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A homebrew shade template in 5E?
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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: May 31, 2008
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Wed May 20, 2015 3:39 pm  
A homebrew shade template in 5E?

I have a group visiting the The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan in the Amedio Jungle. The group while approaching the ruins were directed to a nearby cave by olmen locals. A halfling rogue in our group picked up a cursed orb guarded by undead that changed him into a shade. Question is yes it's homebrew but how would you handle it? Let him keep his halfling perks such as "lucky" roll a 1 and get to reroll or use my adapted (3.5) template for 5e and forgo his halfling abilities?
Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Nov 07, 2004
Posts: 1846
From: Mt. Smolderac

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Tue May 26, 2015 8:36 pm  

All other things being equal, i.e., disadvantages due to the template are roughly equal to advantages, I don't see any problem with letting the character keep any abilities provided they don't contradict the new nature of the character due to the template; for example, any abilities that This of course precludes any natural abilities dealt with fire, radiance, or light. That said, the 3.5 template seems to be way overpowered in regards to advantages vs. disadvantages, so I'd keep any conversion more equal.
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: May 31, 2008
Posts: 75

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Fri May 29, 2015 2:42 pm  

Thank you for this helpful advice! Your right, I have him regenerating 1hp per combat round. Some of the group said that a heal spell theoretically harms undead (3.5 rule). The description of a shade states that the shade is neither "alive or undead" SO reading through that as in between. So house rules I stated that all healing would be at half rate. True about fire, light, and radiant checks at a disadvantage.
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