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Your thoughts on the Player's Hanbook 5E
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Apprentice Greytalker

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Fri Aug 22, 2014 10:48 am  
Your thoughts on the Player's Hanbook 5E

Cebrion wrote:
I've split this off from the other thread, as I think it (and the other forthcoming 5E core books) each deserve threads of their own. Here is the post from devon_darkbane to start things off:

Ok, I've received my copy of PHB yesterday; I've read it overnight and I'm very, very, very pleased of this 5th Edition (or D&D Next).

Love ALL the features; the Ability cap at 20 (+5) from level 1 to level 20; the fact that ability checks aren't so easy even at high level without having to skyroket DCs; the fact that talents are optional and that, if you use them, that you don't need 10+ levels to do something cool...I love the fact that to take a talent you have to forfeit the Ability Improvement of 2 pts...but that, in the end, a character without talents isn't less cool than one with talent.

Also like that, finally, the magic bonuses are, again (like in 1e/2e) "magic", there is no crafting from the PC and the magic Items are, again, a realm of DM...according to what I saw in the WOTC site magic bonuses should not exceed +3 (for Artifact)....hello again then to the sword +1, +2 vs Magic Users...or Lizardmen

In the end I like very much this edition...and, again, accordingly with what I've read about that, seems that the Rules will be only the basic...the other books were mostly splat books for worlds (there are rumors for the returning of Spelljammer and Planescape)..without new rules but only add-ns for Talents and Backgrounds....
Adept Greytalker

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Mon Aug 25, 2014 6:02 pm  
Re: Your thoughts on the Player's Hanbook 5E

devon_darkbane wrote:
Items are, again, a realm of DM...according to what I saw in the WOTC site magic bonuses should not exceed +3 (for Artifact)....hello again then to the sword +1, +2 vs Magic Users...or Lizardmen

I didn't see that part. Do you happen to have a link?

Joe / GG

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Fri Sep 05, 2014 11:33 am  

I'm overall please with the PHB and the direction which WotC has taken with D&D. It may be its last attempt to recover from the 4E fracture of the community and win back market share from Pathfinder.

Things I like about 5E...

* Simplified rules.
* Variation of classes without sameness.
* Emphasis on roleplaying rather than pure combat play and balance. Backgrounds, racial/class descriptions, traits, flaws, etc.
* Multi-classing, paths, some feats, etc. give variation without too much complexity.
* Good art work and content. No huge, nor micro font. No full-page art wasting pages.
* Standard races and all core classes.
* Setting neutral content.
* Good spell system. Flexible mix or slots and spontaneous casting. Rituals work for non-combat spells.
* Simplified weapons, armour, spells, etc. Not a lot of special rules.
* Has meaningful non-combat skills, tools, and abilities.
* No longer focused on tactical combat and battlemaps (even though I use them).
* Proficiency bonus for skills, saves, and attacks are simple yet useful. No tables or charts.
* Quickplay rules are online so folks can try it without purchasing the PHB.
* Combat may be short as many of the time waster spells, abilities, etc. have been limited. Advantage/disadvantage is much better than remembering a host of minor +1/-1s.

A few things I don't like...
* $61 Cdn price for the book. Pushing it.
* My PHB fell apart and I had to exchange it within a month. And I was careful not opening fully.
* PHB could use chapter number in header/footer.
* The non-combat healing rules are both complex and pushing belief. Tracking hit dice over short rests and getting all your HP back after 8 hours rest is pushing it.
* Appendix for common monster should have every familiar, horse, and common animals for the ranger companion.
* Split release dates on the books. Having to wait to start a new campaign until the MM is at least released.
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: May 14, 2013
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Sun Sep 07, 2014 2:28 pm  
Re: Your thoughts on the Player's Hanbook 5E

GreyhawkGrognard wrote:
devon_darkbane wrote:
Items are, again, a realm of DM...according to what I saw in the WOTC site magic bonuses should not exceed +3 (for Artifact)....hello again then to the sword +1, +2 vs Magic Users...or Lizardmen

I didn't see that part. Do you happen to have a link?

Joe / GG

Mistake by my part, sorry...that was a voice (not actual fact) that popped up during playtesting...would have spelled better 8English is not my first language :P )

The voice states that, since the ACs dont skyrocket even magic bonuses shoud be kept low...
In the PHB there is the rule that you can craft mundane object (at a 5gp/day pace) but nothing for magic crafting (luckily)
And in the playtest rules, if i remember them well there were tables for the abundance of magic objects...and still if i remember well was there that the +3 (artifact) was placed....

sorry again for my mistake
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