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Happy Labor Day: Your Career
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Joined: Sep 09, 2009
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Mon Sep 03, 2012 3:30 pm  
Happy Labor Day: Your Career

Greetings All,

Stemming off DarkHerald's popular, growing thread, I thought I'd tailgate with this one in honor of today's national holiday.

1) Re-introduce yourself (first name) and your Avatar pseudonym.

2) What jobs have you held in your past? Mention your favorite (and why), as well as your least favorite (and why).

3) What is your job/career? Feel free to add some of the normal duties of your profession just in case some of us don't have a clue, as well as anything else you'd like to share with us.

4) If you were a character class, what would it be and why? I know this could be hard, given all the choices...

I'm hoping to get numerous responses, so we can familiarize ourselves with our Canonfire! colleagues and get to know each other a little more. What people do can often be quite enlightening as to who they are (for the record, the intention of this thread is NOT to denigrate anyone based on what they do, or hold one job above another).


Joined: Sep 09, 2009
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Mon Sep 03, 2012 3:50 pm  

I'll go first.

1) Jason AKA "Lanthorn"

2) I've held numerous very different jobs before landing my current, long-term profession.
For starters, I worked in food service during my undergraduate years on campus: food prep, cook, cashier, and supervisor for a pizzeria and dining hall; then later on, I was a caterer (yes, complete with bowtie and white shirt).

Also worked as a filing clerk in my dad's office (he's a physician) amid an office full of older gals. That was eye-opening. Wink Guys, sometimes women are just as crass (but funny) as men. Cool

I did two internships after college, the first in Yellowstone National Park in the Lamar Valley on an ecology project collecting data on coyote packs to see how the recent wolf reintroduction affected them; secondly, worked in southern Arkansas at a wildlife refuge for unwanted and abused animals like tigers, bears, cougars, lions, etc.!

Thereafter, got a job in Montana working for the Humane Society as an animal control officer. Wow, was that different...caught your cats and dogs, for sure, but also bats, porcupines, a goose, darted two raccoons, released one pissed off badger... Shocked

I'm sure there are more, but those are the ones that come to mind right now. By far the worst HAS to be food service. Hated it. You smell like food and oil or grease, get treated like a slave by management, work at a feverish pace, and sometimes the public can be real &^*(^& !!! Evil As for the rest, not sure what my favorite was, b/c they all had their ups and downs. For now, my favorite one is what I am doing right now...

3) I am a high school science teacher, going on my 12th year, starting this very week! Cool I've taught Freshman science (mix of earth and physical science, astronomy, and basic chemistry), biology (Pre-AP too), zoology, and human anatomy/physiology. The last two are, by far, my favorite classes to teach. Although I detest the politics and bureaucracy of public education (I'll stop by diatribe there), I thoroughly enjoy the magic that occurs in the classroom and love to see students become passionate about science (well, some of them). The kids keep me young, and it is great to see adolescents develop into young adults (most of them). I am honored whenever former students keep in touch, whether by visiting or emailing; VERY gratifying.

4) I'd probably make a decent wizard. I'm not very athletic, but am a scholar at heart with an insatiable curiosity about the natural world. Barring a wizard, if I found a faith that appealed to me (there are a few contenders), a cleric would be next...


Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Nov 07, 2004
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Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:20 pm  

1) Scott AKA smillan_31

2) Most of my jobs have been in libraries and IT support. I started out working libraries as a student in college and apparently did a really good job because they hired me right after graduation, when I needed work. Working in libraries I've done pretty much everything, from being a lowly shelver and copy center monkey to working the reference desk, designing websites, and fixing computers. Besides that I've done your average set of odd jobs -- some food service (very little, thankfully), delivery, landscaping, working in a fish hook factory (that one was interesting). My favorite job is probably the one I currently have, although I really loved some things about delivering papers -- working pretty much on your own in the very early morning, getting lots of exercise and fresh air, seeing lots of interesting wildlife. It was also probably the worst job I ever had because it pays almost nothing and by the end of it I was working part time at a library and delivering papers in the very early morning. By the time my paper delivery contract was up I was hallucinating from lack of sleep and was just a general wreck.

3) Now I work in circulation at a public library, which is the part of the library concerned with getting books and materials in the hands of you, the library user. But then, given my background I often help out with other stuff too. I'm a library jack-of-all-trades! If the perfect opportunity came up I'd like to move into reference work or supervising. I'm just not there yet, and despite all the stupid crap I have to deal with every day I do really love what I do. There's nothing cooler than seeing kids who are experiencing the wonders of reading, and being a part of that.

4) Character class - ranger probably. I was pretty decent with a bow when I used to shoot one. I love the outdoors -- hiking, climbing, snowshoeing. My dirty secret as an outdoorsman - I hate camping because I hate being uncomfortable when I'm trying to sleep, although sometimes it's the price I have to pay to do all the cool stuff I like to do. But then when you've been hiking, climbing, snowshoeing all day, you usually don't have any trouble sleeping. So I guess I could be a ranger who has to check into a comfortable inn every once in awhile Happy

Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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From: LG Dyvers

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Tue Sep 04, 2012 7:30 am  
Re: Happy Labor Day: Your Career

Okay, then, I'm Skip. My avatar pseudonym is my first and highest level character.

I began working full-time in the summer before I entered 8th grade. It was a hard job clearing brush, painting, etc. for a campsite, but I was an athlete and had grown up bailing hay on my grandparents' farm, so I was in good shape. Over the years, I held several jobs mowing, park maintenance, and as a busboy, before college. I really enjoyed working in the outdoors.

I withdrew from Law School when I realized that such a path to riches wasn't compatible with my ethics. I also hated spending 11 hours a day, 6 days a week at school, either in class or studying. Though I loved the academic environment, I just needed time to do other things. I worked for a law firm for a couple of years as a document clerk before I decided that I wanted to work with kids. I spent 8 years working for adjudicated youth facilities - four as a Cousenlor and four as a Teacher after earning my Teaching Certification part-time in grad-school. I spend three more years teaching at public schools.

But, I wanted to work for myself, so in May 2005 I incorporated my own business flipping houses. The market was beautiful and I got a $100,000 loan to begin on nothing but my good looks and credit score. Cool I purchased my first house that summer and the market crashed that fall. I stayed in it for two years, but couldn't sell enough to stay afloat and eventually had to close the business. I accepted a position as an Admissions Counselor at a private university for three years and have been substitute teaching for the last two.

Of all those, my favorite was owning my own business, being my own boss, feeling like I was working for my own benefit rather than making someone else rich. My least favorite was having a desk job at the law firm (though court was interesting Razz ).

Now, being a substitute teacher gives me time to pursue what I really enjoy: writing and editing RPG adventures. I began by volunteering to edit a couple of fan works right here on Canonfire! I also wrote a lengthy adventure soon to be published in the Canonfire Chronicles. I did this because it was fun and because I hoped to build up some references to break into the industry. Imagine my surprise when I was offered a chance to do exactly that before my adventure was even published! Shocked I met the CEO and VP of Total Party Kill Games at Gamicon in Cedar Falls, Iowa and they were so impressed with my rough draft that they invited me to join the crew. I know I sound like I'm bragging, and I am, but I am absolutely jumping for joy at being able to collaborate with these guys, some of whom were professionally published authors for Paizo before joining TPKGames.

As for character class, I new when I was in High School that I was a Jack-of-All-Trades, Master-of-None. I loved the outdoors as a kid and Boy Scout, love typing, reading, and writing, love singing (though I gave up on the piano and trumpet when I was young), and enjoy doing a wide variety of things. I couldn't continue with Law School because it prevented me from doing anything else. I just couldn't handle that. Obviously, I most closely relate my real-life self to a Bard.


Joined: Sep 09, 2009
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Tue Sep 04, 2012 4:40 pm  
Re: Happy Labor Day: Your Career

SirXaris wrote:

I withdrew from Law School when I realized that such a path to riches wasn't compatible with my ethics...and four as a Teacher after earning my Teaching Certification part-time in grad-school. I spend three more years teaching at public schools.

I have a colleague who did pretty much the same thing. He hated his job, especially how it made him feel 'slimy' since he was selling out his personal ethics for a paycheck, and then gave it up to be a social studies teacher. Good for you, Skip! We need more people like you in this world. The Archpaladin is pleased...

The market was beautiful and I got a $100,000 loan to begin on nothing but my good looks and credit score. Cool

It's that van dyke of yours... Wink

I know I sound like I'm bragging, and I am, but I am absolutely jumping for joy... SirXaris

It's not bragging to announce your pride in your work, especially if you can back it up. Congratulations on your successes. You definitely deserve it. Happy

By the way, I am sure that Heironeous accepts bards as worshippers. Cool

Hoping to read more!


Joined: Sep 09, 2009
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Tue Sep 04, 2012 4:48 pm  

smillan_31 wrote:
Most of my jobs have been in libraries and IT support. I started out working libraries as a student in college and apparently did a really good job because they hired me right after graduation, when I needed work. Working in libraries I've done pretty much everything, from being a lowly shelver and copy center monkey to working the reference desk, designing websites, and fixing computers.

Sounds like a wizard to me. Happy

Now I work in circulation at a public library, which is the part of the library concerned with getting books and materials in the hands of you, the library user.

Methinks you want Jawal's job in the library within the Guild of Wizards. Wink Does he know this??? Shocked

My dirty secret as an outdoorsman - I hate camping because I hate being uncomfortable when I'm trying to sleep, although sometimes it's the price I have to pay to do all the cool stuff I like to do. But then when you've been hiking, climbing, snowshoeing all day, you usually don't have any trouble sleeping. So I guess I could be a ranger who has to check into a comfortable inn every once in awhile Happy

DUDE! I sooooo get this!!!! My wife laughs at me for telling her that I do not like camping, but like 'cabining.' Warm shower, good bed, a small kitchen to cook my meals...that's all me, baby!


Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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From: LG Dyvers

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Tue Sep 04, 2012 6:18 pm  

Lanthorn wrote:
smillan_31 wrote:
My dirty secret as an outdoorsman - I hate camping because I hate being uncomfortable when I'm trying to sleep, although sometimes it's the price I have to pay to do all the cool stuff I like to do. But then when you've been hiking, climbing, snowshoeing all day, you usually don't have any trouble sleeping. So I guess I could be a ranger who has to check into a comfortable inn every once in awhile Happy

DUDE! I sooooo get this!!!! My wife laughs at me for telling her that I do not like camping, but like 'cabining.' Warm shower, good bed, a small kitchen to cook my meals...that's all me, baby!


Way to rough...ish it, fellas. Razz
Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Nov 07, 2004
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Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:02 pm  

Man, I am so not a wizard, despite my scholarly bent and library work.

Lanthorn wrote:
smillan_31 wrote:
My dirty secret as an outdoorsman - I hate camping because I hate being uncomfortable when I'm trying to sleep, although sometimes it's the price I have to pay to do all the cool stuff I like to do. But then when you've been hiking, climbing, snowshoeing all day, you usually don't have any trouble sleeping. So I guess I could be a ranger who has to check into a comfortable inn every once in awhile Happy

DUDE! I sooooo get this!!!! My wife laughs at me for telling her that I do not like camping, but like 'cabining.' Warm shower, good bed, a small kitchen to cook my meals...that's all me, baby!

I can't even get my wife to go cabining. Actually, not true, one year we tried to get a cabin at the Oregon coast, but you know how quickly those things get booked up. Okay though, I'm not that much of a wimp. I've slept in the snow in March at Mt. Rainier and spent the night sleeping in a bivy sack on some rocks beside the Easton Glacier on Mt. Baker before getting up at midnight to summit it. BUT, when there's water coming up through the floor of my ten year old Coleman tent and the racoons are circling outside I do not hesitate to call it quits and head for a motel. Laughing

Joined: Sep 09, 2009
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Wed Sep 05, 2012 2:30 pm  

Man, I am so not a wizard, despite my scholarly bent and library work.

I suppose rangers can be scholarly and literate. Happy

I look forward to reading more from the rest of you, too!

Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Nov 28, 2010
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Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:47 pm  

Always fashionably late to the party... Laughing

1) Shane/illustr8or

2) My last job as Art Director of an educational printing company was my least favorite because of the soul-crushing boss and the really horrible clients whom, I fear, couldn't have possibly passed 6th grade. My favorite was working for a web design/web application company during the era. It was creative, fun, satisfying and the money was coming out of my ears.

3) My current job is being a total slacker. This isn't entirely true. My last job and I came to a mutual understanding that I wasn't going to stick around while I watched it fizzle and die. Today, I have been using my art school degree to make illustrations and I'm currently building designs and products to assist teachers which keep kids focused and in school. The art degree comes in handy for my players with fancy hand outs and maps :)

4) Definitely a wizard or bard. I'm too creative to be anything else. Unfortunately, that does lead me to day dreaming a lot.
Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Nov 07, 2004
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From: Mt. Smolderac

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Wed Sep 05, 2012 6:31 pm  

Okay, so does anyone on CF! not, in some way, work with kids? Laughing

Joined: Sep 09, 2009
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Wed Sep 05, 2012 6:55 pm  

smillan_31 wrote:
Okay, so does anyone on CF! not, in some way, work with kids? Laughing

I believe even the All-Mighty Purple Lightning dabbles in educating today's youth! Happy Perhaps he is scuplting them to become future Administrators and Moderators. Wink

What can we say, guys? Great minds think alike!!! Cool

-Lanthorn, Science Mentor of the Youth

Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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From: LG Dyvers

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Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:26 pm  

smillan_31 wrote:
Okay, so does anyone on CF! not, in some way, work with kids? Laughing

Creative minds enjoy teaching. Cool

Adept Greytalker

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Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:06 am  

smillan_31 wrote:
Okay, so does anyone on CF! not, in some way, work with kids? Laughing

Once I win the paper war against the Barovian, errh, Bavarian government,
I will hopefully become a teacher in Munich next year. Smile
"A Minstrel's Memory": PBPs & Other Games, since 2005.

Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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From: LG Dyvers

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Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:07 am  

Le Noir Faineant wrote:
Once I win the paper war against the Barovian, errh, Bavarian government, ...

Nice! Laughing


Joined: Sep 07, 2011
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Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:28 pm  

From Out of the Shadows I return....

1) George - The Dark Lord Galen

2) Humm, seems we all have had a tenure in food services! Happy I worked at a harbor yacht club manning the buffet bar.
The closest thing to child enrichment I have would have to be limited to a baseball coach and as a scoutmaster. I progressively lost interest in baseball when "winning" was the prime motivator of the parents in leau of education of fundamentals to players. Anyone that has lived in Texas knows that sports are a religion all there own here. As a scoutmaster I enjoyed working with little people and the outdoors. From that progressed into scouting at the regional scouting level.
I have been a competition shooter, an army FO (forward Observer), a land surveyor, civil engineer, and managed subcontracts for various fortune five-hundred companies.
Funny thing is my worst job was / is my best inspiration. During the summers as a "hairling" I worked evenings at the yacht club, but when first employed there I had the less than eventful job of barnacle remover. Rain or shine it involves shoveling wet sand and LOTS of scrapping of boat bottoms. Even to this day when doing something I loathe, I reflect back on that job and its funny how ones attitude can decide that it was not "as bad as that" and motivate you...haha

3) I currently manage project controls (monitor schedules and cost of various companies performing maintenance and upgrade work) for several clients in the manufacturing, petrochem, and refining industries. I suppose my current one is my favorite, because it is ever-changing and challenging. Every place I travel to has its own unique-ness and through this I have developed a twisted hobby. Evil Grin
The negative is, at times, there is elongated travel, and I find the older I get the more home-bound I enjoy being.rolleyes

4) Was difficult to respond to this.... I in my heart would say Paladin. I have always swam against the current if I felt what I was defending was right and just. I never shy away from a challenge nor do I tolerate rude behavior from others. I take others at there word, until they prove themselves unworthy of such trust.
But in reality, I am probably best suited for a Bard, not so much for the entertaining talents ( could not carry a tune in a bucket), but more so for the hunger they have to know all about everything, never having met a stranger, at "home" alone or in a crowd... and being jack-o-all-trades. Happy
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