm not going to see midsummer", Valimar affirms-as another volley fills the scene. The thud of arrows replaces the normal bustle of this street. An arrow glances past Valimar as a resounding thud rings in his ear, the door behind him taking the shot. Ahmad hears an arrow thud above him, the cart taking the arrow meant for his skull. Sienna feels her life begin to slip away as an arrow has pierced her right arm, pinning her to the pavement. Sienna (Andre) looks at his arm pinned to the ground. "The fortune teller was right, I'm going to die dressed as a woman”, Andre mutters."Damn it, quit getting shot", Ahmad curses- while snapping the arrow pinning- Andre's arm to the ground. “It’s an Ambush”, Valimar proclaims-clearing the cobwebs from his mind. Ahmad and Valimar notice three figures on the rooftops- wearing black masks and, one appears to be wrestling with an orange furred creature.
"I think we have struck a nerve coming here", Sienna (Andre) comments- while looking to Ahmad. "Get under the cart and out of sight so I can heal you, they're on the roofs", Ahmad retorts."Joramy's hissy fits, what the heck is going on", Valimar exclaims? Sienna (Andre) cringes under the wagon hoping not to attract any more arrows. Valimar finds a nook between two buildings which obscures his view of the figures on the rooftops. "They're aiming for you, you know... I think we're getting our reaction”! “They certainly aren't happy to see Sienna out here”.” Now then, I'm going to heal you again... don't get shot", Ahmad explains to Sienna. Then Ahmad places his hands on either side of Sienna’s arm wound and begins to chant once again. "Yes Papa", Sienna (Andre) banters. As Ahmad channels the travelers’ energies- he notices the other two figures place a few arrows -into the furred creature leaving it, and one of their own on the roof tops. "What the hell is going on”, Ahmad snaps? “We've got another one of those orange-haired creatures up there fighting with what appears to be blackguard archers... maybe they aren't working together after all", Ahmad flabbergasts.
Many Furred creatures enter the scene with shields held high and moving those capable into the various buildings nearby. "We're going to need to catch at least one alive to see what is going on", Sienna (Andre) explains. 'Sienna (Andre) pulls out her short bow and takes aim, looking for one of the dark figures on the rooftops. To Sienna’s (Andre) surmise, she no longer sees anyone on the rooftops. "I need to get a shield and a bow it seems... towns just aren't safe anymore”, Valimar gibes. Ahmad stands up, brushes himself off and looks around, ignoring the pain in his cheek. Valimar rushes towards the guildhall and is encouraged to do so by the hobgoblin forces here- Ahmad follows suit slowly. "Cmon Sienna... we'd better get indoors before they take more shots at us lowly ground dwellers", Ahmad chaffs.
A great shadow covers Ahmad, a large furred beast hovers over him ushering him into one of the buildings. Sienna (Andre) adjusts her clothing as she follows Ahmad. Ahmad nods in compliance of the hochjeblins request-and walks toward the guildhall. Sienna (Andre) manages to collect three arrows, before she too is ushered into a nearby building. One of the larger hobgoblins fills his chest and yells out guttural orders to his men, "Abluka! Kimse bırakır veya buraya yakın sınırları bu keskin nişancılar bulduğumuz daha çok hayır travelr göndermek kelime girer"! Sienna (Andre) looks to Ahmad "What did he say"?"They're closing the quarter down- until they find the snipers", Ahmad explains. Sienna (Andre) shakes her head."We need to find one of… you could offer to try to heal the one on the roof you know”, Sienna (Andre) quips. "Good idea..." Ahmad replies.
Ahmad walks up to one of the guards and pulls out his holy symbol. "I can heal that one you took down if he's not already dead... It might help you find out who did this", Ahmad negotiates. The guards appear baffled! "You know... the one on the roof", Ahmad explains. Once again the guards seem befuddled by the priest’s words. Meanwhile Sienna (Andre) trails behind Ahmad hands folded behind her back. The guards look at each other then quip, “Go inside we have this under control”! "If you are sure... but it would help quite a lot if you had one of the snipers alive and able to answer your questions... but, if you really don't see the value in that, I will go." Ahmad pleads-then shrugs and walks to the guildhall. "We may still be able to get some information from the people inside... let's also think on what we've seen here... there may be details that we aren't connecting", Ahmad whispers to Sienna (Andre). Sienna (Andre) nods in agreement, and enters the guildhall with Ahmad. Valimar has headed to the roof of the guild hall and is granted a pass by the guildhall guards. Inside the guildhall many merchants and passerby are crammed together, while guards are stationed here protecting the entrance and making sure everyone inside stays inside. Sienna (Andre), looks over the people who have been herded in here- watching for reactions when they see her inside. Ahmad glances around at the people inside, watching for danger. A moment passes when the adrenaline starts to wear off and Ahmad can feel his cheek start to hurt. He then reaches his hand up to feel the cut."You need to tend to your own wounds now", Sienna (Andre) scowls."I'm fine... it only hurts a little... as long as I keep it clean, it'll heal nicely", Ahmad replies. Valimar with his weapon drawn carefully examines the scene on the rooftops. A large furred creature lays atop a black-garbed man on the roof of the guildhall. Valimar takes the snipers blackened bow and arrows, and then notices the hochjeblin seems to be breathing. "Little help up here, hobgob down", Valimar shouts while looking from the roofs entrance. Ahmad and Sienna notice Valimar calling to them, from another floor. "We may as well go see what's going on", Ahmad remarks, and then he looks for the nearest staircase heading up. Sienna (Andre) looks up and nudges Ahmad "Injured". She then makes her way in that direction.
Valimar slowly makes his way from the roof to the second floor, while dragging a severely wounded hobgoblin soldier. "One of the snipers is up there too", Valimar exclaims. Ahmad and Sienna meet Valimar on the second level he appears to have carried the hobgoblin from the roof."Where is the sniper", Ahmad queries. Sienna (Andre) racks her memory for the man's name; she heard it earlier, "Valimar, always in the thick of things", she blandishes. "On the roof, our boy here took care of him", Valimar explains, referring to the hochjeblin he just carried. "Is he still alive, we need to question him if possible", Ahmad quips. “He didn't look to be- but you may get lucky- and remember keep low- in case there are still snipers about", Valimar replies. "Sennia, go see what you can do- I need to tend to this creature's wounds right now" Ahmad instructs a disguised Andre. Sienna (Andre) nods "I'll check on the sniper", she replies, and then makes her way towards the guards defending the entrance to the roof. Ahmad unfurls a kit with needles and string as well as bandages and ointments, and readies then for a task. Valimar pulls some strips from his tunic and stuffs then onto the bleeding wound on his shoulder. Ahmad safely removes multiple arrows and notices the hobgoblin has a belly wound that he is able to stitch stabilizing the creature.
Sienna is barred from entering the roof; she frowns and curtsies, then scowls. “Fine don’t let me up, I was sent by the sergeant, to investigate the scene-now we can let him get mad or we can let me do my work and get a drink later”, Sienna banters. Ahmad having stabilized the creature makes his way to Sienna whom seems to be flirting with the guards. Ahmad grins and continues towards the roof entrance-coming up on the guards and Sienna.”He has been stabilized but needs to be watched over, now if you let us up we can continue our work here”, Ahmad converses. “Oh where so sorry please go right ahead be careful they gutted that creature there, the guards reply. Sienna nods all officially and examines the scene looking for the sniper. Valimar cocks his head looking at Sienna, “Pleased to meet you again", Valimar chimes. The guards allow Ahmad access to the roof as well. Meanwhile, Valimar tests the pull on the shortbow and then unstrings it and puts on the quiver with arrows.

That was the end of the session tired pc’s and all .



Joined: Sep 07, 2011
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Sat Feb 04, 2012 6:47 pm  

Hozzzah and Cheers to a long overdue update!!!
I must admit Argon, its nearly the same anticipation as waiting for the next Harry Potter book to come out!!!
can't wait for the next installment. Happy
Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Jul 10, 2003
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Sun Feb 05, 2012 2:21 pm  


Thanks though unlike my campaign right now the potter books have supposedly come to an end. As you can see each post is quite lengthly so it takes time though I'll let this soak for a while before the next post working on a few projects and like to see things get completed.

Don't fret more to come as their are sessions I have as of yet to post. Though Andre in drag as Sienna is hard to beat. Laughing


Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Jul 10, 2003
Posts: 1234
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Sun Apr 22, 2012 4:16 pm  

Unfortunately the campaign has folded. Lack of player availability and the time the game runs tends to be the reason for this outcome. I wish everyone luck in finding a long sustainable game.


Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Jul 10, 2003
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Fri Aug 03, 2012 9:42 pm  

Lost sessions. Not really I was editing and making them story worthy. So most of this post was edited and the final part is the main chat page. Figured I would post these see what every one thinks.

Next session
Many of the guards begin to question some of the people present other people are cleaned off the street some wounded none appear to have died. A few Hoch Jelbi have made their way towards the party. Ahmad glances down at the dead sniper. "Damned bastard didn't even see fit to live long enough to answer any questions", Ahmad curses. "Are your people ok, I see this guy is in rough shape", Valimar barbs. Ahmad glances around at the newcomers, with an inquisitive look on his face. Sienna (Andre) crouched near the dead assassin checking to see if he might be alive. Hoch Jelbi look over the group a few shout out some commands. One of the hoch jelbi quips, “You will all come with us”. "Sure", Valimar replies, and then follows the hoch jelbi’s lead. Ahmad glances down at Sennia. "What do you think, should we go with them", Ahmad reserves? Sienna (Andre) bow’s her head and mimics Ahmad, saying a prayer over the body to buy her more time in looting the body. Ahmad chants , the rights of passage and stands closer to the body, nods, and then stares off into the horizon.Two of the Hoch Jelbi stay behind to watch the roof. Sienna (Andre) finishes with her mock prayer and rises. Sienna (Andre) rises looking at the guards. "Now then what is all this questioning about", Sienna quips? “Come we no talk hear, the Hoch Jelbi, replies! "Maybe we should see what is going on they are an official party, after all- are they not", Ahmad comments while glancing down. "Very well", Sienna (Andre) quips! The party complies and is escorted back outside. Many people are stuffed into wagons while the party is lead by foot away from the area. Valimar tries to get a feel for the hoch jelbi disposition.
Not long after leaving the ambush site the party comes upon a well adorned building with all the regalia of Ket, well armored guards line the upper stairways as the party is escorted, through a doorway at the bottom of the building. Ahmad takes in all the sights, enjoying the architecture-before entering the doorway. Sienna (Andre) looks for all plausible ways out, in case things get out of hand. As the party enters the lower section of the building-the absence of the more elaborate ornamentation is evident. This seems to be where many Hoch Jelbi guards are present some give the party strange stares-while others puff out their chests and look down upon them. The party is lead to another door, which looks like an office- a strange writing unlike anything you they have seen is etched on the door. “Probably what these wogs use as language, Valimar murmurs. The hoch jelbi stand on their heels and seem even more assertive here, one knocks on the door while another rants off " Имаме луѓето ве замолам за Mol'Tur" Valimar uses the time to staunch his bleeding from the arrow wound in his left shoulder. A voice echos from behind the door,"Испрати нив и ја затвори вратата"! "My flipping cloak is never going to be the same if this blood sets in", Valimar grumbles. “Let me take a look at that”, Ahmad quips! “Looks like some idiot made a wound worse by yanking the arrow out” Valimar professes. Ahmad manages to patch up the wound and stop the bleeding. “Thank you priest it feels much better now, Valimar remarks.
The door is then opened by one of the guards who escorted the party here. The party is ushered inside the room and the door is closed behind them. A Large hoch jelbi is sitting behind a desk with exactly three chairs placed in front of him. The party members each take a seat. "How can we help you", Valimar queries? “СЕДИ”, the hoch jelbi clamors! The party stares blankly. "СЕДИ", the hoch jelbi clamors again! Sienna (Andre)smiles "Bless you, would you like a handkerchief"? "I don't speak goblin, or whatever it is you're saying", Valimar confesses. "Oh thought you may speak my language, I know the trades tongue if you prefer", the hoch jelbi retorts- in a harsh tone! "I speak baklunish, but not sure these folks do common may be preferable", Valimar utters. "Common will do", Sienna (Andre) confirms."How can we help you", Valimar inquires? "You have", the hoch jelbi replies-then shows you a recently bandaged wound. "Ah, they got you too-your men did most of the work - can't say we didn't try to do our part", Valimar admits. "What were you doing out in the thick of things", Ahmad inquires. "Hah, men no, hob yes", the hoch jelbi replies.”I stand corrected”, Valimar counters. "You know who those men where", the hoch jelbi inquires? "We haven't a clue - tried to get one, but your hoch sent him to the grave first-I wanted to know who to thank for the hole in my shoulder", Valimar remarks! "You don't remember me", the hoch jelbi queries. Sienna (Andre)smiles and shakes her head adding nothing to the conversation thus far. Valimar furrows his brow –and ponders who this hoch jelbi is? "I believe you were the one I bandaged up- other than that, I am not quite sure", Ahmad reflects? "Ahh, right - you're the one that killed the assassin on the roof", Valimar concludes. "Why heal me", the hoch jelbi inquires? "You seemed to be on the same side as us-why wouldn't I heal you", Ahmad queries? Valimar seems interested in Ahmad’s query."All we wish to do is find out what is going on here-people are being murdered and disappearing-there seems to be no reasoning for it", Ahmad asserts. Valimar raises his eyebrows at the phrase disappearing.
"You all feel this way", the hoch jelbi qualms. Sienna (Andre) nods "Indeed we do"."Why certainly, can't have people murdering the population", Valimar confers. The hoch jelbi looks at Sienna intently. "Then why you hide in front of me and them", the hoch jelbi indicts? Sienna (Andre) cocks an eyebrow, "I'm not sure what you mean"? "You mean taking cover from arrows", Valimar quips? "You not a women", "now are you", the hoch jelbi retorts? "No, maybe we should switch to baklunish, I'm not sure your words are correct in common", Valimar remarks. “My words are correct”, the hoch jelbi retorts. “Do you mean to call us cowards”, Valimar snaps. Sienna (Andre) smirks and replies in a masculine voice, "You’ve a good eye on you". Sienna (Andre) removes a wig and some make up, her face appears more masculine as well. "No I am not, this is one of our missing comrades- and I was hoping showing her face might trigger a response from her captors”, Andre discloses. Valimar’s mouth drops, as he is shocked by Siennas’ true identity."Hextor's armpits, who are you”, Valimar flabbergasts? Andre smiles at Valimar, "Sorry about the deception but couldn't really trust you at the time- the name is Andre". "I trained eyes good, nose better", the hoch jelbi discloses. "Well Andre, your left boob is crooked - and here I thought Sienna was just augmenting herself", Valimar barbs. Andre chuckles ,"I'll have to make a note about that". Andre frowns at Valimar, "It is not, her left boob is crooked- I was being accurate", he banters. “Here I thought the good hoch jebli was calling us cowards", Valimar explains.
"Ok, so how can a mercenary, a learned man, and a cross-dresser help you", Valimar banters? "I am a smuggler, with a skill for impersonation if you, please", Andre chaffs. Valimar shrugs shaking his head in disbelief, “pleased to meet you both but, you will have to fill me in on why you've dressed as my old acquaintance", he replies. "For your information, I am not particularly learned, though I plan to be if I have the chance", Ahmad said with a grin."You are a man, I hope", Valimar retorts? "Three Halfings and a Pixie", Ahmad said while nodding his head in confirmation. "Because if you are a woman, you're a better disguise artist than Andre here", Valimar jests. "He is as are you", the hoch jelbi replies to Valimars retort. Ahmad begins to laugh amused by the absurdity of this conversation. "OK, surely you didn't drag us over here just to make me a laughing stock for falling for Andre the she-man, here", Valimar inquires. There is a brief pause before Valimar continues."Because, seriously, I have better things to do, so if that's it", Valimar rants. Andre chuckles "Imagine your surprise if you got me into the sack", he grins then looks to the hobgoblin. "The one dead on the roof had a tattoo of a green eye on his arm", Andre explains. "Yes we all need help now", the hoch jelbi replies. "What's this about a green eye", Valimar queries? Andre nods, "I saw it when I examined his remains."The all seeing eye of the Waster", the hoch jelbi explains. "The Waster", Andre queries? "Hmmm” I think it may be a symbol of the Black Rider", Valimar proclaims. "Nerull", Andre replies, as his eyes widen. "The disease bearer", Valimar counters. "No it is Sevelkar the Waster, lord of famine, disease, droughts, dreams, and nightmares", the hoch jelbi clarifies! Andre winces, "Incabulos…"! "Yeah", Valimar sighs before making a sign to ward off evil.
"I can help but first I need to know are you ready to do something else for me", the hoch jelbi inquires? "I'm certain we can come to an arrangement that will agree with everyone involved", Andre cajoles. "That would depend a great deal on what it is, I am currently looking for work, so I'm all ears", Valimar probes? "Sure so we all agree", the hoch jelbi queries? "Depending on what it is..." Andre replies apprehensively? "Can't say yet need your word, and you will have mine", the hoch jelbi asserts. The hoch jelbi reaches under his desk, and pulls out four cups fashioned from some type of horn, and a large gourd with a stopper in it. “All right, I'm in for a copper helm", Valimar replies. Andre nods as well, "I'm in too". "What of you priest", the hoch jelbi asks Ahmad again. Valimar looks over Ahmad, apparently looking for something."Might as well", Ahmad sighs.
"Well drink this it will help for now", the hoch jelbi affirms. The hobgoblin pours a thick black liquid that has the consistency of syrup, into each of the cups and drinks from one of them. “I pray this god awful drink is not some hobgoblin fermented liquor, Valimar murmur’s before drinking the concoction. Ahmad picks up a cup and sniffs it gently, trying to discern what the liquid might be made of, then shrugs and swallows the contents. "Hope this warms the bones a bit", Andre quips before taking a swig. The liquid is so strong it makes absinthe taste likes mothers breast milk. Valimar coughs as the liquid makes its course."Real smooth", Valimar gasps. Ahmad shudders heavily and wheezes. "It will help fight the infection we all have", the hoch jelbi confers, before looking to Valimar. "You will want to leave the arrows and bow plus anything else you found on the body it's all infected", the hoch jelbi explains. Ahmad raises his eyebrows in surprise, "Infected”? “What infection” were those men attempting to spread a plague", Ahmad inquires feverishly. "Easy come, easy go", Valimar sighs. Then drops his bow , and quiver to the ground, and removes his cloak, and tosses it over the lot. "They are known as the Deliverer's of the Waste", the hoch jelbi affirms.

23:55 Ahmad"Hm... so how do we plan to fight them and stop their spreading of the plague?"
23:56 Valimar"And what do they want?"
23:56 DM_Hoch Jelbi "They were hired, they are assassins"!
23:57 DM_Hoch Jelbi "They are from Tusmit and do not work on their own".
23:57 DM_Hoch Jelbi "Think about what often happens to those so sick they cannot be cured".
23:58 Valimar"they die"
23:58 Ahmad"The bodies will be burned... but they spread the disease as well."
23:59 DM_ Hoch Jelbi "Leapers, beggars, the dredges of human society".
23:59 DM_ Hoch Jelbi "People don't want to see them and never question when they are gone"
00:01 DM_ Hoch Jelbi "No one checks and it is expected for them to die".
00:01 Valimar’s (head swims with the harsh liquor and this disturbing information).
00:02 Ahmad"Hm.. Aye, but what can we do about it? Eventually, people will begin to disappear that will be noticed."
00:02 DM_ Hoch Jelbi "My kind often cast out the sick as well"
00:03DM_ Hoch Jelbi "But I have more information for you first share what you have for me".
00:03 Valimar "So who works with them? I thought it was just some rabble-rousers.
00:04 Valimar"I just got back to the city. Maybe these gents know more"
Ahmad "Honestly, we do not have much... We have noticed a few disappearances and some of what appear to be targeted murders... We have noticed men who appear to be dressed as the blackguard masquerading around, but they are probably those men we saw before... the waste bearers."
00:06 Andre “ Well I suppose these must be added to the pile throws a map and a strange punching dagger into Valimar’s pile.
00:08 Ahmad "Hm..."
00:09 DM_ Hoch Jelbi "Hmmmm" the Hoch Jelbi takes out a parchment and an ink well then copies what he sees from the map.
00:11 Ahmad "So... What is the next step?"
00:11 DM_ Hoch Jelbi "This has eye symbol and looks like river in Veluna quarter".
00:12 Valimar "Oh?” “ My family's from their"
00:12 (Npc’d) Andre "Looks like they are either based there or looking to move something".
00:13 Ahmad "Hm.. Well, the first murder I am aware of was a student at a school there."
00:13 Ahmad "Maybe he stumbled upon something he shouldn't have?"
00:15 DM_ Hoch Jelbi "School students I thought most of those student part of brotherhood".
00:16 Valimar struggles to remember and draws a blank (failed knowledge local check).
00:16 Ahmad "Brotherhood? Which brotherhood would that be?"
00:16 Valimar "smoothe... wow"
00:17 Valimar feels a bit drunk
00:17 DM_ Hoch Jelbi "Baklunish Brotherhood".
00:18 Valimar "Brotherhood of Thieves?"
00:19 Ahmad "Well, that I do not know, but I can go see the headmaster about this if you think that would be a good idea."
00:19 Valimar "Good idea"
00:20 DM_ Hoch Jelbi "You are really not from here".,
00:20 Ahmad "I certainly am not... I follow the Traveller."
00:21 DM_ Hoch Jelbi "Baklunish Brotherhood they seek to unite all baklunish people".
00:21 Ahmad "Why not seek to unite all people?"
00:21 Valimar "Ahh, right right... long day" (he ponders and fails another local history check) draws another blank. (Starts scratching his hand itching to confront something he can hit and see combat holds many truths).
00:32 Ahmad "Yeah, they don't really have any religious affiliations or anything like that."(Makes his skill check they are not religiously motivated. though many baklunish gods are revered through the brother hood. They first united to prevent baklunish natives from being prosecuted by non-baklunish locals).
00:32 DM_ Hoch Jelbi "Many factions in this city everyone chooses a side whether they know it or not".
00:34 Ahmad "The people need to band together, not band against one another... this city could do so much good if only the people would work together."
00:35 DM_ Hoch Jelbi "Now I have something else for you but tell no one where you get this or we will be at odds".
00:35 Valimar nods "OK"
00:35 Ahmad "You have my word."
00:36 (Npc’d) Andre nods
00:36 DM_ Hoch Jelbi "I believe your companions are being held in town"!
00:37 Ahmad "By whom?"
00:38 DM_ Hoch Jelbi "Well this is dangerous part, by a noblehouse of Ket".
00:38 Valimar "By the... which?"
00:40 DM_ Hoch Jelbi "The house of Shahzad".
00:41 Valimar shakes his head. (Failed another local history check ooc he said he sucked).
00:41 Ahmad "Do you know why?"
00:42 Valimar "No"
00:42 DM_ Hoch Jelbi "It is a minor house but still left in charge in Bissel".
00:42 Valimar "My wits are not with me today, perhaps the wound has caused too much blood loss"
00:45 Ahmad "Hm... Well this situation is certainly a sticky one... So we have the disease spreading cult to deal with, and they may be setting up in the Veluna quarter... and these... Shahzad have kidnapped our friends."
00:46 DM_ Hoch Jelbi "Worse still I think the Shazad hired the Wasters".
00:47 Valimar "I don't get it. Why?"
00:50 DM_ Hoch Jelbi "Shaista Shazad one of the founders of the Baklunish Brotherhood"!
00:51 Valimar "Hrm"
00:51 Valimar "Well, not sure what the likes of us can do, But we can certainly try"
00:51 DM_ Hoch Jelbi "I think something more is a foot".
00:51 Ahmad "So they are trying to.. what, kill everyone else through disease and chaos?"
00:53 DM_ Hoch Jelbi "Besides your friends most of the murders or disappearances, are people who are in the brotherhood.
00:54 Ahmad "That makes no sense... If Shahzad hired the assassins, why are they killing her people?"
00:55 DM_Argon "Maybe because the Brotherhood does not serve Ket and Shazad does".
00:59 Valimar "hrm, maybe we should try to free them
00:59 DM_ Hoch Jelbi "Well enough talk for now, go pray to your gods and rest were you can when I find out more you'll know".
01:00 Valimar "yes, a wise course"
01:01 Valimar (ooc especially since I'm ready to pass out - in game and in life)
01:02 DM_ Hoch Jelbi "Well if things go the way I expect, we will all have enough fight on our hands".
01:03 Valimar "I'll wager that's true!"
01:03 Ahmad "I certainly hope not... at least not soon... I must rest to regain my healing abilities... and sleep off this... drink."


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