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New to the Forms, a great lover of Living GreyHawk
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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Sep 06, 2011
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From: Roanoke, VA

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Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:03 pm  
New to the Forms, a great lover of Living GreyHawk

I am happy to find a group where my opinions seem to be welcome. I have posted at other sights but the new players just seem to be obsessed with power gaming. All characters are min maxed for combat and have very little in role-playing substance.

I started playing with 2nd shortly after it came out in middle school. I played with various groups, finally settling down with a great group in high school. I took a 2nd edition paladin from 1st to 19th level over the course of about 5 years. I started playing 3rd edition in 2001 and 3.5 about 2005 or so. I fell in love with Greyhawk with living greyhawk adventuring in Geoff and some in Koeland and Gran March. I was a herald level DM and part time event organizer’s assistant; often reporting to David Doughty (he ran Ottercon if any of you made it to that con).
The final year of Greyhawk I wrote and submitted an APL 2 to 10 adventure called “A Little Problem” that was written as a throwback to the early second and third year mods. It included story info about Grand Duke Lluth (Grand Duke Owen’s father). I worked with Jose Ortiz mostly, the other Triad members approved the mod to be included in the next year’s adventure lineup with virtually no changes; It would have been GEO9-02 “A Little Problem” by Adam Thomas and Crystal Rose “Kitty” Piper. Unfortunately, a few weeks later WoTC announced the end of GreyHawk and my mod sits unseen, played only by my playtesters.

I currently reside in Roanoke, VA with my lovely fiancée Crystal Piper better known as “Kitty.” In Living GreyHawk she played Kirsa Uraru a female human warrior in the army of liberation. I played the flamboyant Bard/Marshall Arram the Likeable (with a +24 to diplomacy and bluff at 6th level you would like him too) hero of Clearsky Camp, champion of the Hornwood elves, ally to the lizardfolk, and apparently a member of the Ashe Wood Avengers (however that happened). I also played the angry and mysterious monk with no name; people just called him “the flan.” He later joined Calisse’s chosen after he participated in the events of the song of three summonings. In reward for his service to her, Calisse presented him with land for a temple to train her chosen in hand to hand combat. More importantly she at last presented him with the true name his parents and former slave masters denied him, “Llulth of Calisse’s Chosen” named after Owen’s father.

I was crushed by LFR and the restrictive nature of 4th ed. Role-playing also seemed to take a backseat in LFR as my quirky characters stopped getting complements and started getting complaints that I was not mix maxed for battle. Since that time I have drifted from group to group. I also play Spycraft, Star Wars Saga Ed., Serenity/Firefly, Rifts, BattleTech, and Witchcraft role playing and tabletop systems.

I have authored a very in-depth campaign world I call Cosmodon, and have written adventures for Living Serenity/Firefly, to complement my almost 20 years of playing and game mastering experience.

Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Aug 01, 2011
Posts: 97

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Wed Sep 07, 2011 5:15 am  

Welcome to the boards! We are happy to have you :) I hope you enjoy your stay.

I'm running a Greyhawk game for my girlfriend (crystaltears) currently so its cool to see that there is another couple that played in Greyhawk together.

Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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From: LG Dyvers

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Wed Sep 07, 2011 5:39 am  

It's wonderful to have you join us, shield2099! Glad you found us here at Canonfire! Happy

I've got a couple of great suggestions for your unpublished Living Greyhawk adventure: submit it to Canonfire as an article or submit it to the Oerth Journal. Either way, I guarantee it will be enjoyed by untold billions across the galaxy (really, alien beings are secretly logged into our internet in order to keep track of our goings-on and to tap our collective creative genius as a species. Razz ).

If you haven't already, check out the Articles others have posted here over the years. The link is at the top of the page.

Again, welcome! Please stay and contribute. Smile

Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Aug 23, 2011
Posts: 79
From: Texas

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Wed Sep 07, 2011 6:06 am  

Just stopping by to say welcome. I look forward to your contributions here and hope you enjoy your stay, Adam. Smile
Shadows and Dust; Just Another Soul.

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Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:22 am  

Hail and well met, Shield2099!

We're glad that you found us here at Canonfire! We are all looking forward to your contributions and participation on the site. Your views and opinions are very much welcome here, as are those of all others.

As has been suggested, you are more than welcome to submit your adventure module to us here at Canonfire! where we will indeed share it with all our members -- though I cannot vouchsafe the purported innumerable alien participants that Sir Xaris mentioned. But we do have thousands of terrestrial visitors to our site.

So again, welcome aboard and don't be a stranger. We are making some changes to the site at present and so our 'submit' function is temporarily 'off line,' but will soon be back. When that happens, send in that module for us.

Looking forward to seeing what you've got.
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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Apr 07, 2011
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Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:35 am  

Hey Shield.. Always good to see somebody newer than myself Laughing I think we can all appreciate more people with LG experience that's for sure. This really is a good group here, extremely friendly and always willing to lend a hand, some of the best people I've met on the interwebs. Its funny about your other forum experience. I've had alot of similar experiences on some of the OSR boards. It seems that all they want to do is prove how much more 'Old School' they are than you are. I've never felt that way here. These guys are great, no matter what you play or how you play it.
-My kingdom for a Shield Lands map!
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Sep 06, 2011
Posts: 32
From: Roanoke, VA

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Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:31 pm  

Mystic-Scholar wrote:
Hail and well met, Shield2099!

We're glad that you found us here at Canonfire! We are all looking forward to your contributions and participation on the site. Your views and opinions are very much welcome here, as are those of all others.

As has been suggested, you are more than welcome to submit your adventure module to us here at Canonfire! where we will indeed share it with all our members -- though I cannot vouchsafe the purported innumerable alien participants that Sir Xaris mentioned. But we do have thousands of terrestrial visitors to our site.

So again, welcome aboard and don't be a stranger. We are making some changes to the site at present and so our 'submit' function is temporarily 'off line,' but will soon be back. When that happens, send in that module for us.

Looking forward to seeing what you've got.

I have the mod in its final draft state (version 0.0) as a 2003 MS Word file. I had a printed copy of the approved GEO9-02 including the changes the Triad made, mostly in formats and the dates. But I can't' find it. I think the original draft was set in year 8 and they moved it to year 9. I never had a copy of the PDF that the triad made. The word document is not in the standard format of an LG Mod. Mainly it is not in double columns down the page. It is missing the RPGA play rules at the beginning (you know the explanation of APLs, voting systems, animal rules, loaning equipment, etc.). Also there is no AR.

The proposed treasure was to be favors and appropriate magical items, or access to potions and scrolls cast at higher level than minimum (depending on your choices in the mod). In LG purchased scrolls for example would be at the minimum level of the spell. For example, all purchased scrolls of Magic Missile were at caster level one. The reward would be the ability to purchase a scroll of magic missile at caster level 12.

Here is the flavor text from the title page:
A small town all but forgotten in war. A plea for help, and a desperate choice to make. Adventurers must decide who lives and who dies, all while saving the lives of the innocent townsfolk. What consequences will their choices bring? A Living Greyhawk Geoff Regional Adventure for Characters Level 2-8.

Let me know if anyone wants to play this.

Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Jul 10, 2003
Posts: 1234
From: New Jersey

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Fri Sep 09, 2011 9:30 am  


I don't remember marvel putting out that comic. Laughing

Welcome to the boards trust me we would love to see your adventure posted as an article here or as Sir Xaris puts it for the Oerth Journal. If you want to submit it to the Oerth Journal you can make your request via email to

We have a dedicated staff who is putting the finishing touches on OJ 26 and can always use more content for issue 27.

Heck, we can call it casualties of Living Greyhawk adventures.

If you get the chance stop by on one of our chats which can be reached via the shiny link in the features section. Thursdays are the main event but you can find people there anytime during the week.

Hope to see more of you on the boards!



Joined: Oct 06, 2008
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Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:31 am  

There he goes again! Trying to steal my authors!


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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Sep 06, 2011
Posts: 32
From: Roanoke, VA

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Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:44 pm  

Hey guys I’d love to get this adventure into the hands of people would want to play it. All I want is to keep my “by” line so I get what small credit I am due.

If you are impressed enough by my work I’m happy to contribute adventures or articles in the future. Most of my experience is with D&D 3.5 but I have played going back to AD&D first edition and of course the train wreck that is 4th ed. I also write and play the games I listed in my intro. Star Wars Saga ed., Battletech, Spycraft, Serenity/Firefly, and a few others.

If anyone wants an adventure or article written by me, just let me know. I can’t promise you a delivery date but should be in a timely manner. I’ll write for anyone who will have me as long as I get published and keep my “By” line.

Ultimately I’d love to start writing adventures and stuff and get paid. Then again I guess that is every game master’s dream.

Drop me a PM if you want me to write for you.


Joined: Oct 06, 2008
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Fri Sep 09, 2011 6:01 pm  

Shield, anything you publish here remains your Intellectual Property (IP) and always will. You'll keep your by-line and ownership. That's the way it works here.

That information is usually found with our 'Submit Article' link and will be back up soon. Then you can read it for yourself.

So get to writing!

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Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Jul 10, 2003
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From: New Jersey

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Fri Sep 09, 2011 6:29 pm  


MS was just joking like he said we both have submitted articles here and they remain your IP. He is an admin so he was joking about me taking an author. We encourage everyone here to submit their fan created work.

In fact you can read one of mine, All Dried Out part 1 and All Dried Out part 2. It is an adventure I submitted for the postfest here not to long ago.

So if you want some of your creations to see the light of day and receive feedback on it you can submit it here. If you wish to keep them to yourself that is fine as well.

You me and everyone else are encouraged to write anything hawk here.

So welcome to the board's and sorry for the misunderstanding!

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