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Recovery after Unconsciousness
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Adept Greytalker

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Thu Jan 17, 2013 4:43 am  
Recovery after Unconsciousness

I've started transitioning to 1st edition rules (partly because I fell in love with the 1st edition DMG I just got hold off) with a smattering of 2nd edition.

One rule that seems incredibly harsh is the one that states a character, after falling to 0hp or less needs 1 week of rest before they can do anything other than pretty much anything. ONE WEEK! It makes sense realisticly and I like that element but from a gameplay perspective it's a bit of a nightmare.

At least one player is falling to 0 or less hp per encounter and at the moment I've been lenient and imposed a 24 hours of rest penalty but even that is really disrupting the flow of the game.

Do any of you implement this rule and if so how do you and your players find it?
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:02 pm  
Re: Recovery after Unconsciousness

Wolfling wrote:
I've started transitioning to 1st edition rules (partly because I fell in love with the 1st edition DMG I just got hold off) with a smattering of 2nd edition.

One rule that seems incredibly harsh is the one that states a character, after falling to 0hp or less needs 1 week of rest before they can do anything other than pretty much anything. ONE WEEK! It makes sense realisticly and I like that element but from a gameplay perspective it's a bit of a nightmare.

At least one player is falling to 0 or less hp per encounter and at the moment I've been lenient and imposed a 24 hours of rest penalty but even that is really disrupting the flow of the game.

Do any of you implement this rule and if so how do you and your players find it?

-Back when I did AD&D2, I allowed a healing (say, a CLW spell) to delete 1 day per hit point.

Otherwise, I say they're getting off easy. Next time, don't get to 0 hit points. Lesson learned. Wink Laughing

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Thu Jan 17, 2013 4:55 pm  

I will give you "Lanthorn points" for hybridizing 1e and 2e. Use them as you will. Happy

I have used a rule that for every hit point below 0 requires one full day of rest.

Additionally, if you have access to the Complete Book of Necromancer's you will note there is a spell in there, 3rd lvl in power, called "Death's Door" that will allow a recipient dropped below zero hp to have that nasty side effect negated entirely. Otherwise, regular healing spells don't negate the side effects you noted earlier, unless it is something like a mega-powerful Heal, WELL beyond the ken of your (N)PCs.

If you want specifics on that spell, let me know.

I kinda gotta agree with jamesdglick on to be the player. This is why I like to allow PCs TWO characters.

Master Greytalker

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Thu Jan 17, 2013 5:21 pm  

I guess I counter with this argument: Remember that negative hit points are an optional rule. How does 0 hp = DEAD affect game play? If your players find that returning to the default rule speeds up the game, then more power to them. Razz
Adept Greytalker

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Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:31 am  

Thanks for the feedback guys.

Lanthorn - I'd definitely appreciate the details of that spell please!

*I* know they're getting it easy but at the end of the day whilst I want the game to be challenging I also want the players to enjoy it and that is the primary function of the game. Personally I feel the challenges and 'harsh' rules add to the sense of achievement.

I don't plan on letting them get away with an easy ride but I think it is important to let the players feel that they at least have the option to lessen the problem through research, time and money.

I thought about allowing the use of stimulants to temporarily get the players back on their feet but with steep penalties when the effects of the drugs wear off and a chance of addiction.

I like your idea of 1 day of rest per negative point Lanthorn and I think DMPrata that it would be a very good idea to remind them of the fact the negative hp rule is optional hehe.

I read a great set of optional combat rules for a different system once that suggested using hp more like endurance - as they reduce it reflects minor scrapes and the exhaustion of the PC, only critical did real damage from a vicious wound. After combat by briefly resting the pCs can regain the non-critical hp damage and strike on. Obviously there is more to it than that but that's the gist.

What I like about that system is that it creates a good cinematic flow. It does sound cushy for the players though!
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:20 am  

Wolfling wrote:
...What I like about that system is that it creates a good cinematic flow. It does sound cushy for the players though!

-In the days before the AD&D1 DMG, you had a situation where everyone was either up and running at full capacity, or dead. There wasn't anyway to simulate the guy who was alive, but badly wounded, and couldn't move unless you used the Blackmoor supplement (and that didn't really cover 0 or lower, IIRC).


Wolfling wrote:
...I read a great set of optional combat rules for a different system once that suggested using hp more like endurance - as they reduce it reflects minor scrapes and the exhaustion of the PC, only critical did real damage from a vicious wound...

-That's been the understanding as long as I can remember. All hit points above those at 1st level (and even a few from 1st level) are were mostly skill (turning an otherwise bad or deadly wound into cuts, bruises, and sprains) and maybe a little mystical protection. All that still puts physical and psychological wear and tear on you.

Wolfling wrote:
... After combat by briefly resting the pCs can regain the non-critical hp damage and strike on. Obviously there is more to it than that but that's the gist...


1) Even cuts, bruises, and sprains take more than a few minutes to heal;

2) The psychological impact of all those close scrapes also take their toll. That's part of why we have combat fatigue, PTSD, etc. So I have no problem with a high level character (PC or NPC) having to take weeks or even months to get back to full hit points if they don't have skilled healers or magical healing to spur the process.

Again, the character (PC or otherwise) is actually getting over if you were to compare it to real life.
Adept Greytalker

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Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:52 am  

Yeah, personally, I like the idea of injured PCs being shrouded in bandages, splinted up and resting in bed for weeks being whilst being spoonfed gruel!

I suppose the main point I can say in defence of a quick recovery is that it adds an amount of heroic vigour to the PCs bravely shrugging off injuries most men and women would be incapacitated by.

But again - i like the realism of what adventuring would be actually more like. Kind of in the style of some of Joe Abercrombie's books where the heroes seem to spend most of the time recovering from injuries, cocking up and getting along by the skin of their teeth only to find the stories about them much more romantic than the truth!

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Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:28 pm  

Wolfling wrote:

Lanthorn - I'd definitely appreciate the details of that spell please!

I will send you the specifics of that spell by PM. For those of you interested, it is located on page 79 of the Complete Book of Necromancers. Don't let the title of this sourceguide fool you, though. There are MANY useful spells in here for GOOD GUYS, too! Both clerical and wizard spells, items, kits, etc. are to be found within its pages. I consider it one of the better 2e source books with relevance to a 1e game, as well.

Master Greytalker

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Fri Jan 18, 2013 5:55 pm  

FWIW, death's door is a 1E spell from Unearthed Arcana.

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Fri Jan 18, 2013 7:18 pm  

So it is!!! Embarassed And the description listed is pretty much identical to the one listed in the aforementioned necromancer's tome.

Good find, DMPrata. The Force is strong in you.


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Fri Jan 18, 2013 11:29 pm  

Wolfling wrote:
I read a great set of optional combat rules for a different system once that suggested using hp more like endurance - as they reduce it reflects minor scrapes and the exhaustion of the PC, only critical did real damage from a vicious wound. After combat by briefly resting the pCs can regain the non-critical hp damage and strike on. Obviously there is more to it than that but that's the gist.!

This sounds similar to the idea behind Healing Surges in 4e. One of the only good ideas I think 4e has. Never-the-less, I don't use it.

I'll point out that I allow my players' PCs (using Pathfinder rules) to stay alive, though uncounscious, through negative hit points. I allow them to pour healing potions down the throats of unconscious PCs. I allow them to heal as quickly as their magical aid allows and I even allow them to buy a few healing potions from the Cleric at the Keep. Despite all this 'cushyness', my players have lost about 24 PCs dead in the time it has taken them to make it to 3rd level. Shocked

The rules you choose to use don't make things easy for the players. The way in which you DM does. Though I allow my PCs lots of opportunities to survive, I also play their opponents extremely dangerously. It still balances out in the monsters' favor, in my campaign at least. Evil Grin

The biggest problem I have with forcing PCs to take forever to heal is that it can seriously slow down game play. Imagine trying to adventure through any of the Giants or Drow modules when every battle requires a month of bedrest for half the party? It would be a DM's nightmare trying to figure out how things would change in that time and any player's extreme frustration. So, I treat most damage more like non-lethal damage and allow it to heal in just a few days, if there is no healing magic available to do the trick.


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Sat Jan 19, 2013 7:24 am  

Another "rule" that was proposed was to allow characters to heal 3 hp per day for COMPLETE bedrest (convalescing, basically) instead of 1 hp. I use this, if the character does nothing else and is cared for by others (bringing them food, water, etc).

I personally hold to the philosophy that if a character is rendered below zero hit points, then they are incapictated for a day for every negative integer below zero. Curing spells do NOT mitigate this, but a "Death's Door" spell will. Of course, you need a cleric of 5th lvl do pull this off (along with the appropriate components, but they aren't so rare, if you use material components).

Sure, it's slowed game play a bit, but typically, more than one character is so wounded, and so the whole party has to rally to the aid of their near-dead comrades and support them until they are 'back in the game.' Furthermore, there's nothing to say that the rest of the party isn't busy with other tasks (scouting, getting provisions, patrolling). Game play doesn't have to come to a complete halt, after all. Sure, for those injured, perhaps (another reason I highly suggest allowing players to have TWO PC's), but it gives a good dose of 'reality' and makes your players realize the negative consequences for always having wounded characters, primarily those who have dodged death.

In nearly every campaign I have DMed, some character or characters have been laid so low. I use it as a tool and learning lesson. It also gives some players/characters a chance to shine when they otherwise couldn't. Think of that cleric of Pelor who is outshined (pun intended) during combat. Not so when it comes to aiding the wounded, injured, and dying. It is also a good chance for some character role-play.

Ultimately, always a DM call based on personal philosophy (I am one who tries to have equal parts combat and role-play, if possible). Take all of our suggestions in the light under which they are offered.

best unto you,

Master Greytalker

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Sat Jan 19, 2013 7:59 am  

I do use the DMG negative hit point rule in my regular campaign. However, because of player availability, I've been running a second game on the side with a few of my players. (We're play-testing my B3 revision.) For the purpose of this game, I instituted the 0 hp = dead rule.

The downside to incapacity at negative hit points is that the party in most cases are honor-bound to return to town (or some other safe place) when one of their number falls. "Dammit, Grok's knocked out for a week. We'd better get him out of here so he can recover in safety." Translation: The adventure comes to a halt.

With 0 hp = dead, that scenario changes. "Dammit, Grok's dead. We'll miss him, but there's nothing we can do for him now, so let's burn/bury his body and press on." Translation: The adventure continues without him. If we're early in the session, Grok's player can start rolling up a new PC, or maybe there's an NPC he can take over.

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Sat Jan 19, 2013 9:25 am  

Good analysis with respect to those 'conflicting' scenarios.

Of course, negative hit point loss equating to convalescence ONLY becomes a game stopper if you don't have a 5th lvl cleric in your midst who is prepared to cast a "Death's Door" spell. Then it only becomes a minor nuisance and some expenditure of magic. No need for running to town in that case.

Master Greytalker

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Sat Jan 19, 2013 1:22 pm  

Lanthorn wrote:
Good analysis with respect to those 'conflicting' scenarios.

Of course, negative hit point loss equating to convalescence ONLY becomes a game stopper if you don't have a 5th lvl cleric in your midst who is prepared to cast a "Death's Door" spell. Then it only becomes a minor nuisance and some expenditure of magic. No need for running to town in that case.

Death's door has a duration of 1 hour/level. My reading of that is when the spell expires, the subject must still rest for a full week. It does let you get a few more hours of adventuring in, though.

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Sat Jan 19, 2013 1:37 pm  

My interpretation of the spell is that it permits you several hours to get that recipient above 0 hp by use of curative magick. Failure to do so will result in the debilitation effects noted previously. Otherwise, once that victim is above zero hp, the effects are nullified.

Grandmaster Greytalker

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Sat Jan 19, 2013 1:47 pm  

Wolfling wrote:
...I suppose the main point I can say in defence of a quick recovery is that it adds an amount of heroic vigour to the PCs bravely shrugging off injuries most men and women would be incapacitated by...

-Under the rules, it applies to PCs and NPCs equally, so what you would really get is EVERYONE heroically shrugging off their wounds, including obese 80 year old great-grandmothers.

For simulatating the PCs heroically shrugging off their wounds (and much else), I use the morale rules. It does tend to give the PCs an edge, unless they also check morale. IMC, that is the PC's big advantage.

Lanthorn wrote:
Another "rule" that was proposed was to allow characters to heal 3 hp per day for COMPLETE bedrest (convalescing, basically) instead of 1 hp...

-Under D&D 3.5 rules, bedrest doubles the rate of healing, so the concept is in the D&D universe.

My memory might be off, but I thought there was soemthing like that in AD&D2?
Journeyman Greytalker

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Mon Jan 21, 2013 5:20 am  

My rule for negative hit points (>-10) are that magic is needed to bring them back to positive points. Once there they can move but thats it for 24 hours. After the 24 hours i allow the PC to have full abilities but the hit points still need magic to bring them back up.
The exception to this is the Heal spell. A Heal will allow them to be 100% as long as they didn't go past -10. Like wolfing i am trying to make the game flow better and give the players some enjoyment. How do the players form a real sense of attachment to their character when they are always rolling up new ones?
We strictly play modules and these always seem to have a bit of a time factor. It might not make much sense if the players always had new guys showing up while in the dungeon.

Surprisingly now all i want to do is kill some of the ungrateful bastards but the buggers are getting to strong. Hopefully the singing of the groaning spirit kills at least one. Please dice let them miss their saving throw and please don't make it the NPC magic user.

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Mon Jan 21, 2013 1:08 pm  

mcneilk wrote:
Surprisingly now all i want to do is kill some of the ungrateful bastards but the buggers are getting to strong. Hopefully the singing of the groaning spirit kills at least one. Please dice let them miss their saving throw and please don't make it the NPC magic user.

Whoa! Be careful there, friend. I went down the path of being my player's opponent many years ago and it wasn't pretty. I learned that the players hate a DM that looks forward to killing their PCs, mostly because he can do it any time he wants, so they always suspect that he cheated to do it. The best thing to do is make them think you're giving them every possibility to survive, even bending a few rules in their favor. That way, when the dice come up badly for them, they feel that you are commiserating with them over the loss of their heroic PC, not that you are gloating at the power you wield as the DM. Wink


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Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:02 pm  

SirXaris speaks wisdom. To him, you must listen, young Padawan. Wink It is true that an antagonistic relationship between player(s) and DM only spell out a recipe for hard feelings, resentment, and disaster.

If you find yourself welling up with DarkSide hatred or disdain, best that you either voice your concerns with your players OR take a break from the game before it gets outta hand. I guess the main issue is...why are you hoping to kill them? Are the players getting cocky? If so, then it is only a matter of time before their bravado/stupidity gets them WAY in over their heads and some characters will lose theirs! If you have been softening the blows by 'fudging,' then stop. Let the die rolls go as they will.

Just some fair warning and advice from one DM to another. I don't want your game to sour because of ill feelings. So far your campaign has been great, and I don't want it to crumble into nothingness...

Journeyman Greytalker

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Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:14 pm  

First off SirX i will heed your advice.
Lanthorn i did indeed feel the pull of the darkside. Anger and irrationality started to take over my feelings. Thank you for pulling me back and the compliment to my campaign is just outta sight man :)

peace and love my brothers(and sisters). peace and love.

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Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:46 pm  

mcneilk wrote:
First off SirX i will heed your advice.
Lanthorn i did indeed feel the pull of the darkside. Anger and irrationality started to take over my feelings. Thank you for pulling me back to the light and the compliment to my campaign is just outta sight man :)

peace and love my brothers(and sisters). peace and love.

The Darkside wells up in me from time to time, too, mcneilk. Peace and love back at ya, brutha! Wink

Adept Greytalker

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Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:27 am  

I indulge my Dark Side by giving them an NPC to drive them up the wall - in this case Hruda. She hen-pecks them, patronises them, has them dusting her shelves, lifting things for her and generally treating them like children. Weirdly they seem to love her. So not only to I get to insult them all - they enjoy it - win win!

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Tue Jan 22, 2013 5:08 am  

Wolfling wrote:
I indulge my Dark Side by giving them an NPC to drive them up the wall - in this case Hruda. She hen-pecks them, patronises them, has them dusting her shelves, lifting things for her and generally treating them like children. Weirdly they seem to love her. So not only to I get to insult them all - they enjoy it - win win!

I think all DMs have their dark side.... Wolfling brings one of the best tools for that... the NPC...
For me... there are three variants....
Rockhard Stonefist> the Dwarf henchman that points out every "potentially" stupid thing the PCs might do, of course in a course abnoxious way.
Sabastian the Leprechaun> always antagonizing the party with half truths and poorly phrased limericks.
and lastly
The Dark Lord Galen> who they, like those in the Matrix, run from the Agents of the Dark Side...... Evil Grin
though must conside... sooner or later Neo is bound to show up... Wink

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Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:59 am  

Wolfling wrote:
I indulge my Dark Side by giving them an NPC to drive them up the wall - in this case Hruda. She hen-pecks them, patronises them, has them dusting her shelves, lifting things for her and generally treating them like children. Weirdly they seem to love her. So not only to I get to insult them all - they enjoy it - win win!

This is great, Wolfling! Laughing

I'm going to have to see if I can incorporate such an NPC into my campaign. Razz


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Tue Jan 22, 2013 2:58 pm  

mcneilk wrote:
Anger and irrationality started to take over my feelings.

Laughing Laughing Laughing

I said this in another thread post, but I'll say it again here:

As DMs and Players we are all simply actors. Most times, we aren't even worthy of starring in "C" flicks, much less "B" flicks.

What do you think actors do? They Role Play . . . and that's what we are supposed to be doing. We can't take things personally. When two PCs back-stab each other in the game, what on earth does that have to do with the two real life people sitting at the table? Confused

You are Role Playing . . . you are Acting . . . stop taking it personally. Admittedly, this is hard to do when even one person fails to behave in that manner during game play. But if such behavior continues, perhaps it's time to rethink whether or not that person belongs in your game. Question

As always, just have fun with it, it's a game, not real life. "You're" an actor . . . stop "taking your work home with you." Wink
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Journeyman Greytalker

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Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:00 pm  

trust me oh mighty mystic one i can act. I have the mad act down just about perfect. i am only joking... sort of. Its been 5 and a half months since i had a cigarette and i am zero to ripping someones head off in ten seconds. WTF happened to natural selection?

To be honest i was concerned but have since talked to the problem pc. I hope we have it figured. Will find out within the next three or so weeks as that will be the next time we play. Until then i will keep calm...

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Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:55 pm  

mcneilk wrote:
Its been 5 and a half months since i had a cigarette

I just want to say that I am proud of you for this. I know from speaking with a few people (my now-deceased grandma among them) that kicking the habit of tobacco use is one of the toughest acts of willpower. GOOD FOR YOU. Stay the course. Your lungs and family will thank you for the sacrifice.

WTF happened to natural selection?

Don't worry. I still teach about it in class. Happy

Best of luck, and continued successful willpower ability checks to you!!!


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Tue Jan 22, 2013 8:55 pm  

Lanthorn wrote:
mcneilk wrote:
Its been 5 and a half months since i had a cigarette

I just want to say that I am proud of you for this . . . GOOD FOR YOU . . . Stay the course.

Ditto, Mcneilk! Well done! Cool

Lanthorn wrote:
mcneilk wrote:
WTF happened to natural selection?

Don't worry. I still teach about it in class.

You realize, of course, that Police were created for the specific purpose of doing away with "natural selection," a.k.a. "survival of the fittest" . . . aren't you? It's true!

Natural Selection = The weak get eaten. Shocked Evil Grin

Police = Weak get protection! Razz Evil Grin

Explain that to your students!

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Tue Jan 22, 2013 9:15 pm  

Mystic-Scholar wrote:
You realize, of course, that Police were created for the specific purpose of doing away with "natural selection," a.k.a. "survival of the fittest" . . . aren't you? It's true!

Natural Selection = The weak get eaten. Shocked Evil Grin

Police = Weak get protection! Razz Evil Grin

Explain that to your students!

Unless they are only protecting the rich and famous and neglecting the rest of us... Shocked


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Tue Jan 22, 2013 9:17 pm  

Lanthorn wrote:
Unless they are only protecting the rich and famous . . .

And just who told you the "rich and famous" were . . . strong? Confused

Evil Grin
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Wed Jan 23, 2013 8:14 am  

If the glove don't fit... you must aquit...

sorry just had to go there.... back to the shadows I go.... Evil Grin
Adept Greytalker

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Thu Jan 31, 2013 1:38 pm  
Game Versus Reality

It's a game so sometimes it doesn't make it fun to play too realistically. Reality can be a good starting point. I broke two ribs in judo last week when someone fell on me. I gotta say, I won't be able to laugh or cough without the pain of a broken bone for weeks. So I can go to work and sit at my computer but I can't play drums. The game rule/guidline that says, it'll take a month of rest before adventuring makes sense. I don't know how playable it is but it's a logical rule. I only fractured two ribs. If a character is supposed to have armor and equipment to carry with a broken leg, there's no way that character would be ready to hike and fight without magic without significant healing time.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Thu Jan 31, 2013 5:27 pm  
Re: Game Versus Reality

Raymond wrote:
It's a game so sometimes it doesn't make it fun to play too realistically. Reality can be a good starting point. I broke two ribs in judo last week when someone fell on me. I gotta say, I won't be able to laugh or cough without the pain of a broken bone for weeks. So I can go to work and sit at my computer but I can't play drums. The game rule/guidline that says, it'll take a month of rest before adventuring makes sense. I don't know how playable it is but it's a logical rule. I only fractured two ribs. If a character is supposed to have armor and equipment to carry with a broken leg, there's no way that character would be ready to hike and fight without magic without significant healing time.


Wish you a safe and speedy recovery. Well at least your player character could get a heal spell-you'll have to rely on science for now! Wink



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Thu Jan 31, 2013 9:01 pm  

As I often point out to my players, "just because you have more HP than a Rhino, do you really believe... In REALITY, there's anyone that can take more abuse or damage? Wink
Hit Points are a culmination of many things, not just the amount of physical abuse you can take...

@ Raymond...
Feel for you there... it even makes things you thought simple "fun", rolling over in bed, pulling a tee shirt over your head, etc...
As the Rizian say,,, that which doesn't kill us makes us stronger.... Get better dude...

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Thu Jan 31, 2013 9:03 pm  

To get the thread back on track.. another thought would be in the handling of damages that cannot be healed magically... Wink
Adept Greytalker

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Fri Feb 01, 2013 9:25 am  
Nonmagical Healing

Thanks, I'll be fine in a few weeks.

As Dark_Lord_Galen explicitly pointed out, the concept behind getting more hp with experience to also take into account how a character is better able to defend which doesn't really apply to falling off a ledge.

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Fri Feb 01, 2013 9:30 am  
Re: Nonmagical Healing

Raymond wrote:
As Dark_Lord_Galen explicitly pointed out, the concept behind getting more hp with experience to also take into account how a character is better able to defend which doesn't really apply to falling off a ledge.

Sure it does. Imagine me being knocked off a ledge. Now, imagine an experienced parkour expert being knocked off the same ledge. Which of us is likely to suffer more damage?

(If you answered, SirXaris, you get a cookie! Razz )


Last edited by SirXaris on Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Fri Feb 01, 2013 3:11 pm  
Re: Nonmagical Healing

SirXaris wrote:
Raymond wrote:
As Dark_Lord_Galen explicitly pointed out, the concept behind getting more hp with experience to also take into account how a character is better able to defend which doesn't really apply to falling off a ledge.

Sure it does. Imagine me being knocked off a ledge. Now, imagine a experienced parkour expert being knocked off the same ledge. Which of us is likely to suffer more damage?

(If you answered, SirXaris, you get a cookie! Razz )


Or anyone who can do a Parachute Landing Fall...

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Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:58 pm  

Sorry James
No Skill checks nor Feats in 1e .
hehe Razz
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Fri Feb 01, 2013 10:02 pm  

Dark_Lord_Galen wrote:
Sorry James
No Skill checks nor Feats in 1e .
hehe Razz

Thats because the Dark Lord pushes them off the ledge. Surprised

Though you could make a dexterity check if that fails then an oppossed constitution check to determine how severe the damage is. Success straight damage no broken bones, failure by 1-2 points sprained area neck wrist ankle recovery time is 7 days minus a day for each bonus the players con score gives him or her to hit points. Failure by 3-4 points severe sprain or slight ligament damage. Recovery time is 14 days minus a day for each bonus the players con score gives them to bonus hit points. Failure by 5-6 points Broken digit or jaw slight fracture. Recovery time 28 days minus one day for every point of bonus hit points the character gets from their constitution score. Failure by 7-8 points Limb splinted, fractured rib, hip or shoulder. Recovery time is 90 days minus one day for every point of bonus hit points the character gets from their constitution score. Failure by 9-10 points crushed, shattered limb(s) broken rib(s), broken collarbone, ankle, hip or spine. Recovery time is 180 days minus one day for every point of bonus hit points the character gets from their constitution score. Failure by more then 10 points is left to the DM's discretion, though permanent paralysis or death is likely to occur.



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Sat Feb 02, 2013 3:45 am  

Laughing Laughing ROFL
I like how you think Argon.
Ah the good ole days when the players only had a Dex check to hide behind.
Back to the shadows of 3.5 for me
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Sat Feb 02, 2013 9:53 am  

Dark_Lord_Galen wrote:
Sorry James
No Skill checks nor Feats in 1e .
hehe Razz

There are proficiencies. I don't remember them now, but some of them might be applicable.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Sat Feb 02, 2013 2:53 pm  

Dark_Lord_Galen wrote:
Laughing Laughing ROFL
I like how you think Argon.
Ah the good ole days when the players only had a Dex check to hide behind.
Back to the shadows of 3.5 for me

I've been told, that I work well with Texans. Laughing

There are proficiencies. I don't remember them now, but some of them might be applicable.

Your probably thinking of the tumble proficiency which would help someone in that scenario. Also certain 1st edition classes would be better equiped to deal with a fall then other classes hence the thief-Acrobat or the 1st edition monk or ninja.


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Mon Feb 04, 2013 1:13 am  

Perhaps a wizard in billowing robes could get slightly reduced falling damage as he parachutes down ...

I think Raymond highlighted a good distinction earlier - reality vs unreality but also how rigidly do you stick to the rules? For me the rules are just a guide - if I'm in the middle of an exciting moment rather than break the flow I just make a rule up on the spot using common sense. I explain the the players that's what I'm doing and if they want I can check the book but they rarely do.

Also this whole recovery after injury topic raises the good question about how realistic (obvious fantasy occurences excluded) do you try and make your game? If you had to choose - which is more important to you - story or realism? Maybe this is topic for another thread?!

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Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:45 pm  

Wolfling wrote:

Also this whole recovery after injury topic raises the good question about how realistic (obvious fantasy occurences excluded) do you try and make your game? If you had to choose - which is more important to you - story or realism? Maybe this is topic for another thread?!

Yes, make it so! I, for one, will definitely chime in.

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Wed Feb 06, 2013 3:59 pm  

There was a thread about this i believe. Though i looked throughout the message board i could not find it.

I am sure it was there. In response to a post i made about water i thought. Anyone else remember this thread? anyone? Something about realism in the game? anyone?

(crickets chirping)

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Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:16 pm  

mcneilk wrote:
There was a thread about this i believe. Though i looked throughout the message board i could not find it.

I am sure it was there. In response to a post i made about water i thought. Anyone else remember this thread? anyone? Something about realism in the game? anyone?

(crickets chirping)

Ha! I looked for that thread a couple of days ago, but couldn't find it. I was sure realism had been discussed. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's Canonfire search fu has failed him. Razz

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Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:46 pm  

mcneilk wrote:
There was a thread about this i believe. Though i looked throughout the message board i could not find it.

I am sure it was there. In response to a post i made about water i thought. Anyone else remember this thread? anyone? Something about realism in the game? anyone?

(crickets chirping)

Funny. Last night I had considered posting about remembering a recent thread about realism vs storyline.
Adept Greytalker

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Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:38 am  

It must be a sign to either find and resurrect the old one or start one a-new!

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Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:33 am  

A month or so agao I had a thread dealing with realism and damage but as it related to Dragons ....HERE
And I too recall somewhere this being kicked around with the discussion on critical hits for 3.5, but can't seem to find that thread...
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